Chapter 40: Bipolar

The New JongHyun Scandal: The Experimental Story

So, hey, everyone. =] I'm gonna update again. =] So, I hope you appreciate this.

WARNING: What happens in this chapter is kinda twisted. Emphasis on kinda. x]

But, all of you will understand in the following chapters. =]

Again, I'll be using two OSTs for this chapter: My Love - Ciara and My First Kiss - 3oh3 feat. Kesha.

But of course, I'll just give you the links when you need to open it already. =]

As much as possible, I recommend that you listen to the OSTs, despite the songs being western. x]

Credits go to [additional credits to the source: keysyou and the reup: chocolatheia] for the picture of a SHINee member that I'll use.

Also, comments shall be in a soon-to-be-posted blog entry. =]

Alright, here we go. =]

= = =

March 4, 2011
SME Rehearsal Room
6:30 P.M.
Final Joint Rehearsal - F[x] and SHINee

"Thank you very much for your cooperation, yeorobeun. Kamsahamnida." I said to F[x] and SHINee as we officially ended our final joint rehearsals. Every idol and dancer clapped their hands for a job well done, and my co-choreographers hugged each other, and F[x] as well, whom they grew to be close with in the span of a few days.

"We're really sorry that after the performance, we have to immediately leave." Amber-ah told me as she hugged me really tight. F[x] had asked all of to call them informally now, except for Victoria Unnie.

"We really wanted to stick around for the Sonic Entertainment Taelnts' performances..." Krystal-ah whined, and MaRi, whom she hugged, just tapped her on the shoulder.

"It's fine. Though, I wonder if your 'My First Kiss' performance with Key-ah would still continue though..." She said, but Sulli-yah butted in.

"It WILL continue, I'm sure. If not one of us will perform, perhaps, one of you will!" She said, and Krystal-ah nodded. F[x] left soon after that.

"Arasso. If the girls are all done, then we'll take our leave too. JongHyun-ah has a check-up to do, and we have to accompany him." Onew Sunbae, I mean Onew Oppa, said. He also asked me to call him informally, like before. I agreed.

JongHyun Oppa went to me and hugged me tight before whispering a soft "I'll be back on stage really soon, ShiRin-ah. As early as now, I'm asking permission from you to collaborate with me on the next SHINee performance, will you?" into my ear, and as reply, I nodded when he pulled back. With a smile on his face, he went back to SHINee, and they left.

As the male idols reached the door, Onew Oppa sent me a wave, and so did TaeMin-ah and MinHo-yah. JongHyun Oppa smiled at me, and Key-ah did the same.

Oh Key-ah... what had gotten into you that day? You weren't like that before, nor were you like that after the incident. Due to that behavior not being shown again, the groups seemingly forgot all about your bipolar moment. Oh well, it might just be the stress getting to you. Right Key-ah?

My co-choreographers went home after them, too. But I told them that I'm going to stay behind because I have to rehearse a song for a special performance that I'll do on the program. With hesitant moves, they left me.

And now, here I am, all alone in the rehearsal room.

I quickly went to the speakers and plugged my MP3 player in, selecting the with-vocal track of a song that is included in my dark Selene full album. I'd just let the song sing for me first. I'll rehearse this again on the 7th anyways.

And the title of the song I'm going to be performing?

My Love.
= = =

Getting a plastic chair from a random spot in the room, I sat on it backwards, with my folded arms on top of the backrest. And as the intro started, I quickly rotated my head, making my straight black hair flip, creating a y image as it fell down into place afterwards.

The whole SME and SE collaboration-camaraderie party-showcase had a "Top Secret: No Kids Allowed" theme, because technically, the whole set of performances are mature, and y. The programs and performances in the duration of the party are OFF LIMITS to the media, for only the arrivals and the after-performance events are open to the public. I didn't know at first why this was so.

But as the performances were revealed, I understood.

This circular motion is all we do
I'm so sick of going back and forth with you

This was to welcome the summer heat. Of course, in summer, that's where the heat strikes the people, not just the external-physical aspect. Even the internal-physical aspect too, if you know what I mean. That's why Sonic Entertainment and SM Entertainment was all out for the 'y' image. This could endanger the previous image of the artists, so they hid it from the media.

But, it was not just the Sonic Entertainment who had to bend their backs for this look.

Even the SME artists had to remodel a few stuff to make their performances fit the "Top Secret: No Kids Allowed" theme. TaeMin-ah was encouraged to perform his 'Let It Go' dance number, and JongHyun Oppa's 'Girls' DJ-number too. Remember the 'My First Kiss' performance that Key-ah did with Krystal? Instead of just moving to each other to act like they're kissing, they had to make themselves move to each other very closely, take note of the word VERY.

