I'm Sorry

Drawing the Line


long chapter ahead. Risk of fluff. read at your own risk. .... ;) 

Exam period was over, and it was one week before school ended when the Bangtan Boys and Chohee decided to carry out their famous plan devised by no other than V himself. The altter had been so proud that they were using his idea that he couldn’t resist trying to boss his friends around, to the dismay of his hyungs. Chohee had to agree though, that this plan was a brilliant one, if not the best that would bring the two stubborn mules together. She hadn’t spoken to Soa – not because she didn’t wish to- because every time she tried searching for the girl, she would be at loss where to search for her. Soa was practically a ghost at school, only present during classes and vanishing like thin air when the bell rung for lunch or the end of school.


Not that J-Hope was better. The boy barely talked to his friends, and when he did, he was just being a snappy with more mood swings than they could count. It was then that BTS proceeded with their plan. They were in dire need of their normal Hoseok back, and this wasn’t about to happen without Soa’s existence. It was clear as crystal water that no individual could live without the other, and yet they seemed so wrapped up in their pride that none of them wer making the effort to take a step and apologise. Although in this case, Chohee gave Soa reason to be angry with the boy.


Hani wasn’t all that joyful either. Although her numerous attempts at trying to get J-Hope interested in her again were fruitful and actually planned out quite meticulously this time, the only response she got was his negative vibes that seem to follow him around everywhere.


The boy in question was actually standing by his locker and chatting quietly with a few of his classmates, trying to force a smile onto his face when Namjoon, Suga and Jin called out to him. Reluctantly, Hoseok made his way to them and followed their steps when Jin beckoned him over so that they took a detour around the school.


“What’s up?” The latter asked when the three boys stayed quiet.

Namjoon gulped. He hated acting, had never been a good actor to be honest, and tried in vain to avoid the other’s eyes for if he did, he was sure to break out into laughter. Instead, he cleared his throat and said, “We got in trouble”


“Eh?” J-Hope frowned.

“Man, if it hadn’t been for Namjoon trying to flirt with that girl, maybe we would’ve gotten away with it” Suga laced his hands behind his head and looked up at the ceiling while hiding his grin. “ We were trying to play a prank on Mr. Choi but it didn’t work out too well”


“So as punishment, we were forced to do the laundry for pe clothes of students” Jin added. They turned the corner as Hoseok wrinkled his nose in distaste. But that didn’t make any sense, firstly because Jin wasn’t the type to play pranks on people. He was a passive guy by nature, and was usually found to be reprimanding these two for having done pranks than being in the midst of it all. It kind of dawned suspicion inside the younger boy’s mind, but then he shrugged it off. What could they hide from him anyway?

There were no secrets in Bangtan.


“That ’ he whistled.


“Sure does,” Namjoon groaned when they entered the said area. Whirring machines were busy twirling a bunch of clothes inside their stomachs, while the soft buzzing of the machines seemed somewhat comforting to J-Hope’s ears. A soft hum rang throughout the room, and he turned to raise a brow at the trio of boys before him “And why the heck am I here for?”

“Duh, to help us of course” Suga snorted, starting on a basket of clothes laid next to him. Namjoon followed suit with the other machine and Hoseok couldn’t help but twitch in agitation, because Namjoon was lazy as a panda. Therefore, it didn’t make any sense that he was working without hundred protests echoing out of his voicebox in series of whines.

Jin caught sight of Hoseok’s lingering gaze, and tried to distract him with his own basket “Yah Hobi, help me shift this over”


The latter scurried over obediently and they started putting clothes inside the washing machine. The peaceful smell of clean clothes filled Hoseok’s nostrils and he took in another tankful of air. There was something special about clean clothes, they made him recall the times where life was as easy as black and white, and this innocent aspect of himself that he didn’t want to let go of, that small part of him that was still untouched by the blood of the world. In a way, it made him think of Soa, and the fresh memory at the back of his mind felt like a fresh open wound that dipped his eyebrows into a glare.


Soa, is she okay? He wondered to himself. It had been ages since he has set eyes upon her face.

God knows how he’s been wanting and yearning to see it.


“Uh, Oh I forgot my phone with V. I’m going to fetch it” Jin departed as planned. The two remaining boys exchanged firm glances before Suga whistled, took an empty basket and went out while saying “Aish those kids forgot to put their pe clothes inside”


That left only Namjoon, who was busy cutting glances at Hoseok while the boy turned to him with a raised brow, asking “Why do you keep staring at me like you’ve done something wrong?”


