Chapter 63 - White Day Preparations Part 1

YongSeo - Post WGM

It was almost four in the morning when Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun arrived back in their respective homes. After a beautifully long day, Yong Hwa finally laid in his bed, blissfully happy with the Valentine’s Day event Seo Hyun prepared for him. Replaying the events of the night with a soft smile etched on his face, Yong Hwa fell into a deep and peaceful slumber.


The next time he opened his eyes, it was seven in the morning. He didn’t use to be an early riser but as the saying goes, couples tend to rub off on each other and the changes were more pronounced since they moved in to Seo Hyun’s apartment complex. Yong Hwa used to let his music rule his life, in the sense that he would get so engrossed with composing or practicing or jamming that he often neglected sleep, rest and food. He wouldn’t call himself indisciplined, just that he was passionate about what he did. But if there was one thing he learned from Seo Hyun, it was taking care of himself and the people around him. So every morning, he would drag himself out of bed at seven and have breakfast with Seo Hyun, regardless of the time he went to sleep the night before and over time, it became part of his biological clock to get up at seven that he didn’t need to set the alarm anymore.


Dragging himself out of bed, Yong Hwa quickly washed his face and put on a sweatshirt before exiting his bedroom. From the hallway, he could hear Seo Hyun bustling quietly in the kitchen, humming a tune softly. “Good morning, my angel” Yong Hwa said softly as he wrapped Seo Hyun into a back hug. “Oppa! Good morning!!” Seo Hyun responded cheerfully, turning her head to peck him on the lips. “Hyu~n, how can you be so cheerful after only two hours of sleep?” Yong Hwa teased, letting go of her. “It’s nice and quiet this early in the morning. I love spending the time with you before the boys start interrupting us. Besides, I enjoy making you breakfast. At least I get to make sure you start your day right! Here drink your shake first” Seo Hyun ordered.


Truth be told, Yong Hwa never complained about waking up early just to be with Seo Hyun. It always makes him feel like they’re a married couple, spending quality, quiet moments in the morning before their children woke up and tore the house down. Staying close to your girlfriend had its perks and spoils and one of them was being constantly fed healthy, homecooked food.  And it was especially true for him because Seo Hyun and her mother seem to make it their mission to feed him all the time as can be evident from the extra pounds he packed on around his face.


Perched on the bar stool facing Seo Hyun, Yong Hwa slouched across the kitchen counter admiring the view of Seo Hyun preparing his breakfast. While it wasn’t as comfortable as their yellow couch in the Sando-dong house, this was Yong Hwa’s usual pose every morning. “Hyu~n….” Yong Hwa crooned. “Ne, oppa?” Seo Hyun replied without turning to look at him. “Hyu~n…. It’s all your fault!” Yong Hwa accused suddenly. “Ne?? Why oppa??” Seo Hyun stopped asked as she whipped around to face Yong Hwa. “It’s your fault I’ve put on so much weight!” Yong Hwa pointed to his cheeks. Bursting out laughing, Seo Hyun retorted, “Oppa! In case you haven’t noticed, my cheeks have also grown like yours!!” Slouching back to his usual pose, Yong Hwa teased, “Are we the Puffy Cheek Couple now?”


As if on cue, just as they finished their breakfast, Min Hyuk saunters out of his room, looking for food. “Oh hyung, hyungsoonim, good morning! Any food for me?” Min Hyuk asks cheekily. “Min Hyuk-ah… You know your hyungsoonim always makes you breakfast, why do you still ask?” Yong Hwa couldn’t help but jab at him. “I’m trying to be polite, hyung. It’s not nice to always assume that hyungsoonim will prepare food for us, you know!” Min Hyuk counters. “Araseo araseo, thank you for being so considerate, Min Hyuk-ah” Yong Hwa says as he drags the chair for Min Hyuk. “Here… I made dwenjang jigge” Seo Hyun said as she laid out the hot stew and rice for Min Hyuk. “Thank you hyungsoonim! I’ll eat well!” Min Hyuk said before he dug into his food. “Refill the banchans if you need more, ok” Yong Hwa said as he got up to do the dishes. Ten minutes later, Jung Shin walks out to join Min Hyuk for breakfast and ten minutes after that Jong Hyun shuffled his way to join them.


