Chapter 36

YongSeo - Post WGM


Yong Hwa eased into his room and closed the door quickly. “Oppa, did anybody see you?” Seo Hyun asked cautiously. “Nope. Did anybody see you?” Yong Hwa asked in return as he took off his jacket. “Nope. It was pretty uneventful” Seo Hyun replied as she sat down on Yong Hwa’s bed.


“So what do we do now Oppa?” Seo Hyun asked. “Well, we haven’t seen each other in 3 months Hyu~n. I’m guessing we have lots to catch up on, don’t you think?” Yong Hwa replied. “Oh wait, did you tell Hyo Yeon you were here? You don’t want them to worry about you, right?” Yong Hwa said while climbing into bed, pulling the covers up. He was cold! “Yes, I called Hyo Yeon unnie the moment I arrived” Seo Hyun said, blushing. “Seo Joo Hyun, why are you blushing?” Yong Hwa asked. “Ahh… It was just that Hyo Yeon unnie was teasing me about being here alone with you” Seo Hyun replied shyly.


Yong Hwa started laughing, “Cham! What do they take me for? Do I look like that kind of guy Seo Joo Hyun? Or are you the naughty one?” Yong Hwa teased. “Ahh cham!! Oppa!! You know it’s not like that!” Seo Hyun whined while her hair. She always had the habit of her hair whenever she was nervous and even more so when it was Yong Hwa related.


“Hyu~n… It’s warm under the covers. I promise I won’t do anything you are not comfortable with. I just want you to be warm” Yong Hwa said earnestly. Seo Hyun hesitated awhile before peeling off her jacket and climbing under the covers of Yong Hwa’s king sized bed. “See, it’s warm right?” Yong Hwa said while propping himself on his side to face Seo Hyun. “Mmm… Yes, it’s warm” Seo Hyun agreed, curling sideways towards Yong Hwa.


“Hyu~n… I missed you so much!” Yong Hwa said, reaching out to hold Seo Hyun’s hand. “Are you sure?? Weren’t you having too much fun filming Heartstrings to remember me?” Seo Hyun teased. Yong Hwa glared at Seo Hyun with his adorable evil eye that Seo Hyun burst out laughing. Yong Hwa inched closer. “You  know, while it looked like we were having fun, it was more fun for Shin Hye because she kept bugging me about Jong Hyun. It was honestly quite annoying!” Yong Hwa complained.


“Oh yeah, what happened? Does Jong Hyun know about Shin Hye’s feelings?” Seo Hyun inquired. “Erm… Yes, he does know. In fact, they’ve met a few times because the members would come visit me on set whenever they were free. They often brought food for the whole crew. That’s when Shin Hye fell for Jong Hyun. It was during the filming of You’re Beautiful” Yong Hwa explained. “Oooh… I see…” Seo Hyun replied. “Shin Hye has tried to flirt with Jong Hyun but he doesn’t feel the same. He likes Yoona, you know?” Yong Hwa said, smiling.


Seo Hyun’s eyes bugged out, “Yoona? My Yoona unnie??” Yong Hwa nodded, smiling. “Hyun-ah, why are you so surprised at such things?? Anyway, Jong Hyun has been bugging me to ask you if Yoona is dating anybody or interested in anybody. But I’ve been refusing to help him do that as I feel that he needs to be a man and approach her if he really likes her regardless of whether she’s single or not” Yong Hwa replied. Seo Hyun laughed. “You’re so bad Oppa! He would be so embarrassed if Yoona told him she wasn’t available or didn’t fancy him, don’t you think?”


“Seo Joo Hyun, sometimes it’s necessary for guys to go through that to become men” Yong Hwa said in a mock macho tone. Seo Hyun rolled her eyes, “Look who’s talking now” “Hey!! I made it very clear to you and practically the whole world that I liked you! Did you forget? Aren’t I cool?” Yong Hwa boasted. “Oppa, you know, I’ve been meaning to ask you, why do you like me? I mean, what attracted you to me?” Seo Hyun asked.


