Chapter 40- Deal's on & a con?

Letters to U-kiss

Hana's POV

"You made up with him didn't you?" asked Mary smiling at me from across our dorm room.

"Yeah" I beamed.

"I could tell you two were back on track with all the little smirks you were showing while typing away." I blushed. "So, when are you two going to officially start dating?"

"MARY! You're being rediculous!" I threw a pillow at her "We're not going to date, and besides we both have significant others!"

"Whatever. I bet you that you two will be dating or married within 5 years."

"I don't think so! Besides we're just really good friends."

"So good friends can date or get married." she stated matter of factly.

"Yeah, but I just like him right now. I don't like him like him at the moment."

"Sure you don't." she said rolling her eyes and laughing at me.

"Mary." I sighed exasperatedly.

"Okay, okay. I'll quit! But do we have a bet?"

"I guess? If I do what are your terms"

"Being your Maid of Honor and picking the dress of my choice."

"Well Maid of Honor is a given Mary." I said rolling my eyes.

"You never know." she said innocently.

"I will grant you the pick of your own dress as long as it's NOT neon color or super multi-colored."

"Awwww, but I wanted Neon Orange with pink and yellow accents." she teased. 

"You better not!!

"Fine, I'll stick with plain ol' yellow."

"That's better! Now if I don't?"

"You have to pay me $100 dollars."

"Sounds like a deal! Should we sign something?"

"Nope, verbal and mental contract only."

"Okay, the deal's on." I smiled. 

Kevin's POV

"Hey! You're back to smiling." said Soohyun throwing an arm over my shoulder as we headed from the locker room to dance practice.


"Something good happen? No wait! Let me guess." he pretended to think really hard for a second "You made up with Hana."

"Mmhmmm." I nodded.

"No wonder you've been happier this afternoon. Have you talked to Norae lately?"

"Yeah, she's been busy with school though and I'm not sure if we'll get a date in before we leave for Manilla."

"Aw, you should just surprise her at school sometime."

"Are you nuts?! Our manager and the company president would kick my caboose. They don't really know we're dating."

"Oh," he said "I thought you had told them?"

"No, I've been meaning to, but we've been so busy and it just hasn't happened."

"Well, you should before you get in big trouble."

"I know. I don't want to cause more problems for you guys."

"Good, for now I'll keep your secret, but if you don't tell them -I'll tell them for you."

"Okay, I understand."

"Great. Let's get groovin'" he said pushing open the door to the dance studio. 


Norae's POV

I hadn't really heard from Kevin much since he was in Japan and then out of the blue he texted me a whole bunch asking if I wanted to go on a date. I honestly was a little mad at him from not staying in touch. I mean if he really liked me so much why didn't he make an effort to? I told him I was going to be to busy to go on a date out of spite partially, so we'll see if he pushes the issue.

I sat at a cafe waiting to hang out with Jay. We had been talking quite a bit, since the day we met. He seems like a fun guy too. Kevin's really nice, but he's almost too nice that it's boring. 

"Hey Songbird!"

"Hey!" I said blushing at his nickname. I had told him all about my dream to sing, about my dad, and everything pretty much that had happened. I just felt like I could open up to him.

"How was school? Was anyone giving you trouble?"

"Good and not today." I said smiling.

"That's good! Did you order yet?"

"Nope, I was waiting for you."

"Okay, then it's my treat." he grinned.

"You really don't have to!" I said frowning -I hadn't intended to make him pay for me too. 

"Nah, I wanted to!" he said as he hopped up to order. He had only known me a short time and always remembered I liked Frappucinos -Kevin always had to ask me what I wanted.

"Thanks!" I said taking the cup from his hands when he returned. "How was work?"

"So, so. Our manager is really pushing us hard lately and I've been having some issues adjusting to some of the Korean norms."

"I see. I read some of your tweets and you didn't seem too happy about some things."

"You read my tweets?"

"Yeah," I blushed again at the thought he knew I was somewhat stalking him online -not to a true stalker state, but maybe an infatuated fangirl state.

"Cool, let me know what your twitter is and I'll follow you back."

"I shouldn't."

"Why not?"

"I don't want you to get in trouble."

"I won't get in trouble -I can follow who I want."

"Oh, but I still don't think you want to."


"I don't know.....I'm boring?"

"You're far from boring Norae. You're one of the most fascinating girls I've ever met!" at that I blushed redder than a tomato unsure how to respond to that. 'I think at that moment I'd fallen in love with him. Hard and fast. But what about Kevin? What should I say to him? I don't want to break his heart either. Maybe I'll just stay as friends with Jay for now and break it off with Kevin later. There's no harm in doing that right?'

