
Another Chance

Chapter 46

Chanyeol's P.O.V

I had been humiliated. A couple of weeks had passed since that frightful incident and no one really talked about it anymore. However, my life was not the same. Since Jisu and Sungyeol moved into our class, misfortunes kept finding its way. 

"What are you guys planning to do in the summer? The holidays are approaching!", Sehun asked, during a free period. "I don't know. We should go somewhere together. It's our last summer together right?", Kris suggested. "It's not our last summer. We are all going to Cheongdam High school. We will see each other there as well.", I stated. Baekhyun snorted, and bent over to face me, "Someone just wants to play with Eunsung." I scowled, "Fine. That's what you think." "Then Jisu and Sungyeol, what are you guys doing over the summer holidays?", he asked out of the blue, causing everyone to look at the both of them. Jisu slightly jumped as she didn't expect to receive such question. "Ur...probably going to spend time with my family.", Jisu muttered. She noticed me eyeing her and immediately looked down. Good. After all the torture she gave me, she finally feels guilty. "Ah that's nice. Then what about you, Sungyeol? Are you going to spend time with your family as well?", Baekhyun asked with a smile. However Sungyeol gave a weak smile, "Uh, Yeah. I'm going to spend some time with my mum." "Oh...okay. Well I was thinking you guys could come along with us as well. The bigger the group the better.", Baekhyun suddenly suggested, making me cough. "I mean, obviously we can't go on a proper holiday if Jisu comes. We don't mind but I don't think her parents will let her go on a holiday for a week with a bunch of guys. So what I was thinking is we should all go out together for a day and do something fun so that no one is left out! Deal?", Baekhyun yelped. When did this happen? When did Jisu and Sungyeol become friends with us? What the heck is this? But I didn't say anything. I wasn't in the mood to fight. I knew I wasn't going to win anyways. Jisu however stuttered, "A-ani, it's okay. You guys can go on a proper holiday. I was planning to spend some time with S-sujin so..." "She can come too.", Kris added. "Oh...then I'll think about it.", Jisu smiled. Then she looked at me awkwardly, as if she was waiting for my permission. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Then when and where are we going?", I asked causing everyone to gawk. "W-what?", I stammered. "Well, this is new. You are not objecting like you usually do.", Baekhyun gasped with a smirk. I glared at him, " Do you want to die? If I do argue, I know I'm not going to win anyways." "Fair enough.", Kris laughed along with the others. Seriously these guys...  "Then should we go to a beach?", Kai suddenly beamed. "Do you want to go darker than you already are?", I in which Kai snorted, " Girls like my skin tone. Now don't you get jealous.", he winked. I rolled my eyes. "Beach is good! Then when shall we go?", Sehun asked. " If that's where you guys want to go then please, make sure you go to a beach that's not near here.", Sungyeol blurted causing everyone to frown. "Why?", I asked. He sighed in frustration, "Why, you ask? Well,  I don't want to come across anyone of your fangirls at the beach we are going to." , Sungyeol hissed. Jisu winced, "Yeah, that's a good point because most students think of beaches as a must in summer so we need to find a beach that not many go to."  "Ah true. It won't be good for us either. More rumours could start.", Kris agreed.  " Okay, I'll just find some beaches and then we decide which one, okay?", Baekhyun stated. We all nodded. 

Well....everything is sorted, I can't really object now can I?

Your P.O.V

Somehow I ended up being invited to go a beach and now here I was, actually looking forward to it. Sujin was over the moon when I told her she could come. Of course she would be, She's going to spend a whole day with Baekhyun.  I smiled as we both were making progress. Progress, huh? I sighed, I don't even know what Chanyeol thinks of us joining him. It was even awkward as Chanyeol was very quiet these days. Ususally he would make a racket but he simply agreed. Is he planning something some sort of revenge?

