First day of High School! (26/03/08)

Another Chance

Chapter 49

Your P.O.V


Cheongdam High School, here I come!

I ambled through the school gates with a light smile. I can't believe it! I'm finally a high school student! Even though I was excited, I couldn't hide the fact that my legs were aching. Unlike Cheongdam Middle school which took 10 minutes by foot, Cheongdam High took 20 minutes. It was also situated on a steep hill so it didn't do me any favour. With a tired sigh of victory, I made my way to the hall where the ceremony was starting. Students already filled the hallways and I helplessly looked to see if anyone I knew were here. But there was no one. I heaved as more people started to pile in with friends and I was practically the only one by myself. When I thought things were going to get depressing, someone hugged me from behind. "JISU!" I didn't even need to turn around because I instantly recognised the voice. "SUJIN! I missed you!", I squealed, hugging her back. After a short while, we broke contact and damn, Sujin looked stunning. Her hair was much shorter and lighter and even though her makeup was subtle, it looked great on her. I looked like a frog in comparison. "Why is your face like that?", she chuckled. "I'm jealous. you look so pretty.", I whined, purposely messing her hair and pinching her cheeks. "Yah, stop it! This took me 2 hours to do!" 

As we were play fighting and giggling, the hallway got unbearably loud. Girls starting to squeal and people started to form a huge crowd. I stopped ruffling Sujin's hair and stared straight at her . In response, Sujin smirked. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" she asked and I nodded back with a grin. It has to be them! 

We both eyed the crowd with anticipation and as expected, there they were.

Baekhyun and Kai were the first two that caught my eye as they were at the front, and behind them was Sehun, Kris and Chanyeol. They all stepped  out of the crowd and I didn't know why but I felt nervous. I mean, we are friends and all but during the spring break none of us contacted each other at all. Ususally we would go to the beach or the karaoke but somehow no one planned anything. So the last time I talked to them was pretty much during the festival and then they all just vanished. We haven't talked since then and I'm feeling a little nervous as to how they were going to react to seeing me and Sujin standing here, gaping at them.

Just then I made eye contact with Baekhyun and Kai, and slowly the rest noticed me and Sujin as well. At that precise moment, I didn't know what I was feeling. Their faces had no expression, they didn't greet us like they usually did and they felt distant, just how it was like back in the canteen when I first met them. "Jisu! They are coming this way!", Sujin hissed lowly and I snapped out of my thoughts. I looked up and she was right. 

They were walking towards us and I had to take a moment. It felt like the F4 had come out of the manga and were right in front of me. It had been such a long time since I saw them, I felt just like a fangirl. They were definitely looking at me and Sujin now and the girls swarming around them realised that too as they stopped screeching and instead furrowed their eyebrows at us. Why do I feel so damn nervous? And just to make my poor heart worse, my eyes locked with Chanyeol's. However, he was staring at me like I was a stranger with each step he took and I started to have unneccessary thoughts in my head. Are they going to ignore us now that  we are in high school? Are they going to pretend that everything that happened last year never existed?! Are they-

"HEY!", Baekhyun exploded, an inch away from me and Sujin. Only silence answered Baekhyun. "HAHA! Now that 50,000 won note belongs to me.", Kris cackled in Baekhyun's face, shoving his hand into Baekhyun's blazer pocket. He retrieved a fresh 50,000 won note and put it into his very own pocket. In response Baekhyun scowled. "I had faith in you guys.", he stated, looking at Sujin and me like a lost puppy. What the heck is going on? Kai noticed my puzzled face and answered my question for me. "It's kind of stupid, but we made a bet. Kris came up with the idea of ignoring you guys for the first week but since we all had family stuff, it extended to the whole of the spring break-" I interrupted him with a snort. "Oh, so it was done on purpose."  "What no! Well yeah at first, but seriously we all had family meetings to go to. I went to Osaka with my dad, and for proof, my skin has tanned a lot. See?! It wasn't intended!", Kai raised his voice, showing his tan on his arm. "Yeah okay carry on", I scowled, wanting to know what the stupid bet was that made me worry so much. "And because of that, Kris was like I bet they would find it really awkward to talk to us since we haven't talked to them in ages. So we all decided to act like strangers to see how you react. And this morning, confident Baekhyun was like it's not going to work so he betted 50,000 won and he lost it. ", Kai sniggered loudly. Are these guys for real now?...50,000 won? I could have bought useful things with that money. 