“Oh?? Are you only asking me this now?” Yong Hwa teased. Yong Hwa inched closer again, “Hmm… When we first met, I thought that you were a very unique girl, very different from the others. Not many idols, especially as famous as SNSD, read much. Heck, I didn’t read much, even when I wasn’t even half as busy as you. It’s not that I think famous people don’t have to read, it’s just that the more famous you are, the less time you have to do things. So I was impressed with your determination and drive. But what made me like you and fall in love with you was your honest personality. And of course, your willingness to try anything. I felt that was very attractive. Most girls were more worried about their image or their looks or not getting their nails dirty and hair messy. You weren’t like that. You were very natural and down to earth. A difficult trait to find in the show biz world, if I might add.”


“We have different personalities and different interests but it’s the diversity in our lives that enrich us. I like being able to teach you things and share my hobbies and interests with you, like teaching you the guitar and composing music and lyrics. Guys always feel more macho and confident when they show their capable side to their partners. At the same time, I am happy when you also teach me things and share your interests and passions with me. It makes me feel like I’m always progressing in life, learning new things and not be stuck only in my perspective. That’s why I fell in love with you” Yong Hwa concluded, seemingly proud of himself.


Seo Hyun smiled. She was impressed at the depth of his thoughts. “So now, why do you like me, Seo Joo Hyun” Yong Hwa asked in return. “You know, it’s funny how we never talked about this when we first confessed to each other months before!” Seo Hyun said. “Yeah, I know. I guess it was far too awkward for us back then. We are more comfortable now to be able to bring this up” Yong Hwa said pensively. “Yeah, it was awkward then, wasn’t it? Hmm… I was impressed that you had tried so hard to make me feel comfortable when we first met. You never gave up and I felt that we had great camaraderie. I’m not a good conversationalist but when it came to you, we managed it somehow. It’s as if you could hear my inner thoughts and pick up on every little thing. And I liked that you were very honest. It’s like with you, what you see is what you get. You are almost transparent in that sense. Maybe that’s why it’s been difficult for you to hide your reactions whenever people bring up my name or YongSeo” Seo Hyun answered.


“And of course, like you mentioned, I felt that with you, I was always learning something new, experiencing something different, being exposed to a world bigger than myself. And more than anything, you saw me as me, not as Seo Hyun of SNSD. There are a lot of guys I’ve met that just want me to sit and look pretty and be brainless. It was very frustrating. But you valued my opinions, treated me as an equal. That’s why I fell for you” Seo Hyun concluded shyly.


Yong Hwa inched even closer, a breath’s length away. “Oppa!! You have so much space over on your side. Why you are infringing on my side of the bed?” Seo Hyun exclaimed. “Seo Joo Hyun, this is my room and this is my bed! Why can’t I use the full extent of it??” Yong Hwa retaliated. Seo Hyun opened to speak but could find nothing to refute his claims. “Araseo araseo!! I just wanted to hug my girlfriend, is it a crime?? Besides, have you already decided which side of the bed is yours?” Yong Hwa teased before pulling Seo Hyun into his embrace.

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Tracer1 #1
Chapter 18: This fanfic is good! Even though I know there's no new chapter for years now, I'll still fnish this and wait for a new chapter.
bokyo28 #2
Chapter 66: where is the author of this? please continue thank you for the awesome fanfic :D
Im_Jiyeon #3
Chapter 66: 안녕하서요!!!! Miss ur update sooo much
Chapter 66: authornimmmmmm i miss your updates so much!!!! plz plz plz update i love this story :)
ps : i was a silent reader :D not anymore :D
athenagracis #5
Chapter 1: Looks like this is going to be a great story. :) thanks for feeding my yongseo addiction fellow goguma!
YongSeoForever7 #6
Chapter 66: I absolutely LOVE this fanfic!!! >.< I'm so excited for when Yonghwa proposes to Seohyun! I'm also curious to how he will ask her the life-changing question. I really hope they're like this in real life. Please update soon! :3
hello!! new reader here..

heavenlysins #8
Chapter 65: Aaaahhh...manhi manhi love this chap. That was just sooo sweet. Would u tell me any place to find a namja like Yong at this chap authornim? I want one too. Kekeke ^^
HoneyPie #9
Chapter 66: That's a long update. ..thanks authornim ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