getting away

Last tear of rain
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Taeyeon stand behind the wall silently while eavesdrop the conversation between them. Suddenly, someone pat her shoulder.

“Yah! What are you doing?” Hayeon asked whispering to her.

“Shuh…” Taeyeon said to signal her to shut .

After that, both of them silently stand behind the wall.

“So… Ah-in is going to be with you whole this operation. He’s will be here for you anytime… Please take care of each other,” Jiwoong said to them.

“Arasso” Jiyong replied shortly.

“Don’t worry. If anything you want to do… just do… I’ll accompany you…” Ah-in said.

Jiyong smiles and then nodded.

“Okay, after this… everything must be reported to him. No more any trouble” Jiwoong said to warn Jiyong.

Jiyong nodded.

“Okay, go get some rest” Jiwoong said to them.

Taeyeon and Hayeon rashly went to the stairs after they heard that. Jiyong and Ah-in walks toward room together while talking randomly topic.

Inside Taeyeon room, Hayeon look at her sister with suspicious eyes.

“What actually happen here?” Hayeon asked curiously.

Taeyeon didn’t answer her. She went to her bed and then laid it.

Hayeon narrow her eyes before she asks

“Should I ask oppa?”

“Yah! Come here,” Taeyeon said after she saw Hayeon went to the door.

Hayeon smirk before she went to seat on the bed beside Taeyeon.

“Come on… tell me…” Hayeon said excitedly.

Taeyeon hesitated for a while. If she tell her the truth, Hayeon will be sad when she know why Jiwoong is here.

“Erm... Jiyong oppa is someone that oppa had to protect.” Taeyeon said hesitated.

Hayeon frown after she heard that.

“You mean… Jiyong oppa is someone rich and ask oppa to be his bodyguard? Like that?” suddenly, Hayeon assume by own self.

Taeyeon frown after she heard that, and then she just nodded to agree with Hayeon assumption.

“Hurm… I know Jiyong oppa is somebody… Look at his style…” Hayeon said while touh her chin.

“What's that related?” Taeyeon asked confused.

“Unnie, don’t you notice? Every shirt worn by Jiyong oppa is all a limited brand. No one can own it except... they're rich...” Hayeon replied.

“Is it?” Taeyeon asked curiously.

“Yeah…Before this... I do your laundry and saw his t-shirt that you wear... I try to look up the brand, and you know what I found?” Hayeon asked with suspend.

“What?” Taeyeon asked curiously.

“It's from Kwon Dami's collection... and it's oversea release product. So... if he's not rich... I assume he's stole someone t-shirt...” Hayeon replied to give the info.

Taeyeon silent after she hears that from Hayeon. For all that, she still doesn't know who Jiyong really is. After what Jiwoong and now Hayeon said, Taeyeon felt there was something going on in Jiyong’s life that she really wanted to know.

“It’s getting late… I want to sleep…” Taeyeon said before she went to cover her body with the blanket.

“Yah! Just like that? Don’t you curios about that t-shirt?” Hayeon asked.

However, Taeyeon didn’t respond her. In the end, Hayeon get out from the room and then went to her room.







“Jiyong…” Jiwoong call him.

Jiyong walks toward him and then Jiwoong handed him a phone.

Jiyong look at him with surprised.

“For you… It’s hard for me to reach you if you don’t have the phone. So, used it well…” Jiwoong said.

Jiyong smiles and then he says

“Thank you”

“Ah-in, make sure to download the apps. That can help you locate him if his going somewhere…” Jiwoong said.

“Sure…so, today… what will we do?” Ah-in asked.

Jiwoong look at Jiyong and signal him about his schedule.

Jiwong nodded.

“Today, I will help Mrs. Kim to prepare the Visitor Day. So… you can stay here or… help us,” Jiyong said.

“Got it,” Ah-in replied.

“Okay, anything happen… contacts me. I already save my number in there,” Jiwoong said before he leaves the room.

After that, Jiyong and Ah-in also went out and go to do their works.





After the breakfast, Taeyeon and Tiffany get ready to buy some groceries for the house. But then, they saw Wooyoung at the garden doing his chores.

“Fany, wait up” Taeyeon said.

“Oh ho… don’t say that you want to accept him…” Tiffany said sarcastic after she saw Taeyeon walks toward Wooyoung.

Taeyeon just signal her to shut up before she’s continue to approach Wooyoung.

Tiffany rolling her eyes while waiting her at the car.

“Hi” Taeyeon greet awkwardly.

Wooyoung startled after he hear Taeyeon voice. He just looks at her and smiles.

“Are you okay?” Taeyeon asked.

“Did I look not okay?” Wooyoung asked.

Taeyeon sigh after she saw Wooyoung expressions. She knows that Wooyoung still feels upset after what happen to them before.

“Look… we know each other too long... I don't want to hurt you like this...” Taeyeon said with careful.

“Good… then you can go with him…” Woooyung said before he went to pruning trees roughly.

“No… it’s not like that… the main point here... you're misunderstood. Nothing’s happen between us.” Taeyeon said try to explain.

