A date with Baekhyun?!

Another Chance

Chapter 37

Chanyeol's P.O.V

The day had finally come to discover the truth. Baekhyun seemed traumatised by Jisu's idea and I do have to agree with him. This was going to be difficult. We waited outside Class 3E's form and it was a bad idea. I could hear girls sqealing and gossiping while pointing at us. I sighed and nudged Baekhyun to do something about this situation. Instead he shoved me, and hissed, "You do something!". Rolling my eyes, I snorted, "Fine, I will." I ambled into the class room and the squealing slowly died out. But in the space of 10 seconds, it started again. I sighed. Being popular is hard. "I want to speak to Nayeon, is she here?", I asked coldly, trying to maintain my image. The girls squealed louder and started bickering among themselves. When I decided to give up and go back, I heard her. "I'm here.", she said angelically, slowly walking towards me. Just then Baekhyun walked in and Nayeon's face flushed a bright shade of red. I sarcastically rolled my eyes which made her blush even more. "We need to have a talk.", I stated. She looked down innocently and then gazed into my eyes, "Yeah, sure!", she beamed. "Well...not here. Outside.", I signalled her to the corridor. "Oh..okay.", she blushed. Just then the class oo-ed and woo-ed their off and started to sing childish songs. "Chanyeol and Nayeon sitting in a tree, K, I, S-" "No! It's supposed to be Baekhyun remember!", some guy yelled across the room. Then the whole class chanted together, "Baekhyun and Nayeon sitting in a tree, K, I, S, S, I, N.G!~". The chanting died out when they saw our straight faces. Then some other girl without knowing that the chant had died, screamed out, "Baekhyun and Chanyeol sitting in a tree, K, I, S, S, I, N, G!" She realised what she had done and immediately hid under the table. I could hear girls hissing at her and awkwardly smiling at us to brush it off. So they ship me and Baekhyun together. Wow. I looked at Baekhyun and he was scarred for life.

 So we were outside the janitor's room, waiting for someone to say something and finally Baekhyun spoke. "Look Nayeon, I know it's you.", he stated. Nayeon gazed at Baekhyun lovingly and mumbled in awe, "I don't know what you are talking about." "Well about the mentoring.", Baekhyun replied. Silence filled the corridor.

For a moment I regretted this idea. I knew it wasn't going to be her and we were just exposing ourselves. However to my surprise, she grinned. Baekhyun's face dropped and so did mine. Who is this new person? Trying to think straight, I eyed her scornfully this time but she still had the same grin on her face. I looked at Baekhyun and he looked back at me, with a nerve-racking expression. Suddenly she grabbed Baekhyun's wrist, making him jump and brought her face closer to his. Weird noised come out of his mouth but I did nothing to help. I was glad that I was not the one she liked. She seemed like a creep to be honest. She then let go of Baekhyun's arm and smiled naively, "Baekhyun, can I talk with you privately?" Baekhyun gawked ghastly. "Um, why?", he asked, trying to keep his posture. "Please.", she pouted, flickering her eyes. Sujin was right about her, she was on a whole new level of creepiness. When she realised Baekhyun had nothing to say, she sighed, "Fine, I'll tell you about the mentoring. It was me."

We didn't know what to do. We didn't know whether to laugh, cry or beat the out of her. Silence creeped in and I could see her twitching her body from side to side joyfully, like she was dancing or something. I finally let out a loud snort. She jumped, "You scared me!", she pouted, fluttering her eyes once again. I was seriously traumatised. How could the school's 'angel' be a devil? Now I understood why the girls did not like her. She smiled brightly like she did nothing wrong which caused Baekhyun to knit his eyebrows together, "Why did you do it?", he asked. Smiling still, she stated, "I don't know, I just felt like it." "What do you mean you just felt like it? You caused so much trouble!", I interrupted, spilling with anger. She pouted, "Stop screaming at me, I didn't really mean to, it's just-". She hesitated while twisting her hair inbetween her fingers. "What is it?", I questioned her. "Well, I didn't like the fact that you guys were hanging out with those girls- it's hard to explain.", she mumbled, embarrassed. I sighed in frustration, "We are not hanging out with them. I need them, otherwise I would never see day again."  I can't believe I said that. I don't need Jisu and her aggressive personality to haunt me. O my precious credit card, look at how much I am suffering for you. When will I get you back? Nayeon raised her eyebrows, confused on what I was trying to say. 

"Carrying on, you still haven't explained why you did that.", I asked knowing that she was slyly trying to avoid it. She looked down and uttered, "Because..." "Because of what?", I asked. Her fingers shyly pointed at Baekhyun. I knew it. Why did I even ask? Jisu was right. Nayeon did this to get Baekhyun's attention. Wow. No words. Baekhyun awkwardly chuckled, "M-me? What?". I glared at him, "Don't. You know exactly what she means." "No I don't.", he laughed it off, while giving me a killer stare. Why does this guy always act like this? Everytime a girl likes him, in front of the girl, he acts like he knows nothing about it. Be like me and flatly reject these es. Geez. The amount of people I have rejected...it was hard to even remember the exact number.

