Chapter 53

Fate or random luck?


 *BEEP* The sound of his phone startled the young boy waiting at a certain convenient store. He was seated comfortably waiting for his turn. He then took out his phone and read the message.

     To: hamBARO

            Baro, Haengeun is on her way. Good luck!


 “Finally it’s my turn.”, Baro said to himself. He then exited the convenient store and went to his desired meeting place. He was nervous and it was obvious. He couldn’t walk straight, he felt his heart would explode in any second.

 Once in front of the pet shop, he decided to enter. It’s better to wait for her inside, he thought. Whenever the door of the shop opens, he can’t help but look at who was entering. Disappointment was written on his whenever a stranger was entering. 30 minutes had passed since he entered the shop and he was getting worried.

 “Where could she be? Did she get lost?”, Baro asked himself. Just then the door opened once again, this time he was disappointment. A pretty Haengeun entered which caused him to smile. She’s finally here. Yeppo, he thought. Suddenly a mischievous thought came into his mind.

 “Oh, nomo gwiyeowo.”, Baro heard Haengeun said. He then tiptoed behind her and covered her eyes. Haengeun begun to panic which caused him to laugh silently.

 “Sshh, it’s me Haengeun-ah.”, Baro whispered.

 “Oppa”, Haengeun said when Baro released her.

 “Annyeong! You look pretty today.”, Baro said, blushing ever so slightly.

 “Jinja? Komawo. You look quite handsome yourself.”, Haengeun said in return.

 “Komawo. YA! What took so long, huh? I’ve been waiting for hours!”, Baro joked.

 “Mwo? I was with Dongwoo oppa a while ago. I didn’t know you were waiting, mianhe.”, Haengeun said, pouting.

 She’s pouting again. So cute!, Baro thought. He then grab Haengeun’s hand and said, “Arra, kaja? Let’s see what kind of animals they have here.”

 Haengeun nodded in response. Both of them walked hand in hand through the pet shop. Baro was going crazy inside, he felt like he would pass out any second. We’re holding hands and she isn’t letting go. Is this a sign?, he asked himself.

 “Ya, Ahji! Look.”, Baro said, pointing to the golden retriever puppy on the other side. Haengeun turned her head to the side and saw what he was pointing to. He then led her to it.

 “Omo, he looks like you Haengeun-ah.”

 Haengeun picked the puppy up and started to play with it. The puppy was so energetic that it begun to her face.

 “Oppa, it’s so cute!”, Haengeun said while doing funny faces to the puppy.

 “Do want it?”, Baro asked.

 “Ne but I can’t take care of it. No pets allowed at the academy, remember?”, Haengeun reminded him.

 Aisht! I forgot about that rule!, Baro thought, facepalming himself. Haengeun saw the disappointment on Baro’s face, so she made the puppy kiss him. It was more like than kissing. She laughed when Baro was being attacked with dog slobber.

 “YA! STOP IT.”, Baro said while trying to create a space between his face and the dog. Haengeun just kept on laughing.

 After a few more slobbering moments, Haengeun released Baro from the puppy’s cute fury. She was satisfied that for once she wasn’t the one being bullied. She placed the puppy back to his place and faced Baro. Baro was busy brushing off the puppy’s fur on his clothes when he felt something on his face.

 “Oppa, you have some slobber on your face.”, Haengeun said, wiping Baro’s face. Baro blushed and lowered his eyes.

 “There, all done. So what’s next?”, Haengeun asked.

 Baro checked his wrist watch. I still have a lot of time, he thought. “Let’s play some more.”, he suggested.

 “Play? Okay.”

 Without him noticing, Baro was holding Haengeun’s hands once again. To her surprise, Haengeun didn’t feel like letting go of his hands. Apparently she was feeling comfortable with that. So she just smiled. Both of them continued to roam around the shop. They stopped whenever they spotted something interesting.

 Baro would always joke around or imitate the animals’ expression and Haengeun would laugh at him. There were also rare moments where Haengeun would also do the imitations. Baro literally laughed his head off whenever she did.

 As time passed by, both of them talked about almost everything they could think of. It was obvious that they were enjoying themselves. Suddenly Baro’s phone rang which surprised both of them. When Baro checked his phone, it was just an alarm saying that his time was almost over. A frown appeared. Cheongmal? It’s almost time. I wish we didn’t have to part ways, he prayed.

