Chapter 65 - White Day Celebrations

YongSeo - Post WGM

“Mmmm…..!!!!” Seo Hyun exclaimed. Yong Hwa kept his eyes on Seo Hyun when she took her first bite, quietly anticipating her reaction. As usual, his mouth was agape as he always was when he was concentrating and right now, he was concentrating on Seo Hyun’s reaction. “Oppa!! This is delicious! You’re right… The food is exceptionally good!” Seo Hyun praised earnestly. Breaking into a goofy grin, Yong Hwa quipped “Of course!! When have I ever lied to you??” Seo Hyun quickly picked up another mouthful of food and ate eagerly. “Oppa, this is seriously really good. Did you really cook everything?? On your own??” Seo Hyun asked, curiosity gleaming clearly from her eyes. Yong Hwa’s chest puffed up proudly for a moment with a smug look on his face before he broke out of his act and lowered his gaze, smiling shyly, “Nahh… I did cook it though but it wasn’t just me alone. The three boys helped, Jong Hyun, Min Hyuk and Jung Shin. And…. Your unnies too, Tae Yeon, Hyo Yeon and Yoona.”


Seo Hyun’s eyes opened wide at the mention of her three unnies, “Really?? Unnie-dul came to help? Did you ask them?” Yong Hwa shook his head, “No, it was a surprise actually. The biggest surprise was they had walked in after Jong Hyun, without him even knowing they were following him. Imagine the shock we all had when three girls suddenly pounced at us in the kitchen!!” Yong Hwa shuddered at the thought. He’s never been one to take shocks and surprises well, especially when it involved scaring him out of his wits. Seo Hyun laughed at Yong Hwa’s facial expression. He looked like he got transported back to the morning when the three Soshi girls had scared the four CNBLUE boys. “Oppa, you mean my unnies knew of your plans for today?” Seo Hyun asked, breaking Yong Hwa out of his reverie. “Ne, I confided in them a couple of weeks ago for some things. And Jong Hyun mentioned it to Yoona last night. You do know that they’re flirting, right?” Yong Hwa said casually.


Seo Hyun swallowed another spoonful of rice before responding, “Ne, I do know they’re flirting. Honestly, I’ve never seen Yoona-unnie so enamoured with a guy before. She’s always had so many admirers but she would always politely entertain them in a non-commital way. She’s different with Jong Hyun-oppa. Is Jong Hyun-oppa serious about pursuing her? I know Jong Hyun-oppa is a good man. But I don’t want whatever they have or don’t have between them to affect CNBLUE and SNSD’s relationship.” Yong Hwa took a moment to finish his bowl of soup to give him time to think of how to reply to Seo Hyun’s question. “I think he really likes her. But Hyun, today is our day, can we just focus on us for today, please?” Yong Hwa pleaded, his voice dripping with aegyo as he leaned forward to hold her hand.


Seo Hyun giggled and pulled her hands from his grasp to cradle his face. “Yong Hwa-oppa… I love you…” Seo Hyun whispered. Yong Hwa looked mesmerized at Seo Hyun, his mouth slightly agape again. They were simple words but it weighed a tonne. Reaching for her hand again, Yong Hwa interlaced his fingers with hers and gripped it tight, “Seo Joo Hyun, I can’t believe you’re real… I love you too…” Yong Hwa felt lost in her eyes, as he continued to stare at her beautiful, big, clear eyes. “Oppa, we better finish eating before the food gets cold. It would be a waste for the delicious food you made to get cold” Seo Hyun said gently as she nudged Yong Hwa with her fingers. “Ne?? Oh… Ne, let’s eat, Hyun” Yong Hwa said as he broke out of his trance.


