Chapter 53

YongSeo - Post WGM


“Jung Shin ah… You’re sitting with me right?” Yong Hwa asked as he turned back to look at Jung Shin. “Oh.. Yeah, I am” Jung Shin replied while trying to keep his hair from flying. It was the day after the K-Pop Super Concert and they were at LAX for their scheduled flight back to Seoul. “Jung Shin-ah, can you trade places with Seo Hyun so that she can sit with me? Please?” Yong Hwa asked, trying to sound casual. They were scheduled to be on the same flight as SNSD and he knew what he asked of Jung Shin was too much for the boy to handle. “Ne???” Jung Shin’s eyes bulged out. He temporarily forgot about his hair getting tangled by the wind. “Hyung! Do you know how scary the girls are?? You can’t even handle 3 of them!” Jung Shin started protesting. “You know how I am with girls.. I can barely look at them! And you’re asking me to deal with eight of the scariest girls we know??” Jung Shin was panicking. Yong Hwa chuckled, “Then pretend you’re sleeping!” he joked. “Do you think they’d let me?!??” Jung Shin was not going down without a fight.


“Hyung, if you can arrange for Yoona to sit next to me, I’ll gladly trade my seat with Hyungsoonim. Jung Shin and Min Hyuk can sit together” Jong Hyun piped up. “That’s right! Jong Hyun-hyung can swap instead! I love you hyung, but I won’t kill myself for you” Jung Shin said dramatically. Min Hyuk who was witnessing the exchanges just kept laughing. “You guys are hilarious!” Min Hyuk said, laughing again. “Jong Hyun-ah… I can’t promise you that but I can give you the opportunity. What you do with it, is up to you. I will try to get Seo Hyun to sit with Yoona but it’s up to fate” Yong Hwa said as he winked. “I’ll take it” Jong Hyun replied, not missing a beat. “Thanks man!” Yong Hwa said as he clapped Jong Hyun’s back.


“Yoona unnie…” Seo Hyun called as linked arms with Yoona. They were at the hotel lobby, waiting for the rest to arrive before leaving for the airport. “Mmm?” Yoona replied as she leaned her head onto Seo Hyun’s shoulder. “Unnie, I need a favor” Seo Hyun said as she enveloped Yoona into a hug. “Oh? What kind of favor?” Yoona said as she lifted her head to look around at Seo Hyun. “Unnie, CNBLUE will be on the same flight with us to Seoul. And Yong Hwa oppa wants me to sit with him…” Seo Hyun trailed off. “You want me to swap seats with someone from CNBLUE, right?” Yoona said as she leaned her head back onto Seo Hyun’s shoulder. “Mm hmm…” Seo Hyun replied and she hugged Yoona tighter. “Okay… If you can get me the seat next to Jong Hyun oppa then I’ll swap” Yoona said shyly. “Okay.. I’ll try. I’ll tell Yong Hwa oppa that you’ll only sit next to Jong Hyun oppa” Seo Hyun teased deliberately. “No!!! Don’t you dare say that!! Just say you prefer it that way… Please!” Yoona was embarrassed as she pleaded with Seo Hyun. “Araseo unnie! I was just kidding” Seo Hyun laughed.




The CNBLUE boys were already at the departure gate by the time the SNSD entourage arrived with SuJu. As culture and customs dictated, the CNBLUE members greeted their seniors with bows and handshakes before everybody settled down to wait for boarding. Before the girls got too comfortable, Yong Hwa and Jong Hyun approached Yoona and Seo Hyun. “Yoona-ssi, thank you for agreeing to swap seats with me” Yong Hwa said as he bowed to Yoona. “Ahh.. Jung seobang, it’s no problem at all” Yoona said shyly. “Jong Hyun here will you to my seat when we board” Yong Hwa said as he gestured for Jong Hyun to step forward. “Oh.. So I will be seated with you?” Yoona asked Jong  Hyun. “Yes… I hope you don’t mind sitting with me and the boys” Jong Hyun said with a little smile. “No problem. I think it’s better than if you were to sit with us girls” Yoona teased.