Leaving the three of them to finish the food and wash up the remaining dishes, Yong Hwa dragged Seo Hyun into his room. “Thank you for the delicious breakfast, Hyu~n. Now it’s time for me to sleep” Yong Hwa said as he climbed into his bed. “Then what about me?” Seo Hyun pouted. “Well, you don’t have any schedule today and you also haven’t had enough sleep, so I suggest you sleep too!” Yong Hwa said, pulling Seo Hyun into bed. “One moment you complain I make you fat and the next, you sleep right after a meal! I wonder who the real culprit is!” Seo Hyun accused. Laughing, Yong Hwa leaned in to kiss Seo Hyun, “I’m sorry.. I was just teasing! You can always read your book for a while before you sleep” Yong Hwa said as he pressed her book into her hands. Settling his head on her lap, Yong Hwa drifts off to sleep as Seo Hyun continues her book.


A sharp rap on the door woke Seo Hyun up with a start. Looking around, she remembered that she succumbed to sleep after only ten minutes of reading and had snuggled close to Yong Hwa. Hearing the door open, she turned to face it. Jung Shin poked his head in and said softly, “Hyungsoonim, lunch is ready. Come join us.” Mouthing her thanks and agreement to Jung Shin, Seo Hyun shook Yong Hwa’s shoulder lightly. “Oppa, time for lunch” Seo Hyun whispered. It took Seo Hyun a couple more minutes to persuade Yong Hwa to wake up. Still heavily groggy, Yong Hwa allowed Seo Hyun to drag him out of bed and lead him to the dining table.  The rest of the day was spent together with all five of them playing games, chatting and goofing around. It was a typical day for them.


The next couple of days, one thing kept plaguing Yong Hwa’s mind – White Day celebrations. “Hyung, why are you spacing out?” Jung Shin asks as he waved a hand in front of Yong Hwa’s face. “Huh?? Oh… It’s nothing” Yong Hwa brushed it off. “It’s not nothing. You’ve been spacing out a lot these few days. Are you falling sick?” Min Hyuk asked worriedly. “No no.. I’m feeling fine. It’s…. It’s… I’m thinking about White Day celebrations….” Yong Hwa trailed off. “What will you do? Have you bought her anything yet?” Jong Hyun proded. “What?? Oh.. No, I haven’t. I don’t know what to buy or what to do… Seeing how much she prepared for Valentine’s Day, I’m ashamed of myself. I haven’t been putting much effort or thought for all these things. And there’s the issue of the proposal too..” Yong Hwa lamented. “Hyung, you’re so busy… I’m sure she understands. You have to juggle so many things. You have to handle our world tour, variety show guestings, composing, recording, and producing for our new Japanese album as well as for other artists. You have so much on your plate, hyung!” Min Hyuk said. “I know I know.. But then it makes me feel bad. She also has a lot of things to do but she always manages to do it all well” Yong Hwa whined.


“Why don’t you make her chocolates, hyung?” Jung Shin offered. “Eyy… That’s so cliché. You know they don’t do cliché. Yongseo couple is anything but cliché!” Jong Hyun kept emphasizing the word cliché. “How about you-“ Min Hyuk was interrupted by Yong Hwa’s ringing phone. “Omma~” Yong Hwa aegyeod sweetly lover the phone. “Yong Hwa-ya! How are you? Are you busy? Am I interrupting anything?” Yong Hwa’s mom asked. “No omma, we just finished recording our Japanese album and are on our way to get dinner. What are you doing?” Yong Hwa asked in return. “Ooo… I just finished a DIY class” Yong Hwa’s mom chuckled. She was shy to admit that she’s attending DIY classes at her age. “What kind of DIY class?” Yong Hwa asked curiously. “Well, it’s a variety of things. There’s knitting, flower arrangements, origami, pottery, etc etc. Today I learnt how to make DIY earrings!! You should make one for Seo Hyunnie.. It’s so easy!” Yong Hwa’s mom said off handedly, intending to make a joke.


