
My Life (Including Meeting SNSD)

She slows her English for us, so we can get the pronunciations right.

"Wow," Ji says, "and he’s just now running into you?"

She smirks as I shake my head, I know what he’s doing, too. He’s trying to get me to blush again, it’s working, too. Also, contractions are a little hard for us, but we’re trying to get them down for our songs and such.

"You’re not letting that go, are you?" I ask.

"Nope," Ji says, shaking his head and laughing, "never!"

I groan, leaning back into the couch, as there’s a knock at the door. Ji gets up and answers it. I look at the hallway, knowing who just shown up. Ji comes backs in, with Teddy, Dong Wook and Tablo following. They stop and look the girl over carefully. I feel her move closer to me and I take her hand again.

"I’m Teddy," he says.

He sticks his hand out, making me jealous of his English once more. She takes it and shakes, I see shock on his face.

"Ooo, her hand shake is firm," he says, smiling now.

"I’ve learned that it seals a deal when I was being trained in high school for job interviews," I hear her tell him, smirking.

"I can tell," he says.

They train their kids for job interviews? I mean, yeah, we do it here, but I didn’t think Americans would teach their students the same thing. Must be only one teacher then.

I see her look at the others with interest now, not fright. I let her relax into me though. Dong Wook steps forward and sticks his hand out.

"I’m Se7en," he says, "but call me Dong Wook."

Again she shakes his hand, nodding. Then Tablo steps forward, holding his hand to her as well.

"I’m Tablo," he says.

She shakes his hand, as my eyes go over to Dong Wook. I see the approval in his eyes and my eyes go to Teddy. He smiles, nodding slightly. I already know he approves of her. I now feel her eyes on me but won’t look at her, my nerves now coming out. There’s another knock and I look at Dong Wook.

He looks at me, nodding his head. I know who this new arrival is just from that one look. I tense. I want to know what YG-ssi will say, but then again I don’t. I take her hand again, squeezing.

Teddy-hyung goes and answers it as Dong Wook sits down on the arm next to me. I look straight ahead, not looking at anyone. I can feel her eyes again.

What if he disapproves? Tells me to leave her alone and not speak to her again?

I still feel that stare, it’s intense, and finally look at her. She smiles at me, reassuringly. I see her come to the conclusion that this must be YG-ssi and her guess is right. I smile now, seeing her in a calm state as she realizes this. Teddy comes back in, YG behind him.

We all look at our company father, it getting quiet. I tense again as she stands. She stays by me, though, hand in mine of course, and bows to him. I look at YG-ssi to see him smile at her. He bows back and chuckles softly.

"I am Yang Hyun-suk," he says, holding out his hand, "but call me YG."

I look at her, watching her closely. She smiles and shakes it.

"Missa," she says.

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