Nayeon sighed and diverted her gaze slowly to Baekhyun. Her face flushed red. I rolled my eyes. "Baekhyun-ah, I need to discuss something with you.", she made out. "Mhm.", Baekhyun muttered, giving her a sign to carry on. It was definitely going to be a confession. I eagerly waited for her to say it when she bit her lip, "Chanyeol, I want to talk to Baekhyun only. It's something that I can only say to him." "Oh", I disappointedly stated but I was sort relieved that I didn't have to see her traumatising face for so long. "Well, take you time.", I grinned dauntingly and then ambled back to the corridor. She was definitely going to confess, but at the same time it didn't feel right. I made a decision to wait for Baekhyun at the corridor instead of going back to my classroom.

15 minutes went by and he wasn't here yet. Dude, just reject her for God's sake. Just as I was about to give up and go back to the classroom, I heard him screaming "WHAAAAAAT?!", which echoed through the corridor.  I crashed onto the wall due to the sudden hysteric sound. That was definitely Baekhyun and he didn't sound mentally well. I dashed towards the janitor's room, hoping he wasn't getting , but to my surprise, he was just lifelessly sitting on the floor, gawking at the air, as if a malicious ghost was about to slit his throat open. "Baekhyun. Yah Baekhyun!", I yelled to which he didn't respond.

I snorted, shaking my head. I was planning to leave him and go back when he uttered some disjoined words, "S-she b-blackmailed...S-she...." "Huh?", I raised my eyebrows in confusion. He sighed in frustration before shrieking, "She blackmailed me! She said I have to go on a date with her this weekend or she will show that damn tape to everyone!" "What tape?! Dude, tell me properly so that I can understand!" "She somehow got an audio type of me saying Sujin's my girlfriend. And now, she's saying that she will show the damn school if I don't go on a date with her! Man, I am so ing doomed.", Baekhyun boohooed.

How the heck did this happen?

Your P.O.V

(After School)

"W-WHAT?!", I croaked at the sudden news. Baekhyun banged his head onto the desk and sighed. "How did she record that?", I asked dumbfounded. No one answered apart from Sungyeol. "Well, that girl is a stalker after all. She probably stood outside and recorded the whole conversation we had with that teacher.", he stated calmly. I sighed. Why is it everytime we think everything is solved, we get proven wrong? Really? An audio tape? Really? -.- I diverted my gaze back to Baekhyun, "So, did you accept the date?" Baekhyun immediately shot up, "Obviously! I don't want a tape going around the whole school saying that I date some random girl-" Sujin face darkened in distort. I bit my lip, "You mean Sujin.", I stated. "Huh? Yeah...I didn't mean it in a rude way...it's just you know, I'm just depressed right now... so yeah. I'm going to take a little break. Be right back.", and with that Baekhyun glided out of his room and I could hear his footsteps pelting down the stairs angrily .

I looked over to Sujin and her face resembled a burnt toast. "Sujin, just be glad that Nayeon didn't ask for something worse.", I stated. "Yeah I know! But he called me a random-" I interrupted Sujin with a "Shh!" Crap. I didn't realise Chanyeol was in the room and I gave hints about Sujin liking Baekhyun. He would literally slice us and would probably go and tell Baekhyun. And then both of them would know the actual reason to why I mentor them! Sujin realised why I hushed her and covered . However Sungyeol snorted, "Don't freak out. He is either listening to music or sleeping, I can't tell. Just look at him." So I did. I rotated my head to find him resting his head on a pile of worksheets, drooling like a toddler, while listening to music through his earphones. "Yeah...I think he's sleeping and listening to music at the same...Phew", Sujin uttered in relieve. I sighed, half in relief and half in annoyance as that bastard ended up sleeping instead of doing the worksheets. 

The week flew by and the weekend arrived. I was finally free of mentoring and school stress- I couldn't be any happier. But I knew that there was someone who would be dreading this day. Sujin. Her crush is going on a date with her no.1 rival. Sujin doesn't even know where they were going which meant that she couldn't even stalk them or stop Nayeon from doing anything interactive. I feel for her...I wonder if Chanyeol goes on dates with that girl Sehun mentioned that time? Eunsung? I sighed...one sided love is actually depressing.

# OMG, EXO's NEW ALBUM! Chanyeol killed me! I can't. As a present to all you amazing people, I decided to update despite my revision stress. I have errors in here, don't care really haha. ENJOY!

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I've started school and I'm in sixthform now so I will update less frequently. But don't worry, the next chapter is exciting! :)


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Chapter 53: Authornimmmm. When is the new update? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 53: omo! who is thattttttttttt?
Why on earth I just find this story yesterday? OMG now I am craving for more
Chapter 52: High school drama. Ahahah
Serefin22 #5
Chapter 49: I love this story so much. You write so well!
Chapter 51: Omggg!! why is this soo good?? Please update I cant wait for the highschool drama!!
mrsLJOE4eva #7
Aww thank you for reading!!! :D
Heyyaz #8
Chapter 51: Omg...... im new here....i really love your story..keep update pls...daebakkkkkk...authornim jjang...
Heyyaz #9
Chapter 51: Omg...... im new here....i really love your story..keep update pls...daebakkkkkk...authornim jjang...
Chapter 51: MANSAE~~~~