
Dear Diary, Woohyun's a Jerk

A year passed with a blink of an eye.

They were already in the last year of Middle School, and had already taken their last middle school exam, after a tedious preparation process.

Most of the time, Yoomi and Hoya were found studying together at home, either at her house or his, depending on where the books were located. Woohyun never joined them for study sessions anymore.

He was always with his dear girlfriend, be it studying, eating, playing, or whatever. They never really studied on their study dates, with Woohyun always finding opportunities to peck his girlfriend's lips or she would initiate that they watch some show.

He would go along with her wishes and treat her like a princess, enjoying the attention given to them when other guys on the street marveled at what a beautiful girl he had. He felt exceptionally good when some High School boys tried to hit on Soyi once, and he had the glory to tell them he was her boyfriend.

Of course these dates and whatnot came at a price.

His grades fell, juggling with Soyi and Infinite band practice. The trainings never really stopped even during the exams, and Hoya had a hard time coping. Woohyun didn't know anything about time management apparently, because he always went on dates with Soyi.

Yoomi had several fights with Woohyun because of it. She was worried about her best friend's future, putting aside her jealousy that he was with another girl.

At the rate Woohyun was going, he wasn't going to make it with that horrible result of his. He had told her that he was going to be a star, that grades weren't needed for singing and dancing and acting cool for the crowd.

Yoomi told him that if he wanted to be a star, he at least needed to be well-informed of the happenings in the world and not be a handsome but stupid person. They got into many fights about it, which Hoya would most definitely stand on Yoomi's side, and they'd have a 2 vs 1 cold war.

In the end, Yoomi would be the one who gave in, photocopying her precious notes for Woohyun that helped pull up his grades by a lot. Hoya would then be exasperated by how Yoomi gave in, but he knew Woohyun was Yoomi's soft spot, just that he never knew her feelings behind it.

It was finally christmas, and after the exams. The Shin, Nam and Lee family decided to go on a Christmas vacation together, to the rural areas so they could cool off with nature.

"Cool off with nature." Woohyun repeated under his breath as they loaded the things into a large van the parents loaned for the three families. "What the . I might as well stay in Seoul and spend my time with Soyi baby."

Yoomi flinched at Soyi's name, remembering how Soyi had treated her in the past, and how she had gotten all of Woohyun's love and attention. "Quit whining." Hoya snapped. "Just be a man alright?"

"Howon's right." Mr Nam laughed. "If you see your Yoon Soyi everyday, you'll get sick of each other soon. Absence makes the heart go fonder, didn't you hear that before?"

Woohyun scowled. He didn't want to part with his girl, he didn't want to leave the city. He wanted to walk down the streets, fashionably dressed with a hot chick beside him, drawing envy from a radius of 1km. Not some farm to watch cows and sheeps.

They got into the car, the parents in front, chatting happily about the economy, the weather, and whatever that interests parents, while the three of them sat at the back of the van.

Woohyun was texting furiously with Soyi on the other end, disgusting Hoya when he accidently saw one of the messages that was along the lines of "Muacks muacks! I love you darling~".

Hoya and Yoomi entertained themselves with some book Yoomi brought, and they read it together, while sharing a earphone. Woohyun rolled his eyes at them. "Yah Hoya. Are you kidding me? You're reading on a vacation? Wait till the rest of Infinite hears about this. Are you trying to turn into a nerd like Yoomi?"

Hoya gave Woohyun a look. "What's wrong with being a nerd like Yoomi?" he defended, making Yoomi smile. "Yoomi's the cutest nerd ever." he grinned.

Yoomi giggled, slapping Hoya's arm. "Hoya oppa!"

"And anyway." Hoya continued. "We're not some techno despo who would die without our phones. And we have enough culture to read, unlike someone who can't seem to leave his phone alone."

Woohyun scoffed loudly. "Whatever. You're just jealous I have a hot girlfriend like Soyi, Hoya." he rolled his eyes.

Hoya nearly choked on his saliva. His mind was laughing madly. *Jealous? Of a girlfriend like Yoon Soyi? Oh hyung you don't know how I thank the heavens that I DON'T have a girlfriend like her.* he thought to himself.

He turned to Yoomi who had already begun reading intently and shut the book in her face. He nearly laughed at her cute pout. "Hoya oppa!" she frowned. "Why did you do that for!"

Hoya grinned. "Let's sing, Yoomi!" he suggested. "We always sing when the ride is long. And I have to brush up on my singing techniques too if I want to be a singer with Infinite."

Yoomi laughed and nodded.

The two dorks began singing like there's no tomorrow, loudly, and out of tune.



Woohyun shook his head amusedly and looked away. "And to think Hoya's going to debut with Infinite." he muttered.



 Woohyun growled. As the journey passed, so did the volume of the song. They became louder and louder, and more and more irritating to him.

"Yah." he finally snapped. "I'm trying to message Soyi baby in peace here!"

Yoomi looked hurt. Woohyun didn't even bother to join them fooling around anymore. He was just this uptight cool person that didn't do anything that would embarrass himself.

"It wouldn't hurt to fool yourself once in a while." Yoomi mumbled.

"I'm Nam Woohyun. I don't embarrass myself ever." he declared.

Hoya smirked. "Well if Yoomi didn't lend you your notes, you'll be the most embarrassed cause you'd just fail the ecams and get retained for a year!"

"Yah." Woohyun growled.

"It's true." Yoomi piped out. "Because you went on dates with Soyi everyday instead of studying. Soyi's not that good of an influence if she's like that, oppa. A girlfriend should support her boyfriend in what is right."

"Like you would know." Woohyun snarled. "You never even had a boyfriend before."

Yoomi stiffened, hurt. "Don't talk about Soyi like that, because you don't know her." Woohyun spat, and progressed to ignore them for the rest of the ride.

Yoomi lowered her head sadly and Hoya patted her shoulder comfortingly. "He's just mad." he whispered. "Don't take it to heart."

Yoomi nodded. *But why do I feel like Woohyun oppa's drifting further and further away?* she sighed.

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rajnbow #1
Chapter 68: Although I seriously cried a lot while reading this, I think this is one of my favorites... this story is really heartwarming and is overall written really well. The ending was so bittersweet but beautiful at the same time TT
Gonna read this again just bcoz lol I remember reading this back then, it was the very first fanfic that made me bawl my eyes out lol but really, I remember going to school the next day with red eyes
Chapter 68: This made me cry.
I love the ending though I was hoping that she'll end up with Woohyun..
Looking forward to read your other stories.
God, I finally found it! I suddenly thought of this fan fiction that I loved many years ago, and here it is - I found the name, the story, everything. Am I prepared for the tears, the joy, the feelings? No, but I wasn't when I first read this many years ago! Author-nim, thank you so much for writing this magnificent story. It's been a long time, but god am I ready to read my favourite stories from years back.
- clueless.
Chapter 68: My tears .
please come back author-nim! T-T
Chapter 68: ahhhhh! This was such a beautiful story that I started bawling in a cafe and got strange looks in return but the ending was perfect. I have to admit though, I didn't see that coming.