"Earth to Norae?" said Jay waving his hand in front of my face.

"Hmmm what?! Sorry!" I said snapping back from my space out.

"I wondered if I lost you there." he chuckled.

"I'm still right here, but my mind just went MIA there for a minute."

"You're so silly. Want to go for a walk?"

"Sure!" I said drinking the last of my Cappucino.

"Let's go then!" he said smiling as we walked off around Hongdae watching people and listening to all the street performers as we went along. I had such a good time and Jay even sent me home afterwards.

As I called "Good Night." to him as I went in the door. 

I heard my mom ask "Who was that?"

"A friend. Why?"

"Aren't you dating Kevin?"

"Yeah, so?"

"You really shouldn't two time."

"I'm not two timing! Jay and I are just friends!"

"Well, I hope so. If not you should tell Kevin sooner, rather than later. I don't want you to break that kid's heart. He's such a nice boy."

"Whatever, you don't need to tell me what to do. I've got this under control." I said storming off towards my room. 

"Okay, no need to get crabby at me Norae. I'm just trying to save you from a mistake I made years ago." that made me pause.

"What mistake did you make?"

"I was officially dating one of your father's friends, and was secretly seeing your dad behind his back. I didn't break up with him until I was in too deep, and I was expecting you -I was much wilder in those days Norae. That guy was killed in a car accident the day after I broke his heart and ruined his friendship with your dad. I wish now that I had the chance to apologize and that I had told him sooner."

I was speechless and all I could do was stare at her with an expression of shock.  After a few moments of contemplation I spat an icy reply "Well, I'm not you." Without letting her get another word in I sauntered off to my room and shut my door. Kicking off my shoes and pulling my hat off I plopped on my bed deep in thought.

'Was I really following in my mother's footsteps? Why didn't she tell me any of this before? I knew she and daddy had me before they were married, but she was cheated on her boyfriend with him? That means mom must have loved daddy more than I thought because of what she did to that guy.

My daddy wasn't as nice of a guy as I thought either. Now that I think about it, one of Daddy's songs is about this whole situation, and I had thought it was just a song about a lovelorn guy or him longing for my mother's attention. Have I been a brat for no reason after all?'

I started crying. Why does my life have to be so complicated? Then my phone started ringing. Seeing that it was Kevin and I tried to compose myself before I answered it. 


"Hey Norae! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just have a runny nose" I lied.

"Oh, Okay. Anyways, are you free tomorrow evening?"

"Ummmm yeah?"

"Can I take you somewhere?"

"Sure, where do you want to meet or what's your plan?"

"I'll come get you around 8:30 if that works okay?"

"Okay, I should be done with school and some of my assignments by then."

"Great! I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Okay bye." 

'Why did I lie to him that I was okay, when I really wasn't?'

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Chapter 81: This was such an amazing and inspiring story, thank you! Would love to read more Kevin content in the future
fArhonEy #2
Chapter 81: There aren't much Kevin stories out here, and dear author you did a great job writing this one. Thanks for feeling us with such great stories~
2031 streak #3
Chapter 79: Hey ^^ I didn't mind the time hop. The chapter was nice. And the baby is finally here? can't wait for the next chapter.

PS in the first para of Hana's POV - later in spring 2011, you wrote Kiseop instead of Kibum by mistake. So I thought would let you know ^^
2031 streak #4
Chapter 78: Hey ^^ welcome back. hope you are feeling good now...
and coming to the story, the chapter was quite touching as if it was something happening to someone close to me. And Kevin has come to the realisation? wonder what's going to happen next. can't wait to read more.
Chapter 77: Can I just say that this is possibly the best fanfic I have read? I am so overjoyed to see a writer encorporate Christianity and Faith in to a story!! Plus Kevin!!! AHHH please update
2031 streak #6
Chapter 77: Hey there ^^ remember me? I caught up with your updates. I'm glad that court hearing went well. I can't wait to read the next chapter. Hope to see an update soon.
PS hope everything is alright with you now.
Chapter 75: I'm literally sitting at the edge of my seat while reading this because what if the judge is a poop head and makes Matt innocent? Oh god please help Hana with this!
2031 streak #8
Chapter 73: Omg! Now I know what you meant by surprise... I wasn't expecting that. Feel sorry for Hana. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon :)
2031 streak #9
Chapter 72: A short chapter but an update nonetheless... :) Well, I don't know what to say. What he did is wrong on so many levels. Wonder what's going to happen next. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
2031 streak #10
Chapter 71: An update! yay~ And this chapter too was nice as all your other chapters. I'm loving the ElVin moments more. haha :D And now that our Eli is married, should I stop shipping ElVin?
Anyway, can't wait to read more. hope to see an update soon ^_^