Just let me

Safe and Sound


 I take a seat as I go back to the dressing room. “Are you okay, Onew ssi?” A coordi noona says. She is probably referring to the messy performance on stage just a while ago. I shrug my shoulders and blankly stare at my reflection on the mirror.


Then I see Jonghyun coming in from outside. Followed by Taemin, and then Minho and Key enter escorting Myeon Hee inside.


I look at her from the mirror. She is lowering her head but I can see her biting her lower lip. I think either Jonghyun or Key is able to tell her my initial reaction. The coordi noonas inside all look at us who just brought in a very heated atmosphere. They can tell from our faces that there's a tension between us.


“I was trying to call you... but you weren't answering.” I say and Myeon Hee immediately checks her bag to get her phone. I closely observe her as her eyes and mouth open in surprise of seeing how many times I tried to call her.


“I'm sorry.” She lifts up her head and bits her lower lip again – and that's the end of it.


The anger and anxiousness that I'm feeling suddenly go away as I see that expression on her face. She's afraid and uncertain about me – and I can't help but feel very softened towards her. I stand up, and turn to face her.


“Can you come to me?” I say and she nodded. I know a lot of eyes are looking at us but I just couldn't care about them. This strange feeling I have – I don't know how to describe and identify it. This is the first time I ever felt this. I want to care about her so bad. I want her on my side, as much as possible, all the time. I want to be her safest side. I want to keep her warm. I want to be there whenever she smiles, she laughs, she talks, she frowns, she cry. I want to be there just beside her – and losing her suddenly is something that can make my whole world really crash. I don't know how on Earth am I able to acquire such feeling but I definitely can't hide it anymore.


She walks to me and I see some of the coordi noona's squealing in excitement as to what is about to happen. They look like teenyboppers who are watching a chickflick drama on television.


As she come towards me I immediately cup her cheeks and tilt her head up so I can look at her face closely. “Stop making me realize I can't afford losing you.” I say. “You're so mean. You ruined my performance. I was actually a cool person on stage – but I'm so worried about you that I can't concentrate to what I was doing.”


“I'm sorry...” It is just a whisper but I clearly hear it as it slip out from . “I just badly wanted to see you perform live... and I figured out I had the chance, so I took it.” She explains.


Without any word, I move my head downward and aim a kiss on her forehead. I hear some scream from the noonas who became the audience. SHINee members are surprised, too, while one of the managers quickly runs to the door and shuts it close so no one will see what's happening inside.


“Do you know what a kiss on the forehead mean?” I ask and she shakes her head. “I care about you. Tons of time than how you can imagine. Forgive me if you think I'm controlling you... but please, stay always safe coz i'm always worried about you.”


“Hyung...” Jonghyun calls out. I'm still cupping her face as I look up to meet Jonghyun's eyes. “Stop being too showy...” He says with a weird facial expression.


I personally think they are envious of me. I'm the first to have the right to have a public display of affection to anyone. They are not allowed to do it. They aren't even allowed to date publicly – so these guys probably are wishing they are on the same position as I.


I turn Myeon Hee and now she has her back facing me. I gently slide my arms around her waist and hug her from the back. She flinches, but gradually eases as I lock her hands with mine as I hug her.


“Am I not allowed to boast about my girl?” I don't know how I come to say those words but nevermind.. they slip out of my mouth. The four guys curl their fingers and I secretly chuckle.


Then I feel Myeon Hee wiggling my hands. I think she's trying to get my attention so I free her and she turns to look at me – with question marks on her face. “What?”


“What do you mean what? I don't know what's happening. Is there any cameras around here that you are acting like this?” She says.


“I like you.” I utter and some females inside the room cover their mouth. The four members' eyes widen as they couldn't believe I could confess boldly like that to a girl while facing a lot of people around. They blush for me, but I don't why I have so much confidence at this moment. That is very unusual. I don't stutter at all. I feel like a real man.


“So?” Myeon Hee's answer totally surprises me. So? What does she mean about it? “You like me... does that make me your girl instantly? Won't it be more proper to ask if I like you, too, before you could announce to everyone about us?” I am speechless – and embarrased – and confused – and nervous.


Until that moment I realized... that there are a lot more to know about her. She's not just the shy and depressed girl I know. There's something more about her. There's something in there that makes her very strong – probably because of how she was honed during her early years in life.


“So... d-do...” Oh, man, where did my confidence go? They're all gone when Myeon Hee starts talking like that. She is just looking at me, waiting for me to finish my sentence.


