New House

Unwelcomed Pleasure

As what had been agreed upon, Jooyoung was asked to get her things from her old apartment as she would now start to live with SHINee. But there was one condition from the company; the information about SHINee living with a female manager should not be known by the public. They should still be discreet about it because though it meant nothing, fans and media would surely take it as a big deal.

That same day, after SHINee’s schedules were done, she went home and paid her last rent, took her things and moved to the dorm.

“Welcome home, Jooyoung noona.” Taemin told her and smiled.

“Wow, you’re a girl but you have fewer clothes. Is that all your things?” Key noticed when she saw that Jooyoung’s bag wasn’t really that big. Compared to his clothes, that bag will only carry a week of his travel in Japan, but this is Jooyoung’s entire wardrobe.

Onew then came out of his room. “Since Key occupies a lot of space in their cabinet so I really don’t know where to put my clothes. I’ll just have to leave them there.”

“No problem, Onew ssi.” She said quickly.

“And since you don’t have that much, you can rearrange my things and make some room for your clothes. I don’t mind as long as they are folded properly.” As if he didn’t care much about her, he walked to the kitchen and open the fridge – again, to eat.

“Wow.” Minho looked stupid as he followed Onew with his sight and his jaw dropping. “An angel must have arrived to make Onew hyung this thoughtful.”

Onew might have been kind in real life but he was not the type to easily share his room and his closet especially when he knew these things supposed to only belong to him. He was the type to be okay with everything but never to his personal belongings. He never even let them open his own bag, so hearing Onew’s “You can rearrange my things and make some room for your clothes.” was really surprising for all of them. Good enough Jonghyun was in his room listening to some of his recordings. He would sure a lot again if he ever heard about what he said.

“Onew-ssi, can I enter your room now?” She said hesitantly.

“Fine!” Onew shouted from the kitchen. She then bowed to the other three and went ahead, though of course, entering a man’s room was a bit awkward at first. She entered the room with care and estimated the place. She had been there just the other day when she followed him and removed his shoes, but she didn’t really get to see much of the room. She closed the door for a while so she could be a bit comfortable.

She placed her bag on the bed and touched the soft bedding. It was too luxurious for her already, though she was shy to admit that. Eversince she lived in this world, she had never lied on such soft bed. Jooyoung had always been with thin mattress that she folds during the day, and lays on the floor during the night when she sleeps.

As though the bed felt really inviting, she sat on it, looked around again to notice that Onew was really a neat man. He had his own small rack filled with books on what seemed to be his study table. There was table light and a notebook along with it, while his laptop rested just beside the rack. Beside the bed was a smaller table with a photo of Onew with a couple on it. She guessed it was his parents. She looked at it and observed that he got his eyesmile from his father while his pinkish lips and cute smile from his mother. Just on the wooden frame, a note was pasted saying, “Omma and appa love the naughty Jinki but others might misunderstand, and so always be kind and behaved towards them, Jinki-ah.”  As she read that small letter, her eyes started to tear up. She couldn’t control her feelings as the letter just made her sad.

Onew forgot to get his laptop and his diary from the room before letting her inside so he decided to knock in there for a while to get his things.

He was about to do so but was intrigued when he thought she was talking to someone. He couldn’t hear properly so as eavesdropper as it may seem, he placed his ear next to the door to hear her better.

“I will leave here from now on.” That’s what Onew head first. Exactly, she was really talking to someone. “Don’t worry because they are good to me. Onew ssi even spared his room for me to sleep on. I won’t forget you. Though the distance between us is much farther now, I’ll make sure I’ll go to you. You want to see me, too, right? I’m sorry I was so busy these days.”

“Wow.” Onew stood properly back up after hearing enough of her conversation with someone. “So she has a boyfriend? Wow. I didn’t expect this.” Wanting to disturb and interrupt the conversation, he knocked on the door. “Jooyoung-ssi. Open up.” Onew said and quickly, Jooyoung got up from the bed and placed the phone back to her pocket.

“I need to use my laptop.” Onew said and instead of getting it, he pulled his chair and sat before opening the laptop. Obviously, he didn’t want her to get any privacy at all.

“Ah, maybe I should go out while you are using the room.” Jooyoung knew Onew only gave her a favor, so she must not make it hard for him to live comfortably inside the house. She thought maybe if Onew wanted some privacy and he misses his room, then she has to give it and give him some space.

“You still have to arrange your things, right? Go on. I don’t mind.” Onew said but Jooyoung didn’t move an inch so he looked at her – his annoyed expression never leaving him. “Do you mind if I stay in my room from time to time? Because actually, I don’t mind you being around, too. You’re not noisy like the other kids, so if you fine if you stay here with me.”

Instead of answering back, Jooyoung decided to stay quiet and as what was told, she went to the closet and opened it to find Onew’s closet neat and really organized. But it was true. If she just compressed some of his clothes together and rearranged it, then she could still have some place in there. “O-onew-ssi, are you sure it’s okay for me to…”

“I said I was fine with it. I don’t need to repeat and convince you on that anymore.” He said without looking at her at all. “And one more thing, no visitors allowed.”

“I understand.”

“No people to meet outside the dorm, too.”


“No dating. No staying out all night just to be with someone. SHINee members spend their whole day attending to nonstop schedules and activities and we don’t even have time for ourselves. Managers should not have personal time, too.”

Jooyoung finally got what he meant so she nodded. “I understand.”

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jinki24 #1
Chapter 57: Author nim... why can't i read the sequel....????????!! You better give me the fastest answer...
beautifulsin #2
Chapter 57: authornim i can't read the's not repost pls..pls..w/ a cherry on the top..hehe!!thank you..
HyunJane #3
Chapter 57: This greattttt~ but the sequel..... the not working....
cynyeelim #4
Chapter 46: I think I never see onew drive taemin to the company before... Really hope to see onew to drive any member to the company in the future TT
cynyeelim #5
Chapter 35: Omg I like the way you describe how they act so dorky in real life xD
cynyeelim #6
Chapter 30: Omg hahaha i like the way Jongkey went "aaaaahhhh" they are so dorky xD
Chapter 57: seqquuuuueeellll!!! sooo happy author-nim! hahaha
rudelysweetk21 #8
Chapter 56: Yeah finally they are together..bahahaha thanks. Loved the story. As always enjoyed reading..I don't read onew fics but its strange how I enjoy onew fics from you :)