Chapter 51

YongSeo - Post WGM


The aftermath of the breakup hadn’t really gone smoothly for either of them but they still kept in touch. Yong Hwa would text Seo Hyun every few days whenever he missed her and she would respond in kind, and checked up on him occasionally. It was awkward in the beginning but soon they adjusted to the change and returned to being comfortable with each other.


Yong Hwa just finished his meeting with Han Seung Ho on their new song they had now named “I’m sorry” and was on his way home when he decided to get his favourite Iced Americano from the nearby café. It was late and the café was half closed by the time he got there. “I’m sorry, I know you’re preparing to close but I just wanted to get one Iced Americano” Yong Hwa said apologetically to the owner. “Not a problem… Just wait a moment” the owner replied, smiling. “Yong oppa! What are you doing here?” someone called him from the other end counter.


Yong Hwa turned to see Seo Hyun there, waiting for her drink. “Oh! Hyu~n! What are you doing here??” Yong Hwa asked in return as he walked towards her. “I just finished my schedule for TaeTiSeo and my manager dropped me here cos I wanted to get a hot drink. What about you Oppa?” Seo Hyun asked. “I just finished my meeting with Han Seung Ho sunbaenim at SM building. He was having a meeting with Lee Soo Man sajangnim and he asked me to come here to meet him since he couldn’t get back to our office in time. We are collaborating on a new song so I just stopped by on my way home” Yong Hwa explained. “I see.. Are you drinking Iced Americano again??” Seo Hyun eyed him suspiciously. “Ahhh… Yes, I am” Yong Hwa admitted guiltily. “Oppa! But it’s bad for you!!” Seo Hyun started nagging. “Ahhh.. I miss your nagging” Yong Hwa teased. Seo Hyun reached out to swat Yong Hwa’s arm, “You had already stopped drinking it. Why did you start??” Seo Hyun asked. “Because you haven’t been nagging me, that’s why!” Yong Hwa teased again. “Ah! Cham!” Seo Hyun huffed. “But honestly though, I recently wrote a song because I started drinking Iced Americano again. So Iced Americano was the catalyst to my song. I’ll let you hear it sometime. It’s called Coffee Shop!” Yong Hwa said.


When they both got their drinks, they left the café together. “Are you walking home, Hyu~n?” Yong Hwa asked. “Yes, I am… I told you I moved out of our dorm right? I live nearby here now” Seo Hyun said. “Yes, I remember. I haven’t had the chance to see your new house yet! Didn’t you promise me you’d give me a tour after you’ve moved in?” Yong Hwa asked accusingly. “Oh yes! I’m sorry, I’ve been too busy. We’re going to Japan soon to start the recording of our second Japanese album. Why don’t you come and see now?” Seo Hyun suggested. “Really? Okay! Let’s go!” Yong Hwa replied excitedly. Yong Hwa was happy just knowing that Seo Hyun was feeling more comfortable now that he didn’t mind that they weren’t together.


“Omonim!! Abonim!!!” Yong Hwa called as soon as he entered Seo Hyun’s house. “Oh? Yong Hwa?? Oh… Yong seobang! Come in come in!!” Seo Hyun’s’ mother called as she rushed to greet him. “Omma! Why are you calling him Yong seobang?” Seo Hyun blushed. “Aigoo… I know SNSD calls him Jung seobang but since he called himself Yong seobang when he gave me the couple necklace with you, I’ve always referred to him as Yong seobang, remember?” Seo Hyun’s mom said innocently. “No Omma, I mean… Nevermind….” Seo Hyun didn’t want to argue a moot point. “Omonim! How have you been? Sorry I wasn’t around to help you when you were moving. Is everything settled in yet?” Yong Hwa asked.


