Does Happy Ever after exists??

Safe and Sound


A/N: Before you read let me just say my huge thank you to everyone who supported this fic. You mean so much to me and I love you for keeping up with all my stupidity and shortcomings throughout the entire fic. I hope you enjoy this final chapter but I think i can already predict what you're going to say. Hahaha. I love you guys... let's look forward to my next story, ✎Highschool Battle✎ !!



-fast forward: 1 year and 6 months-


“Jinki, can you sing for them?” again, the head of this medical mission I'm currently participating in with Shihoo asks me if I could sing. To any community that we go to, I feel like it has always been a requirement for me to sing. “Some grannys I think are getting bored because the food hasn't arrived yet.”


I am involved now in a medical mission-slash-feeding program. We've been going around on every barangay from day one and so I am used on dealing with a lot of people now. Old, young, kids, teenagers, name it. I have talked to them all. In 3 months, I will be graduating with a degree in communication arts. As to my future plans? I don't know. I am enjoying my life as a scholar and a volunteer on these activities.


For the past one and a half year, I realize that there's more to life than popularity and stardom. I realize that real talents are those that you can show well off stage. Real talents are something that can make other people happy and inspired. For the past year, I have really touched a lot of people's heart as I sing and help them. The sparkle on their eyes when they receive something is very precious that it makes me want to give more.


Whatever have happened in the future... it felt like it just got my life better. SHINee cannot visit me here because they are busy promoting here and there. I hope they are soon to release an English album and I'm excited for them. Whenever they call me and hear my voice, they tell me unusual happiness can be heard from my voice – and that they are happy that I'm positive and happy about what's happening.


I call my parents as well. They are going to visit me soon and I'm excited. I have told them a lot of stories and I think it makes them feel more relaxed and comfortable because they know I'm so much fine here.


I realized that life isn't all about what you achieve... but it's rather all about how much you have given to others. Life is meaningful when you spend it thinking and sharing with others. Life is meaningful when at the end of the day... a lot of them will look at you as if you're a treasure that they are going to value all their life. Life is all about giving... and trying to create a curve on every people's face. That's what I realize... and having to share a lot of them by means of my service, I know i'm doing a good job... and I think I am living my life better than before.


Singing... dancing... and performing are my passion... but interacting with smaller people is what will make me truly happy and contented.


3 months before the graduation, the foundation has given me the task to be the official ambassador of the association. They say I can have the job until graduation – if I decided to stay then I will get the job permanently. All I need to do is to deal with the sponsors and lure them into giving funds to the foundation so we can help more people. I will also be in charge of talking to the community leaders of wherever we decide to hold activities. In ordinary days... I will be the people's entertainer. I can be a legal counsel, a listener, a singer, a chatter... however they want me to be in order not to feel bored while they are waiting. I have lots of things to do... but it makes me happy and fulfilled as a person.


“Goodmorning Lolo, Lola~” I say cheerfully in Filipino and the oldies look at me in amusement. I always get this reaction when I start speaking their language.


Pilipino ka?? (You're a Filipino?)” I shake my head and chuckle. I was able to learn their language after 3 months of arriving that's why i'm very fluent now in speaking.


Just as how Myeon Hee learned Korean in just 3 months... oh Myeon Hee... I have never forgotten about her. Despite being busy and such... there is never a day that I forget about her. She has the special space in my heart and mind that I cannot erase her no matter what I do.


I ask them to stand up and we sing a happy song together. They are very cheerful and despite their age, they still dance as energetic as possible.


*** ***


It's breaktime. We are just going around talking to random people and the mission is still at rest. Barangay Baseco is not located particularly on the road so you can just freely walk around. Not so far away, I see a woman struggling to settle her crying child. I watch her for a while and I think she's kind of old to have a baby. I unconsciosly made my way closer to the woman. Instead of her.. it was the baby who saw me.


I make a face and clap my hands to stop him from crying. I stick a tongue out and he stops just to stare at me doing silly things. Later on... the baby chuckles. I feel victorious.


The woman suddenly turns and sees me smiling widely. She frowns for a while but then when she realizes I am the one who made his baby chuckle... she smiles, too. “Thank you, mister.” She says and I nod.


“Is she your kid, mam?” She shakes her head and looks at the baby.


“She's my daughter's child. Isn't he beautiful? I am taking care of him because his mother is both working and studying.” She looks at me and examines me. “Are you one of those volunteers?” I smile. “You are great people. It's good that you're helping a lot of people in this country. My daughter was right because she told me Koreans are very good people. You take care of everybody as if they are your own blood.” Old ladies in the Philippines – hmm.. I think into other countries, too – are generally talkative. Once they see that you are trust worthy... they will start to tell you stories about their lives.


“My daughter was in Korea more than a year ago. She came home to find me and her family. I gave her out before... but now she came back to us. I'm so happy and I feel sorry... but she told us she had a wonderful like with someone special in Korea... but she had to leave him because of some issues... which she doesn't say but I understand.”