The school term ended and the summer holidays began. And today was the day we were all going to the beach. It came by so quickly I couldn't even prepare myself. I grabbed a pair of leggings and a sleeveless top. I wasn't quite sure if I should go with sleeveless but I did anyways as the weather was undyingly hot. After I finished changing, I plaited my hair into a french braid and then started to pack my necessitites. I took out spare clothes, suncream, a bottle of water and my purse and shoved it all into my bag. Then I called Sujin, "Sujin, what are you bringing?" I had to make sure I got everything for this day. However she laughed, "We are not going on a holiday you know?" "Shut up and just tell me!", I blushed. "Well, I'm bringing some clothes, makeup, a hairbrush, sunscream and my purse." I snorted, "Where are you going? To a party? Why the makeup?" "Leave me alone!", she yelled. I laughed, "Fine." "Oh, then what kind of swimsuit are you wearing? Don't you dare wear those full ones. Chanyeol's coming remember?", she giggled. . I totally forgot to buy one. I only have ones I wore when I was younger. It doesn't fit me! Sujin realised my silence and questioned me, "What? Don't tell me-" "I forgot to buy one.", I shamefully muttered. "WHAT?! Jisu! We are going to a beach girl! How are you going to get into the water?!", she exploded. "I forgot okay!!", I yelled back. "Fine, you can borrow one of mine." "Oh can I?!", I gleamed. "But, they are all two pieces. You okay with that?" "Oh....", she shattered my happiness. "Okay! It's all good then! Then I'll pick you a nice one!", Sujin squealed. "Wait-" BEEP. Damn, she cut the call.

Me and Sujin met at the meet up area and god, she looked stunning. She had done her makeup- it wasn't heavy at all but it looked so great on her. Her hair was curled,  she wore a cute crop top and some demin shorts with a lace cardigan. Her outfit was on point. I looked at my very own and sighed. Sujin giggled, "Yah stop it! You look pretty!" "Yeah yeah.", I snorted then I smiled, "You look really beautiful today. Working hard for Baekhyun huh?" "Of course!", she yelped and then she smirked. "Well, we are a little early you know." She then approached me tauntingly, rubbing her to hands together. "W-what?", I uttered. "You will see!", she grinned, as she clutched onto my wrist and ran. "WAIT! Where are we going?!", I yelled, unable to comprehend. 

She dragged me into the toilet, took all her makeup out of her bag and laid them out onto the basin. I gawked at her, "Uh-uh, no you're not.", I heaved. "Don't Uh-uh me.", she smirked and with that she pulled me closer, wiping my face with some cleansing wipes. Then she yanked the lid of the foundation and grinned at me, "Jisu, just leave everything to me." I horrifyingly gaped at her, "W-wait-" She dotted the foundation on my face and it was too late to argue.

"OMG! Jisu! OMG! You look so -argh-!", she squealed, pushing me towards the mirror. I gazed at the mirror and was shocked myself. I looked nice for once. "Seriously girl, you look gorgeous! Wait, let me just-", she stated, loosening the plaits out a little. "It looks much  better if the braids are not too tight. It's perfect like this. Look!", she beamed. I stared at my hair in the mirror and in fact, it did make a difference. I looked mature and it made me look less geeky. I smiled and then hugged Sujin, "Thanks!" "No problem!", she laughed.

Well that took more than 30 minutes as when we approached the meeting spot, everyone was there. "Why are you guys late huh? Seriously-", Chanyeol started off but then gaped at us. So did the others. Crap, I look weird right? Just then Baekyun butted in, "You guys look great!" "T-thanks.", Sujin blushed, dying inside right now. I just laughed it off. "Then shall we go? The train will be here in a couple of minutes.", Baekhyun stated. We all nodded and made our way. Sungyeol then came over to my side with a smirk that read, who-are-you-trying-to-impress?. I made a face at him and pouted. In response he smiled innocently. Just when I was about to give him a light punch on the arm, I felt someone staring at me. Chanyeol. My eyes met him and indeed, he looked stunning in that oversized top and jeans. However I couldn't stare at him for much longer as he immediately turned his head away and started walking. Thump Thump. I sighed and followed the others to the train.

"I never seen you look like this before.", Kris grinned, while we were on the train. Why is this whole train journey about my appearance? "Well...thanks?", I stated. Sehun laughed, "Kris hyung can't help it when he sees pretty girls. After all, the girl he dates is Sadako." Every erupted in laughter, apart from Kris, me, Sungyeol and Sujin. "Man, why did I even tell you guys about her?", Kris scowled. Confused as I was, I didn't ask anymore on that. Instead me and Sujin had our own conversations and the guys talked together.

