Happy Birthday, Appa!

Unwelcomed Pleasure

Jooyoung came back to the kitchen after putting some more foods on the big table at the dining area. It was afternoon and the whole family were gathering inside the house to celebrate Mr. Lee’s 56th birthday. Onew’s grandparents on his father’s side were there, his aunties, and uncles, and also his cousins, nieces, and nephews. It was such a grand family gathering.

“I can do the rest of the work here, you should go and join them outside, Mrs. Lee.” She smiled as she slightly pressed on her arms, thinking she should be out there already celebrating with her husband and family.

“But there are still…”

“I can do them.” She smiled again and didn’t wait for her to turn over those stuff. Jooyoung took the serving spoon from Mrs. Lee. “And please don’t worry about me. I’ll go once I’m done with this.” She assured and when Mrs. Lee realized she won’t win against Jooyoung on that, she nodded and sighed with a smile before leaving the rest to her as she went out to join them.

There wasn’t really much to do. Jooyoung just had to wash some plates and make sure the foods on the kitchen were properly sealed so they won’t spoil. She put the rest of the desserts in the fridge so they would remain chilled. She was looking for something else to do when she heard the Happy Birthday song being sung outside.  She washed her hands, wiped them up as she went outside to take a look at the family.

All were smiling as they sang a loud Happy Birthday song for Onew’s father. Onew was beside him, clapping and jamming along like he was the ordinary Lee Jinki. His mother was on his father’s other side. Though there’s only three of them in the family, they looked happy and contented with each other, and somehow, it started making her feel envious. She was envious for she didn’t experience that even once in her while – she couldn’t even remember a scenario. All she remembered was she and her father together – fighting hard against difficulties in their lives.

She felt her eyes wetting up when Onew suddenly looked at her direction and they exchanged gazes. Jooyoung flashed an immediate smile to him to hide her sudden gloom, then she walked back to the kitchen hoping to find something that could make her busy for a while.

“Yey! Happy Birthday, Jinsuk-ah!” Mr. Lee’s older sister greeted finally with a cheerful expression. “Don’t forget to wish before blowing the candle, and say it out loud so we could here!”

“Hmm…” Jinsuk-appa thought for a while, then he smiled before leaning in to blow the candle. “Since my wish of giving my son a good health and successful career then my wish for this year is… a granddaughter.”

“Yah! Yah! Appa!” Onew was about to stop his father from blowing the candle but the father didn’t let him stop him. The others laughed as Onew was so dumbfounded over his wish. “Yah! Appa! I am sorry but that wish is still far from reality! I don’t even have a girlfriend!” Onew defended, to which his appa gave a mischievous look, the same expression Onew did which he actually got from his father.

“You don’t?”

“But I don’t see Jooyoung around.” His mother interrupted after noticing Jooyoung’s absence at the table. “Has she gotten out of the kitchen?”

“I’ll check.” Onew volunteered and though he gained a lot of teasing look, he still continued and ran to the kitchen. Finally, he saw Jooyoung just sitting on the counter, waving her feet in the air, as if she was waiting for something – when there’s really nothing to wait for.

“What are you doing here? They are looking for you outside.”

“It’s a family gathering. I shouldn’t barge in.” Jooyoung chuckled and shrugged her shoulders – seemingly unaffected. “You should go and have fun with your family. We need to leave tonight, right?”

“I’m not going until you come with me.” Onew threatened. “Or should I bring appa here so he could personally ask you to come to his birthday!”


“I can do that. Ap-!” Onew would have shouted calling his appa if Jooyoung wasn’t quick enough to cover his mouth.

“Fine! Fine!” She jumped off the counter and walked to the dining area with Onew.

“Now that Jooyoung is here, we can start eating.” His father said and Jooyoung was a bit surprised she took the seat between Onew and his father, making the seating arrangement as Onew-Jooyoung-Appa-Omma. She was uncomfortable at first, but Onew flashed a bright smile and as he estimated Jooyoung might be shy to get some food, he initiated on getting them and put some to her plate – not minding the observant glances from his parents and relatives.

“Shouldn’t the attention be on appa instead since it’s his birthday?” Onew made an obvious but funny remark making the others chuckle.

There were lots of conversations at the dining table and Jooyoung could only listen, but surprisingly, it didn’t make her out of place. They would talk and would often asked her questions about SHINee and Lee Jinki as Onew. She would answer them wittily, and there were times when she wanted to make fun of him, but Onew would quickly look at her as if he was threatening her.

They were in the middle of the conversation and eating desserts when Jooyoung’s phone rang. “Please excuse me. This could be a call from another manager.” She said and politely stood up, walking towards the living area for a while.

“Hello?” It was an unknown number.

“Son Jooyoung?” The other line asked and she said yes. “Yes, this is a call from SM Entertainment’s Communication and Marketing Department. Can we schedule your interview for tomorrow morning?”


“Yes. We received your application and to tell you honestly, we were impressed with your resume, and since you’re working as SHINee’s manager, that is another good thing we considered.” But she never passed anything to anyone, which was why she was clueless about what the woman was talking about. “Anyhow, you will undergo an interview for confirmation and formality. I’ll see you tomorrow in the office at around 10am. Thank you.” She said continuously and quickly ended the call. 

A/N: School has started so I'm sorry if it would take me longer to give you an update ~ but don't forget to leave me some comments! :))

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jinki24 #1
Chapter 57: Author nim... why can't i read the sequel....????????!! You better give me the fastest answer...
beautifulsin #2
Chapter 57: authornim i can't read the sequel..it's not working..pls..do repost pls..pls..w/ a cherry on the top..hehe!!thank you..
HyunJane #3
Chapter 57: This greattttt~ but the sequel..... the link...is not working....
cynyeelim #4
Chapter 46: I think I never see onew drive taemin to the company before... Really hope to see onew to drive any member to the company in the future TT
cynyeelim #5
Chapter 35: Omg I like the way you describe how they act so dorky in real life xD
cynyeelim #6
Chapter 30: Omg hahaha i like the way Jongkey went "aaaaahhhh" they are so dorky xD
Chapter 57: seqquuuuueeellll!!! sooo happy author-nim! hahaha
rudelysweetk21 #8
Chapter 56: Yeah finally they are together..bahahaha thanks. Loved the story. As always enjoyed reading..I don't read onew fics but its strange how I enjoy onew fics from you :)