I only talk to you

Safe and Sound


Chapter 31

“I know, I know, Key. We’re on our way.” I say to the annoying Key as he makes a phonecall to me telling that we should rush because the call time is 4:30 pm and it’s already quarter to 5. I am not able to keep track on the time. It is so much fun being with Myeon Hee that 2 hours seem to be just 2 minutes for me.

“I’m sorry we had to end the day early.” I tell her and she just nod. For the past 3 hours she has been calling me ‘appa’ here and there. I don’t want her to call me that way, to be honest, but if she just finds me as her appa figure then what can I do? I cannot just break her happiness can I?

“I think I have bothered you so much. I’m really sorry.” I am waiting for the word appa but it surprisingly did not come out. She sighs and looks outside the window. “This is the first time in my life that I get to experience the feeling of joy and excitement. I am living in this world for 18 years, but it seems like I am just getting to know what the world is all about just now… that’s why I don’t want this to end.” She says while staring outside and not looking at me. She seems to be treasuring all the things she sees around.

“Don’t worry. You’ll enjoy every moment from now on.” I smile as I continue driving. I’m really going to make her smile and enjoy starting from this moment.

The silence surrounded the car as we go on our way towards the location. She keeps on looking outside. It’s obvious how her mood suddenly starts to change and she has suddenly become silent. I don’t know – but it suddenly feels unusual to me. It is just few minutes since she stopped talking – but I feel the need for her to talk again or else I’ll start to worry.

“You’re silent.” I say to open up a conversation that I don’t know where to lead in.

“I’m just giving you some time.” She says and doesn’t look at me. “I read an article that you have always been a silent person. You’re the type to just silently watch your members do their stuff as you make sure everything is fun, so I think you don’t like too much noise – or you hate it when someone’s disturbing you while you’re doing something – like driving.” When she talks, she really does talks much. I say 2 words, she’ll reply with a paragraph. I smile – that’s how I want her to be (but I’m not encouraging her to call me appa every single time).

“If you want to say something, you can say it. I don’t mind.” I tell her and she just shrugs her shoulders.

“I’m just glad you were there…” She says. “During the times when I wished I could just die on the spot.” She looks at me and smiles sweetly. “I know you don’t want me to say this often but please excuse me. Thank you. Thank you very much.” I know that is from her heart and so it melted me.

I stay silent and just let my heart absorb what she all said. Few minutes later, we arrive at the location.

“Thank God, Onew-ssi!!” We’re walking towards the studio and I already hear my manager shouting from a far. 2 minutes late and they are already complaining. I can’t blame them. This is the first time since we became SHINee that I get to be late on a schedule.

I immediately give my apologies as I reach the studio where the photographer and staff are gathering up preparing for the shoot. “I’m sorry I’m late. This won’t happen again.” I keep on saying as I bow to them one by one. The female photographer smiles at me. This is one of the rare cases that we have a female photographer.

“It’s fine Onew-ssi, please prepare yourself for a while and we will start with Jonghyun-ssi for now. Please Jonghyun-ssi, on the set now.” She turns around Jonghyun and he immediately stands up to go to the set.

For a maypole photoshoot, we are just going to stand on a green platform and background. We heard from the layout artists that they will put some effects to it so they will be doing graphics design editing along with our photos.

I look at Myeon Hee and she smiles immediately. “I’ll stay at that corner and will just watch the whole thing. Don’t worry. I won’t disturb you guys so keep on going.” She says and starts walking on the corner where different tools and stuffs were packed and jumbled together. I’m not sure if she fits to be sitting there, though I think she decides to go there because near the stuffs is a small chair that she can just sit silently on.

“Director-nim…” I gently approach the photographer and smile uncertainly. “I’m just thinking if we could make her sit nearer?” I say and both of us look at Myeon Hee who is still walking at the far corner of the big studio.

“Oh dear, why are you going there?!” Instead of answering me, the photographer immediately walks following Myeon Hee. She is wearing a soft and tender voice as how I hear it. “Come on, dear, you should be sitting her because you’re a special guest.” She says and immediately holds onto Myeon Hee’s hand as she reaches her. The photographer then leads Myeon Hee to the table where the computers are arranged. It’s where the photos will appear as she takes them. “He is our graphics editor.” She says pertaining to someone who is sitting and attending at those computers. “Please take care of her. She’s Onew-ssi’s fiancée.” She introduces Myeon Hee to the editor. I smile unconsciously. It’s a good thing to hear – that she’s my fiancée.

“Onew-ssi?” I look on my right to see who is calling. It’s the hired stylist noona that will take care of our clothes and makeup. I nod and go towards her. I know what she means on calling me. It’s time to prepare.

I watch her from the mirror in front of me as she looks closely at the monitor where Jonghyun’s photos appear as the photographer clicks the shutter. She seems amused. She doesn’t talk to the guy beside her but I know she’s having fun seeing Jonghyun’s photos. Stop looking, Myeon Hee. Jonghyun gets more handsome as one looks at him for long.

Jonghyun is just there posing to the camera for about 15 minutes now. I secretly look at him and I think he’s very charismatic right now. He looks at the camera intently – as if trying to seduce it. Perhaps he knows Myeon Hee is looking at his photos so he’s trying so hard to steal her attention away?