After a hour, we arrived at our destination. We walked out of the train station into a busy outdoor shopping centre, and then we spotted the beach from there. The beach was beautiful. It was very clean despite the amount of people that were there. "Whoa.......", the whole group chanted together. I couldn't help but laugh. It was like they were seeing a beach for the first time. 

We all walked towards the beach and as soon as our feet touched the sand, all the guys apart from Sungyeol dropped the bags onto the floor and ran towards the water, screaming. Shocked at the sudden event, I gawked at Sungyeol and Sujin and they both had the same expressions on their faces. I diverted my gaze back to the boys and they were already in the water, having play fights. I laughed but then shook my head as their bags were still with us. "These lazy bastards.", Sungyeol hissed carrying their bags as we walked further into the beach. We found a nice spot and dropped all the bags down. "Me and Jisu are going to the changing rooms, we will meet up with you in  a bit.", Sujin stated. "Huh? Oh okay. I'll just join the guys then.", Sungyeol replied, heading towards the water. I waved at him then made my way with Sujin to a changing room.  

"WHAT THE HECK IS THIS? A BRA?!", I bellowed, staring disgustly at the swimsuit she had given me. "Yah! Stop complaining! This is fashion!", she hissed. "Fashion my ! I am not wearing this thing!", I cried. Sujin puffed her cheeks and let a blow, "This child...if you want to attract Chanyeol, wear it. Remember, Eunsung? If you want to beat her, wear this.", she lured me, shoving the 2 piece swimsuit into my hands. "Sujin-ah...please-", I boohooed but she wasn't buying any of it. "I am doing you a favour! Plus, this is not even that bad! Have you seen the swimsuits girls wear these days? They might as well go !", Sujin yelled. "Fine! I'll wear it", I erupted, storming off into one of the cubicles. 

"I look awful don't I?", I muttered, covering myself with my hands as Sujin eyed me. "Wow.... You have a nice body! Lucky !", she gawked. I rolled my eyes and then grabbed a t-shirt from my bag. "What are you doing?", Sujin asked sternly as she watched me put it on over the swimsuit. "I am not walking around in a bra and knickers", I replied receiving a sinful glare from Sujin, "Aish...fine, do want you want." "I will."

We both walked over to our spot and the guys were still playing in the water. Kris noticed me and waved, but then frowned, "Why are you wearing that ugly shirt?!", he bellowed, causing everyone to stare at us. I glared at him, giving the will-you-shutup-or-i-will-kill-you look. However he laughed and told us to get into the water. So we did. We ended up having water fights and swimming contests. Chanyeol suprisingly joined in, all smiley. I was shocked, but it was good to see this side of him.

When we all come out of the water, a girl approached us. She was tall, like a model and had stunning light brown hair. "Hey.", she greeted at the fellow boys around me. I rolled my eyes along with Sujin. She gave us a dirty look and then diverted her gaze to the boys, "Do you guys wanna hang out?", she asked. The boys had mixed expressions on their faces. "Er...", Kris started off but got interrupted by her. "We are playing volley-ball! It will be fun!", she lured him. "Hmm I see, but-", Kris started off but Chanyeol out of nowhere interrupted him. "If it's volley-ball, I don't mind.", Chanyeol stated. We all gawked at him. Betrayer! The girl beamed, "Yes! Then we can play 2 to 2.". She then diverted her gaze to me and Sujin. "Because we are playing girl and boy versus girl and boy, one of you two can come.", she coldly suggested. If she has this sickening attitude, I didn't want to come. Just as I was about to reject, Kris pushed me towards her. "She's good at volley-ball, take her!", he exclaimed. "What?! You don't even know if I'm good or not!-" "Just play!", Kris whined. I sighed before agreeing. "Fine.", I muttered. "Then it's all good!", the girl gleamed. We all walked over to her squad and all of them were girls apart from this one skinny guy. He was really short and his rabbit like teeth stuck out. It was a disturbing sight. "Younggi! We found these two!", the girl waved over to that guy. When we finally came over, the other girls from her squad squealed. "Whoa, they are so handsome!", they all yapped. The girl however ignored them and faced Chanyeol, "I'm Lee Gyuri.", she took his hand to shake it, but Chanyeol, being the cool chick brushed it off. "Can we just start the game?", he asked coldly. I cackled inside. She derserves it. I walked over to Chanyeol when she abruptly shoved me, "W-what the hell?-", I started off when she interrupted me. "He's my partner, Younggi's yours.", she stated with a grin, linking arms with Chanyeol. I gawked at Chanyeol expecting him to say something but all he said was "Whatever." My jaw dropped, "But this won't be a fair game! You are both tall-" "I'm sorry dear but this world is not fair like you said. You just have to live with it. I mean, the only thing people like you will ever gain is something your level. Hence, Younggi and you are perfect! You guys should date after this!", she howled in laughter, pulling Chanyeol to the volley-ball court. I looked over to Younggi and he looked crushed. I sighed and told him to start making it to the court. 

