
Fate is Beyond Us

[Eunmi’s POV]


The air between Heechul and Nat feels…awkward. I looked at them, their face shocked at seeing each other.

“Hello” Nat finally said breaking the silence as he extended his arm for a handshake.

Heechul stared at him, then his gaze went to his hand, then back at his face.

“Hi” Heechul finally said before shaking his hand. Their grip was tight and strong.

“Long time no see” Nat smirked. But his smirk was kind of, scary.

Heechul reached for my hand, while staring at Nat and pulled me slightly behind him.

“Long time no see, Jae” Heechul stood in front of me, in a really protective stance.

“Well are you guys hungry?” Sharon finally asked breaking the tension.




This atmosphere is extremely uncomfortable. All four of us are having dinner at a restaurant near my place. No one really spoke, because none of the conversations lasted. Me and Sharon continued to exchange glances.

“please excuse me, I need to use the restroom” I stood up and headed to the bathroom.

“I’ll come with you” Sharon stammered chasing after me.


“What the hell is going on between them two!” Sharon cried.

I shook my head and shrugged, “I have no idea! This is so awkward!”

“It’s really frustrating, and I was hoping we’d all get along” Sharon pouted, unhappy about the outcome.

I pouted and nodded in agreement, leaning against the wall. “I really don’t want to go back to that tension” I sighed.


[Heechul’s POV]


Jae looked at me, his stare filled with anger.

“Please excuse me, I need to use the restroom” Eunmi excused herself.

“I’ll come with you” Sharon exclaimed chasing after her.

We watched them two disappear before returning our eye contact.

“What are you doing here?” I questioned.

“To be honest, I didn’t know I’d meet you again, I guess this is what they call fate” Jae smirked at me.

“I don’t care what people call it, just leave Eunmi alone!” I leaned closer to him, as I began to burn in anger.

“But I need to fulfill our agreement” His smirk turned into a cold smile.

“I never agreed to that” I objected, I can even hear the anger in my voice.

“Calm down Heechul, whether you agreed or not, I’ve already decided that I will do it. You should apologise for ever liking her, no wait, taking interest in her” Jae’s cold words made me uneasy.

“You have Sharon already! Leave Eunmi alone…I beg you” I requested, desperate for Eunmi’s safety.


“So what are you guys talking about?” Sharon asked sitting down, I looked at Eunmi as she sat down next to me. She looked up at me and smiled. This angelic smile, I don’t want it to disappear. I held her hand tightly, I don’t want to ever let go of this hand.

“Nothing much, just catching up a little” Jae smiled at me then looked at Eunmi.

“We have to go” I stood up pulling Eunmi with me.

She grabbed her bag and bowed “Nice seeing you Nat” and she smiled at Sharon waving to her.

I dragged her out of the restaurant, as far from Jae as possible.

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shinee3 #1
Chapter 50: I really liked this story :)I love the ending as well! Great job^^
Chapter 50: omg i just read this story now and i loved it. it was amazing thank you for writing it!
heavenzabdiel #3
Wow. The story is great. It was not just a story but a story with a great twist and turn. Thank you for sharing this. :)
myla0705 #4
well done ^^
Kyaa~ So sweet story!!! ^^
LOST!!wahahah!!that pqrt~hhehehheehehe.nice story~^^ i love it~and finally i'm done~^^
JinXiChe #7
That's the best part I couldn't stop laughing. Ahhh it's so Kim Heechul! I love your story <3
kay-el25 #8
OMO! I love it. Read it in one go~ <br />
Ahaha, couldn't stop reading. <br />
Anyways Sequel please? :3<br />
love it!