Chapter 54

YongSeo - Post WGM


For the last couple of months of 2012, SNSD were busy with the recording of their latest Korea album, slated to be released on 1st January 2013 so they stayed largely out of the news. CNBLUE was also set to release their album in 2013, two weeks after SNSD. In between recording and practices, CNBLUE also moved into their new dorm. And CNBLUE being low profile idols, were fortunate enough to have been able to move into the same building as Seo Hyun without attracting attention.


“Boys, there’s no need to pack. The movers will pack and unpack everything for you. Don’t worry” CNBLUE manager assured the boys the day before the big move. “Are you sure hyung? I’m worried things will be lost!” Min Hyuk was getting paranoid. “Hyung, I think you better wrap up the wedding pictures” Jung Shin said to Yong Hwa. He was referring to the wedding pictures Yong Hwa took with Seo Hyun during their WGM stint. “Yeah, you don’t want the movers to spread rumors now, do you?” Jong Hyun cautioned. “Okay… I’ll wrap up everything Seo Hyun related and seal them” Yong Hwa said as he reached for the empty boxes in the hallway. “Hyung, I think it’s better if you were to transport everything hyungsoonim related by yourself. Manager hyung did say that the movers will also unpack for us, remember?” Min Hyuk said while popping his head into Yong Hwa’s room. “Good idea Min Hyuk-ah!! I’ll take it over to Joo Hyun’s place after I’ve packed everything up” Yong Hwa said.


After 2 hours of packing, Yong Hwa emerged from his room with 2 medium boxes and 1 large photo frame, all wrapped up. “Hyung, when are you going over to hyungsoonim’s place?” Jung Shin called from his room. “Erm…. It’s almost dinner time so maybe after dinner?” Yong Hwa replied. “Okay, can you help take one of my boxes there too?” Jung Shin called again. “What?? Why???” Yong Hwa asked as he made his way to Jung Shin’s room. “Me too hyung! I have 1 box for you to take as well” Min Hyuk added, just as Yong Hwa entered their shared bedroom. “Why???” Yong Hwa asked, puzzled. “Hyung, you’re not the only one who has things to ‘hide’. We don’t want the movers to see some of our stuff too you know” Jung Shin said in a bored tone. “Hyung, I placed my box on top of yours!! Please help me to take it along as well!” Jong Hyun yelled from the living room. “You too?” Yong Hwa asked, his tone surprised.




“It’s still early guys. Let’s go shopping” Yong Hwa suggested. They just had a sumptuous meal with Min Hyuk’s family at their restaurant and it was a rare day off for them. “Aish.. Hyung… You’re just stalling time so that it’ll be late enough to drop by hyungsoonim’s place with minimal people around. Don’t you think we don’t know that?” Jung Shin teased Yong Hwa. Min Hyuk just grinned while Jong Hyun sniggered. “Jong Hyun-ah, you’ve been fiddling with your phone the whole night. Who are you texting?” Yong Hwa said in an attempt to deflect the attention from him. “Ne?? Oh… It’s nobody” Jong Hyun was now flustered. “It’s Yoona, isn’t it?” Min Hyuk said, half guessing half teasing. “How did you know?” Jong Hyun replied, shocked. “What?? I was right? I was just guessing” Min Hyuk said, now laughing out loud. “Aigoo.. We should have known” Jung Shin said, ribbing Jong Hyun with his elbow. “We’re just friends who keep in touch!” Jong Hyun was in full denial mode. “Jong Hyun-ah… You shouldn’t lie to us. We’re your family” Yong Hwa said, in a mock hurt tone.


“Okay! Okay!! It is Yoona. We’ve been keeping in touch since we came back from LA” Jong Hyun said shyly. “Are you going to date her?” Min Hyuk asked. “I don’t know.. We’re still in that awkward get-to-know-you-better stage” Jong Hyun said shrugging his shoulders. “You really like her, don’t you?” Yong Hwa asked. Jong Hyun nodded. “So why don’t you ask her out?” Jung Shin asked as he put his arms around Jong Hyun’s shoulders. Jong Hyun sighed, “It’s a little difficult. SNSD schedules are so crazy!” “Hey, if hyung can do it, so can you!” Yong Hwa said as he pat Jong Hyun’s arm. “It’s not only that. Yoona seems more difficult to read than hyungsoonim. I sometimes don’t know if she’s into me or not. Some days I think she is, some days I feel she isn’t. I think she does mildang very well!” Jong Hyun sighed again. Yong Hwa, Jung Shin and Min Hyuk shook their heads and chuckled as they arrived at their shopping destination. They could offer Jong Hyun no words of comfort.


Halfway through their shopping spree, Yong Hwa stopped in front of a jewelry store, staring at the glass display from the outside. “Hyung! What are you looking at?” Min Hyuk asked as he sidled up to Yong Hwa. “Are you planning on proposing already??” Jung Shin asked as he peered over Yong Hwa’s shoulder. “Ne?? No! Of course not!! I just wanted to get something nice for Seo Hyun. The only time I bought her jewelry was when I got her the couple necklace with her mother. And now, she hardly wears it because everybody knows it was a gift from me. I want to give her a promise ring too. But it can’t be too flashy right?” Yong Hwa asked, dejectedly. “Hyung, I don’t think it’s a good idea to be buying jewelry right now. The fans are gathering” Jong Hyun said softly. Yong Hwa looked around disappointed. There were already a few fans gathering nearby and taking photos. “Let’s just go and continue our shopping. Min Hyuk, you want new shoes right?” Yong Hwa said as they moved on.