Yep, I was definitely going to lose. How am I going to win with a boney guy as my partner,  who would probably fly off if a ball hit him? I sighed, but clenched my fists. "Bring it on!", I yelled. Gyuri slammed the ball and it hit Younggi in the stomach, causing him to hurl over. He whined in pain and I dashed over to him. "Younggi, are you okay?!", I exploded, looming over him. However he was too busy groaning. I flashed my eyes at Gyuri, "He's hurt!" "So? He still has to play!", she laughed, high fiving a smirking Chanyeol. My eyes popped out. Since when was Chanyeol so friendly to new girls? "But-" "Okay, I'm going to start!", Chanyeol yelled over, with the ball in his hand. "Wait-" He threw the ball in the air and then leaped, hitting the ball right at me. I screamed out of panic, but as my reflexes were sharp, I managed to hit the ball back. Chanyeol was shocked as I saw his lips trembling but he didn't let it get to him, as he hit the ball again. I hit the ball back, and so did Chanyeol. This process was ongoing when Gyuri screeched, "Yah! Let me have a go!", she yelled, snatching the ball of Chanyeol. She then threw the ball right at me and it hit me on the head and then bounced off and hit Younggi on the leg. He howled and let out a cry. Everyone froze and I broke it. "Younggi can't play anymore okay?! Stop being selfish!", I screamed at Gyuri, getting Younggi onto his feet and carefully placing him on a nearby chair, next to the boys. Then I scanned through the boys, when my eyes met with Sungyeol's. I grinned and pulled him out, taking him to the court. "What the-But, wait, I can't-" "Sh. Just help me out here please!", I snapped at Sungyeol, silencing him. Chanyeol and Gyuri glared at me, but I smirked. "What? It's only fair this way."

I thought with Sungyeol, who was good at everything, I was able to win. However he was the most test volley-ball player in the world. "Yah, what don't you get?! Just hit the ball and try aiming it to go onto the floor on the opponent's side. It's that simple!", I howled at Sungyeol as our team was losing. Sungyeol glared at me, "Did I ask you to pick me? I tried telling you but you didn't listen!", he snapped back, resulting Chanyeol and Gyuri to laugh. I boohooed and scrunched my hair. "Can't I pick someone else? Please!", I begged Gyuri. "No, you can't.", she simply stated with a eery smile. "But-" "Let's start!", she squealed, hitting the ball at Sungyeol once again, who didn't try blocking it, or hitting it back. "SUNGYEOL!", I cried. "WHAT?!", he yelled. "Hit the ball back! Why are you like this?! You can't even play this simple sport-" "You people call this sport?! I don't play this crap. I only play tennis and golf-" "GOLF?! You nerd! Just hit the damn ball! Think of it as tennis then! It's not that hard!", I screeched, losing it. "Tennis? How can I think of this as tennis?", he innocently asked. I fell to the ground and sighed. "I can't do this anymore.", I cried. Gyuri let out a thunderous sigh, "Fine, I'm being nice and I'm letting you guys have the ball this time." "What? Really?", my eyes sparkled. "But, Sungyeol is going to hit the ball.", she smirked, crashing my heart. "What?", I gawked at her. "Don't you have faith in your partner? I'll give you about a minute to give him some tips. I'm actually a nice person. This won't be allowed in the real game.", she howled in laughter along with Chanyeol. I gritted my teeth before getting up and facing Sungyeol. I pulled him, and turned him over, so our backs were facing Gyuri and Chanyeol. "Sungyeol, just be calm okay? Treat this as tennis. Instead of your racket, you just use your hands. That's basically volley-ball. Just close your eyes and picture a tennis court or something-" "Time's up!", she yelled over. "What? That wasn't a minute!" "In my book it is!", she snapped. I rolled my eyes with a blow and faced them. I gave a reassuring look to Sungyeol, who took a grip on the ball and then flashed his eyes at Gyuri and Chanyeol. He threw the ball in the air, and with a graceful leap, he slammed it forcefully. The ball scorched past an amazed Chanyeol and Gyuri and dug into the sand in a blink of an eye. I gaped at Sungyeol not believing what I had just seen. Sungyeol couldn't believe it himself. "Sungyeol! We did it!", I squealed, clasping onto Sungyeol's hands while doing some rachet dance. Chanyeol and Gyuri had blank expressions and I couldn't help but cackle at their faces. "AHAHA! Thanks guys for helping us out! You are really nice, Gyuri!", I sarcastically stated, laughing and cackling, losing my mind. I couldn't help it, it was really a victory after all. 

