The Walk Home


My eyes were wide as L.Joe's lips were connected to mine.

*Is this just an act?*

*Bring!* The bell rang and class was dismissed. We parted and just stared at each other.

"Okay class! We'll continue this tomorrow! Have a good day!" Mrs. In clapped her hands and walked to her desk, "L.Joe, ___?"

"N-neh!" We both turned around and said at the same time.

"Good job acting today." She winked and gave us two thumbs up.

I blushed and shuffled over to my desk. I tried hard to calm my palpitating heart by breathing slowly.

My classmates stared at me and gossiped as they were walking out, "Omo, are they going out? What was that? She's so lucky! She's a junior right?"

I covered my face and ran out. Without knowing, I bumped into someone right as I turned right.

"Hello, miss clumsy." L.Joe was smirking down at me.

"W-what do you w-want?" I stuttered and looked down. "I just wanted to tell you that you should come home with me after school. That way, I can have a continued nap." He crossed his arms. I scoffed, *Who is he to tell me to follow you home?* L.Joe tapped his foot impatiently, "Yeah? Meet me at the front entrance."

I opened my mouth to say something but when I looked up, L.Joe was gone. I frowned and walked away, *Rude.*

Like planned, I walked towards the front of the school after the last bell rang. L.Joe was leaning against the wall with one foot propped up. He had earphones on and was bopping his head to the beat. As soon as he saw me coming close, he got up and took his earphones out, "Let's go." He started walking.

I quickened my pace to catch up with him. L.Joe swiftly opened the door and walked through.

"Ah! Yah!" The door closed on me, "Couldn't you at least hold the door open for me?" I shouted at L.Joe. He turned around and smirked at me, "Sorry. I don't do that stuff little girly."

I pouted and caught up to him, "Yah!" I hit his head and pouted, "Did no one teach you manners? I hate people like you!"

L.Joe smirked and looked up at the sky while walking, "Well I had no parents when I was growing up and I was raised in the same neighborhood I live in now so I guess it's reasonable. Go ahead, hate me. Like I care. I have too many people hating me that I lost count." He chuckled.

Suddenly, I felt bad for him. I didn't know what he has been through, yet, I yelled at him like that, "I'm sorry. I didn't know." I mumbled.

"I don't need your pity so just don't be sorry okay?" L.Joe showed me a very small smile and kept walking.

Minutes passed and we were half way to L.Joe's house. It was awkward and quiet. The only sound was my hard breathing, "How do you, you do this, everyday?!" I huffed.

"Lazy." L.Joe stopped and smirked at me, "Unlike you, I was always on the run when I was little so I learned how to use my legs as transportation, not wheels."

Offended, I opened my mouth to retort but L.Joe stopped me, "But don't get me wrong. I have a motorcycle but I only use her on special occasions. She's pricey and I don't want anyone to touch her." I looked at him weirdly.

I shook my head and held my chin up, "And don't get me wrong. I exercise and jog sometimes. I walked through town before. Don't act like you know everything. Hmph!" I scurried off towards his dumpster of a neighborhood. When I got to the border, I stopped, afraid. L.Joe came up behind me and chuckled, "Don't worry. Come on. If I'm with you, no one will hurt your little self." He pat my head.

I bit my lip and walked next to him. To ease myself from the chills, I asked L.Joe a question, "Hey, what was with the kiss earlier?" He didn't look at me, "What kiss?" I blinked and tilted my head, "You know, the kiss you gave me in front of our whole entire class?" L.Joe shrugged and gave me an innocent look, "I don't know what you're talking about." I grew angry and started stomping towards his house, "Whatever." I could hear L.Joe laughing behind me.

We were inside his house when I suddenly remembered my idea, "I got it! I remembered what I was going to do!" I aimed a sly grin towards L.Joe's direction.

"What?" He raised a brow.


Sincerely yours truly,

June 14th, 2011
2:53 PM

Listening To: Love Alone by Miss A
Lookin At: Laptop
Smelling: Nothing
Watching: Nothing
Waiting For: Many parties to come ;D
Loving: SUMMER!
Next POSSIBLE Update: Today June 14th, 2011

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Chapter 60: Reading this in 2020... WOW still a fav ??
Chapter 1: wow, i just found this story made 2 years back. Gonna start reading this because its ljoe~~~
love this <3
i remember reading this a lot before but im so surprised i wasnt subscribed to it.. WHAT DUHHH
byunghuns_angel #5
Omo~ i already read this for the 3rd time, I really love this story. Jinjja daebak!!
Chapter 61: OMG that was perfect!!
PrincessKitty #7
Chapter 61: I love this story!!!!
Chapter 61: Haha I've read this story soo many times, but I'm only commenting now.. sorry! xD
Hehe, I loooove this story author nim!~
FishyByung #9
Chapter 61: Aww what a cute n romantic story neomu joh-a !!