Wooyoung scoff after she said that. He then just ignores her and continues with his works.

“Whatever you think is not truth... I don't want to lose you as my friend, Wooyoung. Please...” Taeyeon said with sad.

However, Wooyoung still ignore her. In the end, Taeyeon leave the place with upset. She knows that Woooyung still hope her answer to accept him but she can’t lie to him. That’s because as for Taeyeon, Wooyoung is good friend of her. Jiyong that stand from far can see them. He feels guilty to make them argue like that. He looks at Taeyeon sad face leaving the place. After the car moves, Jiyong went to approach Wooyoung.

Jiyong helps him by pulling the roots, and Wooyoung looks at him with a strange feeling.

“Let me help you” Jiyong said.

After that, both of them finish with the mess. Wooyoung hesitated to thank him after what just happen between them.

“Listen to me, brother. I know you're hurt, but to be honest...there is nothing between us. She's pure and kind heart... also, innocent. You should appreciate her. Don't let your angry affect your friendship. If my presence bothers you so much, then I can keep myself away from you two. I'm sorry. I'm here just for a few months, and I'll be leaving. Please... don't blame her.” Jiyong said softly.

Wooyoung just stares at him without saying anything.

“That’s all…” Jiyong said before he’s walks away to continue his works.

“Thank you!” suddenly Wooyoung shout to thank him.

Jiyong just smiles and continue his steps.





After Youngkwang called him to meet him, Jiwoong asked him to come at the eldercare house. Jiwoong enter the car that park outside the house. Youngkwang give him while envelope and then says

“This is information about the bar owner, Youngbae”

Jiwoong take look at the paper and read the information.

“So… he just a businessman same as James but... he's from wealth family. So do him...” Jiwoong mutter slowly.

“What do you want to do?” Youngkwang asked.

“He's really Jiyong friend... and he had no reason to kill him. But... we still need to watch him.” Jiwoong replied.

Suddenly, Jiwoong saw Taeyeon and Tiffany are coming back. He notice Taeyeon saw him and Youngkwang inside the car.

“I think you should go… inform me anything you know…” Jiwoong said before he went out from the car.

Besides Taeyeon, Jiyong also saw Jiwoong get out of someone car, but he didn't know who's.

Jiwoong went toward Tiffany and Taeyeon to help them carry the groceries.

“Who is there?” Taeyeon asked curiously.

“Old friend” Jiwoong replied shortly before he went inside the home with the groceries.

After that, she saw Wooyoung smiles at her while walking toward her and Tiffany.

“Look…look… someone is smiling already…” Tiffany said before she went into the house with the stuffs.

“I’m sorry,” Wooyoung said to apologies.

“What make you changed?” Taeyeon asked weirdly.

Wooyoung chuckles and then he says

“Jiyong already tell me everything…”

“Jiyong? Everything?” Taeyeon asked confused.

Wooyoung nodded.

“What he say?” Taeyeon asked curiously.

“He says there is nothing between you two and I should appreciate our friendship.” Wooyoung replied.

“Oh… great” Taeyeon said, but inside her feel something that make her upset.

After that, she locks the car and then went inside the house with Wooyoung.





That night, after everyone went to sleep, Jiyong quietly went out from the house. He determined to pay all his debt with the race tonight. However, at that time, Taeyeon’s still awake. She went to get some drink in the kitchen. While she's drinking, she's hear something at the back home. She's peeking from the window and saw Jiyong is trying to go out through the secret hole. Taeyeon rashly go to the door and chase him with speed.

“Jiyong!” Taeyeon shout to call him.

Jiyong turn and saw Taeyeon in pajama running toward him.

“What are you doing here?” Jiyong asked with firm.

“Where are you going?” Taeyeon asked curiously.

“It’s not your matter here… please go back inside…” Jiyong said try to chase her away.

“No, I’m not leaving until you tell me the truth…” Taeyeon replied with firm.

Jiyong look at her with furious after she said that.

“Look here princess… I don’t want anything happen to you… so, please go back inside” Jiyong said furiously.

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Sorry for late update.... T.T


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Chapter 50: Epilogue pls...
tyeam0309 #2
Chapter 50: Unexpected twist, please i know you always end in 50 but since all chapters are too painful a epilogue will be highly appreciated. PLEASE.
taeyeon92 #3
Chapter 49: Noooo taeyeon ahhh! You and your jealousy jiyonggg! Im saddddd
Chapter 49: Noooooo 😭😭😭😭
soshifiedpixie #5
Chapter 48: are they really gonna divorce?😢
soshifiedpixie #6
Chapter 47: for some reason i like fights like this..... but ofcourse expecting them to be okay in the end😂
justgtae #7
Chapter 46: something sad will happen soon for taeyeon and jiyong?😔 His uncle is a really terrible person
soshifiedpixie #8
Chapter 45: oh noooo
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 44: Authorinim pls update. You know I like all your stories.
soshifiedpixie #10
Chapter 40: Wooyoung is back! idk why but i kind of like it that he's mentioned again on the story😄