And after that, Sungyeol got a hang of the game and we were catching up with Gyuri's and Chanyeol's score. Chanyeol hit the ball, and Sungyeol hit it back. I grinned at Sungyeol, giving him a thumbs up. Chanyeol glared, and slammed the ball again. I leaped and hit it back. Gyuri however pushed Chanyeol out of the way with a pout and catched the ball. "Give the ball to me next time!", she yelled at Chanyeol. Chanyeol rolled his eyes. She then forcefully, threw the ball, which flew past us and hit into an empty metal guard chair, that was placed on the side of the court, near where I was standing. My eyes gaped at the guard chair, which was now rattling back and forth. It was more than 2 metres in height and if it fell, it was going to fall on me. I froze. "Jisu, move out of the way!", Sungyeol yelled, who was on the other end of the court. However, my once sharp reflexes failed to respond, and I stood their in awe gaping at the falling chair. I heard everyone screaming, telling me to move. I heard Sungyeol's footstep pelting towards me. The chair was now a few seconds away from falling on me and suddenly, I was light-headed. Just then, someone flung at me, and a slight thud was heard as we both landed on the floor. The metal guard chair crashed onto us, and I heard a deep groan. However I felt nothing. Just then, I came to my concious mind, and my eyes bolted at whoever was now lying on top of me, with the chair lying across his body. "Sungyeol?", you muttered, but you realised it was not him. His hair was never a dirty blonde. "Chanyeol?", I gasped, his face was buried against my head, and his eyes closed. "CHANYEOL?!", I screeched. Everyone rushed over to us and pulled the guard chair off us. Baekhyun rushed over, "Chanyeol, Yah Chanyeol!", he yelled, tapping Chanyeol's face. He didn't respond. "We have to carry him to the emergency room!", Gyuri yelled over. Immediately, Kris and Sehun, the strongest and the tallest of the group, came by Chanyeol's side and carried him. Baekhyun followed them. However, I sat on ther floor, still unable to comprehend. "Are you stupid?! If you moved, that wouldn't have happened!", Gyuri yelled at me. "Why are you yelling at her? It's not her fault!", Kai hissed at Gyuri, handing me a water bottle. "T-thanks.", I gasped, still in shock. Sujin was by my side, and she clutched onto my hand, "Don't worry." Sungyeol loomed over me, out of breathe, with a look of guilt in his eyes. I expected Sungyeol to be the one who saved me. Where did Chanyeol even come from? 

I sighed, feeling guilty. I then bolted onto my feet and dashed off to the emergency room, with everyone running after me. It was my fault he became like this, I have to take responsibilty.

