Chapter 32

YongSeo - Post WGM


“Hyo Yeon-ah!! It’s freezing cold out here! Please bring us our jackets!!” Tae Yeon cried into the phone. Tae Yeon had called Hyo Yeon’s number just as Hyo Yeon started to dial her number. “Wait wait!! Unnie, did you find Hyunnie??” Hyo Yeon enquired. “Yes, we found her.. She’s been walking around the block aimlessly. We’re now nearby the garden east of the hotel and I think she’s crying. We were going to go and comfort her after we called you. It’s so cold out here!” Tae Yeon whined. “Tae Yeon wait!! I should go and talk to her myself. I’m coming now” Yong Hwa said as both he and Hyo Yeon rush towards the door. Yong Hwa remembered Seo Hyun was only wearing a light t-shirt and doubled back to grab her jacket off the chair.

Hyo Yeon ran next door to Tae Yeon’s room while Yong Hwa ran to call for the elevator. Hyo Yeon emerged from the room with Tae Yeon and Tiffany’s jackets just in time to catch the elevator with Yong Hwa. As they exited the hotel, Yong Hwa started sprinting east towards the garden with Hyo Yeon trying to keep up to his pace. He was panting as he stopped behind where Tae Yeon and Tiffany were huddled. “Where is she?” Yong Hwa asked, catching his breath. Tiffany pointed towards the bench inside the garden where he could vaguely see Seo Hyun’s outline as she sat hugging her knees. Yong Hwa took a moment to calm himself before making his way over to Seo Hyun as Tiffany and Tae Yeon hurried to put on their jackets.

Seo Hyun didn’t know how long she’d been crying but she started to become aware of the cold. She was freezing. Seo Hyun laughed bitterly, even the heavens are not happy with me, she thought, glaring up at the dark sky. She sighed, she knew it was her own fault for being so rash and walking out of the hotel without a jacket. She started crying again, at the end of the day, there’s only me and my tears. Seo Joo Hyun, you’re so pathetic.

Suddenly she didn’t feel cold anymore. Puzzled, she looked up and saw someone had wrapped a jacket around her. She looked around and was surprised to see Yong Hwa sitting next to her. “Joo Hyun-ah, you must be cold. Let’s get you into this jacket first, shall we” his voice was light and he smiled at her. Seo Hyun was confused, what is he doing here? Why is he so cheerful? she thought to herself as Yong Hwa helped her into her jacket. She was too confused to resist him.

Yong Hwa pulled Seo Hyun up so that he could zip up her jacket for her. He even pulled her hood over her head, worried that her head was cold. After he was satisfied that she was as warm as he could make her, he pulled her close and hugged her. “Hyu~n-ah, I’m sorry.. Hyo Yeon told me everything just now. Oppa is sorry for all the anguish you’ve felt over the last couple of months. I didn’t know, I’m sorry” Yong Hwa said as he hugged Seo Hyun tight.

Hearing those words, Seo Hyun started crying again. She thought of all the heartache she felt the last couple of months, and her jealousy she felt towards Shin Hye, and her insecurity that Yong Hwa would pick Shin Hye over her and everything that happened during the concert that evening. Yong Hwa just stood there, hugging Seo Hyun tight. It pained him to see her crying because of him.

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Tracer1 #1
Chapter 18: This fanfic is good! Even though I know there's no new chapter for years now, I'll still fnish this and wait for a new chapter.
bokyo28 #2
Chapter 66: where is the author of this? please continue thank you for the awesome fanfic :D
Im_Jiyeon #3
Chapter 66: 안녕하서요!!!! Miss ur update sooo much
Chapter 66: authornimmmmmm i miss your updates so much!!!! plz plz plz update i love this story :)
ps : i was a silent reader :D not anymore :D
athenagracis #5
Chapter 1: Looks like this is going to be a great story. :) thanks for feeding my yongseo addiction fellow goguma!
YongSeoForever7 #6
Chapter 66: I absolutely LOVE this fanfic!!! >.< I'm so excited for when Yonghwa proposes to Seohyun! I'm also curious to how he will ask her the life-changing question. I really hope they're like this in real life. Please update soon! :3
hello!! new reader here..

heavenlysins #8
Chapter 65: Aaaahhh...manhi manhi love this chap. That was just sooo sweet. Would u tell me any place to find a namja like Yong at this chap authornim? I want one too. Kekeke ^^
HoneyPie #9
Chapter 66: That's a long update. ..thanks authornim ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