Thank God - Part One

Safe and Sound


~Part One~

“I’ll buy the liquors.” I stand and take my jacket after a long discussion with the members. We are in an out of the country activity so members are so eager to have a drink while we are staying on this luxurious hotel the management has provided for us. “But I’ll buy very limited because this will be kept as a secret from our managers.” I say and put on my cap to leave the hotel room without their notice.

“Buy something to eat, too, hyung.” I hear Jonghyun’s voice as I make my way to the door. These guys are spoiled when it comes to me. I always find a way to let them do what they want – though there are these little times when I have to disobey the managers on their orders. Those are just minor things coz you know, boys around our age should play sometimes. When it comes to girls and secretly dating, we’ve done that as well. I will never believe a group who comes boldly on shows telling they never dated anyone. We all did – but of course these things need to be kept for the sake of our images, and as someone that fans have known to be soft and innocent, I should be keeping the image of a guy ‘who-doesn’t-know-how-to-treat-girls-as-girls’, but I experienced dating – twice – and that’s how I came to the idea that right now, dating and women are not really my things to focus on. I love work, and that’s it for now.

I shut the door close. Walking few steps, I suddenly hear a loud noise. I stop for a while and there I notice someone aggressively dragging a girl outside the room. I move a little bit to the side because being in the middle of the hallway while walking is very noticeable. I stare and silently watch at the small chaotic event happening just 3 doors away from me.

“You worthless !” I hear the guy shouting at the girl and he suddenly pushes and throws them at the floor. She is very helpless as I suddenly see the huge fright in her eyes. “I bought you at a very high price but you’re not making everything worthwhile!” He shouts again and slaps the girl. She doesn’t cry for help nor asks the guy to stop. She is not even trying to avoid those slaps that are landing on her – everywhere. I cannot do anything at the moment but to squint my eyes in pain and in hatred. This is the first time – aside from dramas – that I am able to actually witness this kind of act. “Who told you to answer that call?! Don’t you know it was my wife?! You worthless ?!! Wait here! I’ll definitely kill you!” He says and enters the room again.

I suddenly lose my mind and run to her. I just heard the guy threatening to kill her. How am I supposed to just stand there? What will be the next thing that I’ll get to watch if I don’t move? She getting hit by a shot gun? My conscience can never take that thing. I run to her, and without any words, I lift her up and immediately run back to our dorm. Nevermind what will happen next, the only thing I want to do right now is to make sure she’s safe – away from the hands of that cruel guy – and he’s Korean, by the way. I don’t know how on Earth he actually happens to be speaking language the same as I – I swear, I’ll disgrace him as a co-citizen.

“Hyung, why are you –“ Taemin stops when he notices I am not alone. I’m actually with someone else. In fact, I have her in my arms. “W-why..” I understand he is speechless. This is the first time he actually sees me brings a girl inside the room – or the house – whatever.

I am catching my breath while still standing behind the quickly shut door. I feel thankful of not having my acquired sangtae when I was running with her. Imagine the next scenario if I suddenly trip and the guy appears back and sees me carrying the girl he just slapped and pushed and threatened to kill a while ago? God… thank God I’m safe – I mean, we’re safe.

“Who is that, Onew-hyung?!” Key walks toward us in frustration. I understand he is very surprised as how I suddenly come back holding a girl.

“Can we give her some peace for a while?” I say softly. The girl is shaking and I can feel it. She seems to be holding out her tears which I don’t know why. She could’ve started crying a long time ago when she first felt those slaps landing on her. I am amused as to how she’s already shaking but still not shedding a single tear.

I lead her to the bedroom and as I am about to place her to the bed, she tightens her grip into me and doesn’t want to be put there. I stop for a while and stood up again – silently observing why she doesn’t want to be placed on the bed. “Please occupy the bed for a while so you can calm down.” I say and try to do it again.

But she doesn’t want to. Her arms move swiftly as they wrap around my neck and she hugs me tightly – not wanting to let go. “Miss?”

“Gosh, does she even understand Korean?” Jonghyun asks in frustration. “Are you okay?” He reaches out to touch the girl at her bleeding forehead but the girl quickly retrieves and buries her head on my shoulder. She’s still shaking and because she leans very close to me, I can feel her heart beating so fast. She is also catching her breath.

“Shh… It’s okay. You’re safe now. You’re safe with us. We’re not gonna hurt you.” I tell her to make her stop feeling so worried and unsecured. I’m afraid I’ll be in panic if she starts crying. She clings in to me tightly and I think it’s impossible for me to lay her down the bed.

