Chapter 61 - Valentine's Day Part 1

YongSeo - Post WGM

With his green frog eye mask secured across Yong Hwa’s eyes, the three CNBLUE boys, Jong Hyun, Min Hyuk and Jung Shin led Yong Hwa into the car. They were on their way to the location of Yong Hwa’s Valentine’s date with Seo Hyun. After the Gaon Awards, all four of them went home, freshened up and changed. The date was solely planned by Seo Hyun but required the help of the CNBLUE boys so they eagerly jumped in to help.


“I feel like I’m being kidnapped…” Yong Hwa laughed as Jung Shin helped him to ease into the car. “Hyung, if you were being kidnapped, we would have thrown you in the trunk, not help you into the seat comfortably” Jung Shin retorted. “Araseo araseo… Why can’t you guys just tell me where we’re going?” Yong Hwa pleaded. “Can’t do that. Hyungsoonim would flay us alive” Jong Hyun quipped. “Hyung! She’s not that violent or evil” Min Hyuk chuckled. “Anyway, this is just step 1. When we arrive at the destination, we need to cover your ears too. We have your headphones for that… Kekeke…” Jung Shin laughed. “What?!?! Why?? This is absurd!!” Yong Hwa laughed at the absurdity of the situation. “Hyung, you should appreciate the effort hyungsoonim put in for this event. Stop complaining.. Even though we’re the ones doing the work” Jong Hyun teased.


They actually didn’t have to go far, they were just heading to their company building nearby as Seo Hyun managed to get permission from Han Seung Ho to use one of the mini auditorium for this event. And because Yong Hwa tended to be quick and smart, he could tell what was planned with the slightest hints. So to throw him off, they decided to take a long detour and also to give Seo Hyun enough time to prepare. Since he was blindfolded, Yong Hwa could only depend on his hearing to guess where they were taking him. And that worked well to their advantage as they said the most random things and made it seem like they were going somewhere very far and unfamiliar.


“Ok hyung, we are reaching our destination. Time to put on your headphones. I’m sure you’ll like the song. It’s our latest hit” Min Hyuk chuckled as he put the headphones on Yong Hwa and cranked up the volume. Knowing that there would be pauses between songs which would allow Yong Hwa to hear, the boys edited the song such that it only looped the chorus of I’m Sorry. Yong Hwa was in a cheerful mood so he sang along to the song but the moment the chorus looped, he whined out loud, “Why is it just looping the chorus?!?!?” Unable to hear the boys reply, he started talking loudly, jokingly cursing them. Laughing at Yong Hwa’s antics, the boys led him slowly into the mini auditorium where Seo Hyun was waiting.




“Girls, let’s go.. We don’t want to get caught in traffic” SNSD manager urged Tiffany, Tae Yeon and Seo Hyun as he escorted them through the throng of people towards their company van. “Joo Hyun-ah, are you going there directly?” Tae Yeon asked as she settled into the van. “Yes, I don’t have time. I wish I could refresh up” Seo Hyun said as she snapped her seatbelt into place. “Do you have that many things to prepare?” Tiffany asked. “Not really, everything is done. I just don’t have enough time to shower!” Seo Hyun pouted. “Tsk tsk tsk.. You should learn to shower faster!!” Tae Yeon teased as she tickled Seo Hyun.


30 minutes later, they arrived at FNC building. “Maknae, fighting!!” Tiffany shouted before she closed the door to the van. Seo Hyun turned to bow to her unnies and gave them a nervous smile. “Jung seobang has something prepared for maknae tonight as well. I tried to ask Jung Shin and Min Hyuk but they refused to tell me, which means, they’re in on whatever he has planned!! I didn’t want to say it in front of maknae. Don’t want to spoil her surprise!!” Tiffany gushed to Tae Yeon as the van pulled out of the drive way.


Waving towards the van, Seo Hyun waited until the van pulled away before entering the FNC building. “Annyeonghaseyo” the security guard bowed as he escorted the Seo Hyun into the building. “Seo Hyun-ssi, here we are. Please call me on the walkie talkie when you want to leave. I will come back to you out” the security guard spoke as he passed her a walkie talkie. Seo Hyun bowed and thanked the security guard before walking into the auditorium.




