
Fate is Beyond Us

“You’re going to send Hana to America?” I squirmed in my chair.

“There’s a doctor there that has a new technology, it’s a brain scanner that shows which part of her brain is causing the problem” The doctor informed me.

“Does that mean she’ll be healed?”

“Well, she’s the first patient from our hospital that we want to send there, but we can’t afford to send any of our employees. So I want to ask you if you could go with her”

“Go with her?” I hesitated.

“The rehab and operation should take around 6 months, and if she shows no signs of improvement then they’ll send her back in our care”

I looked down at my hands, what do I do?

“Because she has no family relatives there and no one she knows, it would be really difficult for her to adapt. That’s why we have no choice but to ask you to go. We’re not going to force you, but please let us know about your decision by next week Saturday”


I walked along the noisy streets of Seoul. America?

That’s like a 13 hours flight?

But there’s only a month till Heechul comes back. What do I do?


“Eunmi? Whats up?” Sharon answered her phone cheerfully

“Hana will be sent to America to get healed, and the doctor wants me to go with her, What do I do?” I asked her, cutting the story as short as possible.

“AMERICA?!” She shrieked on the other side of the phone.

“Yeah, America” I sighed.

“Are you going to go?” Sharon asked me, I knew she didn’t want me to, “They’re going to be back in like a month!”

I sighed, “I know, but we’re talking about someone’s life here!”

“So you’re life doesn’t count? Heechul’s life doesn’t count? You guys are made to be and you’re going to leave that for someone else’s life?” I could hear the anger in her voice

“Well if we’re really made to be then we will be together, I can’t leave Hana, I’ve already left her before!” I could feel tears in my eyes, “I can’t be so selfish”

I could hear Sharon sigh, but she didn’t say anything. We were both on the phone, in silence.

“I’m sorry, I just really want to see you and Heechul get back together” Sharon broke the silence.

“I know, I really want to get back with him as well. But I can’t always think about myself, especially after hearing about Hana”

“So you’re really going to go?”

I closed my eyes, “Yeah”


I was packing my bag in my room as Sharon watched me. “Remember to call me or email me everyday! If I don’t hear from you, I’m going to worry a lot!”

“yes” I replied

“Make sure you look after yourself properly! Eat properly, you can’t live off ramen!”


“If anything, ANYTHING, happens, you have to tell me and let me know!”


Then she bent down and hugged me, “I can’t bear being away from you”

“Neither can I” I hugged her back.

“You better not forget me!” she pulled away and pouted.

“I can’t even if I tried!” I laughed.

“Hey!” Sharon gave me her annoyed face before laughing with me.

I shooed Sharon away telling her to go to sleep as she has work tomorrow morning.

I looked up at the sky that’s filled with stars.

May fate bring us together.

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shinee3 #1
Chapter 50: I really liked this story :)I love the ending as well! Great job^^
Chapter 50: omg i just read this story now and i loved it. it was amazing thank you for writing it!
heavenzabdiel #3
Wow. The story is great. It was not just a story but a story with a great twist and turn. Thank you for sharing this. :)
myla0705 #4
well done ^^
Kyaa~ So sweet story!!! ^^
LOST!!wahahah!!that pqrt~hhehehheehehe.nice story~^^ i love it~and finally i'm done~^^
JinXiChe #7
That's the best part I couldn't stop laughing. Ahhh it's so Kim Heechul! I love your story <3
kay-el25 #8
OMO! I love it. Read it in one go~ <br />
Ahaha, couldn't stop reading. <br />
Anyways Sequel please? :3<br />
love it!