"Anyways, let's forget about that! Where's Sungyeol?", Baekhyun asked trying to change the topic. "No one knows, he's probably going to be late as usual.", Kris replied. "Jisu, any sign of him?", Baekhyun ignored Kris and faced me. "I texted him this morning, he said he's going to be late." "See? didn't I tell you?", Kris snapped in which Baekhyun shrugged. "Ah I see, you are going to be a sore loser now, ignoring me because I won-" "Shut up Kris, I'll beat you-"

I couldn't help but chuckle lightly at the scene. I'm glad it was a bet, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see this side of theirs. 

"Hey." Huh? I turned to my side and was greeted by Chanyeol, to my surprise. "Hey..."  I didn't expect him to greet me calmly like that but since we are on good terms now, I guess it's normal. I just have to get used to it.  "How was your break?", he asked interrupting my thoughts. "Nothing special, how was yours?" "It was alright." "Ah okay." A brief silence tumbled in and you both exchanged awkward glances at each other. Why is this so difficult? I've being dreaming of this day my whole life but I can't even say a thing. As my mind was finding ways to overcome this awkwardness, Chanyeol let out a laugh. "I guess me trying to be nice to you doesn't work out well. Maybe I should start teasing you again-" "No, it's fine-" "It's not fine." "It is." "No it's not." "It is!" "I said it's not!" "Do you want me to beat you up again like before?", I snapped, getting ready to kick him. "Actually, it's fine." "I thought so.", I highly stated and in response Chanyeol clicked his tongue. "Fine, let's make a deal. If you want me to stop teasing you, you have to put an end to your attacks." "Okay, fine by me." "It's a deal then?" "Yes it is.", I stated and in response Chanyeol smiled. Just then I heard Baekhyun singing 'Some' out of pitch in the background and I flashed a glare at him. Before I had the chance to whack him, a teacher strolled in. "The entrance ceremony is going to start. Make your way into the hall now."

The entrance ceremony ended a short while later and we were told to head to the notice board in the main building to see what class we were in. According to the head teacher, the way the system worked here was different compared to middle school. The classes were of mixed abilities and for our subjects, unlike in middle school where we stayed in our form group, we were mixed with students from different forms. "I hate this new system. It's too much of a hassle. We have to move from room to room for lessons now.", Sehun grumbled. "I think it's better actually. They don't group us into the smart ones or the dumb ones. Everyone is equal. Meaning that there is a higher chance for Jisu and Sungyeol to be in our form.", Baekhyun stated. "Yeah but I doubt that we are all going to be in the same form.","Wow Sehun, you are starting the new year in misery."  "Let's just hope that wherever we go, we at least have one person.", Kris butted in as we were approaching the main building. That's what I hope too.

We arrived at the main building and I was surprised. When they said a notice board, I was expecting a small wooden board in the middle ,with over a hundred students swarming around it. I didn't think it was going to be enormous electronic screen, the size of a billboard, dangling on a couple of wires from the ceiling. I tried to search for my name but I couldn't find it at all. There were too many names.  Just as I was about to give up, Sujin suddenly yelped. "OMG! Look! Class 1.5! We are in the same form!" My eyes immediately averted to Class 1.5's column and I saw it for myself. Just a couple of names under Sujin's, mine was there. "I can't believe it!", Sujin squealed, clasping onto my hands. "Me too!", I heaved. "I wonder if anyone else is in our form!", Sujin yelped and I diverted my attention to the board again in search for familiar names. My eyes flickered up and down the column before it stopped at a particular name. Wait, isn't that-

