The little things

Safe and Sound


As I go out of the kitchen, I see the guys looking at the window. Myeon Hee is also there looking outside with them. “Something’s wrong?” I ask as I get closer to them and the guys immediately disperse.

“Here they are again.” Jonghyun adds and goes straight to the couch and sits lazily. “The sasaeng fans. They’re trying to see if we’re inside the dorm again. Good thing you locked it before leaving.” He adds.

I walk to the window and look outside. There are 5 girls standing outside the dorm trying to look better on the inside. 3 of them have cameras with them. I sigh. Myeon Hee’s gonna witness how some of them act from now on. I hope they don’t scare her. Myeon Hee stays observant at the outside. She keeps on frowning, so I thought she’s probably wondering what these girls are trying to look at.

“You know, some people actually don’t know the meaning of privacy.” I say and she looks at me, ready to listen and understand. “But we cannot be hard on them, they are still fans. They are the ones who support us all the way. As much as we want to be free with just ourselves at times. It simply cannot happen.” I add.

“How about tell them you want some space?” She asks innocently – as if everything can be done just by talking. I shake my head and she looks at me. “I know how it feels not to have any freedom – or privacy – or time to just spend with just yourself. How can you be efficient at work if you’re not happy with that little time you get to have alone?”

I shrug my shoulder. “That’s an idol’s life.” I say and smile at her and I realize she’s not smiling back. She’s rather drawn into something I don’t know. Is she affected about what I said? “Come on, why are you suddenly sad?” I ask and she shakes her head.

“I just realize someone cannot really be as happy as always. I mean… there will always be that time when one has to experience sadness.” She utters. “Like you. You seem very lively and bright when performing, I don’t know behind that is something like this.”

“Let’s stop this sad conversation.” I say and patted her head gently. “Ask me something fun.” I suggest.

A smile appears on her face again and she nods. “I heard you hit hard here.” She says and points at her forehead. My eyes widen. She’s interested in that? I look at the members and they all look away – as if they’re busy with stuffs not concerning us.

“Oh… that.” Crap. Won’t she suddenly get scared of me? What if she starts thinking I’m a violent person for hitting random people as if it’s fun to do it? And… she seems very excited about it.

“I also heard you love spinning things.” She adds in such a bright expression. “And… when you’re in car you do a cool exhibition they call bat style. You also know how to make people laugh by a cracking voice. Also, you do mic exhibition by throwing them and catching them again during a performance!”

I am in awe as I listen to all the things Myeon Hee has discovered about me. I look at the culprits and all of them are just trying to contain their laugh. Are they trying to make me look like a weirdo in front of Myeon Hee? How normal it is for a person to have a talent about spinning things? How cool bat exhibition style is? Is cracking voice such a proud talent to have? Mic exhibition? Do they mean me throwing and dropping mics here and there? These guys… really.

“They also told me how great you are as a leader.” She suddenly adds making me look at her again. “You care for your members more than you care about yourself. You seldom talk but you make sure they are on the right track and are making the right decision. Despite all the greatness you have, you still think you’re lacking as a leader. But your simplicity and humility makes you a perfect SHINee leader.” She looks at the members and smiles back at me. “They all said it.”

“Jonghyun-hyung said it.” Minho points at Jonghyun in defense.

“No. Kibum said it.” Jonghyun denies.

“It was Taemin who did a lot of talking.” Key points out Taemin.

“They are all talking in chorus.” She replies. She’s right. SHINee doesn’t know how to shut up. When we’re just the five of us, you’ll get dizzy on whom to listen first. “I listen to everything they said about you, and I think they are leading to that conclusion.” She smiles.

“Those girls out there… they probably see a lot to SHINee that’s why they are spending so much time wishing to just see you.” She utters and suddenly goes out of the apartment.

“Myeon Hee!! Myeon Hee, wait!!!” I shout and the five of us follow her to the door. Afraid to be caught by the sasaeng fans, we stop upon nearing the door. Myeon Hee continues and opens the gate. I am about to follow when Jonghyun stops me.

“Let her for a while, hyung. Let’s see what she will do.” Can I just let her like that? What if those sasaeng fans hurt her?