I nod and look at the baby. “He's very cute. His mother must be pretty as well.”


“She has puffy cheeks and small brown eyes. He smiles just exactly like his mother... but she said the baby's eyes are from his father.” Then she turns to look at me. “Oh... your eyes look the same.. probably because his father is a Korean.”


Will it be too much if I ask about his father?


“I never saw the father, though.” The woman added. “She's pregnant when she went here... I ask her if we can see the father soon... but she thinks it will be impossible... since he's busy with his life in Korea.”


“Poor child.. can I carry him?” I'm not the type to just carry a kid but I don't know what has got into me that I want to carry that child who looks like me. She hesitates for a while but just give in and hands me the baby.


I am struggling to keep him in my arms because I don't really know how to lift babies well... plus I'm so scared to do that. “There... he behaves well with you... my grandchild seems to like you a lot.” She says as he looks at me with the baby.


“Oh... Charlene!!” The woman calls out and looks pass behind me. “There... here comes the mother!”


I look at his mother... and suddenly... my worlds stops.


She is smiling... walking towards me as her hair is swaying along the wind. Her below the knee skirt is hugging her legs. Her white polo long sleeves makes her look so professional.


Oh.. you're so professional.


Am I looking at the right person? For the 2nd time... I am infected by love at first sight... and I think i'm falling with the same girl.


I once fell in love when she is in a state of mess... and now I'm falling in love to the same girl who has become really beautiful and lovely. I can't believe my eyes. Am I just hallucinating?


“Charlene... he's a volunteer on the medical mission of the Koreans. He is fascinated to baby Onew so I let him carry baby for a while.”


Onew? Baby Onew?


She stops and stares at me... probably thinking the same as mine. Is this for real? Are we seeing each other again? My hands are trembling... but I can't go weak since I'm carrying … Onew.


She blinks several times and before I know it... she's crying. “Oh, Char... what's happening?” Her mother utters and she shakes her head. She's just looking at me and I notice her eyes traveling at every corner of my face... and so I do the same.


How I miss to look at the most beautiful face in my life.


“ f-found m-e?” She asks while sobbing. I feel a tear fall on my eye as I shake my head and smile.


“I didn't.” I say simply. “I was brought to you... by fate.” I look at the baby I'm carrying. “Is this buddy the little me?” I ask nervously.


She nods.


“My dear.” I utter and automatically give the child a very tight hug. “Oh my... my child.. I didn't know..” I look at her and mouthed “I'm sorry.” She shakes her head and runs to hug us as well.


“I'm sorry... I'm sorry for leaving you...” She sobs so hard and the baby is looking at us. I am still carrying him with the other hand around her waist.


“He told me the whole story.” Instead of explaining further, I hug them again. I realize that God has slowly taken me back to her... and he prepared me. After all the things that happened... I can now defend them from anyone. My child... and my woman... both of them... finally completes me as Lee Jinki. I can't use Onew now... for someone has gotten it as his real name... my child.

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If you look back at chapter one, I edited and put a PART ONE on it. I will divide this by parts so I won't be confusing the story flow. Comments, guys, alright!


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Chapter 60: perfect jinki. love the story n the twist. good job authornim ^^
jinki24 #2
Chapter 60: Oh my.. this is hearbreaking... seeing shinee become apart like that... ㅠㅠ
HyunJane #3
Chapter 60: Awww oh gosh~ i really love all your stories! <3 i love how you write every chapters and laughing while reading some tagalog... dahil my accent pag nag sasalita ng tagalog is really deep you know!
lovescomplicate #4
Chapter 60: The ending is kinda unexpected from wad I expect. But of course you wrote it well and as usual I enjoy your story!
Chapter 60: the story kind a surprising me
but i love this story
i read this nonstop kekeke
good job^^
noona4minho #6
Chapter 60: finally...done ^^ I feel like crying but then I remember that I'm at school now XD speechless haha I don't want Onew to leave SHINee, no, never ever!
cha0328 #7
Chapter 52: Ung totoo author-nim, charlene tlga name nya?
o may gnwa k lang para lmbas ung true name q.
kc kung wala. Adgjmptw!! What is kalma kung ung bnbsa qng fanfic e kwento
ng UB q tpos name q p ung real name ng bida! Ok tama na.haha. Mlpt n q mtpos,ngaun lang aq nagcomment.ganda tlga ng mga kwento mu author-nim.bkt d k mag apply s precious heart romance?hehe
locketblingermvp #8
Chapter 60: you made me.cry too much.... *sobs... especially parts where shinee cried for jinki *sobs.. LOVED THIS FIC!
Chapter 60: u know what author nim?u make me cry with this story...please make a sequel...its ok if its one.shot...juz to show his life back in korea...i love this story very much...thank you for this story...i will support you if you ever write a book after this...thank you so much for a great story you give us...
Chapter 39: i love this so cool in this chap by how he confessed to myeon i wish it will be me???huhu