“I-It’s nothing!” He shook his head and backed away next to the exit. Only a few more steps, he told himself. He swore he felt a single string of sweat run down his neck, “I’ll be right back!”


“Yah! Namjoon-ah!-“ The door closed behind the said boy and a second later the sound of a lock was heard. Hoseok’s ears perked up at the sound, whirling around to go and try opening it with his force. What the ?! He wanted to scream and shout, kick around, do anything to stop this madness. He knew from the beginning that something had been off with those three, if only he could’ve identified what exactly. If this were their idea of a cool prank well he’d tell them a piece of his mind if ever he got released from there. At least it smells nice, he thought as he slid down to the floor and sighed.


But his blood almost stopped swirling through his body while his breath halted inside his lungs when the door suddenly opened and slammed right back shut. Turning, he only saw a glimpse of a figure getting pushed down onto the ground.

The girl looked up from her position and held back a gasp when she came face to face with the one she was trying to avoid since exams were over.


Hoseok couldn’t even think.


Because standing before him was none other than Kang Soa.





Five hours.


Five hours since she had been thrown in this hellhole like a puppet.

Five hours since she turned her back on him and sat herself in the farthest, coldest and darkest corner trying to make her invisible.

Five hours since she wished she could burn Jeon Jungkook to death since he was the one responsible for pushing her into that room to begin with.


The cold was seeping into her clothes, the clammy surface of the walls not helping by causing her skin to freeze into ice and her flesh to release goosebumps cross her arms and legs. She tried curling herself into a ball in order to create and generate more body heat to be kept warm, but it didn’t work. No matter what position she tried, she felt like was she was about to freeze her off at any moment, and that her fingers were about to fall off like twigs that could be snapped in two.

Not to forget Hoseok’s burning gaze across her body like he was trying to pierce a hole through her skull. She didn’t know what was worse; the cold or Hoseok’s stare that could burn down Jerusalem.


It was getting colder inside the room, especially when Soa’s body was just too frozen to move. Her muscles seemed to have locked into place, leaving only her lips opening and closing with every minty breath that swirled around her when she exhaled.

Hugging her knees tightly to her chest, she turned away when she saw Hoseok stand up from his position, trying to ignore the latter at her very best. She wasn’t about to talk to him after everything he had made her gone through. It was impossible that he couldn’t feel bad about himself, although it was Hoseok we were talking about.




His voice, it was so long since she’d heard him talk. His velvet alto sent sizzles through her spine, dancing like spitting fire and alighting her flesh with the feelings she had tried so hard to stuff back inside a cupboard in her mind to throw it away. She didn’t want to feel like what she was feeling with Hoseok, once had been enough, so what exactly did he want this time? Apologize? Because she wasn’t about to give in to him so easily.

He was right behind her now, and the girl huddled into a smaller ball in hope of trying to act nonexistent. Maybe if she tried hard enough, she could disappear into the darkness of shadows.


“Soa” he repeated.


Ignore him, Soa. He’s the reason as to why you’re so messed up now, she told herself harshly. So ignore his entire existence. Maybe he’d change the way he saw the world if he was on the other side of the spectrum.


A touch on her arm jolted her. Annoyed and more than a little irritated, she whirled her head around and threw him the fiercest glare she could muster “Don’t touch me” she hissed.

 Hoseok blinked, a frown gracing his face “ You’re mad at me” it was more of a statement than a question, and Soa resisted from saying ‘no ’ at his face, instead turning to face the wall. She was determined in not having conversation with him.

Because he was the reason for her walls to be stripped down.


And he was the reason as to why she couldn’t pull them up again, the reason why they weren’t as strong as they first were. Due to her falling in love with him, it had weakened her strength of spirit, and when he had drained her out, it was over for Soa, she was drained from her feelings and tossed aside like a rag. And now, she had no idea how to put them up again. Slowly, she had been building back her character of stone, but with Hoseok present, there was no way she would be able to concentrate on pushing him away. On the contrary, it always seemed like when he was around, her heart just melted and shook at his words.



And that was the most dangerous thing, to let him in between her heartstrings.


“You’re freezing’ he noted after some betas of silence resonated around the room. Still, the girl started analyzing the small cracks and creases in the wall.


But what happened a second after still left her gaping with shock. She wasn’t expecting the boy to do anything. She wanted to him to turn back and walk to his place, acting like nothing happened between them. Maybe then, she would’ve stopped talking to him altogether. It would have spared her the heart pain.


But Hoseok wasn’t about to have any of that.


