The playful leader

Unwelcomed Pleasure

Onew suddenly opened his eyes wondering why Jooyoung was laughing. She ended the call and placed the phone back to his bag with care. “Why are you laughing?” He asked curiously but Jooyoung shook her head – making him even more curious.

“I’ll go back there.” She said and was about to leave when Onew grabbed her wrist. The noona was now doing his eye makeup so though he could open his eyes, he still couldn’t move so much.

“What did she say? Why are you laughing?” He insisted on knowing.

Jooyoung looked down on her wrist that was being grabbed by Onew, then she turned to him, “Do you really want to know?” Onew nodded. “Then your mom told me to remind you about calling her back later or else she’ll go to your dorm and hit you on your while you’re asleep.”

Onew’s eyes widened in surprise that Jooyoung actually said that out loud, making the noonas, the members, the staff, and other artists hear it. They laughed and Onew was embarrassed. “Yah!” He moved and the eyeliner the noona was applying suddenly went out of position.

“Yah! Jinki-yah! Stay still!” She shouted in panic due to the mess that happened to his face.

“Hyung, just recently your mother hit you in the , don’t make her do that again and call her.” Jonghyun said out loud to and again, everybody laughed, including Jooyoung but she suddenly got worried that she might have offended Onew. She almost forgot how he could change his mood from time to time.

She sat back on her seat properly, pondering over what will Onew do in case he got offended. “Jooyoungie…” Again, Onew called out after he went out of the dressing room. He was now in his outfit for the recording. She stood up.

“Yes?” There was an awkward expression on her face. Afraid that Onew would do something.

“Here’s some money. I suddenly craved for some dumplings made by a restaurant in Gwangju. Please buy some and go back immediately.” He told her and Jooyoung’s jaw dropped after hearing the name of the place she’s going to.

“Gwangju? But that’s like… 2-3 hours from here and then you want me to get back immediately, which will take me at least 5 hours? Are you sure about these?”

“Yes. I’m expecting you to come back before the recording ends. Don’t worry. We can handle ourselves. Thanks manager-nim, you’re so nice.” He even patted her shoulders and smiled. “We’ll just head to the set. See you soon.” He said and again, she looked dumbfounded with half opened, like seriously, how will she be able to go back and forth for five hours just to buy him some dumplings? Is he pregnant that there should be a specification of the food he wants to eat?

Jonghyun and Minho went towards her, both laughing. “That’s the punishment for embarrassing him. Cool way, right?” Minho said and laughed out loud. “Jonghyun hyung will receive his punishment later, too.”

“Yeah.” Jonghyun nodded but he was laughing. “He will made me do everything later during recording. For sure he’ll pass his job to me. This happens all the time when we in front of everybody.”

“Isn’t this too much?” Jooyoung pouted and looked sharply at Onew who was now conversing happily with some other people. “He must be sued for making it difficult for people around him!”

“He must find you cute.” Minho laughed again. “When he calls you all the time and asks you about this and that then he just wants your attention. That’s how Onew hyung is. He might be misunderstood as being bossy, moody, whiny, and spoiled, but honestly? That little kid over there likes to have some attention, that’s why he’s being like this.”

“Kid?! That is a kid?!” She burst out after remembering how he looked last night. Jonghyun and Minho laughed again.

“But Jooyoung-ssi, you should leave now coz I doubt you’ll still see us her. Don’t worry. I’ll call you once we leave this place so you don’t have to go here anymore. That hyung over there is having fun teasing you.” He chuckled

Like seriously, why does my life revolve around my merciless fate? Can’t everything just go according to my way just one time? Ugh. This is tiring.

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jinki24 #1
Chapter 57: Author nim... why can't i read the sequel....????????!! You better give me the fastest answer...
beautifulsin #2
Chapter 57: authornim i can't read the's not repost pls..pls..w/ a cherry on the top..hehe!!thank you..
HyunJane #3
Chapter 57: This greattttt~ but the sequel..... the not working....
cynyeelim #4
Chapter 46: I think I never see onew drive taemin to the company before... Really hope to see onew to drive any member to the company in the future TT
cynyeelim #5
Chapter 35: Omg I like the way you describe how they act so dorky in real life xD
cynyeelim #6
Chapter 30: Omg hahaha i like the way Jongkey went "aaaaahhhh" they are so dorky xD
Chapter 57: seqquuuuueeellll!!! sooo happy author-nim! hahaha
rudelysweetk21 #8
Chapter 56: Yeah finally they are together..bahahaha thanks. Loved the story. As always enjoyed reading..I don't read onew fics but its strange how I enjoy onew fics from you :)