“So do you like Onew hyung?” Jonghyun just couldn't control his mouth and asks Myeon Hee on my behalf.


She shrugs her shoulders. “I won't answer that.” Why does she have a lot of personality? She's so dynamic that it makes me really crazy. I don't know. Myeon Hee, please... be more precise to me. You one complicated girl.


I am in deep thought the moment I hear those words from her. I stay quiet and so is she. Few minutes later, we all decided to go home. I take her to my car and we ride back together.


“About what you said earlier...” She starts talking and so I suddenly feel nervous. I hold on the clutch tighter as I am getting so much tension on my nerves. “You must not confuse some feelings with pity.” She says and looks at me. “You're just pitying me, oppa... that's why you think you like me.”


Pity her? “If there's someone pitiful here. It's me.” I say. “Am I not pitiful for having to weigh the difference of romance and pity? God, Myeon Hee... you don't know how much courage rushed over me just to say those things to you in front of other people... and now you're saying you know i'm just pitying you. That's funny.” And then I let out a sarcastic chuckle.


“I'm not as beautiful as everybody else around you.” She answers.


“Who said so?” I say – starting to feel really irritated. Who is she to look down on herself? Who gave her the right to look down on someone I cherish the most? “Dear, I think you don't know what you are talking about.”


“I'm not even beautiful in the first place.” She utters and I couldn't take it anymore so I immediately stop the car beside the road and she looks at me in surprise.


“Oppa, are you going to kill us?!!” She screams.


“Fine.” I say and look at her closely. “I'll let you look down on my feelings towards you. Fine. Tell me how you think I don't really like you for real. But don't you dare look down on yourself in front of me. I'll get mad for real.”


“You don't know me.” She says. “Sooner or later... you'll know me more and will find irritating things about me.” She says. I frown. “I talk nonstop.”


“I know.”


“I ask a lot of questions.”


“I know.”


“I quickly switch from one mood to another.”


“I know.”


“I act differently when I'm only with you than when we're with other people.”


“I certainly know.”


“I...” She looks down on her fingers fidgeting. “I... I got sold to someone... maltreated by someone... harrassed by someone... almost by...”


She stops talking when I lean over placing my lips over hers. I don't know how to shut her up, and the only way I know is kissing her – locking her lips to mine.


“It's not even important to me if you could like me as how I like you... but please let me look at you as how I want to.” 

A/N: I'm sorry there's too much space per paragraph. I'm still adjusting on this new stuff. >errr< Anyways.. leave some comments, kay?! love yah!

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If you look back at chapter one, I edited and put a PART ONE on it. I will divide this by parts so I won't be confusing the story flow. Comments, guys, alright!


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Chapter 60: perfect jinki. love the story n the twist. good job authornim ^^
jinki24 #2
Chapter 60: Oh my.. this is hearbreaking... seeing shinee become apart like that... ㅠㅠ
HyunJane #3
Chapter 60: Awww oh gosh~ i really love all your stories! <3 i love how you write every chapters and laughing while reading some tagalog... dahil my accent pag nag sasalita ng tagalog is really deep you know!
lovescomplicate #4
Chapter 60: The ending is kinda unexpected from wad I expect. But of course you wrote it well and as usual I enjoy your story!
Chapter 60: the story kind a surprising me
but i love this story
i read this nonstop kekeke
good job^^
noona4minho #6
Chapter 60: finally...done ^^ I feel like crying but then I remember that I'm at school now XD speechless haha I don't want Onew to leave SHINee, no, never ever!
cha0328 #7
Chapter 52: Ung totoo author-nim, charlene tlga name nya?
o may gnwa k lang para lmbas ung true name q.
kc kung wala. Adgjmptw!! What is kalma kung ung bnbsa qng fanfic e kwento
ng UB q tpos name q p ung real name ng bida! Ok tama na.haha. Mlpt n q mtpos,ngaun lang aq nagcomment.ganda tlga ng mga kwento mu author-nim.bkt d k mag apply s precious heart romance?hehe
locketblingermvp #8
Chapter 60: you made me.cry too much.... *sobs... especially parts where shinee cried for jinki *sobs.. LOVED THIS FIC!
Chapter 60: u know what author nim?u make me cry with this story...please make a sequel...its ok if its one.shot...juz to show his life back in korea...i love this story very much...thank you for this story...i will support you if you ever write a book after this...thank you so much for a great story you give us...
Chapter 39: i love this chap...wow...onew so cool in this chap by how he confessed to myeon hee...how i wish it will be me???huhu