“Hi!” I suddenly hear Myeon Hee outside. What is she doing? I can only see her backside. “Do you want to see SHINee?” Oh, Myeon Hee, please, stop, you don’t know what you are doing. “They will appear for a while but they wish not to have any photos of them taken. Can you do it?” We hear the fans screaming. “If you promise not to take any photos, then they will appear here. alright? Good!” She then turns to us and asks us to come. Jonghyun shakes his head but Myeon Hee goes inside pulling me with my hand. I don’t know what to do. I pull Taemin’s hand and he pulls Key’s who pulls Minho’s hand that pulls Jonghyun.

The five girls scream as we appear at the gate. We smile on a fanservice. They wave and give us gift. We accept it whole heartedly. I secretly look at Myeon Hee and she’s smiling widely as she seems to be enjoying the fans happily looking at us.

Few minutes later and all of us are surprised when the fans just leave. They wave goodbye and go out and a minute has passed and they are all gone completely.

“You’ll have time for yourselves now, SHINee.” She looks at us with her sparkling eyes. I nod and smile, but my members’ faces can’t be read. I know they are afraid because Myeon Hee just appeared in front of the fans and they have no idea who is she. They are starting to get worried of her for the members are sure those fans attention is caught by Myeon Hee and they will do anything to know more about her.

I can’t blame Myeon Hee. She’s very innocent and I know she has no idea about how some fans act towards idols and the people involving them. But of course, just what is promised… I promise to stand with her whatever happens.

“It came really quick.” Jonghyun utters after a while. I suddenly have the feeling of it so I pull him secretly with me. The other three ask Myeon Hee to watch television with them inside the apartment.

Jonghyun hands me over the tweet of one sasaeng fans. He doesn’t follow the fan but he bookmarks her profile to keep track what she tweets regarding us.

  • A girl from the apartment opposite SHINee’s came out and asked if we want to see the boys. She told us no cameras allowed.
  • Then suddenly the boys came out of her apartment, waved and smiled to us. We think she’s in a relationship with one of them.
  • Possibly Onew. Because she went out the second time while pulling Onew on his wrist. We don’t know the girl, though. Saw her for the first time.

Crap. So that is it.

A/N: Will this mean a turning point and another twist in the story? Oh My ~ Watch out ~~ And comments, please!


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If you look back at chapter one, I edited and put a PART ONE on it. I will divide this by parts so I won't be confusing the story flow. Comments, guys, alright!


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Chapter 60: perfect jinki. love the story n the twist. good job authornim ^^
jinki24 #2
Chapter 60: Oh my.. this is hearbreaking... seeing shinee become apart like that... ㅠㅠ
HyunJane #3
Chapter 60: Awww oh gosh~ i really love all your stories! <3 i love how you write every chapters and laughing while reading some tagalog... dahil my accent pag nag sasalita ng tagalog is really deep you know!
lovescomplicate #4
Chapter 60: The ending is kinda unexpected from wad I expect. But of course you wrote it well and as usual I enjoy your story!
Chapter 60: the story kind a surprising me
but i love this story
i read this nonstop kekeke
good job^^
noona4minho #6
Chapter 60: finally...done ^^ I feel like crying but then I remember that I'm at school now XD speechless haha I don't want Onew to leave SHINee, no, never ever!
cha0328 #7
Chapter 52: Ung totoo author-nim, charlene tlga name nya?
o may gnwa k lang para lmbas ung true name q.
kc kung wala. Adgjmptw!! What is kalma kung ung bnbsa qng fanfic e kwento
ng UB q tpos name q p ung real name ng bida! Ok tama na.haha. Mlpt n q mtpos,ngaun lang aq nagcomment.ganda tlga ng mga kwento mu author-nim.bkt d k mag apply s precious heart romance?hehe
locketblingermvp #8
Chapter 60: you made me.cry too much.... *sobs... especially parts where shinee cried for jinki *sobs.. LOVED THIS FIC!
Chapter 60: u know what author nim?u make me cry with this story...please make a sequel...its ok if its one.shot...juz to show his life back in korea...i love this story very much...thank you for this story...i will support you if you ever write a book after this...thank you so much for a great story you give us...
Chapter 39: i love this so cool in this chap by how he confessed to myeon i wish it will be me???huhu