“Hey, Key.” I look at Key and he stares confusingly at me. “Can you check the sleeping pill there at my bag? I packed some.” I whispered as soft as possible trying to make her unaware of what I want to do. She might start panicking once she figures out I’ll make her sleep – weakly. Key nods and goes to my luggage to check the pills. He silently goes back near me and hands me the pill. “Please get her a glass of water, Taemin-ah.” I’m still carrying her like she’s an infant so I can barely move. Good thing my dongsaengs are obedient enough and they are following me without asking so much – they surely trust me, though I know I’ll be flooded with questions once I lay her to sleep.

“Miss.” I call softly when Taemin walks close to me holding a glass of water. “Drink this.” I can also barely converse to her in English but I still tried. That’s the only way I can communicate to her and make her know I can be trusted – we can. She looks at me. Confusion and doubt are seen on her face. “Calm down. Relax. Trust me.” I manage to pull out some English words that I’ve been hiding. Key nods but doesn’t speak. I think the members have somehow taken some grasps of what’s up with  her, and they kind of know that I am the only she’ll trust as of this moment. She looks very lost and messed up. Her hair is very messy and there’s blood on her forehead and it’s still dripping little by little. Her white linen shirt is opened up to it’s third button and we can even see a part of her bra. I look at her lower body and I almost freak out when I realize I am holding her in her bare legs. She has nothing else aside for her underwear and that’s when I start to feel uncomfortable. I must’ve been rushing with adrenaline a while ago that I didn’t notice her looks.

She stares at me for few seconds and then I realize her gaze is starting to get more comfortable. I try giving her the medicine and she takes it. “Sleep.” I say softly and she slowly places her head on my chest. We wait for about a minute before I realize she’s already sleeping soundly.

Placing her gently on the bed, Key pokes me and points the dining area. Right. We are going to discuss about it now. I sigh and carefully clear her face with the strands of hair. I’m surprise I didn’t even hurt my arms in holding her that long. She’s surprisingly lighter than how a usual girl in her height would probably weighs. I take the blanket and slowly place it above her. She deserves some very good sleep after everything that’s happened.

A/N: I swear, the next time I tell you I'll be on hiatus, that will all be a lie. LOL. I'm lying ~ Look at what I'm doing right now. I can't believe this. Either way ~ This is the first chapter (obviously) . Write a comment for me! You know I always love one!

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If you look back at chapter one, I edited and put a PART ONE on it. I will divide this by parts so I won't be confusing the story flow. Comments, guys, alright!


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Chapter 60: perfect jinki. love the story n the twist. good job authornim ^^
jinki24 #2
Chapter 60: Oh my.. this is hearbreaking... seeing shinee become apart like that... ㅠㅠ
HyunJane #3
Chapter 60: Awww oh gosh~ i really love all your stories! <3 i love how you write every chapters and laughing while reading some tagalog... dahil my accent pag nag sasalita ng tagalog is really deep you know!
lovescomplicate #4
Chapter 60: The ending is kinda unexpected from wad I expect. But of course you wrote it well and as usual I enjoy your story!
Chapter 60: the story kind a surprising me
but i love this story
i read this nonstop kekeke
good job^^
noona4minho #6
Chapter 60: finally...done ^^ I feel like crying but then I remember that I'm at school now XD speechless haha I don't want Onew to leave SHINee, no, never ever!
cha0328 #7
Chapter 52: Ung totoo author-nim, charlene tlga name nya?
o may gnwa k lang para lmbas ung true name q.
kc kung wala. Adgjmptw!! What is kalma kung ung bnbsa qng fanfic e kwento
ng UB q tpos name q p ung real name ng bida! Ok tama na.haha. Mlpt n q mtpos,ngaun lang aq nagcomment.ganda tlga ng mga kwento mu author-nim.bkt d k mag apply s precious heart romance?hehe
locketblingermvp #8
Chapter 60: you made me.cry too much.... *sobs... especially parts where shinee cried for jinki *sobs.. LOVED THIS FIC!
Chapter 60: u know what author nim?u make me cry with this story...please make a sequel...its ok if its one.shot...juz to show his life back in korea...i love this story very much...thank you for this story...i will support you if you ever write a book after this...thank you so much for a great story you give us...
Chapter 39: i love this so cool in this chap by how he confessed to myeon i wish it will be me???huhu