
Love is Pain


Daesung muted a gasp, realising that that thud he heard wasn’t him falling to the floor. It was his head. Youngbae’s eyes were wide. The nurse looked down in a state of shock. “Do... Do you want to stay at the hospital for longer? Because you’re free to go, you just have to rest, but... That sounds like an attack. If you’d feel safer here, then...”

Seunghyun shook his head. “I’ll stay here for a few more days, but I don’t feel safe anywhere, to be honest. I’d prefer to be with my band, supporting them as much as they support me.” He grabbed Daesung’s hand, who looked at him in response. Seunghyun smiled apologetically.

The nurse nodded. “I’ll leave you to it then.” She turned and walked away.

“How the did this happen?” Youngbae moaned, staring at Seunghyun, as if expecting him to answer. Seunghyun wordlessly handed Daesung what he’d been scribbling. “I didn’t think you’d stay, so I wrote this.” Daesung looked at it, reading the short note over and over again.


I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say what I said; I should’ve worded it differently.

If we got into a relationship, I’d tell Jiyong to shut his face. (He’d be so jealous of a beautiful guy like you.)

I like you a lot ^_^

-      Seunghyun”

Daesung’s heart leapt at the last two lines. But then, he burst into tears. “I’m the one who should b-be sorry...” He said, sniffing as he looked at Seunghyun. “And then...” The very thought of someone wanting to damage Seunghyun was too much to bear. He could barely breathe. Youngbae got up out of his seat, and gestured Daesung to sit in it instead, as it was closer to Seunghyun. Daesung steadily walked, and cried in Seunghyun’s arms. Seunghyun patted Daesung’s smooth hair, brushing long fingers through the bleached locks. Daesung didn’t mind Seunghyun’s hands in his hair. This time, he didn’t mind. Youngbae looked at the two of them.

While the two had their moment, Youngbae tried to put everything together. He wasn’t sure about Daesung if that was actually the case, but if it was, then 2 members had been drugged by someone. Was he planning to do this to the rest of the members? If so, he was sneaking into their house somehow. They usually locked the doors... The open window. He gasped and jumped up. They could’ve stolen things. they could be hiding in the house right now, about to kill someone! He grabbed Daesung’s elbow and unexpectedly forced him up.

“Daesung, we need to go. Seunghyun, we’ll come tomorrow, I promise.” Seunghyun looked at Youngbae’s paled face and immediately nodded. Daesung looked at Youngbae but he ran out, not going out the main way, but the back exit, which he’d used before.

They arrived home, panting, and Youngbae banged on the door. “Open open..” He muttered to himself, scared to death that something could’ve happened to Seungri of Jiyong.   Jiyong opened it, yawning. “Whaddya wa-“ He didn’t finish his sentence as Youngbae ran past him. “Oh,” He mumbled, shutting the door.

He gathered the other 3 on the couch. “What is it?” Seungri questioned, knowing that the way Youngbae had asked them all to go to the couch was different from other times, so could only guess it was something bad.

Youngbae sighed. Then looked at the wall. “We’re in some sort of danger.” He let out. Daesung blinked. Three times. Seungri’s eyes widened. Jiyong took a harsh breath in.

“...H-How do you know?” Jiyong asked, fear rattling his body.

“Seunghyun..” He sighed. He didn’t even know if this was something Seunghyun wanted to spread. “I just know. I can’t tell you. Everyone, look after all your things. Lock the windows, the doors when you leave. We’re going to buy a house alarm too. I’m sorry, but we need to be careful from now on.”

Daesung thought back to the drugs. Seunghyun’s attack. He slipped his hand in Youngbae’s, and looking over at his petrified eyes, Youngbae softly squeezed Daesung’s hand. “Let’s sleep. We’ll deal with this tomorrow.” He spoke to everyone, standing up. He pulled along Daesung with him slowly.


Daesung rolled over in his bed, seeing a deep-in-thought Youngbae staring at the ceiling. He put an arm around Youngbae. He was cold, and needed warmth. Youngbae let out a quick “Oh,” before realising it was only Daesung, to which he then put a hand on Daesung’s shivering figure, and rubbed his body in an attempt to make it less cold.


A/N: Which member will be next? Or is this all a big prank? Thanks for reading up until this point. I went through the past chapters and corrected some stuff (grammar and sentence wise.. but mainly paragraph wise as woah I found out that a big chunk of paragraph is NOT really an attention-gaining thing to do.)

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Just hit TEN THOUSAND views!! Thank you all and there'll definitely be an update later!! ^^


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Chapter 63: Chapter 62: please update this soon !! I like the reality this story is in way better than mine ;) please, this is so great :3 :3
curvynicole #2
Chapter 63: the best big bang fan fic ever...wishing updates magically appears!
Chapter 24: so are they like crae crae sansaengs or something?!
ourhouserp #4
Hey, Author-nim! I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info. http://ourhouserp.tumblr.com/
Still hoping for an update!!
haemulpajeon #6
Chapter 63: UPDATE PLESE!!!
Chapter 63: OMGGGGGG PLEASE UPDATED! I love this!!! D:
Mizkuri #8
Chapter 63: I reallly really love the BAERI, butttttt...... I think Ji need more a Ri u.u