It had been quite a while since Chanyeol regained consciousness and he had never been more embarrassed. He wanted all of us to leave him alone for a while. We decided to do so. I sat with Sujin on the sand, awkwardly drawing shapes with a stick onto the sand. Sujin sighed, "Are you not at all curious about how Chanyeol saved you? It was so Ahhh, romantic!", she squealed with a grin. I glared at her, "Do I have time to be thinking like that? He's hurt!", I howled. However she raised her eyebrows at me, "Really child? Is that what you're actually thinking?", she smirked. "Fine! I am a little curious because I'm still shocked at possibly why he wanted to save me when he knew what was coming for him if he did.", I grumbled. Sujin giggled, "Chanyeol feels different about you now, I know! Don't give up! Never!", she squealed, clutching my hand. "Yah, what kind of nonense are you saying.", I muttered, slapping her hand away, my face flushing. She cackled before facing me. "You should have seen him. He was seriously like a hero! Ahhh~!", she squealed clasping both of her hands together.  "I thought Sungyeol was going to get to you first but he was still far away from you than Chanyeol was. Chanyeol was opposite you with only the net fence separating you two. So, he leaped over the net. Like omg, how handsome is that? I'm still getting goosebumps telling you this. It was a breath taking moment.", she squealed, hiding her blushing face. "Ah, so you like Chanyeol now?", I stated coldly. "Nah, Baekhyun is still my love. I just have this respect for Chanyeol now.", she beamed. I laughed and then let a blow. "I mean, I'm quite, you know glad he was the one who saved me. It kind of gives me hope.", I muttered, immediately hiding my face with my arms. Sujin roared with laughter, "Yes! That's right! Keep onto that hope!-" "Can you guys be quiet? I can hear your stupid laughing from all the way to my room.", Chanyeol yelled, his bandaged multiple of times yet he still looked perfect. I immediately rotated my head, my face burning red. "Sorry!", Sujin yelled over. Suddenly Sujin hissed a whisper, "He's coming this way! He's coming to us!". "What?!", I hissed back, in a state of hysteria as I didn't know what to say to him. However it was too late as he sat down next to me. My body froze. I just wanted to run away. "There's hardly anyone here and it's getting dark.", Chanyeol muttered, gazing at the sunset. Me and Sujin didn't say a word. Chanyeol then looked at us. "Where did the guys go?", he asked. " Urm, to buy some food.", Sujin answered. "What, all of them?", Chanyeol scowled, as he was the only guy with us right now. "Yeah...", Sujin mumbled. Chanyeol ran down his fingers threw his hair and then sighed. Silence entered among us and it was getting unbearable. I wanted to run into the sea and drown. "H-how's y-your back?", I asked, breaking the silence. Chanyeol sighed even more. " Ah, it doesn't hurt at all!", he sarcastically scowled. I gulped. After several minutes, I decided to try again. "T-thanks for s-saving me. A-and I'm sorry because of m-me-" "Yah! Why are you like this? It's creepy!", Chanyeol flashed his eyes at me, his cheeks slightly burning. I gaped at him, and he immediately got up. "I'm going to look for the guys." and with that he stormed off. I finally decided to breathe when he was out of sight. However Sujin roared in laughter, "OMG! He blushed! Did you see?! OH GOD!", she made a tantrum. "What are you on about? He didn't blush!", I snapped. "Yeah yeah, whatever you say miss.", Sujin giggled. 

Is it wrong to have some hope?

The guys came back and after eating, we decided to leave as it was getting dark. 

"Bye!", we chanted together as we all had to part ways. When I arrived home, I flung myself onto my bed, and then drew my journal out. I took a pen and then updated everything that happened today. After I had finished, I shoved the journal back under my pillow and then I gazed at the ceiling, It has been 4 months since I transferred and so much has happened. What's going to happen in these remaining 8 months of middle school? 

# I haven't updated in years and I am so sorry! I was just busy with getting everything ready for prom! But leave that, only one more chapter left until the middle school memories are over! Yep, i'm going to fast forward everything, but don't worry, it will be a long and interesting read, hopefully! Also, I realised my story is dragging a lot, but yeah, I'm so glad that you guys still like my story despite the misleading foreword. (I need to update the foreword ASAP)  I'll work hard! Love you guys! TT


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I've started school and I'm in sixthform now so I will update less frequently. But don't worry, the next chapter is exciting! :)


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Chapter 53: Authornimmmm. When is the new update? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 53: omo! who is thattttttttttt?
Why on earth I just find this story yesterday? OMG now I am craving for more
Chapter 52: High school drama. Ahahah
Serefin22 #5
Chapter 49: I love this story so much. You write so well!
Chapter 51: Omggg!! why is this soo good?? Please update I cant wait for the highschool drama!!
mrsLJOE4eva #7
Aww thank you for reading!!! :D
Heyyaz #8
Chapter 51: Omg...... im new here....i really love your story..keep update pls...daebakkkkkk...authornim jjang...
Heyyaz #9
Chapter 51: Omg...... im new here....i really love your story..keep update pls...daebakkkkkk...authornim jjang...
Chapter 51: MANSAE~~~~