Chapter 41

Fate or random luck?


 That same day, CNU was busy distracting Jinyoung for the whole day. Baro and Sandeul were there to help.

 “Ya, what’s with the sudden trip?”, Jinyoung asked out of curiosity.

 “Umm, nothing. I just feel like we guys don’t spend a lot of time together.”, Baro said.

 “Ne, since the new semester begun we haven’t hung out for a while. I missed you, hyung.”, Sandeul said, placing his arm around Jinyoung’s shoulder.

 “Ah, okay. But where’s Channie? I thought we’re spending the entire day together, as B1A4.”, Jinyoung said.

 “Channie is busy right now. I think he said he has a huge quiz coming up and he wanted to study. So it will be us today, B1A3.”, CNU said, smiling.

 “B1A3? That’s so lame, hyung.”, Baro joked.

 “Aisht, whatever. Shall we go?”, CNU asked.

 “Ne”, Baro, Jinyoung and Sandeul said at the same time.

 The four boys spent the entire day bonding. Going to the places they were once before. Joking and playing around. They felt like they were kids again, having fun. They didn’t even notice that Gongchan wasn’t with them. Feeling tired, Sandeul suggested that would go rest beside the fountain. Reluctantly, the rest of the boys agreed. Jinyoung went to buy drinks from the nearby vendo machine.

 “Deullie, did you send a message to Channie? It’s getting late.”, CNU asked in a whisper.

 “Ne, don’t worry hyung. It seems like Jinyoung hyung has no clue on what’s happening.”, Sandeul said, wiping the sweat on his forehead.

 “This plan of Channie better work. I spent a lot of money today just to keep Jinyoung hyung distracted. If this will go to waste, I’ll make him pay for it.”, Baro warned.

 “Chill, Baro. I just want to see Haengeun happy again, genuinely happy. Somehow, Jinyoung makes her happy.”, CNU said looking far away.

 “That’s because he’s the one of the people she treasures the most, the one close to her heart.”, Baro said.

 “Her lost ‘oppa’”, Sandeul continued.

 Their conversation has caused pain for the three of them. They hate to admit it but they’re no match to Jinyoung. Haengeun would always have a place for him in her heart, a bigger place than theirs. Sadness was written all over their faces.

 “Here one cola, one orange juice, one bottled water and one strawberry juice for me.”, Jinyoung said throwing each can to each of them.

 The four boys were silent while drinking. Jinyoung still doesn’t have any idea on what’s happening. To him was just out having fun with his friends. It had been too long since they went out like that. He was happy. Just then, Baro stood up.

 “Hyungs, why don’t we play a game?”, Baro suggested.

 Knowing it was part of their plan, Sandeul stood as well.

 “Ne, Baro is right. Let’s play a game, it’s too early anyway.”

 “Game? What game?”, Jinyoung asked falling for the bait.

 “Ummm”, Baro said.

 “HIDE AND SEEK”, both Sandeul and Baro said.

 “Aren’t we a little too old for that game?”, Jinyoung said, unsure why his dongsaengs suddenly wants to play that game.

 “Aniyo, I think it’s a great idea. Come on, Jinyoung-ah. I know you like this game.”, CNU said. He knew that Jinyoung couldn’t deny that fact.

 “Arraso, who’s it?”

 “Not it!”

 “Not it!”

 “Not it!”

 “YA! NO FAIR! I WAS TALKING!”, Jinyoung protested.

 “Tsk tsk, don’t be like that Jinyoung-ah. It’s not our fault, you’re too slow. Now stop whining and count 1 to 100.”, CNU said pushing Jinyoung to the side.

 “Ne, hyung. Pali!”, Baro said.

 “No picking!”, Sandeul added.

 “Arra, arra. Aisht, jinja. 1 … 2 … 3 … 4 … 5 …”, Jinyoung started to count. He didn’t even notice that his friends were running like maniacs and laughing silently. They were having fun deceiving him.

 As soon as he finished counting, he faced his left side there stood a person he never thought he would see. He froze right away. His thoughts were all rushing in his mind. His heartbeat wasn’t normal again. His breathing became ragged. He was facing the one person he lose his temper to, the one person who made him happier like his first love did, the one person that made him like that. It was Kim Kyuneun.

 No one spoke. Both were staring at each with surprised looks on their faces. For a moment there, Haengeun couldn’t feel her legs. She felt like she was losing consciousness but she stayed focus and still. Jinyoung was lost. He doesn’t know what to do. He knew that soon, he has to apologize to Kyuneun. He wants things to be they were before and that was the time to start it, but he can’t speak. It was Haengeun who broke the long stares and silence that was present.

 “A-a-a-a.”, Haengeun said and started to walk away but stopped. Kim Haengeun! What are you doing? You promised to Chanshik oppa that you would face him, right? Don’t be a coward. You can do this, fighting!, a voice in her mind said. She exhaled and turned back towards Jinyoung.

