Fate is Beyond Us

It's been at least a month since I last saw Heechul at his dorm. The memories were still fresh in my head, and I can't help but smile. He's soo sweet! We've been texting a lot since then. But still, whether we're friends or lovers, I still don't know.

"Oh My God!!!!" Sharon squealed in her room. I waited for her to enter mine as I listened to her loud footsteps. She slams open my door with an usually big smile. "Guess What!!!" she grinned and jumped on my bed.

"What?" I smiled anticipating for her news.

"Nat's coming!! He's coming for 3 days because he has a break! Oh My Gosh right?!!" she held my hand as she jumped.

"How exciting!!! When is he coming?" I joined her jumping.

"This Sunday!" She Announced at the top of her lungs!

-bzz bzz bzzz- I look at my phone that vibrated. A text from Heenim! I sat back down on the computer chair and started reading my text. 

"Look who's smiling like an idiot here!" Sharon teased me as she laid on my bed hugging my pillow.

"Hey look at you when you're talking about Nat!" I scoffed as Sharon giggled.

She played with my soft toy, "So what did he say??" 

"Just asked about my plans for today" I replied thinking about what to reply.

"Oh is he asking you out on a date?" she sat up bouncing on my bed.

"No, I don't think so..." then I got another text ~I want to see you~ "or not" as I stared at my phone. It took a while for that message to process in my mind. I jumped on Sharon as I cheerfully screamed, "He said he wanted to see me!!!!!" 

"woo!" Sharon cheered for me as we scrambled in bed. We were puffed after our happy fit. I rolled on to my back with my head on her shoulder.

"Today is a good day today isn't it?" I grinned.

"Haha yeah! It's a wonderful day!" 

"You and Nat is soo cute! But have you thought about Kyuhyun? You two definitely had a moment there" I asked releasing the curiosity. I felt Sharon tense up a bit, and I turned to look at her, "What aren't you telling me Missy?" I teased not realising she was actually in a dilemma.

She looked at me with confused and worried eyes, "I actually don't know. I love Nat! I really do, but when I woke up to see Kyuhyun in front of me, I felt like he swept me off the floor! He was so cute and I was actually really happy that it happened. Also, I can't stop thinking about him since then. Stupid right?" she covered her eyes with the back of her hand as she laid there.

The room was filled with silence as I wondered how to help. I rolled on to my tummy staring at her, " If Kyuhyun and Nat were hanging off a cliff, and you could only save one, who would it be?" I asked, and waited for the answer.

The slince remained. "You don't have to answer me, because you only need to know the answer. But tell me when you've decided" I smiled. 

Sharon slowly lifted her hand off her face and hugged me, "I love you!!!" she screamed, as she cheered up straight away.  "Ok, my turn!" she laughed "so what's going on with Heechul now?" 

I looked at her with wide eyes as I was also unsure of the answer. I let out a long sigh, "We text a lot, but I don't know if we're just friends or if we're dating. I mean it's not like we did anything, we spent a night together, and we talk a lot more now. I also don't know if he likes me. He probably just treats me like his best friend, just like before" 

Sharon looked at me with her thinking face. "well...he did say he wanted to see you, and he cuddled you all night! Maybe you should wait or just ask him if you really want to know!"

"How do you expect me to ask him, it's way too embarrassing if he doesnt like me and found out i like him! That might also ruin our friendship!" I pouted.

"Well, you're meeting him later on right? Just look at his every action! Remember those dramas? The guys always doing something to hint it!!" she rested her head on her hands and played with my hair. "By the way, did you even reply to his message?"

I jumped up, "No, I was too excited!" I panicked as i looked for my phone in my bed.

"Found it!" Sharon said handing it to me.

"What do i say?" I held my phone, ready to reply.

"Well he said he wanted to see you, tell him you want to see him too!" Sharon sat back hugging my pillow again.

"Wouldn't I sound too desperate?" I asked, unsure whether to do as I was told.

"Well does he sound desperate to you?" SHaron asked raising her eyebrows.

No, he didn't sound desperate at all. Ok so here goes.

-I want to see you too-

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shinee3 #1
Chapter 50: I really liked this story :)I love the ending as well! Great job^^
Chapter 50: omg i just read this story now and i loved it. it was amazing thank you for writing it!
heavenzabdiel #3
Wow. The story is great. It was not just a story but a story with a great twist and turn. Thank you for sharing this. :)
myla0705 #4
well done ^^
Kyaa~ So sweet story!!! ^^
LOST!!wahahah!!that pqrt~hhehehheehehe.nice story~^^ i love it~and finally i'm done~^^
JinXiChe #7
That's the best part I couldn't stop laughing. Ahhh it's so Kim Heechul! I love your story <3
kay-el25 #8
OMO! I love it. Read it in one go~ <br />
Ahaha, couldn't stop reading. <br />
Anyways Sequel please? :3<br />
love it!