As they each took bite by bite of their dinner, Yong Hwa recounted his afternoon to Seo Hyun. How he painstakingly made each dish. How the boys and the SoShi girls helped him. How he had to buy six, SIX large pizzas to fulfill the appetites of his brothers and their three helpers. Seo Hyun laughed heartily at his recollections, he sounded like he was whining but she knew he had a lot of fun with his brothers and her sisters and didn’t mind forking out the money to feed them. She was always thankful that they all got along well. Too bad they couldn’t be seen interacting in public, else they could have had more fun instead of hiding at each others’ homes to meet up.


“So, are you ready for desert yet?” Yong Hwa peered over at Seo Hyun who had finished her last spoonful of rice. “Ne?? Oppa!! I would love to but I’m extremely stuffed. Did you make desert as well??” Seo Hyun asked guiltily. She would have hated to waste Yong Hwa’s efforts by refusing to eat it. “Ani… Desert was the one thing I didn’t have the time nor the skills to make. So you don’t have to feel guilty about not eating it. Besides, that’s why I made so many dishes. So that I didn’t have to make desert too” Yong Hwa confessed, grinning from ear to ear. Seo Hyun leaned forward to pinch both his cheeks and yelled “Choding!! Who does that?!” Seo Hyun then burst into fits of laughter. Trust Yong-choding to come up with logic that didn’t quite make sense.


“Hyun… I’m sorry I didn’t buy you any flowers for White Day. Are you disappointed?” Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun were now seated on the couch, leaning against each other, both a little drowsy from the big dinner they just had. “Ani, flowers are such a waste anyway. They wilt and die after a few days. What a waste…” Seo Hyun said objectively. “Really?But don’t all girls like to receive flowers?” Yong Hwa prodded, leaning his head on Seo Hyun’s who had her head on his shoulder and interlacing their fingers together. “It would be nice to receive it, I guess. But honestly if you think of the cost and the practicality of it, it’s really not worth it” Seo Hyun answered honestly. “Mmm… My yeoshin is always so practical and different” Yong Hwa teased. “Hyu~n, I think Jung Shin dropped the TV remote control on the floor on your side of the couch. Can you pick it up for me please? I think there’s a soccer match starting soon…” Yong Hwa drawled. “Ne? You want to watch soccer?” Seo Hyun asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice.


She was a tad disappointed and her nose flared ever so slightly but she complied anyway. Leaning over the side of the sofa, she hadn’t expected to find a small bouquet of paper flowers greeting her. Seo Hyun jolted up and kneeled on the sofa to reach down to pick up the bouquet of paper flowers. “Oppa!! What’s this??” Seo Hyun squealed. “Wae wae? What’s that?” Yong Hwa feigned ignorance. “This!! What’s this Oppa? Did you make this??” Seo Hyun ed the bouquet of flowers to his face. Unable to  keep his poker face any longer, Yong Hwa grinned and nodded. “Of course. I made that from scratch! Pick up the book that was below the bouquet as well” Yong Hwa instructed. Leaning over the side of the sofa again, Seo Hyun’s fingers reached for a thin notebook that was bound with white ribbons. “What’s this?!” Seo Hyun squealed again. Yong Hwa knew Seo Hyun well enough to know it wasn’t really a question but her way of aegyo-ing so he just sat and watched her untangle the ribbons with a goofy grin on his face.


Flipping the pages, Seo Hyun saw pictures of Yong Hwa making the paper flowers from scratch. It was a photobook that Yong Hwa had made to document him making the bouquet of paper flowers for Seo Hyun. She laughed at every picture and its funny captions. Some shots were candid, where she could see his brows furrowing in concentration and sometimes annoyance. Some shots were staged where he would pose with Jung Shin or Min Hyuk or Jong Hyun with goofy expressions and poses. And as a tradition, the last few pages were letters from each of the CNBLUE members, starting with the youngest, Jung Shin to Min Hyuk, then Jong Hyun and lastly Yong Hwa.  And as usual, they all wrote something funny that tickled Seo Hyun’s funny bone.