Yong Hwa hated flying. But it seemed bearable with Seo Hyun next to him. “I hope they’re doing okay back there” Seo Hyun said as she craned her neck to look three rows behind. “Hyu~n, relax! They’re fine!” Yong Hwa said as he pulled Seo Hyun back to face him. “Now.. Here, listen to this” Yong Hwa said as he put the headphones onto Seo Hyun’s head. “Is this your new song?” Seo Hyun asked as the song ended. Yong Hwa nodded, “I wrote it too. It’s called ‘I’m sorry’.” “Mmm… “ Seo Hyun said as she nodded. “It’s quite different from your previous songs. I like it!” she continued. “I wrote the lyrics after you came to see me to break up with me, four months ago” Yong Hwa confessed.


“Ne?? But… I never did all those things in the lyrics!” Seo Hyun was startled. “Yeah, I know.. I kinda exaggerated everything. I had the concept but our situation didn’t really fit the strong beats. So I exaggerated. I hope you’re not mad at me” Yong Hwa apologized. “Ahhh.. It’s ok Oppa… I was wrong. I’m sorry that I hurt you so much for you to write such an angry song!” Seo Hyun teased. Yong Hwa reached over to pinch Seo Hyun’s cheeks. She’s so adorable when she’s being playful. “I love you, Hyu~n. I will do whatever it takes to make us work this time” Yong Hwa said as he hugged Seo Hyun.


“Ahhhhh!!!!!” suddenly there were squeals as Tae Yeon, Tiffany, Sunny and Hyo Yeon mock fainted. They were sitting close by and had heard the conversation between Seo Hyun and Yong Hwa. “I wish I had a relationship like the two of them” Soo Young said jealously. “Me too!!” Yuri wailed. “Jung seobang, when do you plan to marry our maknae?” Jessica asked point blank. “Ne??” Yong Hwa was startled by the question. “I was just kidding!!” Jessica said as she flashed them a big smile. “Oppa! What’s wrong with you?” Seo Hyun said as she shook Yong Hwa back to earth. “Ahh.. I was just surprised that’s all” Yong Hwa said flustered. “Aigoo… she was just joking. Besides, we’ve been together barely a year and then we broke up and are just getting back together again. Marriage is too far off, don’t you think?” Seo Hyun said while fiddling with the inflight magazine. Yong Hwa just nodded his head absent-mindedly.




“Yoona-ssi, do you prefer the aisle seat or the window seat?” Jong Hyun asked nervously. “Ahh… I prefer the window seat, if you don’t mind” Yoona replied shyly. “Of course I don’t mind. Do you mind if we drop the formalities and speak…comfortably?” Jong Hyun stuttered. “Oh.. Okay” Yoona replied smiling at Jong Hyun. “So Yoona, what do you think of our hyung and Seo Hyun dating?” Jong Hyun asked, he didn’t quite know what to say to Yoona. “Ahh.. Well, it’s not like they just got together. It’s been awhile since the Niigata concert. But I have to say, your leader is a very good guy. Joo Hyun has her own quirks and she’s not like any ordinary girl. But Jung seobang seemed to be able to handle her quirks well and help her very much. We are all thankful for that, really” Yoona replied honestly.


Yoona turned to Jong Hyun, “What about you? What do you think of them dating?” Jong Hyun was flustered for a second before replying “I’m honestly very jealous of their relationship. Somehow hyungsoonim makes our hyung a very happy and cheerful person. I think I’ve said this before, he’s originally very happy and cheerful but he’s become happier and more cheerful with hyungsoonim in his life. And as you all know by now, she’s his muse. So as a band, we’re also grateful to hyungsoonim for all the great songs that hyung writes.” Yoona nodded, happy with Jong Hyun’s answer.