“Jonghyun-ah~” I call out rather loudly. “The camera lens will melt, stop staring so much!” I hope he doesn’t get the true meaning of what I said to him. Jonghyun looks at me and chuckles.

“Don’t be too envious, hyung.” He says and continues having a staring game with the camera.

“We’re done, Jonghyun-ssi, you can take a break from now.” The photographer says after a while and Jonghyun smiles and nods in courtesy. He then goes towards the computer area where Myeon Hee is sitting as well.

“How are they?” I watch his movements through the mirror in front of me and I see him going on Myeon Hee’s back, holding on the backrest of the chair where she sits. He leans closer that he almost touches her hair with his cheeks.

I see Myeon Hee just smiles. “Are they good, Myeon Hee-ah?” Jonghyun bravely asks and Myeon Hee just nods – not answering his question verbally. “What can you say?” Jonghyun asks again.

“Good.” She says shortly. I notice the disappointment on Jonghyun’s expression because I’ve been telling them before how talkative she can be at times – but I think not now. She has talked a lot a while ago so I think she’s resting right now.

The rest of the members all did the same. They pose to the camera for 15 minutes straight, and would ask Myeon Hee about how they look. These kids sure want to get compliment from a lot of people. They enjoy being praised. It’s something that can boost their confidence – that’s why as the oldest in the group, I never forget to acknowledge even the slightest thing they do that is good and nice for everybody.

But Myeon Hee never exceeds in a one word answer … “Good.” They failed to hear her voice longer because all she said was “Good.” And a simple smile and nod.

“Onew-ssi. Are we set?” I stand up and make my way towards the set. I should look at the camera and not straight ahead. Camera, Jinki. Ca-me-ra.

For fifteen minutes and endured standing there doing random pose. I don’t know if I look cool – but right now I just want them to be good and worth looking for. The idea that Myeon Hee can get to see the photos that are coming up really excites and makes me nervous.

“Thank you, Onew-ssi. Have your break now.” She says after 15 minutes. I smile and thank her for bearing up with my short comings as a model. She smiles back.

“I’m done.” I go towards Myeon Hee and try to look at the photos.

“The photos came out so good.” Myeon Hee says and looks up at me. “Oppa, you should focus on emphasizing your jaw down to your collar bones often. I think aside from your eyes, they are your strongest assets. Also… you look the greatest when you cross your arms in front of you or when you put your hands in your pockets.” She says as precise as possible. “And oppa, you should stop grinning with all your front teeth showing. It’s not giving off a manly look and people might probably think you’re endorsing a kid’s apparel.” She chuckles.

“Hey…” I chuckle and mess up her hair. “Who’s kid? You five year old.” I say and look at the photos. Her comments are very honest but hurtful. I wish all the critics will be like that … so we will want to improve  for the better. 

A/N: Haven't been updating much because of two things: 1. School. 2. OnGuns Here's one update... I'll start updating again if not   later then tomorrow. :D Anyways, I've been talking to a lot of shawols lately, a lot of them are friends I've acquired from here. So if you want another friend *coughs* me *coughs* you can follow me here. Mention me that you're from AFF and I'll follow back and let's talk and be friends. :D Oh, don't forget to drop some comments before leaving!!

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If you look back at chapter one, I edited and put a PART ONE on it. I will divide this by parts so I won't be confusing the story flow. Comments, guys, alright!


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Chapter 60: perfect jinki. love the story n the twist. good job authornim ^^
jinki24 #2
Chapter 60: Oh my.. this is hearbreaking... seeing shinee become apart like that... ㅠㅠ
HyunJane #3
Chapter 60: Awww oh gosh~ i really love all your stories! <3 i love how you write every chapters and laughing while reading some tagalog... dahil my accent pag nag sasalita ng tagalog is really deep you know!
lovescomplicate #4
Chapter 60: The ending is kinda unexpected from wad I expect. But of course you wrote it well and as usual I enjoy your story!
Chapter 60: the story kind a surprising me
but i love this story
i read this nonstop kekeke
good job^^
noona4minho #6
Chapter 60: finally...done ^^ I feel like crying but then I remember that I'm at school now XD speechless haha I don't want Onew to leave SHINee, no, never ever!
cha0328 #7
Chapter 52: Ung totoo author-nim, charlene tlga name nya?
o may gnwa k lang para lmbas ung true name q.
kc kung wala. Adgjmptw!! What is kalma kung ung bnbsa qng fanfic e kwento
ng UB q tpos name q p ung real name ng bida! Ok tama na.haha. Mlpt n q mtpos,ngaun lang aq nagcomment.ganda tlga ng mga kwento mu author-nim.bkt d k mag apply s precious heart romance?hehe
locketblingermvp #8
Chapter 60: you made me.cry too much.... *sobs... especially parts where shinee cried for jinki *sobs.. LOVED THIS FIC!
Chapter 60: u know what author nim?u make me cry with this story...please make a sequel...its ok if its one.shot...juz to show his life back in korea...i love this story very much...thank you for this story...i will support you if you ever write a book after this...thank you so much for a great story you give us...
Chapter 39: i love this chap...wow...onew so cool in this chap by how he confessed to myeon hee...how i wish it will be me???huhu