At long last, they managed to get everything they wanted and everybody had their hands full of shopping bags. “Let’s go” Yong Hwa said as he closed the door of the van. “Is Seo Hyun at home yet?” CNBLLUE manager asked. “No, she says they’re not done with the practice session yet but she asked us to go ahead to head over to her house. She has informed her parents” Yong Hwa replied. Yong Hwa was slightly disappointed that he won’t be able to see Seo Hyun tonight.


Thirty minutes later, they were standing in front of Seo Hyun’s door, waiting for someone to let them in. “Yong seobang! Why didn’t you just let yourself in? Don’t you know the door lock password?” Seo Hyun’s mom asked as she ushered them in. “I’m sorry Omonim. I was just worried that it would be rude to just let ourselves in” Yong Hwa replied. “Aigoo Yong seobang. If we did not trust you or welcome you, we wouldn’t have let you know the password. Next time just let yourselves in okay” Seo Hyun’s mom insisted and Yong Hwa bowed in response. “Omonim, where do we put our things?” Jung Shin asked as everyone was still holding on their heavy boxes. “Oh.. I’m sorry.. Here, please put them in our mini library room” Seo Hyun’s mom replied as she pointed to the room closest to the kitchen. “Joo Hyunnie will be late but I’ve prepared some dessert. Why don’t you have some before you go?” Seo Hyun’s mom said as she headed towards the kitchen. “Omonim, our manager hyung is waiting in the car park for us” Min Hyuk replied as he emerged from the library room. “Ask him to come up as well!” Seo Hyun’s mom persisted.


“Omonim, we need to hire someone to clean the house for us. Do you have anybody to recommend?” CNBLUE manager directed the question to Seo Hyun’s mom as he finished the last of his dessert. “Oh yeah, that’s right. Our old house cleaner lives too far away to come all the way here just to clean our house” Jung Shin said, slowly eating his dessert. “Ahh.. But hyung, we have so many things that we cannot let other people see…” Min Hyuk pointed out. “Mm.. That’s right. It’s quite risky, especially for Yong Hwa. He printed out so many of his couple pictures with Seo Hyun” CNBLUE manager said. “How many days do you need the cleaner for?” Seo Hyun’s mother asked pensively. “Oh.. We are hardly home so we just need the cleaner to come and clean 2 or 3 times a week” Yong Hwa replied. “Mmm.. I can do it. I can cook for you as well. Joo Hyun has been saying how all five of you aren’t eating healthily. As a mother, that’s quite saddening” Seo Hyun’s mother said.


“Ahh!! Omonim, we couldn’t ask you to clean the house for us. It’s not appropriate” Yong Hwa refused immediately. “Yeah Omonim, it’s not appropriate for our hyung’s mother-in-law to clean the house for us!” Jung Shin said as he shook his head profusely. “Ah cham!! You boys! It’s not a big deal! Who else better to clean the house than me? Other ajummas will gossip when they see the things you don’t want others to see!” Seo Hyun’s mom countered. “Omonim! It’s not very good pay. We are just paying the normal rate” Min Hyuk added. Yong Hwa turned to look at Min Hyuk, “Yahh… it’s not about the pay!” Seo Hyun’s mom chuckled, “I’m not doing it for the money. I just want to help you boys out and don’t worry, cleaning the house is not a difficult task for me. Trust me!” Seo Hyun’s mom urged. Finally, they agreed that Seo Hyun’s mom would swing by every Tuesday and Friday to clean the house and that CNBLUE would donate her wage money to a charity of her choice.


As they prepared to leave, Seo Hyun walked through the door. “Oh!! Hello! You’re still here!” Seo Hyun said excitedly. She quickly searched for that familiar face that was Yong Hwa and gave him the sweetest smile she could manage, “Yo~ng Oppa!” she called as she rushed to give him a big hug. “Hyu~n!!” Yong Hwa said as he kissed her on the cheeks lightly. “Hyungsoonim, you must be tired! I heard you had a full day of dance practice!” Jong Hyun said as he smiled to her. “I know who you heard that from!” Seo Hyun as she let go of Yong Hwa. Jong Hyun just smiled back like a dork. “Hyungsoonim, we were just leaving” Min Hyuk said. “Ahh.. Really? Aww.. That’s too bad. I’m sorry I came home late” Seo Hyun said as she bowed to everyone. “Don’t be silly. You had work to do” Yong Hwa said as he pat her head lightly. “We would love to stay, especially Yong Hwa but I think it’s late and your parents need to sleep” CNBLUE manager said lightly. “Ahh yes yes, I understand. Tomorrow you’ll move in so we’ve got plenty of time to hang out, right?” Seo Hyun responded. “Definitely!” Jung Shin piped up. “Please drive safe!” Seo Hyun wished them as they exited her house.

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Tracer1 #1
Chapter 18: This fanfic is good! Even though I know there's no new chapter for years now, I'll still fnish this and wait for a new chapter.
bokyo28 #2
Chapter 66: where is the author of this? please continue thank you for the awesome fanfic :D
Im_Jiyeon #3
Chapter 66: 안녕하서요!!!! Miss ur update sooo much
Chapter 66: authornimmmmmm i miss your updates so much!!!! plz plz plz update i love this story :)
ps : i was a silent reader :D not anymore :D
athenagracis #5
Chapter 1: Looks like this is going to be a great story. :) thanks for feeding my yongseo addiction fellow goguma!
YongSeoForever7 #6
Chapter 66: I absolutely LOVE this fanfic!!! >.< I'm so excited for when Yonghwa proposes to Seohyun! I'm also curious to how he will ask her the life-changing question. I really hope they're like this in real life. Please update soon! :3
hello!! new reader here..

heavenlysins #8
Chapter 65: Aaaahhh...manhi manhi love this chap. That was just sooo sweet. Would u tell me any place to find a namja like Yong at this chap authornim? I want one too. Kekeke ^^
HoneyPie #9
Chapter 66: That's a long update. ..thanks authornim ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