But, with F[x]'s sudden sched change, I wonder who's going to do the number with Key-ah now.

Anyway, I continued my mature dance routine, standing up from the chair, swaying my hips back and forth for a bit before turning around and doing a 'drop' before coming back up slowly. I had made the choreography myself, yet I didn't want to show it to anyone, not even the SHINee members, despite being close to them. I just wasn't confident in doing this in front of a small number of people, rather than performing in front of many.


It's because when I perform it in front of them, it gives me a sense of personal interaction. When I perform it in front of many, I get a feeling of "It's a performance which I don't need to be so hyped up on." rather than a feeling of personal connection. So, I just said that it would be a surprise to hide the fact that I fear personal connections, especially with slow and y songs.

And one day soon you'll see, You'll reach out for me
Boy you had a keeper but didn't know how to treat her
Should have felt a little deeper and now you're gonna miss my love

With a few more moves like turning the chair around sitting on it properly and managing a few dance moves while sitting, I finished the routine by standing up from the chair and going to its side with my back to the supposed-to-be-audience, while turning my gaze to my right and looking down.

The song was on repeat, so the intro started again not long after, so I took a deep breath and smiled, glad that I hadn't committed mistakes.

But I felt my next breath get caught up in my throat as I turned around...

...and saw Key-ah leaning on the doorframe of the rehearsal room, a dark smirk playing on his lips.

"Since when were you standing there?" I asked, nervous that he might've seen me do the entire dance.

I was technically closing my eyes with every movement I made, so that I could avoid any connections with anything in the room.

But I guess I was right to have felt nervous, because Key-ah's next sentences caught me off guard.

"I came back here to tell you something about the 'My First Kiss' number, because the Head PD texted me suddenly. But when I got back, I saw that you were dancing here looking hot as hell. Your closed eyes made you look even ier." He said, approaching me with a pace resembling a predator slowly going in for its prey.

I began to get even more nervous because of his strides, and I stepped back. But the next thing I felt was the chair as I accidentally sat on it, and Key-ah's hand on my shoulder as he leaned in dangerously close to my face.

"I'm actually having an internal debate right now on whether I screw my restraints and just take you right here and now, or I act like how an ideal idol should be and stop." He said in a husky voice, continuing to lean in slowly.

My heart began to beat 10 times its normal pace. This isn't like the normal Key-ah. He's having another bipolar moment again?

But suddenly as the change began in him, he changed back, for he laughed really loudly before messing my hair like how an oppa does to a yeodongsaeng or younger sister.

"Wow. You should've seen the look on your face. It was absolutely PRICELESS!" He said, doubling over, laughing. I just huffed a deep breath before pouting.

"Yah! Key-ah! Don't scare me like that! Chinja!" I screamed, which caused Key-ah to laugh even more.

"Anyway, the performace of 'My First Kiss' would still continue despite Krystal-ah's disappearance. The Head PD requested me to tell you that she's begging you to do Krystal's part in her absence." He said, and I nodded, taking on the challenge.

"Sure. Mullon. I'll do it."

= = =

March 8, 2011
Club pOrEmAtRiX
[read as po-re-meyt-riks]
6:30 P.M.
SME and SE collaboration-camaraderie party-showcase
Selene-Key Special Performance: My First Kiss

My first kiss went a little like this, and twist, and twist.

As Key-ah started with his lines, the whole band of idols composed of SME artists as well as the famous acts of Sonic Entertainment screamed and cheered.

My first kiss went a little like this, and twist, and twist.

And when I got to the stage, the screams doubled in intensity.

I said no more teachers and no more books
I got a kiss under the bleachers, hopin' that nobody looks

Instead of Key-ah singing the first two lines, I opened the song up and we exchanged lines.

Lips like licorice, tongue like candy
Excuse me, miss, but can I get you out your ?

As Key-ah sang the last line of the first stanza, I fake-slapped him, acting like I was offended.

Well okay, let me tell you about the changes that Key-ah and I made in 'My First Kiss'.

Firstly, we had an exchange of some lines. Some lines that were meant for Krystal-ah in their original performance became Key-ah's lines, simply because they were fit for a guy to sing. Some of Key-ah's lines which sounds like it can be sung by a girl, went to me. Secondly, instead of using the music that was used during the concert, we stuck with the original setting of the song. Actually, that was my idea, knowing that if we don't change the song style, I might just be compared to Krystal-ah. Thirdly, we created a story that is set into motion from the first line of the song.

The story goes like this.

Key-ah is a guy that wants to kiss me, a girl that he'd been eyeing on for a while. I on the other hand, am not interested in him at first because I keep rejecting his offer of a kiss. After some time, I decided to play with him, making him think that I'd let him kiss me. But the truth is, I wouldn't. I keep rejecting him, but in the end, fate plays with me, as I accidentally give my first kiss to him.