While Seo Hyun was paying attention to the photobook, Yong Hwa’s eyes stayed glued to Seo Hyun’s face, watching as her smile got bigger and bigger and her excitement and glee grew. Finally closing the photobook, Seo Hyun beamed at Yong Hwa. “Thank you oppa! For the flowers and also the photobook!” Seo Hyun said, leaning in to give Yong Hwa a peck on the lips. Yong Hwa was proud of himself. He knew she was different and that she’d appreciate his hand made gifts more than anything he could buy and was happy that he was not wrong. “Seems like you enjoyed the photobook more than the flowers” Yong Hwa teased. “Honestly? Yes, I liked the photobook a bit more than the flowers. But that’s because I got to see the process and I think the journey is always more important than the end result…” Seo Hyun’s eyes twinkled with honesty and admiration for the man beside her.


“Seo Joo Hyun, you look like I just gave you the world’s rarest jewel!” Yong Hwa teased. “Oppa, this is priceless! No amount of money can buy this!” Seo Hyun defended. Yong Hwa chuckled, he felt like he just won the jackpot. He’s never felt his efforts and actions more cherished than as it was now. “Seo Joo Hyu~n… You’re really one of a kind, you know that?” Yong Hwa crushed her in his embrace. Seo Hyun’s soft laughter escaped her lips as she closed her eyes and savoured being in Yong Hwa’s embrace. “Mmm… And you’re the only one for me, oppa” Seo Hyun mumbled into his chest.


“Hyu~n, did you read the last page?” Yong Hwa asked suddenly as he released her from his crushing embrace. “Ne? Yes, I read your letter” Seo Hyun replied, puzzled. “Hyu~n…. I asked about the last page, not my letter” Yong Hwa replied cryptically. Frowning, Seo Hyun looked down at the photobook on her lap and flipped to the last page which was Yong Hwa’s letter. “Oppa, your letter IS the last pag–“ Seo Hyun paused abruptly when she noticed there was another page after Yong Hwa’s letter. Flipping quickly to the last page she hadn’t noticed, she saw the picture of the finished bouquet but there was an arrow that pointed to the centre of the bouquet, to the lone blue rose that was surrounded by pink roses.


“Mmm..??” Seo Hyun mumbled before she quickly picked up the bouquet of paper flowers from the coffee table in front of her. Looking at the blue rose, she noticed that it was slightly bigger than the pink roses. Looking closely, she saw something white inside the rose and she gasped. Gently prying open the rose, she saw a small, delicate, white box sitting snugly inside the blue rose. Seo Hyun reached in to pry the box out carefully. Calming her heart down, she slowly opened the box. Yong Hwa had been carefully watching her, her actions and her expression and had unintentionally held his breath. Sitting inside the box were a pair of star shaped earrings. Slowly, a smile spread over her face and he began to breathe again. “Oppa…” Seo Hyun breathed, turning her attention to him.


“I made that too…Sorta” Yong Hwa grinned. “You made this?” Seo Hyun was gaped at him. “Well, sort of… And not really. Remember when we had our duet in Niigata? I was going to propose to you then, after I had gotten Lee Soo Man-sajangnim’s permission. So I bought a beautiful bracelet for you. But after our duet, and you got angry, I broke the bracelet when I got back to the hotel. I took out my anger on the bracelet” Yong Hwa confessed sheepishly. He brought both his hands to Seo Hyun’s face and cupped it, holding it gently. “I made this earring from that bracelet. I got the idea from Omoni when she called me one day to tell me she just finished her DIY class, making earrings. Then I got Jong Hyun to enlist help from your unnies. Sunny, Jessica and even Yoona helped to show me how to make DIY earrings. But they suggested that I make something memorable instead of just any random earring that can be bought outside. And I immediately thought of the bracelet I never gave you” Yong Hwa continued.


