Chapter 60

YongSeo - Post WGM

Hunched over his desk with a furrowed brow, Yong Hwa was trying to plan out the perfect proposal for Seo Hyun but he didn’t know where to start. Actually, he was kind of confused. He honestly didn’t know which date was their actual anniversary. Would it be the day they met on WGM? Or would it be the day they officially got together after WGM in Niigata? Or would it be the day they reconciled in LA? If he proposed on February 11, the date they met on WGM, he would have only 10 days to prepare and that wasn’t enough time. Besides, the ring wouldn’t be ready by then. If he waited until August, the date they officially got together in Niigata, it would be too far away. He couldn’t wait that long. The same goes for when they reconciled in LA. So if he couldn’t propose on February 11 or in August, then when? He wanted it to be a special date but it seems that he’s quite out of options here.


“Arrghhh!!!!!” Yong Hwa screamed out loud, trying to vent his frustrations. Two seconds later, Jong Hyun, Min Hyuk and Jung Shin bursts through his door. “Hyung!! What’s wrong??” the three said in unison as they looked around the room to find the source of Yong Hwa’s outburst. Looking at three of his boys, Yong Hwa groaned again, burying his face in his hands. “Hyung! What’s wrong??” Min Hyuk said as he led the other two boys into the room and sat on Yong Hwa’s bed. “I don’t know when to propose to Hyun…. I don’t know how to propose to Hyun… I don’t know anything!!” Yong Hwa whined. Clapping Yong Hwa’s back, Jong Hyun said “Hyung, you can propose anytime you want… You just need to make sure both your schedules are free. Right?” “But I wanted it to be a special date….” Yong Hwa whined in a small voice. He knew Jong Hyun had a point. It would be pointless to try to fit it into a special date when the most important factor would be their schedules.


Knowing that Yong Hwa was feeling slightly defeated, Jung Shin tried to bring up the mood, “Hyung, how about Valentine’s Day??” Jong Hyun restrained himself for hitting the maknae, “Valentine’s Day is for the girls to confess to the guys! That’s why we have White Day, Jung Shin-ah… If not because I’m not the violent kind, I would hit you!” All four of them burst out laughing. Sometimes Jung Shin said the darnest things. “Sorry… What about White Day then??” Jung Shin suggested as he suppressed his laughter. “That’s a good idea. But will hyungsoonim be free on that day?” Min Hyuk asked as he turned to look at Yong Hwa. Yong Hwa shrugged, “I’ll have to check SNSD and our schedule. I’ll also need to check with Mr Park, the jeweler if the ring will be ready by then. I just finalized the design yesterday. He said to give him a month or so as he said there are a lot of diamonds to mount on the ring. He wanted to do it well so it might be cutting too close to the date” Yong Hwa replied, still feeling down.


“Hyung, why don’t we do this… Let’s check your joint calendar and list all the dates that you’re both free? Since the ring will only be ready in March, we’ll give it some buffer for delays. So let’s look at dates from April onwards” Min Hyuk said, trying to inject some enthusiasm and lift Yong Hwa’s mood. “Oh Min Hyuk, good idea!! Hyung, come on!” Jung Shin said as he nudged Yong Hwa. “You think so? Okay…” Yong Hwa said, turning to his computer. He was no longer sulking but his mood hadn’t completely lifted yet. “Hyung, I think you’ll also need to get SNSD manager’s help to block out the date that you want. It’s still another 2 months from now so there could be changes to the calendar within these two months…” Jong Hyun added as they all focused on Yong Hwa’s computer. “Ahhh.. You’re right Jong Hyun-ah” Yong Hwa mumbled, mentally adding another task to his to-do list.


Once they had settled the date and called SNSD’s manager, Yong Hwa slumped back on his seat. “Hyung, now what?” Jung Shin asked, wondering what Yong Hwa’s plans for the proposal would be. “Huh??” Yong Hwa asked cluelessly. “What are your plans for the proposal? How would you propose to her?” Jong Hyun clarified Jung Shin’s question. “Err… I haven’t the slightest clue” Yong Hwa mumbled as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Hyung, you know.. I have to say. You have a different idea of what romantic means. I remember when you bought  hyungsoonim the two rows of goguma field. That was really….different. Who would have thought of that. And the fact that hyungsoonim loved it so much! Both of you are so…unique” Min Hyuk commented. The boys laughed but internally, they could really feel that Yong Hwa truly loved Seo Hyun very much. And everything he ever did for her would seem unromantic to other people but held so much more meaning than all the classic, cheesy things that guys often do for girls.


“Hey... Not to mention the school in Africa that we built last year. That was also a gift for hyungsoonim for her last birthday. Just that nobody knows about it. It’s too bad we couldn’t include hyungsoonim’s name in anything related to the school. Hyung… Are you sad about that?” asked Jung Shin. Yong Hwa took a moment to reminisce before replying, “Nah.. It’s ok.. As long as she knows, the whole world doesn’t have to know. I’m really surprised nobody has linked it to Hyu~n yet. I mean, her idol is Ban Ki Moon, the UN Secretary-General, for crying out loud. Before I met her, I wasn’t even remotely interested in charity. I mean, sure… I do donate but never did I ever imagine on doing anything more than just giving money or rice like other idols. But I have to thank you boys for agreeing to embark on this journey of building the school in Africa with me.” Yong Hwa gave each of the boys a look of gratitude.


“Hyung, don’t say that. It’s time we gave back and I’m glad we get to give back in a different way, instead of just the usual monetary donations” Min Hyuk spoke up. “Yeah, me too. I’m glad we met a person like hyungsoonim. I feel like a better person because of her. You married well, hyung!” Jung Shin teased. “Yeah, you married well, Hyung!” Jong Hyun chipped in, clapping Yong Hwa’s shoulder. “Yah!!! I haven’t married her yet. I’m trying to do that right now ok!!” Yong Hwa pretended to whine, but he was smiling. Finally, his mood was lifted. He was thankful the boys got along well and really enjoyed having Seo Hyun around. And he was really glad that he wasn’t the only that benefited from her influence.