Well, it was pretty easy thinking of the storyline. Key-ah's playful nature on stage and my natural knack at "avoiding assaults" made it easy for us to act.

I said no more sailors and no more soldiers
With your name in a heart tattooed up on their shoulders

Key-ah opened up the second stanza this time, singing the first two lines.

Your kiss is like whiskey, it gets me drunk
And I wake up in the morning with the taste of your tongue

I "flirt" with Key-ah as I sang the last two lines of the second stanza, and I play around with him, avoiding assaults when Key-ah tries his luck "stealing my first kiss".

Key-ah wore the same thing he wore during the concert, thus, making him stand out. I got my own set too, except that this is very very different from Krytal-ah's. I stripped myself off of the fur coat and opted to go with the season, leaving my shoulders exposed and wearing sneakerheels. I chose to lag on the colors red and white, while Key-ah chose pink and black.

The coda came around, and this is where I began to get naughty. I beckoned Key-ah to come closer using two of my fingers, and he strode on to meet me in the center. I leaned in slowly, signalling that the "kiss" was gonna happen already, and he complied. But suddenly, Key-ah began to move too closely to get to my lips, and screams of excitement resounded from both the SME group of idols and the SE idols as we leaned close to each other.

We would've really kissed...

...if I didn't place two fingers of my right hand between our lips just before they touched.

Screams of excitement once more resounded as I pushed Key-ah away from me using the two fingers I had placed between our lips. I began to "laugh" showing how I was enjoying being playful in front of Key-ah and the audience. He, on the other hand, scowled at me and mouthed a hushed threat saying "I will get you, just you wait.". I just mouthed a provocative "Try me." at him.

On the final two lines of the song, I turned my back on an approaching Key-ah, certain that he won't do anything to me. But I was wrong.

She won't ever get enough once she gets a little touch
If I had it my way, you know that I'd make her say

He made me face him...

...and he kissed me.

= = =
"That was absolutely, great, Key-ah." I excitedly told my partner as we got off the stage and made our way to the dressing room.

"I was seriously shocked with the real kiss we did at the end, though." I added. Key-ah wasn't saying anything, but continued to follow me inside the empty room.

But as we both passed the door, he suddenly tugged my hand and trapped me between the door and him.

"Don't tease me any longer, ShiRin-ah. You look too tempting. If you don't do anything about it in three seconds, I'll give in again." He said in a husky voice. I didn't know what he meant so I just stared at him.

Out of the blue, he took my wrists and pinned it to the door loosely above my head using one hand and said "My first kiss got her feeling like this." before lightly kissing my neck. I unconsciously gave out a moan.

He continued with "And this." and kissed my jaw. He kissed my lips lightly after saying another "And this.". I smirked at him as he pulled back.

Oh, so you like playing dirty, huh? Lemme get my revenge, Key-ah.

I used all my strength to flip him over. Now, we exchanged positions.

"My first kiss got him feeling like this." I said before kissing his jaw. He took in a sharp breath. "And this." I continued, kissing the corner of his lips. He gulped.

"And this."

Wanna know what I did?





I slapped him.

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2027 streak #1
Chapter 62: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story... And it was a nice story. I liked reading it. And I got to praise your writing style. You are quite talented :)
28 streak #2
Chapter 29: It's funny because Jonghyun wrote a song called Selene something something
Chapter 61: this is really good story!
I Love it :)
JongRin <3
smyg225 #4
Still my favourite story of all time<3
Huynhme10 #5
I really <3 this story & thank god it had a happy ending
vampire_gurl0710 #6
Omg, rereading this again. I was so in love with this story then, and I'm still in love with it. Jonghyun. ;u;
JeonMinyoung #7
Chapter 38: I LOVE THE STORY
Although I'm only halfway I find it really interesting and making me want to read more :)
The song 'When It Was Me' is sung by Paula DeAnda right? It sounded REALLY familiar and I had to look it up . I love how you used it because I love that song!

After I finish reading this fic I will definitely read and look out for other stories that you have written :)
Author-nim Hwaiting! >//v//<
God. I finished this for 8 or 9 straight hours. Umaga na, matutulog na ko. :)))

I LOVE THIS AWESOME STORYYYY. Di ko makakalimutan to. <3
chas_ssmentrok #9
Grabeh!! The hours I spent reading this fanfic is definitely WORTH IT!
Congratulations on this really successful story :D
12:56am na d2 sa pinas (^^,)
chas_ssmentrok #10
I started reading this at its 5:33pm and im on chpt 24 =))
Reading this fanfic is like an addiction...once i started i just couldnt stop & i dont know why