Seo Hyun’s mom led Yong Hwa to the couch. “Abonim! How are you? Sorry for coming so late at night” Yong Hwa greeted. “Yong seobang, it’s ok… Did you bring Joo Hyun home? Thank you for bringing her home” Seo Hyun’s dad said as he pat Yong Hwa’s back. “I just met her at the café on the way so I accompanied her home. Besides, she promised she’d show her new place” Yong Hwa explained. “Yong seobang, have some tea” Seo Hyun’s mom said as she placed a cup of tea in front of him. “Thank you Omonim” Yong Hwa smiled. “Yong seobang, it would have been nice if you were around to help us move. Joo Hyun was too busy and besides, being a girl, she couldn’t help us much with the moving. We had to hire so many movers!” Seo Hyun’s mom lamented.


Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun spent some time talking with her parents. They liked him and missed him, having not seen him since their breakup. “Joo Hyun-ah, go and show Yong seobang around. Appa and Omma are going to bed now. Yong seobang, do drop by if you have time. And please take these side dishes back with you when you leave ok. I just made these this morning” Seo Hyun’s mom said while pointing to two big bags of packed food she had placed near the door. “Omonim!! That’s too much! I can’t take the food you painstakingly made for your family” Yong Hwa refused. “Yong seobang, you’re family too. So don’t argue with me” Seo Hyun’s mom said while looking at Yong Hwa lovingly. “Thank you Omonim, Abonim… We will treasure it well” Yong Hwa said as be bowed to Seo Hyun’s parents.


“Yong seobang, I hope both of you can work out your problems. I won’t accept anybody else as my son-in-law. Besides, Joo Hyun was so happy with you and I know she misses you a lot” Seo Hyun’s mom whispered to Yong Hwa. Seo Hyun’s mom gave Yong Hwa a small smile and left for her bedroom. Seo Hyun then led Yong Hwa to show him around on an official tour of the house. She even showed him her room. “Oh.. Seo Joo Hyun, your room is so big!” Yong Hwa noted as he stood at the doorway. “Oppa, you can come in” Seo Hyun said as she gestured for him to come in. “Am I the first guy to enter your room, Seo Joo Hyun?” Yong Hwa teased. “No.. Of course you’re not” Seo Hyun played coy. “What?! Who else has been in your room?” Yong Hwa mock demanded. “The movers, the architects and the renovation employees of course!!” Seo Hyun teased in return.


It was 2AM and Yong Hwa was reluctant to leave. It’s been a long time since he last spent so much time with Seo Hyun and they were having a good time just talking and laughing and teasing each other. Maybe it was because they weren’t together that they could speak honestly to each other. He finally decided he should leave when he saw Seo Hyun stifling her yawn. “Hyu~n, I think I better leave and let you sleep. You must be tired. I’m sorry for keeping you up” Yong Hwa said as he stood up. “Oppa, no.. There’s nothing to be sorry about. It’s been a fun day today” Seo Hyun smiled. “You’re happy to see me, aren’t you?” Yong Hwa asked, slightly teasing Seo Hyun. “Yes, of course I’m happy to see you” Seo Hyun replied honestly as she smiled at him. Yong Hwa smiled back. He was happy to know she still cared for him.

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Tracer1 #1
Chapter 18: This fanfic is good! Even though I know there's no new chapter for years now, I'll still fnish this and wait for a new chapter.
bokyo28 #2
Chapter 66: where is the author of this? please continue thank you for the awesome fanfic :D
Im_Jiyeon #3
Chapter 66: 안녕하서요!!!! Miss ur update sooo much
Chapter 66: authornimmmmmm i miss your updates so much!!!! plz plz plz update i love this story :)
ps : i was a silent reader :D not anymore :D
athenagracis #5
Chapter 1: Looks like this is going to be a great story. :) thanks for feeding my yongseo addiction fellow goguma!
YongSeoForever7 #6
Chapter 66: I absolutely LOVE this fanfic!!! >.< I'm so excited for when Yonghwa proposes to Seohyun! I'm also curious to how he will ask her the life-changing question. I really hope they're like this in real life. Please update soon! :3
hello!! new reader here..

heavenlysins #8
Chapter 65: Aaaahhh...manhi manhi love this chap. That was just sooo sweet. Would u tell me any place to find a namja like Yong at this chap authornim? I want one too. Kekeke ^^
HoneyPie #9
Chapter 66: That's a long update. ..thanks authornim ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