Seo Hyun smiled. Trust Yong Hwa to come up with the most unconventional ways to give the most conventional gifts, like the flowers to this, a pair of earrings. “But I was worried that the bracelet would rust over time. So I took it to the jeweler to have them cut three stars from it, polish the edges and then coat it with platinum finish. I’m sorry, I would have preferred to make it myself but I wanted it to last” Yong Hwa said apologetically. “Oh Oppa!! Thank you! I love it!!!” Seo Hyun said as she flung her arms around Yong Hwa’s neck, hugging him tight. “I’m glad you like it, Hyu~n” Yong Hwa smiled, back to his goofy self. “But oppa, you said three… Shouldn’t it be two?” Seo Hyun asked, looking back at the box in her hands. “Three, Hyu~n” Yong Hwa said firmly, disentangling her arms from his neck and pointed to his left ear. An exact same earring was fastened on the second piercing of his left ear.


“Wahhh!!! Couple earrings?!” Seo Hyun beamed. She hadn’t expected that. “Yes, Hyu~n!” Yong Hwa beamed with equal enthusiasm. “Here, let me help you” Yong Hwa said, pushing her hair behind her ears and unfastened the earrings she had on to fasten the new star earrings he got her. Yong Hwa leaned back and smiled giddily at the sight in front of him. His beautiful girlfriend wearing earrings he made, well, technically anyway. “Seo Joo Hyun! Wow… Your earrings are very pretty! Where did you get it from?” Yong Hwa teased. Seo Hyun smiled and tossed her head left and right, letting her wavy hair bounce around, basking in the attention before replying, “It’s pretty, isn’t it?! A special someone made it for me.” Yong Hwa couldn’t stop his cheeks from bursting “Who’s your special someone?” he insisted on asking. “Well… Someone very very special that it’s a secret!” Seo Hyun played coy. “Ahh… I’m sure he’s a genius. And a very good looking person as well, am I right?” Yong Hwa nudged Seo Hyun, eagerly waiting for her to praise him. Seo Hyun laughed melodiously “Of course! He’s the great Jung. Yong. Hwa!”


Hello! I'm not good with author notes or footnotes or whatever you call it. Just wanted to drop by to say, I'm kinda stuck. Don't know what I should write for my next chapter. I hadn't kept up with the news because I only just recently became a Goguma, like end of April or so. So I don't quite know what's been happening much this year but from what I heard, YongSeo's been dropping lots of hints this year. Will have to read up to get insight for my next chapters. So it might be awhile before the next update.. Hope you guys can be patient.

Also, thanks for the support. I started this fanfic as an outlet for to vent my thoughts on YongSeo and what I believe or hoped had transpired between them. And it was really fine if nobody had any interest in it. So it really is a pleasant surprise to get so many subscribers and views. Thank you!! =]

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Tracer1 #1
Chapter 18: This fanfic is good! Even though I know there's no new chapter for years now, I'll still fnish this and wait for a new chapter.
bokyo28 #2
Chapter 66: where is the author of this? please continue thank you for the awesome fanfic :D
Im_Jiyeon #3
Chapter 66: 안녕하서요!!!! Miss ur update sooo much
Chapter 66: authornimmmmmm i miss your updates so much!!!! plz plz plz update i love this story :)
ps : i was a silent reader :D not anymore :D
athenagracis #5
Chapter 1: Looks like this is going to be a great story. :) thanks for feeding my yongseo addiction fellow goguma!
YongSeoForever7 #6
Chapter 66: I absolutely LOVE this fanfic!!! >.< I'm so excited for when Yonghwa proposes to Seohyun! I'm also curious to how he will ask her the life-changing question. I really hope they're like this in real life. Please update soon! :3
hello!! new reader here..

heavenlysins #8
Chapter 65: Aaaahhh...manhi manhi love this chap. That was just sooo sweet. Would u tell me any place to find a namja like Yong at this chap authornim? I want one too. Kekeke ^^
HoneyPie #9
Chapter 66: That's a long update. ..thanks authornim ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