The Other Side ~

Unwelcomed Pleasure

Finally, after long minutes of travel, SHINee arrived at the door to finally get even few hours of rest before they could go on with their schedules the next day. It’s almost past 1am and they need to be up by 5am later on.

Jonghyun and Key both just threw themselves on the couch and sighed loudly. “Ah. It was a tiring day – and the travel was long, too. My whole body hurts.” Jonghyun complained and Key, being considerate as he is, punched Jonghyun’s shoulder lightly as a form of massage.

“Kids. Wash up, and go to bed.” Onew walked towards them and despite his exhaustion, he still needed to make sure they’ll sleep before he even go to bed. “Come on, move.” He said but the two didn’t even move an inch, then later on, Minho and Taemin came in and they lied on the floor. “Kids. Get up.” Onew told them again and even pulled their hands lightly.

He was also as tired as them, but for the last minute, he was keeping up with his few energy left because these boys still need a little push to finally just hit the bed and rest there. They were now too lazy to even move and walk to their room.

Then Jooyoung came in last and saw the situation inside. She and Onew exchanged glances and Onew sighed a bit loudly making his frustration a bit noticeable. “This kids won’t woke up. Hey, guys, just remove your shoes and your coats and then go to bed.” He gave up on making them wash themselves and now he just wanted them to remove some of their clothes to make them feel comfortable.

“Let me do that.” Jooyoung put down and her bag and was about to attend to them.

“No. Stop.” Onew said in authority and even glared at her sharply. She paused and was confused, until she remembered their conversation just a while ago. “Kim Jonghyun, Kim Kibum, Choi Minho, Lee Taemin. You have no maid in this house. No one would do things for you. Are you still not gonna get up after I ask you for the 5th time?!” It was a bit louder than his usual tone of speaking that the members suddenly were all surprised that they got up after a millisecond.

“Aigoo. It’s better in the bedroom!” Jonghyun stretched his arms and walked immediately to their room, followed by Taemin. Minho pulled Key up and both of them entered their room together.

“Ah, seriously, it’s hard to make them follow.” Onew sighed as he was still standing up. He stretched his arms and straightened up his back, feeling so tired and exhausted for the nonstop schedules lined up for them.

“You can go to your room and rest now. I’ll clean around first and then I will just lock the door when I leave.”

“No, you can go home, just let this be. There’s a housekeeper, anyway, she can do that work. I’m sure you’re tired as well.”

She was surprised inside after hearing that real gentle voice of him. The exhaustion and sleepiness Onew was feeling probably affect the way he talked, as he was unusually not in his annoyed tone as he spoke to her. “I’ll just get some water and then-“

“No, just stay here. I’ll get it for you.” She just grabbed his arm and pushed him slowly to make him sit on the couch.

“Thanks.” Onew said, and he almost just shut his eyes the moment he felt a soft covers behind him. It was too comfortable that he finally understood why the kids didn’t want to get up anymore after lying there.

Jooyoung went to the kitchen to get him a glass of water. She poured it with care as she was starting to feel tired as well and she could almost feel her hands weakening. She placed the pitcher back to the fridge trying hard not to make any noise. She didn’t want to disturb the silence of the house.

As she came back to the living area, she noticed that Onew finally had his eyes shut. “Onew ssi.” She called softly and walked a bit closer still holding the glass of water with her one hand. “Onew-ssi, you should sleep in your room.” She told him but Onew now didn’t even move an inch. She sighed. Onew was the one who was really concerned about having the members sleep on their bed and now he’s the one being contented with sleeping there. “Onew-ssi…” She said and this time, she tried patting his arms.


As if taken by surprise, she giggled a bit after hearing the cute sound Onew made. It was one of the personalities she heard Onew had but never really got to witness until now. She stood there looking at him as he made various faces and even sniffed cutely. She smiled – and though it was rare for her to actually be so giddy, her smile was really from ear to ear as he looked like a child at that moment.

“Onew-ssi, get up, please.” She pleaded despite the fact that she really would have wanted to pinch his cheeks. She suddenly found him so cute and adorable.

Yes, that naughty/always annoyed/always angry Onew was now being his adorable self without him noticing. “Uhnnggg..” He made another cute sound but finally reopened his eyes.

She bit her lip to control her smile and handed the glass of water to him. “Here, and please go to bed.” She said and Onew took it and drank all of it in one go. He then stood up, lazily going to his room.

“Onew ssi, your shoes.” She called one last time but Onew didn’t even look at her as he was almost sleep walking. He even let the door open so she followed him to remind him about removing his shoes.

But as she entered, she found Onew lying on his bed, just as how he just threw himself there and didn’t bother removing his coat or his shoes. She shook her head and initiated on taking off his shoes, just so he could move comfortably. She also took off his coat leaving his tshirt on. It would be much better for him to rest now.

“I didn’t believe about your cute side until this moment.” She whispered and smiled at the sleeping Onew. He looked so serene and peaceful as his thoughts finally ascended to the dream land.

She noticed that though he was a bit skinny, he still owned a couple of smooth looking and fluffy cheeks. His lips were pinkish but they seemed a bit dry maybe because it was starting to get cold in the country.

She finally turned to leave his room, gently closing the door as she didn’t make any sound. She would go home tired and exhausted tonight as well, but having the sight of another Onew, it felt like she saw a bit of light, and that it brightened up her mood a bit.

It was already long ago since the last time she had that genuine and giddy smile on her face, and she was a bit surprised to even realize it was Onew who made her suddenly smile and even gave her a lighter mood before she rested.

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jinki24 #1
Chapter 57: Author nim... why can't i read the sequel....????????!! You better give me the fastest answer...
beautifulsin #2
Chapter 57: authornim i can't read the's not repost pls..pls..w/ a cherry on the top..hehe!!thank you..
HyunJane #3
Chapter 57: This greattttt~ but the sequel..... the not working....
cynyeelim #4
Chapter 46: I think I never see onew drive taemin to the company before... Really hope to see onew to drive any member to the company in the future TT
cynyeelim #5
Chapter 35: Omg I like the way you describe how they act so dorky in real life xD
cynyeelim #6
Chapter 30: Omg hahaha i like the way Jongkey went "aaaaahhhh" they are so dorky xD
Chapter 57: seqquuuuueeellll!!! sooo happy author-nim! hahaha
rudelysweetk21 #8
Chapter 56: Yeah finally they are together..bahahaha thanks. Loved the story. As always enjoyed reading..I don't read onew fics but its strange how I enjoy onew fics from you :)