 “A-a-anyeong, Jinyoung hyung.”, Haengeun managed to say.

 Jinyoung was surprised that Kyuneun was talking to him. Kyuneun’s voice filled his ears and he felt his heart flutter. How he missed hearing his voice saying his name. He wanted to say something back but he still can’t speak.

 “I know you’re mad at me for what happened before. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have touched your things without permission, I was wrong. Mianhe, cheongmal mianhe.”, Haengeun said bowing.

 “A-a-aniyo! You don’t have to say sorry, I’m the one that should say sorry. I shouted at you, mianhe.”, Jinyoung said in a hoarse whisper.

 “Ani, I’m the one who made a mistake. I’m the one who should apologize. I didn’t know that that necklace was important to you.”, Haengeun said, hiding the fact that she knew it.

 “It’s okay. Yes, it is important to me. Honestly, I kind of forgot that I have it. Seeing you holding it, made me remember that it’s still with me. Ever since that Saturday I can’t let it go. Do you know why it’s so important to me?”, Jinyoung asked.

 It was nice that finally, Haengeun and Jinyoung were talking. It was as if, nothing happened. Things were almost okay. Seeing those two, the boys hiding behind the bushes were happy.

 “Mission complete.”, Baro whispered.

 “Ani, it’s not done yet. Things could still happen.”, Gongchan said.

 “Shh, you two. Be quiet. They can’t know that were here.”, CNU reminded his dongsaengs.

 Haengeun just shook her head. She kept shut even though she exactly knew why. She knew the entire story by heart. There was no doubt that she would breakdown if she opened .

 “It was given to me by someone special to me. It was sort of a thing that would always make me remember that person. I wasn’t suppose to forget.”, Jinyoung said.

 Suppose? Does it mean?, Haengeun thought. She begun to fiddle with the zipper on Gongchan’s bag.

 “Unfortunately, I did forget. I forgot who gave it me. I forgot her name. I forgot what she looked like. But I remember other things, like what we used to play, where we played and the fact that there were three of us who always played together.”, Jinyoung continued.

 Hearing those from Jinyoung was breaking Haengeun. She can’t take it anymore, tears were falling. She was finding it hard to breath. He forgot? He forgot?, she thought. Her hands let go of Gongchan’s bag and begun to clutch her chest. Her whimpers were becoming louder.

 Jinyoung was alarmed when he heard Kyuneun whimpering. He instantly looked at him and saw him crying. He didn’t understand why, he was about to say something when Kyuneun spoke.

 “Oh, oppa. You forgot? We forgot. We are such pabos. Both of us.”, Haengeun said still clutching her chest.   

 Jinyoung was confused. He can’t understand what Kyuneun just said, so he remained silent.

 “Mianhe, I didn’t know. I felt bad for forgetting, I thought. I thought. . . “, Haengeun managed to say until she broke down. She continued to cry.

 Jinyoung was more lost than before. He doesn’t know what to do. He was going crazy. Eottoke? He’s crying, I don’t know why. I didn’t do anything, right? Eottoke?!, he thought. He couldn’t stay still, he wanted to do something but nothing comes into his mind. Haengeun still continued to cry.

 Seeing Haengeun crying alarmed the four boys hiding in the bushes.

 “OMONA! She’s crying! What did Jinyoung hyung did?”, Sandeul whispered a little too loud.

 “Sandeul, be quiet! They’ll notice us if your voice gets louder.”, CNU warned him.

 “Hyung, how can you remain cool? Our Ahji is crying, she’s crying. I thought we did this to prevent her from crying?”, Baro butted in.

 Gongchan couldn’t stay still. All his muscles contracted the moment he saw Haengeun’s precious tears and heard her whimpers. Her cries were heard and he wanted to rush to her side. He wanted to punch Jinyoung so hard. Nobody makes Haengeun cry. Nobody has the right to make her sad, her precious tears!, he mentally cursed. He was about to run towards them when his hyungs pulled him down. He was squirting to become free from their grasp but he was no match for his hyungs strength.

 “Channie, I know how you feel. I want to rush to them too. I want to stop her tears from falling but he can’t interfere. This is part of your plan, remember? We can’t do anything but watch.”, CNU said with a serious tone.

 “Hajima”, Gongchan whinned.

 “No buts, Channie. I want to punch Jinyoung hyung too, for making Baby cry. But CNU hyung is right. It but he’s right. We can’t do anything. This is the price we pay.”, Sandeul said pinning Gongchan on the ground.

 “Hyung, she’s crying. She’s crying. Her tears. And you expect me to stay still and do nothing?”, Gongchan practically screamed but Baro held his mouth.