Something clicked in Yong Hwa’s mind. “Oh omma! Sounds good! Thanks omma!! You are a life saver!!” Yong Hwa gushed. “Ne? Why? What’s going on??” Yong Hwa’s mom was confused. “I was just thinking what I should do for Hyun for White Day. And you just gave me the best solution!” Yong Hwa gushed. After hanging up with his mom, Yong Hwa turned to the three boys, “Do any of you know any girls who know how to make DIY earrings?” Scratching their heads, Jung Shin blurts “Why don’t you just go for classes like your mom?” Min Hyuk ribbed Jung Shin with his elbow, “Pabo!! How can hyung go to classes now? It’ll just look suspicious! He can’t use WGM as an excuse anymore you know!” Yong Hwa looked stricken, he was doomed if he couldn’t get anybody to teach him. “Hyung, let me ask Yoona” Jong Hyun said as he dug into his pockets for his phone.


Before anybody could respond, Jong Hyun was on the phone with Yoona. Itching to rib and tease Jong Hyun, all three of them waited with smirks on their faces. “Thanks Yoona, I’ll talk to Yong Hwa hyung about it and get back to you” Jong Hyun said as he finally concluded his call. The moment he hung up his phone, Yong Hwa, Min Hyuk and Jung Shin started teasing him. “I knew there was something going on between the two of you!!” Jung Shin started teasing first. “Wow!! Hyung! When do we get to meet our new hyungsoonim?” Min Hyuk joined in. “Wait.. Does that make her my chohyungnim or jesunim??” Yong Hwa added. True to his character, Jong Hyun didn’t retort back, he just stood there quietly smiling.


“Araseo araseo… We’ll deal with you when you’re successful! So now, what did Yoona say?” Yong Hwa changed the subject. “She said she knows a bit on how to do it but that Sunny and Jessica were better. So she’s asking if you want to meet up with the girls one day?” Jong Hyun said. “Alright… Set a date. I’ll meet up with them and see how we can go about it. And the sooner the better. Thanks bro!” Yong Hwa said, feeling much more at ease than he had in the last few days. “Now let’s go eat, quick! I need to go to the salon to dye my hair after this” Yong Hwa said as he pushed the boys into the restaurant. “Hyung! Didn’t you say you had to wait a few months before you could dye your hair?” Min Hyuk eyed Yong Hwa suspiciously. “What?! Weren’t you guys the ones asking me to dye my hair black like Joo Hyun?” Yong Hwa postured. “But hyungsoonim’s hair is not black. It’s dark brown!” Jong Hyun retorted. “Well, I can’t be too obvious, can I? Besides, dark brown is not my colour” Yong Hwa snorted back.




Two days later, Yong Hwa and the boys met up with Sunny, Jessica and Yoona at Sunny’s house. “You sure she won’t drop by unannounced?” Yong Hwa kept asking Sunny as she led them to the living room. “Jung seobang!! Quit worrying! She will usually call before she comes by. You of all people should know she’s got more manners than to just drop by unannounced!” Sunny rolled her eyes as she plopped on the sofa. “Araseo araseo… You’ve got a fiery temper Sunny-ah” Yong Hwa teased. “So Jung seobang, I hear you want to make DIY earrings for Joo Hyun?” Jessica asked, straight to the point. “Yah Sica-yah! Don’t be so rude… We’re supposed to make small talk first, ask how they are and how’s everything, talk about the weather a bit, offer them drinks and food before we get down to business, Sica-yah!” Sunny chortled.


With a blank look on her face, Jessica responded, “Really? We’re supposed to do that?Yahh Sunny! How am I supposed to know that??!” Jessica yelled in Sunny’s face. “It’s called social etiquette, Sica-yah!!!” Sunny yelled back in Jessica’s face. Yong Hwa was about to get up and play mediator between the girls when suddenly Jessica and Sunny laughed out loud. “Okay okay… So boys, how are you?” Jessica said as she straightened herself up, behaving as if the shouting match did not just happen. It took a moment for the boys to recover from the shock but instead of responding to Jessica’s question, Yong Hwa asked “Uh… Is this normal? This shouting back and forth? Is it normal for you girls?” Jong Hyun chipped in cautiously, “Yeah… Is this how you girls talk to each other?”


