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                   I  Still  Think  Of  You  

                           by b2stftw 


Title: 5/5

You title caught my attention very quickly, it was one of those titles that made you click on it without reading the little teaser of the foreword.


Appearance: 3/5

You don't have a poster or a gif so I can't really give you very many marks, but if you did get a poster or find a gif it would give your story a very good appearance and might even get you some more readers and subscribers. What I did mark you on was how neat your writing presentation was, and I must say it was very neat and very readable, well done.


Foreword/Description: 9/10

Your description is short but good, with a oneshot your description was just right, it gives off so much angst which made me want to read it more. Your foreword was the same, it was interesting yet poetic in a way. Your foreword is one I havent seen in a while and I like it. though I did deduct a mark because of the lay out of the description. Try and fix that to make it all look even other than that, you had me hooked.  


Plot: 15/15

I know this plot is commonly used but with your talents it seemed like I was reading that kind of story line for the first time ever. You had me smiling widely, you had me smiling sadly, you had me in tears and I loved every second. Thats what a writer does they make the reader feel every raw emtion that they are conveying and you did just that.  


Originality: 13/15

Okay not the most orginal but you have a lot of talent and you made that story line in to your own, you changed it so it became yours. I was pleased with how it turned out normally when I see a tragedy tag I know exactly where it is going to go, with yours it surprised me. Good job!  


Grammar/Spelling: 19/20

Almost perfect Grammar, you just forgot a few words here and there but nothing that needs to be pointed out, if you go bak over it you will find the mistakes easily. Your Spelling was amazing, I didnt find a single mistake there.


Characterization: 10/10

I could picture Dongwoo even with out you describing his physical features, His personality and back story where great characterizations enough. Now you girl person was the reader so I couldnt really imagine anything about myself, instead I focused on her emotions and the way they were presented through the story especially the ending, you did the characterizations perfectly.  


Flow: 10/10

Your flow was just right, it never sped up, it never slowed down it was perfect and thats what made it so enjoyable.


Overall Enjoyment: 10/10

I was thoughly pleased by this oneshot and its ending. You scored yourself another subscriber. Even though it was sad the fluffiness made up for that, you a very talented... Keep up this awesome work ^^


Total: 94/100

review by KissMe_Kevin4eva


posted 1.28.13


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Chapter 111: Thank you for the review! For the title, I've an explanation. I haven't gone to the middle of the story yet, and 'fidelity' has something to do with the main story. It's just the courting stage in the story. LOL. :)

It was a nice review though, so thank you! :D
Chapter 85: Thank you so much for the review! More power! :D
KimSeokjinwifey #3
Uhm, I'm just wondering when will be my review be done?
I've been waiting for so long...
Chapter 53: Hey! Erm, I was thinking about posting the reviews I've got in a new chapter after all the reviews comes out, but I couldn't copy and paste this >< Do you mind sending me a copy of this review?