 “Have you seen the rabbits here?”, Baro asked all of a sudden.

 “There are rabbits here? I wanna see.”, Haengeun said, tugging Baro’s shoulder.

 Then Baro led her to where the rabbits are found. Haengeun’s eyes widen when she saw that there were a lot of rabbits there. It was obvious that the shop had a wide range of rabbits from white furred to black, red eyed to black eyed and small to big. Excitement roused within Haengeun and she couldn’t stop herself. She broke free from Baro’s hands and skipped near the rabbits.

 “Kyopta!”, Haengeun squealed as she approached the bunnies. She was about to pick up one white fluffy bunny when something caught her attention. Something was tied to one brown rabbit. She instantly followed that one and caught it. Once on her hands, she untied the ribbon on its neck and placed the bunny down. There was a rolled paper tied to the ribbon. She unrolled it and read the paper.

 The words ‘I like you’ was written with purple ink. Haengeun was confused and looked at Baro. Baro was blushing and scratching the back of his neck. He went near her and held her hands once more.

 *EXHALE* “Kim Haengeun, I like you. I like you a lot.”, Baro begun. Haengeun was taken back, once again she felt like nothing was making sense. She just stood still and stared at Baro.

 “Maybe you’re wondering when did I start to like you, well I liked you for a long time now. I just don’t know how to express it. I know you can’t return my feelings right away but I just hope you can consider them. I can wait for you, I will wait for you. Saranghae, Ahji.”

 Haengeun was silent. Her mind was spinning, it can’t think of any logical explanation to what was happening. What is happening?, she asked herself again.

 Feeling like some of the weight in his chest was lifted, Baro was being at bliss. I’ve finally told her. I just hope she likes me back. Well, it’s all on her hands now, he thought as he let go of Haengeun’s hands. That was the only time that he noticed Haengeun’s statue like posture. Waving his hands in front of her face, he knew that she was in shock which caused him to laugh.

 Hearing Baro’s laughter, Haengeun return to her senses. A confused look was written on her face.

 “What’s so funny, oppa?”, Haengeun asked.

 “Nothing, you are just so cute!”, Baro said, pinching her cheeks.


 “Come on, time to leave. We can’t stay here forever, the owner would send us out any minute now. We didn’t even buy a single thing here.”, Baro said motioning Haengeun to the door. Haengeun didn’t have any chance to argue with him.

 Once outside, Baro smiled at the confused Haengeun and hugged her. He held her for a couple of seconds, thinking that maybe that hug would make her reconsider her feelings for him.

 “Saranghae”, he whispered to Haengeun’s ear.

 Letting her go, he spoke while handing over an envelope.

 “Thank you for today. Please consider my feelings, okay?”

 Haengeun was staring at the envelope given to her.

 “Another instruction?”, she asked.

 “Ne. Now go, pali. Take care.”, Baro said, waving goodbye and flashing his smile for the last time.


 So it was Baro who was waiting for Haengeun. Bunnies? Really? Now that he had confessed, Haengeun was once again in the midst of confusion. She had never been in that kind of situation before. She was once again handed an envelope, where on earth will this lead her now?


 Weeeee, I decided that it should be Baro who would star in this chapter. How is it?? It just popped into my head, the bunnies and stop. Since he is practically a cute animal, why not? Tell me, how is it??

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I'm going to start editing this just coz im a grammar freak!


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Chapter 70: I'm so glad that I finished it.
My top fic ever.
Chapter 62: This was a very tiring journey. I really want to know who she will choose but now is break time
Chapter 51: I reached this chapter. I wish I could read more but now I'm really tired. I think I'm in love with this story.
Chapter 39: OK, I can't believe I read till chapter 37 in one shot. Yeah, believe it or not. And I want to continue but mum will kill me if I don't stop immediately.
rubmybananas #5
Hands down, one of the best fan fics I've ever read!
I really loved you fanfic :)
leadereliea13 #7
hello! I loved your fanfic, i read it again and I never got tired of reading..I love that you made alternate endings for all members, I loved your story and I love you for turning me to a Bana! Thanks a lot!
Your welcome again~ If you ever write another fic let me know ;) I would love to read it!
gongchan lover! Haha! I like the endings! Thanks for doing to story! It was really awesome! <3<3<3<3<3 XD