The three girls looked at each other before they burst out laughing. “Ummm…. Yeah, this is how we talk to each other when we’re in a good mood” Yoona replied. “You shout at each other when you’re in a good mood??” Min Hyuk asked, incredulous. “Err… You can say that. It’s like we’re playing with each other, you know?” Sunny added. The boys started nodding slowly but none of them could really understand the logic behind it. “Wow.. I didn’t know such sweet looking girls could be so scary” Jung Shin mumbled.


After a couple of minutes of small talk, as dictated by Sunny, Sunny and Jessica brought out their DIY toolboxes and showed the boys the various tools and accessories needed to make earrings, bracelets and necklaces. They showed the boys how to make stud earrings and dangle earrings and also showed them the various designs they made themselves. “Jung seobang, as you can see, all the beads and crystals are pretty basic and common. Anyone can buy them and assemble them but if you want to make them really pretty, it might be too hard for you. Do you have anything in mind that will be different or make it more personal or special?” Jessica questioned. “Special like how?” Yong Hwa responded her question with a question of his own.


“Hmm… Like maybe you have a design that means something to the both of you that you can imitate?” Yoona suggested. Yong Hwa sat for a moment with his mouth slightly open, concentrating on sifting through his memory for something that would be meaningful. Clapping his hands, Yong Hwa had a sparkle in his eyes, “Ah!! I bought her one bracelet from a street vendor in Niigata. I was going to give it to her when I asked her to be my girlfriend but I broke it shortly after. Anyway, it’s shaped like a star. Can I like maybe cut two out from the bracelet and make a pair of earrings from it? Stud earrings?” Yong Hwa asked, suddenly hesitant. “Oh hyung! That does hold some significance!” Jung Shin praised. Everybody agreed that it did bring more meaning to the gift than just some random beading but the girls suggested that Yong Hwa bring the bracelet to them for appraisal first.




March 14 2013


It was six thirty in the morning and Seo Hyun was punching in the key code to open CNBLUE dorm’s door. Swinging the door open, the scent of delicious food came wafting to through. Rushing in, she caught sight of Yong Hwa in an apron, bustling about the kitchen. “Oppa!! What are you doing?!” Seo Hyun half yelled as she stopped at the foot of the kitchen. “Hyu~n! Happy White Day!!” Yong Hwa greeted as he gathered Seo Hyun into a tight hug. “Wahhh!! Oppa! You’re preparing breakfast?!” Seo Hyun squealed. “Why yes, my yeoshin. I’m at your service today” Yong Hwa bowed dramatically. Leading her out and seating her down at the head of the dining table, Yong Hwa continues his dramatic delivery “My yeoshin, please sit while the food is being prepared. I assure you, it will be served shortly.”


Seo Hyun was tickled by Yong Hwa’s antics that she couldn’t stop giggling. Craning her neck to watch Yong Hwa at work in the kitchen, she felt a surge of emotions. She sure is lucky to have him in her life. Never did she imagine that she would fall in love, especially not to him. But she was glad it turned out to be him. Everything about him brought warm fuzzies to her heart. Seo Hyun sighed a satisfied sigh as she watched him flit about the kitchen with his mouthly slightly open as always when he concentrates.


“Ta-dah!!” Yong Hwa declared proudly as he laid freshly cooked pancakes in front of Seo Hyun. Yong Hwa had artistically arranged five pancakes in a semi-circle shape, encompassing a generous amount of fresh fruits with scoops of ice cream forming another semi-circle, completing the circle. Two adorably tiny jugs of honey and chocolate fudge adorned the top left corner of the plate. “Wow!!” Seo Hyun squealed. “I did a good job, didn’t I? Kekeke…” Yong Hwa grinned like a fool. Sinking into his seat next to Seo Hyun, Yong Hwa watched as Seo Hyun marveled at his hard work and turned to face him with her big adorable puppy eyes with blatant adoration shining through them. Whipping out her phone, Seo Hyun took a quick photo of the meal before seeking Yong Hwa’s permission to dig in. Nodding, Yong Hwa watched as Seo Hyun took her first bite. “Oppa, this is delicious!!” Seo Hyun gushed. “It’s delicious, right?” Yong Hwa beamed, still watching Seo Hyun. “Eat more… I can make more if you want” Yong Hwa said before finally turning his attention to his plate of pancakes.