“Guys, I’m kinda getting sick of the chorus. I know this is our latest song, but this is just overkill!” Yong Hwa whined. He wasn’t really sick of the song, he just wanted to bait them into talking to him, which means they would need to remove his headphones so that he could hear them. But none of them were taking the bait. “Let him whine, we’re almost there” Jong Hyun laughed. Opening the auditorium door, they led Yong Hwa in and sat him on the only seat right in the centre of the auditorium. “Hyungsoonim, we’re here. Is everything ready?” Jung Shin called to Seo Hyun. Since Yong Hwa had the music on, they weren’t worried he could hear them so they spoke freely. “Ne!! It’s done… I hope you boys didn’t have too much trouble bringing him here” Seo Hyun asked, a little worried. “Nah.. no problem at all, except that he kept whining” Jong Hyun chuckled. “Jung Shin-ah, Min Hyuk-ah, go get ready. Hyungsoonim, we have five minutes” Jong Hyun said as he sat Yong Hwa down, and pressed for the next track to play for Yong Hwa.


 “Hmm.. I’m sitting on a chair. Where are we?? Where have you brought me?” Yong Hwa asked out loud. But obviously nobody replied him, and he couldn’t have heard it even if they did. “Oh! You’ve finally changed the song!!” Yong Hwa chuckled as Jong Hyun walked away to join the others. Jong Hyun had changed the song to Bon Jovi’s It’s My Life and Yong Hwa was singing away. As the song died down, he heard the next track which was a recording of Jung Shin’s voice, “Hyung, you can remove your blindfold and headphones now! Kekeke…”


It was a good thing that Yong Hwa was singing to the Bon Jovi song. They knew exactly how much longer they had to get into place. “Finally!!!” Yong Hwa shouted as he removed the headphones and blindfold. He rubbed his eyes, worried that there was something wrong with his eyes as he couldn’t see anything. The auditorium was dark. “Hey.. Where’s everybody?” Yong Hwa said loudly, getting up from his chair and walking towards the stage. Taking that as a cue, Jong Hyun the smoke machine, filling the stage with smoke. Halting in his tracks, Yong Hwa inched back to his seat slowly, never taking his eyes off the stage. Once the smoke filled the stage, Jong Hyun raised the curtains and turned off the smoke machine. Then he all the stage lights, momentarily blinding all of them.


As the smoke began to settle, Yong Hwa could make out Min Hyuk sitting behind the drums. Then he saw Jong Hyun walking in and standing on the right with his guitar and Jung Shin on the left. And right in the centre was Seo Hyun, standing where Yong Hwa would normally stand with the band, with a guitar in her hands. “Yong Hwa-ssi, please sit down” Seo Hyun announced with a shy smile. Stunned, Yong Hwa realized he had stopped walking and was still a few feet from the chair. As soon as Yong Hwa sat down, Seo Hyun turned back and signaled Min Hyuk to start.


Yong Hwa felt like he was dreaming. He was watching a live performance by CNBLUE right in front of him but the main vocalist and guitarist had changed to Seo Hyun. He heard the familiar tune of Love Girl and Seo Hyun wasn’t pretending to play. She was playing the guitar quite well, she fumbled a bit, changed the chords a little slowly but it really wasn’t too bad. With her sweet voice, it gave off a different feel. Yong Hwa stared with his mouth agape, eyes wide and warm fuzzies all over his body. As the song slowed down to the end, Yong Hwa got a grip of himself and clapped. Half standing, Yong Hwa was stunned again as the band continued playing into the next song, Greedy Man. “Wow… We’re having a mini concert eh!” Yong Hwa managed to say as he sank back into his seat. Again, his mouth was agape but he had gotten over the initial shock and was just enjoying the performance.


Seo Hyun looked absolutely gorgeous, standing in the centre in a tight, short, red sparkly dress, with knee high boots looking every bit the rocker chick that she was. Yong Hwa was glad this was a private mini concert. He didn’t dare imagine what her fanboys would think, seeing her in such a hot ensemble. More than anything, he was amazed at her guitar skills. She has truly improved. Mental note to self, ask her when she practiced! She really is a genius! Yong Hwa thought to himself.


As the song ended, Seo Hyun spoke into the mic “Yong Hwa-ssi, welcome to CNBLUE’s mini Valentine’s Day concert. As you can see, our main vocalist and guitarist could not perform today. I think he’s too busy gawking, so I took over. So for today, we are… Seo Hyun’s CNBLUE band!! Hope you enjoy our concert! We will now sing the next song.” Everyone chuckled as Jong Hyun began to strum the guitar and sing Imagine. When it came to the rap portion, Seo Hyun started rapping and Yong Hwa bobbed his head to the beat and snapped his fingers. Again, Yong Hwa clapped and stood as the song ended, only to be surprised yet again by the next song, Love Light. “Ahhh… You guys prepared a lot, I see!” Yong Hwa said as he sat down. He couldn’t stop grinning.


