Chapter 25 - Visible Cracks

YongSeo - Post WGM


Yong Hwa was in high spirits after the call with Lee Soo Man. He was ecstatic! He couldn’t wait to tell Seo Hyun and officially be together. Just then the coordinator came in to usher him to backstage for standby. He met Seo Hyun along the way but she had a camera crew following her so he couldn’t say anything to her. He tried to keep calm and cool and pretend that everything was casual between them. They listened to the song on Seo Hyun’s tablet while waiting for their turn.


Seo Hyun was feeling slightly nervous and awkward. She hadn’t seen Yong Hwa in months and although they were in the same place, they hadn’t had any personal time together to catch up. They couldn’t even talk comfortably with everyone around watching and filming. She was happy to see him, but seeing him also reminded her of his long absence and she wasn’t too pleased about that. She felt conflicted. She was happy to see him yet, she wasn’t happy to see him.


Ten minutes later, it was their turn on stage. Yong Hwa tried hard not to show how happy he was to be with Seo Hyun and singing their song together. He remembered Lee Soo Man’s warning about not getting caught so he tried to play it cool. But he couldn’t help smiling when he sang the lyrics “I love you” and when he saw Seo Hyun singing without looking at him, he couldn’t stop himself and waved at her, trying to get her attention.


As she sang their song and the memories flooded back to her, Seo Hyun started to smile. And when they came to stand next to each other, Seo Hyun held her hand out naturally, although they didn’t plan on holding hands for the song. Yong Hwa was surprised she held out her hand, but he took it gratefully, finally being able to touch his girl. He smiled at that thought. She’s my girl. But as the song ended, he remembered Lee Soo Man’s words and quickly let go of Seo Hyun’s hand, but not before holding it tight for 2 seconds before letting it drop.


Seo Hyun was peeved. I held out my hand to him first and he let it drop the second the song ended. Ouch, that hurts! Seo Hyun thought to herself as she left the stage. “Seo Hyun-ssi, you did well!” Yong Hwa said to her as they emerged from the stage into the hallway. Seo Hyun-ssi? Why is he being so formal? Seo Hyun was getting angrier by the minute. “Yong Hwa-ssi, thank you for your hardwork tonight. I have to go first” Seo Hyun said, barely holding in her anger as she stomped off.


Seo Hyun was livid by the time she reached SNSD’s changing room. “Joo Hyun-ah, the two of you looked so sweet out there!!” Yuri squealed. Seo Hyun just brushed past her without a word and went straight to the changing room. Inside the changing room, she could hear the girls congratulating her on her performance with Yong Hwa and squealing about being able to perform on stage with the one you love. Seo Hyun barely managed to eke out a halfhearted thank you to her unnies as a tear slid down her cheek.


She took an exceptionally long time in the changing room, she didn’t want to speak to anybody right now and she didn’t want anybody clueing in on her feelings and anger right now. She didn’t feel like explaining to anybody. How I wish I was back in Korea, Seo Hyun sniffed. Suddenly she heard the girls shouting and cheering, “Jung seobang!!! Congratulations on your performance!! You look so handsome tonight!”. Seo Hyun froze. She especially did not want to see HIM right now. 

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Tracer1 #1
Chapter 18: This fanfic is good! Even though I know there's no new chapter for years now, I'll still fnish this and wait for a new chapter.
bokyo28 #2
Chapter 66: where is the author of this? please continue thank you for the awesome fanfic :D
Im_Jiyeon #3
Chapter 66: 안녕하서요!!!! Miss ur update sooo much
Chapter 66: authornimmmmmm i miss your updates so much!!!! plz plz plz update i love this story :)
ps : i was a silent reader :D not anymore :D
athenagracis #5
Chapter 1: Looks like this is going to be a great story. :) thanks for feeding my yongseo addiction fellow goguma!
YongSeoForever7 #6
Chapter 66: I absolutely LOVE this fanfic!!! >.< I'm so excited for when Yonghwa proposes to Seohyun! I'm also curious to how he will ask her the life-changing question. I really hope they're like this in real life. Please update soon! :3
hello!! new reader here..

heavenlysins #8
Chapter 65: Aaaahhh...manhi manhi love this chap. That was just sooo sweet. Would u tell me any place to find a namja like Yong at this chap authornim? I want one too. Kekeke ^^
HoneyPie #9
Chapter 66: That's a long update. ..thanks authornim ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