“Hyu~n, go prepare for school. I’ll drop you today” Yong Hwa said as he stood up to clear the plates. “Ne? Oppa! But people will see you!” Seo Hyun protested. “I’m taking SM’s company car so nobody can see in through the heavily tinted glass. Besides, I know how to disguise myself. Nobody will know it’s me” Yong Hwa explained. “Now, go and get ready. I’ll come by your house to pick you up in an hour” Yong Hwa said as he carried the plates and cutlery to the kitchen to wash up. Embracing Yong Hwa in a back hug, Seo Hyun whispered “Thank you Oppa, for the breakfast and for this wonderful White Day.” Yong Hwa turned around and hugged Seo Hyun tight, “I have the whole day to pamper you… Wait for it!” Yong Hwa teased as he kissed her head lightly.


An hour later, Yong Hwa stood in front of Seo Hyun’s door dressed in black jeans, black winter jacket, and a black beanie with all his hair swept under the beanie. Letting himself in, Yong Hwa greeted Seo Hyun’s mother who was washing the dishes in the kitchen. “Omoni! How are you?” Yong Hwa bowed respectfully. “Yong seobang!! Come give Omoni a hug” Seo Hyun’s mom said as she quickly dried her hands. Even though he saw Seo Hyun’s parents almost every day, they always behaved as if they haven’t seen him in ages and often took the chance to hug and shower him with love as if he were their own son.


Yong Hwa never had the chance to take Seo Hyun to school. He was usually either too busy or too worried of being seen to actually attempt to drive Seo Hyun to school. However, his last conversation with Han Seung Ho gave him the reassurance that if they got caught, he knew SM and FNC would step in and help them. “Let’s go Hyu~n!! You’re going to be late!!” Yong Hwa called from the kitchen. They heard a squeal and a little commotion before Seo Hyun emerged running from her room. Yong Hwa grinned at the sight of a visibly flustered Seo Hyun. “Aigoo, seems like uri yeoshin needs more than an hour to prepare for school” Yong Hwa teased. Taking her books out of her hands, Yong Hwa interlaced their fingers together and led Seo Hyun to the front door. “I’ll see you again soon, Omoni!” Yong Hwa bowed and grinned to Seo Hyun’s mom.


On the way to Dongguk University, Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun talked about a lot of things. Yong Hwa shared with Seo Hyun the progress of CNBLUE’s Japanese album. As usual, he let her listen to the songs raw and confided in her the problems and stress he faces day to day. She in turn, confided in him about her assignments and all the things she learns in school. Yong Hwa may not have gone to university but he did have acting experiences so sometimes he would be able to give her valueable input. Yong Hwa dropped Seo Hyun off at her university without any problems. Although the big white van did attract some stares, but that was the extent of attention they received. Promising to come back at 5PM to pick her up, Yong Hwa reluctantly bade farewell to Seo Hyun and drove off.

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Tracer1 #1
Chapter 18: This fanfic is good! Even though I know there's no new chapter for years now, I'll still fnish this and wait for a new chapter.
bokyo28 #2
Chapter 66: where is the author of this? please continue thank you for the awesome fanfic :D
Im_Jiyeon #3
Chapter 66: 안녕하서요!!!! Miss ur update sooo much
Chapter 66: authornimmmmmm i miss your updates so much!!!! plz plz plz update i love this story :)
ps : i was a silent reader :D not anymore :D
athenagracis #5
Chapter 1: Looks like this is going to be a great story. :) thanks for feeding my yongseo addiction fellow goguma!
YongSeoForever7 #6
Chapter 66: I absolutely LOVE this fanfic!!! >.< I'm so excited for when Yonghwa proposes to Seohyun! I'm also curious to how he will ask her the life-changing question. I really hope they're like this in real life. Please update soon! :3
hello!! new reader here..

heavenlysins #8
Chapter 65: Aaaahhh...manhi manhi love this chap. That was just sooo sweet. Would u tell me any place to find a namja like Yong at this chap authornim? I want one too. Kekeke ^^
HoneyPie #9
Chapter 66: That's a long update. ..thanks authornim ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