Behind those gloomy eyes

Unwelcomed Pleasure

It’s been more than a month since Jooyoung started as a SHINee’s manager but she would never be used on how tight SHINee’s schedule is. On that day, upon their arrival, they just went to the dorm to get their outfits and then they immediately went to the network for a TV guesting, and then they went to a certain venue to perform as guest perform, and during the night, they held their fanmeeting with 5,000 fans in the audience.

That night, they all went home exhausted as usual. Since there was no schedule in Korea for tomorrow morning, so they could just go back after spending the night in their Japanese dorm.

Onew noticed a bit disappointment on Jooyoung’s face as they arrived back in the dorm. Even Jonghyun was too tired to even care about talking to her and asking if she enjoyed anything they got to do today.

“Where are you gonna sleep?” Onew asked Jooyoung as both of them incidentally went to the kitchen at the same time. “I share a room with Jonghyun. Key, Minho and Taemin are sharing the same room, and usually, the three managers share room. There isn’t a single person that could let you have his room.” He said while pouring himself a glass of water. He always makes sure to have one glass before sleeping.

“It’s okay. I can stay there at the couch to sleep.” She told him as if it wasn’t much of a big deal.

“Onew-ssi, Jooyoung-ssi, we’re resting, okay? Just go to bed after you’re done there.” One manager peeped in from the kitchen door and immediately disappear right after. He wasn’t aware that there was actually no room in the dorm to spare for Jooyoung.

“Are you okay? You seemed to be in deep thought.” Onew told her as he paused and leaned against the counter. He was watching Jooyoung make some sandwich for snack.

“Do you want one?” Jooyoung offered and he nodded. “Actually, I was a bit disappointed I wasn’t able to go around Tokyo. This is one of my dreams, I know it would sound funny to you because this is like your second home already, but really, since I was child, one of my dreams is to go here and to go around the streets.”

“It’s probably just the same as Seoul, except that they speak Japanese here.”

“Of course you can say that since you’ve been here a lot of times already.” She sighed and gave one sandwich to him. “It was a pity we’re going back tomorrow morning. I didn’t really get the chance to stroll for a while.”

“Do you want to go for a walk right now?” Onew invited out of nowhere which literally made her eyes widened in surprise.

“Right now? At this hour?”

“Yes. At this hour. Why?” Onew chuckled at her expression. It had always been fascinating to see several of her expression for she was once just a straight faced girl.

“What about oppas? Won’t they get mad?”

“They will get mad if they knew, and if ever they get angry, it’s fine, we got to do what we want anyways, and we only get to live once. So?”

“As long as you don’t leave me randomly around the streets…” She said and Onew lent out his hand towards her. She frowned. “What’s that for?”

“Unless you hold my hand until we get back, then you are not going to be lost.” He said with a smile and though it was a bit awkward for her to hold on it, she did anyways as she couldn’t hide her excitement.

“I’m sorry but this time I won’t say no. I really want to go around Tokyo.” She said as she finally grabbed his hand. Onew chuckled and placed the glass of water down and they left the dorm silently together – while holding hands.

Onew was secretly smiling the whole time they were walking on the night Tokyo Street. There were a lot of people walking back and forth as the street and the market were usually alive during the night. Though tonight, it was a bit weird that no one recognizes Onew – or maybe some people do, they just couldn’t get the courage to actually ask him if he’s really Onew.

“You’re right.” She uttered as they walk around the huge fountain in one of the parks there. “This feels like Seoul, but it’s colder, and the people look busier.”

“Do you want to sit down for a while?” Onew asked when he saw an empty bench right in front where they could see the fountain clearly. Jooyoung nodded, and both of them went to take a rest for a while. They’ve been walking for 45 minutes already. “Stay here, I’ll just go buy something to eat.” He said but Jooyoung looked up with a worried face, to which he smiled. “Just don’t go anywhere and just look at that beautiful fountain. I’ll come back immediately.” He said and left.

Jooyoung looked at the fountain and appreciated the beautiful scenery in front of her. There were colorful lights around the fountain which made it look like the water sprouting out were in different colors. They dance and then slows down and then dance again and Jooyoung found it so entertaining that she didn’t even realize how fast Onew took and now he was back immediately.