 “SSHH! I know it’s hard Channie but we have to stay here. But one thing is for sure, if this becomes worse. . . . We’ll go them. I’ll make sure Jinyoung hyung’s pretty face will meet my fists. He needs to pay for making Ahji cry.”, Baro informed him.

 Gongchan thought for a while. Does Baro hyung really mean that? *sigh*, he thought. Finally he agreed and he was released. The four boys continued watching the girl they love shed tears. All they did was watch and grip each other for support and restrain.

 “K-k-kyuneun-ah”, Jinyoung managed to say. He still has no idea why Kyuneun burst into tears. One moment he was telling his story which he never told anyone, then the next thing he knew Kyuneun was crying.

 Haengeun couldn’t take it anymore. She was crying like crazy again and she knew that she needed to stop. She was fighting her tears and trying to normalize her breathing. ‘Kyuneun-shi’, she heard Jinyoung say. Involuntary she faced him with tear filled eyes and tear stricken face.

 The moment Kyuneun looked up and faced him, Jinyoung’s heart dropped. He has never seen that side of him before. It was breaking his heart.

 “Gwenchana?”, he croaked.

 He’s asking if I’m okay. Do I look okay? Of course, I’m not okay but I can’t tell him that. Now isn’t the time to be dwelling on my personal feeling. I have to tell him now. The truth, Haengeun thought. Wiping some of the tears from her face and exhaling all the negative feelings in her, she looked Jinyoung straight in the eyes.

 “Mianhe, hyung. I didn’t mean to alarm you, it’s just that I can’t take it anymore. Mianhe, I’ve been lying to you. I know why that necklace is so important to you. I know who gave it you. And most of all, I know where she is.”, Haengeun said in a distant tone.

 “Mwo?”, was all Jinyoung could say.

 “I’m not Kim Kyueun. The truth is I’m Kim Haengeuna and I own that necklace.”, Haengeun admitted.

 Jinyoung opened his mouth to respond but nothing came out. He was trying his best to understand every word that came out Kyuneun or Haengeun, whoever that person was. What’s happening? Kim Haengeun? His twin sister? Owner of the necklace? Which means. . ., he thought.

 Seeing that Jinyoung won’t speak, Haengeun decided to continue telling the truth.

 “I see you’re had the same shocked expression that CNU oppa, Baro oppa and Sandeul oppa had when I told them about this. I don’t expect you to believe everything that I said is true, not when I look like this. Of course, people would instantly say that I’m Kyueun but I’m not. I just hope I can prove it to you, then I’ll tell you the rest.”, she said searching Jinyoung’s face.

 *BEEP* Just then her phone chirped and she instantly checked it. It was a message from Gongchan and she read the content. Her eyes instantly looked straight to the bag on the floor. Like a zombie, she stood up and grabbed it.

 “Wait for me?”, those were the last words she utter before she was out of sight.

 Jinyoung was still in deep shock. What in the world is happening? What does he or she or whatever it means? And where is he or she going?! I don’t understand a thing, he mentally shouted. He remained motionless on the edge of the fountain. Waiting, anticipating and going crazy.


 So that's what Gongchan and the others were a planning. An unexpected meeting, how brilliant. But how did Haengeun and Jinyoung think about their encounter? Is it right for Haengeun to spill the beans right away? Didn't she think what Jinyoung might think or feel? What's with the bag? Where is she going?   What could be instored for Jinyoung in the next minutes?


 Annyeong! See, I fulfilled my promise yesterday. I did finish this chapter last night and while at it, I did the next one too. Oh, I was on the roll. But because I was typing non-stop last night, I didn't have enough sleep. So, I missed my first class. Nice one! My classmates said that they had a quiz, oh well. I'll do better next meeting but I hope I'm not FA (failure due to absences) yet.

 Enough blabbing. So what do you think about this chapter? Did you enjoy it? Tell me! Tell me! Okay?? 

 ThanKYU <3

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I'm going to start editing this just coz im a grammar freak!


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Chapter 70: I'm so glad that I finished it.
My top fic ever.
Chapter 62: This was a very tiring journey. I really want to know who she will choose but now is break time
Chapter 51: I reached this chapter. I wish I could read more but now I'm really tired. I think I'm in love with this story.
Chapter 39: OK, I can't believe I read till chapter 37 in one shot. Yeah, believe it or not. And I want to continue but mum will kill me if I don't stop immediately.
rubmybananas #5
Hands down, one of the best fan fics I've ever read!
I really loved you fanfic :)
leadereliea13 #7
hello! I loved your fanfic, i read it again and I never got tired of reading..I love that you made alternate endings for all members, I loved your story and I love you for turning me to a Bana! Thanks a lot!
Your welcome again~ If you ever write another fic let me know ;) I would love to read it!
gongchan lover! Haha! I like the endings! Thanks for doing to story! It was really awesome! <3<3<3<3<3 XD