He enveloped her in his arms, one under her knees and the other behind her back as he brought her over to where he was sitting. Placing himself down gingerly over the floor, he laid her across her lap and didn’t hesitate to lace his arms around her in a gentle but protective embrace. The warmth of his body emitted to hers, and Soa, too in shock to actually comprehend what had just occurred, gaped at him with her jaw slack, practically hitting the floor in haste.


“W-What are you doing?!” She regained her senses and started hitting his chest, struggling in between his arms and pulling away from his chest, when the boy growled and just slammed her right back against him while grasping onto her chin and turning her face so that his orbs clashed against hers.


Everything disappeared. She lost herself in his midst of swirly maroon. It had been ages since she has gazed at him so directly in the face, and the action to do so brought her back to melancholy. Soa didn’t want to admit it to herself, but a small part of her missed Hoseok.


She missed his eyes taunting her, the chocolate irises glistening with amusement every time they conversed.


She missed his long, pointy nose that crinkled when he smiled.


She even missed that small unnoticeable mole upon his lips whenever he talked.


She missed him.


“Soa,” He rolled her name off his lips so sensually it made her insides twist and turn into knots. His gaze held so much emotion that she didn’t even know where to stare at anymore, it felt so intense “It’s a misunderstanding”


If she hadn’t put in her mind that she was supposed to be mad at him, well she would’ve probably missed what he said. But seeing as her resolution was high, her eyebrows dipped into a frown while her nose crinkled in distaste “I don’t want to hear your petty excuses”


“I-“ His breath caught in his throat “I was a ”

 Soa tried in vain to free herself from his iron grip “Let me go! It’s too late-“


“-It’s not too late!” His voice rose by an octave, and the girl blinked un surprise. She had never heard him speak that way before. Sure, he had had his usual shouting fits and y replies once in a while, but right now, his voice was laced with desperation, practically begging her to understand his situation. That meant that he was aware that he was at fault.

“Please,” he bit his lip in haste “I don’t know what happened. I judged too harshly, acted rashly without even asking you about it”


“So?” Soa asked with an icy tone. “So what?”


The boy let his head fall and his eyes dip to the ground, unmoving “I’m sorry”


“Sorry? That’s it? You think that’ll fix things just like every other time?” Her laugh was filled with bitterness like the icy wind that crawled through his clothes and nipped at his flesh. It was a mockery, a laugh containing all the negative emotions repressed inside the girl. If it had been anyone else, Hoseok surely would have just stalked off and forgotten about that particular person. But this was Kang Soa they were talking about, and with Kang Soa, anything might happen. He knew he was partly at fault for being misinformed, and she was someone that he had gotten closely attached to somehow, from being enemies to friends. Yes, Kang Soa was a friend to him, and maybe, just maybe something more. But right now he just wished for things to be right again, for her to accept his sincere genuine apologies, and for everything to turn back into just the way they were before that horrible mishap.

Nobody had dared tell him, but he was pretty sure that the source of his fight was because of Hani, and Hani alone.


“It’s over Hoseok. Go and find someone else to play with” She snapped while the boy winced in pain, feeling a heartstring pull at the side by her comment. He froze at her words, and hadn’t processed the fact that she was trying to entangle herself from his grip when she suddenly pushed his shoulder. Hurriedly, he curled his arms around her waist and crashed her to his chest while burying his face in the crook of her neck.


“No” He mumbled, “Don’t. Please, No.”


“Hoseok, let go- “ “-NO!” He hollered as he took a hold of her hand, lacing their fingers together and tugging her towards him. Their faces were inches apart when he whispered again “no. I’m not letting you go”


“You can’t just trap me and expect me to forgive you so easily damnit!” Soa cried in annoyance. Her temper was slowly rising at his childishness.

When she tried releasing her fingers from his own, he took this chance to bring their bodies closer, her legs practically splitting apart so that their torso’s touched, and slowly brought her hand over to his lips. “Forgive me” shocking the girl, he pressed a chaste kiss upon each knuckle, all the while keeping his intense gaze on hers.


Hoseok usually was an unexpected person, but this. This was way out of what she had ever seen or experienced.

All the clustered feelings that were securely stored away fluttered back with just one touch.

His hands didn’t hesitate to pull her even closer if that was possible, one going to the nape of her neck while he leaned in to kiss her earlobe this time, “I’m sorry”


“Hoseok, stop-“ He kissed away the tears that were threatening to spill once again, and Soa couldn’t believe that once more she was showing her true colors to that one man that could make her cry buckets. That one single man. Arching her back and pulling her face away, she used her legs to push against him in vain.