“You’re also a good song writer. I like the songs you write, they’re very soothing. It’s a good mix to the rock songs that Jung seobang writes. You complement each other very well” Yoona praised Jong Hyun. “Ahh.. Thank you” Jong Hyun said, smiling shyly. “So, is your girlfriend your muse as well?” Yoona blurted out before she could stop herself. She’d been meaning to know if he was dating anyone but she hadn’t thought that she would actually ask it. “Ne?? I..I…I don’t have a girlfriend” Jong Hyun replied, too shy to look at Yoona. “What about you? Are you dating anyone? I heard that half the SNSD girls are dating now” Jong Hyun asked. He was clearly exaggerating and was hoping that she’d refute the claim.


“Ne?? Half of us are dating? I don’t know where you get your information but that’s not true!” Yoona denied profusely. “But you are dating someone though, right?” Jong Hyun asked, feeling a little frustrated that she didn’t reply the one question he badly wanted to know. “Me?? No, of course not. I’m not as lucky as Seo Hyun or Tiffany” Yoona pouted. “Tiffany too??” Jong Hyun was surprised. “Errr… Yeah, Tiffany and Hyo Yeon and of course Seo Hyun. At least, these are the ones that I know. Soo Young is very secretive” Yoona clarified. Jong Hyun breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t realize he had been holding his breath. Yoona-ya, I will get to know you better… Jong Hyun thought to himself.


As the plane landed in Seoul, Jong Hyun and Yoona began to pack up their stuff. They’d spent the whole flight talking and laughing and getting to know each other. Both were having as much fun as the other, while blissfully unaware that they were both attracted to each other. “Let’s keep in touch” Jong Hyun said sadly as he unbuckled his seatbelt. “You’re the one who doesn’t keep in touch” Yoona accused, unbuckling her seatbelt as well. “Ne??” Jong Hyun was confused. “You had my number since last year and only contacted me once during the concert in Niigata to ask for Joo Hyun’s room number, remember? You haven’t contacted me since then!” Yoona said, disappointment written all over her face. “Ahhh… Well, we didn’t know each other well then. I thought it would have been pretty awkward to contact you suddenly” Jong Hyun confessed. “But I’ll definitely keep in touch with you now, since we’re now friends” Jong Hyun continued, slightly embarrassed. Yoona just nodded, pleased.


“Hyu~n, I’m sad to leave you” Yong Hwa pouted. “Eyyy… Oppa, you’ll be moving into your new place soon. Then we’ll be able to see each other more” Seo Hyun said, trying to be optimistic. “Will you cook for me everyday?” Yong Hwa grinned. “Omma will cook for you. We’ll make you fat! You’ve lost too much weight already” Seo Hyun said as she cupped Yong Hwa’s face. “Araseo, I look forward to it!” Yong Hwa smiled like a dork again. As usual, SNSD girls exited through the front gate while CNBLUE boys exited straight to the carpark. They didn’t want paparazzi or press to take photos of them together, even if it was common knowledge that SNSD and CNBLUE were on the same flight.

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Tracer1 #1
Chapter 18: This fanfic is good! Even though I know there's no new chapter for years now, I'll still fnish this and wait for a new chapter.
bokyo28 #2
Chapter 66: where is the author of this? please continue thank you for the awesome fanfic :D
Im_Jiyeon #3
Chapter 66: 안녕하서요!!!! Miss ur update sooo much
Chapter 66: authornimmmmmm i miss your updates so much!!!! plz plz plz update i love this story :)
ps : i was a silent reader :D not anymore :D
athenagracis #5
Chapter 1: Looks like this is going to be a great story. :) thanks for feeding my yongseo addiction fellow goguma!
YongSeoForever7 #6
Chapter 66: I absolutely LOVE this fanfic!!! >.< I'm so excited for when Yonghwa proposes to Seohyun! I'm also curious to how he will ask her the life-changing question. I really hope they're like this in real life. Please update soon! :3
hello!! new reader here..

heavenlysins #8
Chapter 65: Aaaahhh...manhi manhi love this chap. That was just sooo sweet. Would u tell me any place to find a namja like Yong at this chap authornim? I want one too. Kekeke ^^
HoneyPie #9
Chapter 66: That's a long update. ..thanks authornim ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