“Anyway hyung, so what are you going to do for the proposal?” Jong Hyun interrupted Yong Hwa mid reverie. “Mmm… Actually, now that you guys mentioned it, Hyun isn’t like most girls who would squeal about big flashy things. I kinda forgot about that for awhile. I was thinking of giving her a grand, flashy proposal event. But you guys reminded me the reason why I love Hyun. It’s the simple things that touch her heart. Like the goguma field patch, the Japan guide book, the couple necklace with her mom, the time I surprised her with her school uniform, the book reports I wrote and the scarves I knitted. For her, it’s always the meaningful things, rather than the magnitude of things. I’m sure she’s going to have a fit when she sees the ring, even though it’s pink…” Yong Hwa chuckled as he imagined her nose flaring. The three boys smiled as they watched Yong Hwa speaking of the love of his life with so much love and warmth. While they didn’t often say it, they envied him and his luck with finding someone who matched him. They weren’t necessarily similar but they complemented and balanced each other well.



February 13 2013


It was the night of the Gaon Awards. Seo Hyun attended with Tae Yeon and Tiffany as part of TaeTiSeo. CNBLUE was also there and both TTS and CNBLUE ended up on the same table with Seo In Guk at one point of the awards. Yong Hwa managed to convince Seo In Guk to sit between himself and Seo Hyun. Understanding the situation, Seo In Guk obliged although he felt like the third wheel. Tiffany was talking freely to Jung Shin and Min Hyuk with Tae Yeon participating once in a while but Yong Hwa didn’t dare to speak to Seo Hyun. He spoke to Seo In Guk occasionally but hardly a word to Seo Hyun. They exchanged glances a couple of times and this time, it was Seo Hyun’s turn to have trouble keeping a smile off her face.


“Joo Hyun-ah, what’s wrong? Why do you have a silly grin on your face?” Tae Yeon whispered to Seo Hyun. She had her back to Seo Hyun mostly but whenever she turned to look at her or speak to her, she noticed Seo Hyun had this silly grin on her face. “Unnie… Do I?? I don’t know!! I’m nervous!” Seo Hyun whispered back, trying to keep a straight face. “Is it because of your Valentine’s Day celebration after this?” Tae Yeon whispered again. “Ne? Maybe.. I’m excited, unnie!” Seo Hyun whispered back. “Cham! Have fun!!” Tae Yeon whispered again before turning back to tell Tiffany about maknae’s silly grin.


“Jung Shin chingoo, do you know what Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun’s plans for Valentine’s Day are?” Tiffany leaned closer to speak to Jung Shin. “Ahhh… They’re celebrating after this right? I can’t tell you noona” Jung Shin chuckled. Tiffany stared at Jung Shin and then leaned forward to ask Min Hyuk, “Min Hyuk-ah, can you tell me what the two love birds will be doing for Valentine’s Day later?” Because the music was too loud, Min Hyuk couldn’t catch what Tiffany was saying so he leaned closer, “Ne? Sorry Tiffany-noona, I couldn’t hear you.” Tiffany flashed him her sweetest eye smile and repeated her question. “Why are you asking me when you can ask Jung Shin?” Min Hyuk asked her back. Jung Shin turned towards Min Hyuk and said, “Because I wouldn’t tell her.. Kekeke.” “Ahhh.. I see… Sorry noona, I shouldn’t spoil the surprise. You might tell hyungsoonim..” Min Hyuk responded while giving Tiffany his best eye smile in return.


When CNBLUE was announced as the winner of the Hallyu Special Awards, Seo Hyun turned to look at Yong Hwa, sending her congratulations to him wordlessly. Yong Hwa smiled and returned her gaze before getting up and walking towards the stage, choosing to walk behind her to get to the stage. Conscious that the camera was filming her during Yong Hwa’s speech, Seo Hyun tried to keep calm and remain impassive but she knew she still had that silly grin on her face. No matter how she tried, she couldn’t get that grin off her face for the whole time that she shared the table with CNBLUE. She’d been nervous and excited for the whole day and sitting close to Yong Hwa did not help her nerves. Aaahhhh.. I just want to get this over with. I have a Valentine’s Day celebration to go to! Seo Hyun thought to herself.

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Tracer1 #1
Chapter 18: This fanfic is good! Even though I know there's no new chapter for years now, I'll still fnish this and wait for a new chapter.
bokyo28 #2
Chapter 66: where is the author of this? please continue thank you for the awesome fanfic :D
Im_Jiyeon #3
Chapter 66: 안녕하서요!!!! Miss ur update sooo much
Chapter 66: authornimmmmmm i miss your updates so much!!!! plz plz plz update i love this story :)
ps : i was a silent reader :D not anymore :D
athenagracis #5
Chapter 1: Looks like this is going to be a great story. :) thanks for feeding my yongseo addiction fellow goguma!
YongSeoForever7 #6
Chapter 66: I absolutely LOVE this fanfic!!! >.< I'm so excited for when Yonghwa proposes to Seohyun! I'm also curious to how he will ask her the life-changing question. I really hope they're like this in real life. Please update soon! :3
hello!! new reader here..

heavenlysins #8
Chapter 65: Aaaahhh...manhi manhi love this chap. That was just sooo sweet. Would u tell me any place to find a namja like Yong at this chap authornim? I want one too. Kekeke ^^
HoneyPie #9
Chapter 66: That's a long update. ..thanks authornim ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