“You seem to be thinking something.” Onew said as he handed her a bread and a cola. “Later when we walk back, I’ll let you choose a street food you want to eat so you can experience it as well.” He said. “Now tell me what you are thinking.”

“I was thinking about how I would be happier to have my father here with me tonight.” She said, a bit of sadness was starting to get noticeable. Onew didn’t talk, indication that he was willing to listen to whatever she wanted to say. “He knows very well how I like to go here, and he told me, that one day, he’ll bring me here and we’ll walk, and but a lot of things together.” She looked at Onew with sparkles on her eyes. Tears were about to fall but she was forcing herself not to. “It was his promise.”

“Then? Don’t be too sad. For sure one day, you and your father would come here together. Why don’t you call him? Tell him you’re here.”

“Appa…” Finally, her tears fell as she stared up in the dark and starry sky. “Can you see me from there? I’m here in Tokyo, with Onew-ssi. He was the one I told you who lend me his room to sleep on. But appa, I wish you’re here. I wish we could see the fountain together. It’s so beautiful.”


“That night… that night two years ago when I took your money and ran away… it was because I wanted to save him. He had a brain tumor, and the only way for him to live is through surgery. I don’t know where else to get money, so I accepted that offer but in the end… I still couldn’t do that.” She finally admitted, telling Onew the real reason why she took the money away.

“You got the money, so… you could have used that for surgery.” Onew answered, both speechless and surprised about her revelation.

“I did. I thought everything was going well and that finally, he’s getting well, until he had complications, and though we didn’t expected it, his body just gave up. The next thing I knew, he’s dead.”

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry to hear that… you and your mom must’ve been on tough times.”

“Mom? I have no mother. She left us and went with someone else.” Jooyoung chuckled bitterly. “That’s why all those time, I’ve been with my father. He was the only one who took care of me. He loved me so much, but still, I wasn’t able to save him.”

“Now I understand…” Onew said and sighed. Jooyoung looked at him.


“You, and why you are like that. You don’t smile often. I rarely hear you laugh, and your eyes, they always look gloomy.”

She only smiled bitterly and looked away, still immersed with the thought of her late father. While Onew stared at her, suddenly feeling guilty of everything he has done to her. She never deserved anymore of that treatment since she had almost always been lonely all her life. It felt like she went through a lot. Her mother left her when she was young and went with someone else, then her father passed away two years ago. It must be painful, and putting himself into his situation, he couldn’t help but wanting to cry again. The presence of his parents, suddenly, he appreciated it more than ever. He was lucky to have them, and to have them support him all throughout.

And now, looking back at this girl, who has constantly been doing hard for herself. He knew she deserved more. She deserved to be more than just a SHINee manager, heck, she deserved the best of what could be offered to her.

From then on, he promised himself, to start treating her more special, and to never let her heart get broken again, or even make her suffer.

A/N: This was really a long chapter. It took four pages of MS Word. LOL. Now... Comment juseyo!!!!! xD

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jinki24 #1
Chapter 57: Author nim... why can't i read the sequel....????????!! You better give me the fastest answer...
beautifulsin #2
Chapter 57: authornim i can't read the's not repost pls..pls..w/ a cherry on the top..hehe!!thank you..
HyunJane #3
Chapter 57: This greattttt~ but the sequel..... the not working....
cynyeelim #4
Chapter 46: I think I never see onew drive taemin to the company before... Really hope to see onew to drive any member to the company in the future TT
cynyeelim #5
Chapter 35: Omg I like the way you describe how they act so dorky in real life xD
cynyeelim #6
Chapter 30: Omg hahaha i like the way Jongkey went "aaaaahhhh" they are so dorky xD
Chapter 57: seqquuuuueeellll!!! sooo happy author-nim! hahaha
rudelysweetk21 #8
Chapter 56: Yeah finally they are together..bahahaha thanks. Loved the story. As always enjoyed reading..I don't read onew fics but its strange how I enjoy onew fics from you :)