Really him?

Fate is Beyond Us


EunMi’s POV


I searched in the crowd, my mind going crazy.

Is it really him? It can’t be can it? After all these years…

Then I saw a line of guys slowly escaping the crowd heading towards their van. Farout! This crowd is driving me insane!


Just one look is all I need, just a confirmation.


OH is that him? I jumped off the statue and chased after him. I pushed through the crowd more frantically then last time. I screamed with the crowd, “HEENIM!” my voice was blending in with everyone’s.  But in the end, they all disappeared in the van. The fan girls chased the van, but I was at a loss.




Before I knew it, I was already outside my apartment. I unlocked the door and dragged myself into my room. I sat on the computer chair just slowly spinning.


“Where’s dinner?” Sharon said leaning on my door.

I looked up at her “Huh? OH CRAP! I forgot dinner!” I finally snapped back onto earth.

gaped open “What the hell were you doing outside?”

My mouth was opened, but no sound came out. What was I doing?

She tilted her head, “well?”


Sharon’s POV


Her face got paler as she stared at the ground. What the hell happened out there?

I walked towards her chair and kneeled next to her.

“What’s wrong?” my questioned filled with worry

opened slightly like she was going to speak, but the silence remained.


Then slowly her head turned to face me, her eyes lost. Then she finally managed, in the smallest voice I’ve ever heard “I think I saw him”.


Then it hit me. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. “HIM!!” my voice naturally raised. She nodded but she continued to stare at her feet.


“ARE YOU SURE?!” I grabbed her hand and spun her so she was facing me.


She took a deep breath, “No, actually I’m not sure, there were just too many people there!”

I sighed a breath of relief, “Then it might not be him” I gave her a small smile

“But I have this gut feeling that it was! And I can’t convince myself that it wasn’t!” her eyes teared up and she lifted her legs on the chair hugging them.


I let out a long sigh, “I’ll go cook ramen, don’t think too much on it” I gave her a big hug before heading to the kitchen.


EunMi’s POV


2 hours til sunrise. I didn’t get a wink of sleep. I sat up and went on the computer.

If they were idols, then that must mean they’re on the internet! What did those fan girls call them?

Super Junior?

I typed in ‘super junior’ and all these sites popped up. I scrolled down to one of the links that read members profile. I read about them, then there he was, with his milky skin, stylish hair and his big round eyes. Those eyes that used to look up to me.

Tears rolled down my cheek as I buried my face into my knees. It’s him! It’s really him!



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shinee3 #1
Chapter 50: I really liked this story :)I love the ending as well! Great job^^
Chapter 50: omg i just read this story now and i loved it. it was amazing thank you for writing it!
heavenzabdiel #3
Wow. The story is great. It was not just a story but a story with a great twist and turn. Thank you for sharing this. :)
myla0705 #4
well done ^^
Kyaa~ So sweet story!!! ^^
LOST!!wahahah!!that pqrt~hhehehheehehe.nice story~^^ i love it~and finally i'm done~^^
JinXiChe #7
That's the best part I couldn't stop laughing. Ahhh it's so Kim Heechul! I love your story <3
kay-el25 #8
OMO! I love it. Read it in one go~ <br />
Ahaha, couldn't stop reading. <br />
Anyways Sequel please? :3<br />
love it!