“Soa, please forgive-“ ‘NO! Never!” but her voice was as weak as a bird, slowly breaking away when the boy’s mouth traced patterns over her jaw, mumbling strings of apologies like she was jesus on earth.


“I hate you” she murmured through soft sobs “I hate you so much”

Hoseok hated seeing her cry. He disliked the crystal jewels marking paths down her cheeks like spidery trails. With his thumb, he reached out to brush them away “Shh, please don’t cry” his own voice broke at the amount of emotion he was suppressing, and with his other hand he squeezed hers in an attempt of comfort.


“Don’t cry,” cupping her cheek, he pressed his forehead against hers and their breaths mingled together, each wrapped in their own bubble. Neither denied the fact that they needed the other as much as they thought they did. When in truth, they couldn’t live without each other. it had come to a point that a day without the other was just not …right.

 Embarassed, Soa proceeded to turn away when his hand stopped her from doing so. In a swift movement, he had cupped her chin and brought his mouth over hers.


Soa’s eyes widened. Her breath stopped. Her pulse skipped a beat through her veins, and her heartstrings clenched.

J-Hope was watching her with heavy-lidded eyes, maroon orbs swimming with a feeling that couldn’t be deciphered, a soft of feeling that raised her spirits and caused her to gasp inwardly. His fingers interlaced with hers, squeezed once while the other caressed her cheek in order of encouragement. The boy closed his eyes and didn’t hesitate to slant his mouth over hers, another gasp emitting from Soa when he tightened his grip and kissed her like a rose meeting the rays of sunlight for the first time in her life.


Soa was supposed to pull away, to punch him and kill him on the spot for touching her so intimately once again for taking advantage of the situation. But somehow, it was impossible for her to pull away. She just couldn’t. No matter how hard she willed her muscles to move away, and no matter how many brain signals she was getting from that reasonable side of her didn’t work on her physique at all. Instead, she let her eyes slide close as he slanted his mouth over hers more intimately and deepened the kiss.


He smelt like clean shave, and darkness and mysterious mixed altogether. Her body leaned into his touch, and her mind was screaming at her to stop and think rationally about what the hell she was doing. But a soft caress on her cheek was enough to send her back to another universe altogether. Having seen that the girl wasn’t resisting against his attack, Hoseok took this chance to slide his arm around her waist then, his fingers skimming the bottom of he school blouse while gently passing over onto her flesh and leaving a trail of goosebumps. His hand was cold and her body was warm, a combination that sent her mind reeling with desire.

The girl gasped at the sensation and Hoseok slowly ran his tongue over her lower lip, not even asking her for permission before slipping his tongue into her mouh languidly and starting to explore all the nook and cranny of . Soa squirmed suddenly at the contact and was about to pull away when the boy restrained her from doing so by kissing her so passionately she forgot her own name.

If this was hell, then she’d probably be a demon.


3000 Words + Orz. O.O I got carried away, sorry about that, although im sure you guys enjoyed it ;) kekeke~ 



How did you find the chappie? Boring? Interesting? Cute? Hot and steamy?;) Comment down below! 


Once again, thanks for all the comments that you guys gave me I love them all! I'll try to reply them asap, although im kinda busy preparing for camp and all, so that's why this is such a late update :( Im so sorry :( 

Hope you enjoyed it though :) <3 

Love you guys! :D <3

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PriyaJungHoseokwife #1
This fiction is a safe home to me..even after so many years.. I'm came back to this site just to see if this story is still up or not... 💜
Halulu #2
Chapter 58: I just found you're story in year 2020 and really amazing ??? thank you so much for the wonderful fanfic?
Chapter 71: You have my support girl!!! Let us know when u get published!!!
Chapter 6: You narrate the character's feelings so well it makes me all tingly and such XD
Did I mention it's 2:37AM here... My sleep is gone now XD
Chapter 4: J-Hopeeeeee
Chapter 69: Reading this makes me feels even more lonely..i wish i could have those sweet moments just like them!thank you so much for such wonderful fluff and excitement that you gave us❤❤❤
PriyaJungHoseokwife #7
Chapter 1: Reading this again.. Don't know how many times I did.. Never gonna stop.. ?
Found this fic again, im glad i did. This is a classic to me tbh. Its stunning and i fall in love with it more every reread. :)
belleamour #9
Chapter 65: My gosh, i keep replaying this scene, namjoon x hani is soo cuteee, can you make a one shot sequel for them?
Chapter 1: boy oh boy, this story is going to be hell of a ride from what i just read and i being the daredevil is gonna take this ride huehuehue