Just Get Them Out!

Oppa... You're Going To Be an Appa!

 Seven a.m. I've been in labor for eight freaking hours. I've been dilated eight centimeters since four. 

This ing .

Whenever a contraction came, which were now seven minutes apart and forty seconds long, I would throw up. And scream. And cry. All I wanted to do was go die. Let the kids live, but kill me.

Sleep sounded pretty nice,too.

Another contraction hit, and I grabbed TOP's arm and dug my nails into his skin. He rose the bucket so I could throw up, but who were we kidding? I wasn't throwing anything up. There's wasn't anything left.

TOP rubbed my shoulders gently. "Just breathe. It's almost over." This is what he said every time a contraction came. I was sick of it.

"Oh, shut the up." I said through gritted teeth as I squeezed my eyes shut. "You did this to me!"

"That's the labor talking." Mom sighed.

"No! That's Natalia--" I gagged and put my head over the bucket. All I threw up was my stomach acid. It ended, and I laid back.

TOP smoothed my hair back and put a washcloth on my forehead. He rubbed my arm softly. "It'll be over soon..."

"You said that three hours ago!" I exclaimed. "I want them out now! Get them out!" I looked at my swollen stomach. "Did you hear me?! I said get out! Mom is in too much pain!!"

There was a knock on the door, and Jiyong poked his head in. "We are here!" He smiled.

"Great. More people to look at how hideous I am." I groaned, closing my eyes. "I'm sweaty, I'm tired, I'm fat.... This is such a great day!"

"Oh, baby. You look fine." Jiyong gave me a sympathetic pout and walked over. He hugged me.

All the other guys hugged me too, but Seungri held on to me the longest. "I said I'd be here for you no matter what, and here I am." Seungri smiled.

"Thanks, but I think its bad enough one Big Bang member has to see me like this. You guys can just go to the waiting room." I winced.

"Are you sure? Do you need anything?" Daesung asked.

I sighed and shook my head. I finally noticed they were all wearing either sweats, a hoodie, or jeans. "I don't but Top does. Did you guys bring him anything to change into?"

"We sure did." Jiyong smirked, holding up a duffel bag.

I looked at TOP. "You look exhausted. Go change and go down to the cafeteria to get some coffee. Send AJ back in."

TOP looked at me. "Jagi, I don't think--"

"Just go." I sighed. "Honestly, I think it's best if you go so I don't yell at you anymore."

TOP hesitated, then got up. He kissed me quickly. "I won't be long. I love you."

"Yeah yeah yeah." I waved him away.

Big Bang left, and soon AJ came in. "My parents are actually in the same room for once." He sighed as he sat next to me. He readjusted his hat.

"Really? Wow." AJ's parents had a nasty divorce our freshmen year. They haven't spoken since.

AJ shrugged. "I was glad to get out of there. It was tense." He rubbed my shoulder. "How are you?"

"Almost nine centimeters dilated. Contractions are seven minutes apart." I sighed.

"Six minutes, Nat." Angelina told me.

I groaned. "And here comes another one."

This one was definitely sooner. AJ did the routine of bringing the container up for me to puke in. I hunched over it and threw up barely anything, and I grabbed his arm and cried out in pain. The pain was all over my stomach and back. It killed so much, the pain was dizzying.

"What's happening?!" I heard Mom ask suddenly.

"Nat, Nat. Try to calm down. Your heart monitor is going a little quicker." Vinny said

"Calm down? Calm down?! How can I calm down?!" I shouted. My head was throbbing, and I could hear the beeps on the machine go quicker.

"Natalia. Nat, look at me." AJ said. He tilted my face up and I opened my eyes. "Try to calm down. Think of something else."

"Help her think of something." Kenji said quickly to AJ. Everyone was looking at the monitor.

"Remember when you went out to the farm for the first time? We had only been dating for two weeks. I took you out, and we drove the Gator around so I could show you all the places. You looked beautiful, like always. My cousins were shocked I got someone like you. And when we sat in the grass? Remember? We just laid there looking up at the clouds. And the porch swing..."

"The first time we held hands." I nodded, gulping. I laid back, exhausted.

"Exactly." AJ smirked. "I did that lame thing where I compared my hand to yours. And I just never let go."

I smiled, remembering that moment. The moment when I was so innocent.

The beeping slowed. My mom took a sigh of relief. "Thank God..."

Dr. Summer came in at that time. "We just got an alert that your heart monitor was a little high. Are you alright?" She asked quickly.

I nodded. "I think so."

Dr. Summer looked at some sheets that had been printed out from the monitor. "It's too dangerous to keep you in labor. Natalia, you need to have the twins now." She looked at a nurse. "Go get the natal nurses ready and prepped. We need to deliver the twins now."

"I'm only nine centimeters!" I panicked. "How can we??"

"It'll be fine, Natalia." Dr. Summer told me calmly. She looked at everyone. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask everyone to leave. Except for the mother and father."

"Go get Top." I told AJ urgently. "Now."

He ran out of the room. I sighed. Thank God he was in track in high school.

Everyone left except for Mom and Dad. I looked at Dad. "I'm sorry, Dad. But I kinda just want Mom to be in here. So it's less crowded. And I don't want you to witness this... grossness."

Dad nodded and kissed my forehead. "I understand, mi bella. See you in a bit." He left.

While nurses began hurrying in and out of the room with supplies and prepping stuff for the twins, TOP ran into the room. "Oh, thank God I didn't miss it." He sighed thankfully.

A nurse handed TOP some scrubs. "Go ahead and put these on."

He did, and Mom stood and walked to the other side of me. "Natalia, this is the only time I'll forgive you for saying every bad word in the book." She joked.

"Pretty sure I've already said some." I sighed.

TOP stood on the opposite side next to me. He kissed me again. "Here we go, Natalia. Here we go."

Dr. Summer got into position, and I didn't even care how indecent any of this was. I just wanted the twins out.

She watched the clock. "Okay, Natalia. When I tell you to push I need you to push as hard as you can, okay?"

I bit my lip and nodded.

I wasn't ready for how much pain this would be.


YAY! It's almost here! :) Are you all ready??

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taeyangsfuturewife #1
first trilogy ive ever read on AFF! def a memorable story :)
Chapter 99: finally finish the trilogy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it! SO many twist and turns, just like real life is... and this ending!! lol not disappointing at all... because Life does go on... Truly like it. I found you by your other fic (damn those Choi Brothers XD) and indeed you are a very talented writer ^_^ keep it up!
Princessfly #3
Is that Laruen Hanna Lunde ._.?!?!???
sinaelee99 #4
Chapter 99: Absolutely love this story. I almost started screaming at the end. Omfg
I think your idea of having little prompts would be nice, I mean, you're characters are freaking amazing! Thank you for such a lovely story. This is one of my favorite series ever!
FrostyBluee #6
chunjaeyaa #7
Chapter 99: Oh my gee! it’s soo great and I’ll be looking forward for another sequel! XD
This a great story
Chapter 100: wahh! THAT.WAS.FANTASIC.BABY!!!!! yeah! can't wait!! XDDD
chunjaeyaa #10
Chapter 59: Oh my effing God! that was sooo intense!.. and hot just like fifty shades of Grey.. things are becoming more interesting.. XD