“Seo Hyun’s CNBLUE band…The end!!” Seo Hyun announced as the last notes of Love Light resonated off the speakers. With a final bow, Min Hyuk, Jung Shin and Jong Shin left the stage. “Wow!! That… That was just…awesome!! Really!” Yong Hwa gushed as he stood and clapped. “Yong Hwa-ssi, please remain seated. That was the end of Seo Hyun’s CNBLUE band but not the end for Seo Hyun” Seo Hyun said with a twinkle in her eyes. “Oh?! Why why why?” Yong Hwa asked as he sat down again. Setting herself down on the stool, Min Hyuk came to help Seo Hyun lower the mic. At the same time, Jong Hyun reemerged and took the seat next to Seo Hyun. “Yahh… Why is Jong Hyun there??” Yong Hwa couldn’t help but tease, since she had said that it would be a Seo Hyun solo. Jong Hyun looked up and smiled his signature awkward smile, explaining “Oh… I’m just a backup.”


With one last nod to Jong Hyun, Seo Hyun started strumming the guitar by herself. And as Jong Hyun said, he was just the backup, ready to step in if she faltered. Yong Hwa couldn’t quite place the song, it was unfamiliar, definitely not one of their song and he couldn’t make out if it was a SNSD song either. And then Seo Hyun started to sing…


I want to dream forever with you


Following the happy breeze, beneath that bright sky that blinds me

Beautiful melodies and fresh air fills this road that I'm walking with you

Do you remember? Those awkward and unfamiliar times when we first met

I'm thankful to you for silently taking care of me when I was hesitant and young


My exhausted heart beats once again

My weak heart has found light again

I want to hold your hand and walk like this forever

Together with the person I love in a world just for the two of us


Those unforgettable memories during that long time

Throughout the laughter and the tears, the one who always believed in me was you


My exhausted heart beats once again

My weak heart has found light again

I want to hold your hand and walk like this forever

Together with the person I love in a world just for the two of us


No one will bother us

There's not even a reason to waste any time

(Sometimes) We could be far from each other

(With the same heart) The same heart as one, dreaming the same dream


Even if a very long time passes (A long time passes)

Even if you and I become a bit different (A bit different)

I want to dream forever with you like this

The one who fulfilled my wishes, the one who became my faith, with you


Even if a very long time passes (A long time passes)

Even if you and I become a bit different (A bit different)

I want to dream forever with you like this

The one who became my miracle, the one who dreamed with me, with you


Even a long time passes, I want to dream forever with you

Because Seo Hyun was used to singing the song with 8 of her unnies, Jong Hyun had to step in to help with the harmonizing and backup once in awhile but they kept Jong Hyun’s involvement to a minimum as she wanted it to be her solo for Yong Hwa.


Listening to the lyrics, Yong Hwa felt his eyes start to sting. He knew this song, it was SNSD’s Forever. While Seo Hyun didn’t write the lyrics, it was as if it was written for them. It fit into their story so well. And it was always a song that was close to Seo Hyun’s heart. She had even cried to this song when they performed it in concerts.


Strumming the last note, Seo Hyun said into the mic “Yong oppa… Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you…” Leaning to her left, she put both her hands on her head to make a heart shape. Then she got up, bowed to Jong Hyun and thanked all three of the CNBLUE boys. Yong Hwa got to his feet and headed to the stage. Helping Seo Hyun down, he kissed her forehead and hugged her tight. “Hyu~n, thank you…” Yong Hwa whispered. He was still in a daze. He hadn’t expected her to sing that song and it seemed that it had touched him the most. Seo Hyun hugged him back and they both stayed like that for awhile, until he heard someone clearing their throat.

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Tracer1 #1
Chapter 18: This fanfic is good! Even though I know there's no new chapter for years now, I'll still fnish this and wait for a new chapter.
bokyo28 #2
Chapter 66: where is the author of this? please continue thank you for the awesome fanfic :D
Im_Jiyeon #3
Chapter 66: 안녕하서요!!!! Miss ur update sooo much
Chapter 66: authornimmmmmm i miss your updates so much!!!! plz plz plz update i love this story :)
ps : i was a silent reader :D not anymore :D
athenagracis #5
Chapter 1: Looks like this is going to be a great story. :) thanks for feeding my yongseo addiction fellow goguma!
YongSeoForever7 #6
Chapter 66: I absolutely LOVE this fanfic!!! >.< I'm so excited for when Yonghwa proposes to Seohyun! I'm also curious to how he will ask her the life-changing question. I really hope they're like this in real life. Please update soon! :3
hello!! new reader here..

heavenlysins #8
Chapter 65: Aaaahhh...manhi manhi love this chap. That was just sooo sweet. Would u tell me any place to find a namja like Yong at this chap authornim? I want one too. Kekeke ^^
HoneyPie #9
Chapter 66: That's a long update. ..thanks authornim ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