
Fate is Beyond Us

“I’m so glad to be home!” I walked in and touched the table. I miss this home a lot!

I walked into the kitchen, everything is still the same. I look at the couch and just dropped on it.

Home sweet home!

I walked into Sharon’s room…no one’s home.

I jumped onto my bed, I’m so happy to be home!!

I laid in bed and waited for Sharon to come home. She’s taking so long.

Before I realized, I was asleep.

The sound of the front door opening woke me up.

Is Sharon finally home? I walked outside and I see her.

She looked at me, shocked for a sec before running at me full speed. She jumps on me and we both fall onto the ground as she hugged me.

She instantly breaks down into tears and I hug her back also crying.

“I’m home” I sobbed.

“You! You! Do you know how worried I was?” she wailed and she lets me go, “Now tell me EVERYTHING!”

I smiled and held her hand, “Where do I start?”

“From the date” she replied.

I could feel my smile disappear…the date, my break up, the rain…it was all coming back to me.

“Heechul and I broke up” and she nods in response.

“I know” she tightened her grip on my hand.

“Well, it was raining so I think it hid my tears. It was raining really heavily and I watched as he walked away. I called him but he just…continued to walk. I fell and I couldn’t think properly, then Hana came and comforted me”

Her face scrunched up a bit when she heard Hana’s name.

“ It was really weird, I hated her but things have changed. I think I cried myself to sleep in the rain and she carried me back to her place. She was really scary! She told me to call you to say I’ll be away, then she smashed my phone into pieces”

Sharon gasped and had one hand in front of her opened mouth, “She smashed your phone!”

I nodded, “And she wouldn’t let me go, the door knob was weird, it just keeps turning and you can’t open it. Then she went up to me with a knife, she had the tip of the knife and it my face and neck as she asked where I was going. I was so scared!”

Sharon’s eyes welled up with more tears. I held her hand tighter and continued. “Then she cooked me food and I had no choice but to eat it, I ended up being drugged. When I woke up I was tied up on the bed. She was seriously out of her mind! Then she made me promise her a favor or else she wouldn’t let me go. What choice did I have? I had to promise her, and guess what the promise was?”

“What?” Sharon asked still covering in shock

“To live in Japan with her”

“NO WAY!” Sharon finally dropped her hand as she held my other hand.

I nodded again, “We were at the airport just yesterday”

“What happened?” She squeezed my hand and I naturally squeezed back.

“I ran away but she chased me, even the airport security was chasing us. It was absurd! I got caught and she caught up to me. Then I finally stood up to her since the security was there, she slapped me. Seriously, that slap was the only thing that made her seem human. Well I pulled her hair, and it we kind of got into a catfight. But then she dropped to the ground and started crying. It was pretty embarrassing to see her cry that loud”

Sharon smiled, “Then you left?”

I shook my head, “Then she ran up and kissed me! And told me she loved me!”

“WHAT?!” Sharon’s eyes widen.

“Yep, then the security took us to the detention room. They full asked us all these stupid questions in different rooms before putting me and Hana in the same room. Then Hana told me her story” I sighed, this was the worst thing I’ve ever heard.

“What was her story?”

“After she left, she lived in Busan with her family. But her parents always fought, and her dad would beat her mum and granny up.”

“That’s horrible!” Sharon gasped!

“That’s not even the worse part, it was when Hana got caught peeking, her dad slapped her across the face repeatedly, and out of anger she went and stabbed her dad. I think she was mentally scarred, but she killed her dad. Then her mum and granny committed suicide”

“Is this even real? Because this is just too…horrible” Sharon started crying for Hana.

“But the weird thing was, she met some girl also called Eunmi, and apparently they fell in love, but that Eunmi left her”

“What a coincidence!”

“Yeah, but Hana keeps claiming that I was that Eunmi. She wouldn’t listen when I told her I wasn’t. She even dug her nails into my shoulder”

Sharon looked at my shoulder. “This is crazy!”

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shinee3 #1
Chapter 50: I really liked this story :)I love the ending as well! Great job^^
Chapter 50: omg i just read this story now and i loved it. it was amazing thank you for writing it!
heavenzabdiel #3
Wow. The story is great. It was not just a story but a story with a great twist and turn. Thank you for sharing this. :)
myla0705 #4
well done ^^
Kyaa~ So sweet story!!! ^^
LOST!!wahahah!!that pqrt~hhehehheehehe.nice story~^^ i love it~and finally i'm done~^^
JinXiChe #7
That's the best part I couldn't stop laughing. Ahhh it's so Kim Heechul! I love your story <3
kay-el25 #8
OMO! I love it. Read it in one go~ <br />
Ahaha, couldn't stop reading. <br />
Anyways Sequel please? :3<br />
love it!