"OMG Look in the Lee section, Sungyeol is in our form too! Is this luck or what?", Sujin shook me vigorously but I was too engrossed with the name I just saw that I couldn't even react. Sujin noticed my aghast expression. "What is it?!", she asked hurriedly. "I j-just saw C-chanyeol's name...." "WHAT?!", Sujin screeched, scanning the board already. "OMG! THIS IS FATE! I wonder if Baekhyun is there too!-" "Shush! Do you want him to hear?!", I hissed. "That's not what's important right now!", she squealed, her eyes back on the board again. However I was too busy drawn in my own thoughts. I don't even know what I'm feeling right now. I feel happy, nervous ,excited all at once. "Same form....and I thought I was finally going to be free."  It was Chanyeol and I immediately straightened my posture. "I swear we made a deal.", I scowled. "I'm not teasing you though." "Yeah right. Don't blame me if I smack you right now." Before Chanyeol had a chance to say anything, Sujin yelled. "He's not in our form. Why is this happening-". However she stopped midway as she noticed Chanyeol suspiciously staring down at her. "He?" "N-nothing! It's nothing! Me and Jisu are going to head to our form, so laters!", she jabbered, dragging me away from Chanyeol. "You do realise that Chanyeol's in our form don't you?", I asked. "I don't care!" This girl....

We made it to our classroom and it was empty. "I guess we are early.", Sujin sighed. "The one who dragged me here is now complaining, how funny!", I sarcastically responded. "I had to okay? I don't want Chanyeol to be asking me questions-" "He is in our form, you can't avoid him. Maybe you should tell him that you like Baekhyun-" "WHAT?! Are you crazy?!", she screamed. "Why am I crazy?! Baekhyun and Kai know about me liking Chanyeol, am I complaining?" "Yeah but we are talking about Chanyeol here-" "What is that supposed to mean-"

We were interrupted by a herd of students walking into the classroom and Chanyeol was one of them. I could tell he had a couple of fangirls already as they attached onto him like mosquitoes. "Do you want to sit here?", one of the girls asked. "No, I think he should sit here." "Actually why don't we all sit-" "I already know where I'm going to sit.", Chanyeol interrupted the girls, abruptly swinging his back over his shoulders. He then looked at me and headed towards the back of the classroom, leaving the girls in an awe. When I thought he was going to sit next to me, he sat at the desk behind me. "Don't feel too depressed. Sungyeol's coming remember? There's only 3 desks in each row. Even though I hate him, I can't let him sit by himself. With that mouth of his, he would get bullied. He needs me.", Chanyeol boasted, his old personality already coming through. "Wow you are so full of yourself.", I hissed. "Thanks." "It's not a good thing." "Oh please, you're one to talk-" "Stop the bickering, the teacher is coming.", Sujin hissed. 

The first day of high school and I could already sense how my life would be like from now on. Honestly, I'm a little nervous but since I'm with the people I like, it's going to be alright. I can't wait!

~Finally an update!!! I hope you guys enjoyed it! It's pretty short compared to most of my chapters but I'll update soon! The next chapter is a follow on from this one! 

Also let's just pretend 'Some' is from 2008 :'). I actually need to stop making these mistakes lol.  Anyways, love you all!!! <3

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I've started school and I'm in sixthform now so I will update less frequently. But don't worry, the next chapter is exciting! :)


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Chapter 53: Authornimmmm. When is the new update? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 53: omo! who is thattttttttttt?
Why on earth I just find this story yesterday? OMG now I am craving for more
Chapter 52: High school drama. Ahahah
Serefin22 #5
Chapter 49: I love this story so much. You write so well!
Chapter 51: Omggg!! why is this soo good?? Please update I cant wait for the highschool drama!!
mrsLJOE4eva #7
Aww thank you for reading!!! :D
Heyyaz #8
Chapter 51: Omg...... im new here....i really love your story..keep update pls...daebakkkkkk...authornim jjang...
Heyyaz #9
Chapter 51: Omg...... im new here....i really love your story..keep update pls...daebakkkkkk...authornim jjang...
Chapter 51: MANSAE~~~~