Chapter 44 - SNSD Dorm

YongSeo - Post WGM


Yong Hwa took a shower and changed into his track pants and sweatshirt and joined the girls in the living room. He sat down next to Seo Hyun. He felt beyond awkward, he was rather embarrassed. “Now… Jung seobang, the reason why you’re here is so that you can spend time with our precious maknae. But there’s also another reason, I hear?” Hyo Yeon said as soon as Yong Hwa sat down.


“Ah.. Ne.. Lee Teuk hyung approached me at the end of the performance” Yong Hwa said as he reached over to hold Seo Hyun’s hands. “Oh? Why?” Seo Hyun asked, innocently. “Apparently, a lot of people know about Seo Hyun and I dating” he said while he looked around at the girls. “Ahhh… I’m sorry Jung seobang, I made Lee Teuk oppa swear not to tell anybody. I was just so happy for Joo Hyun….” Sunny blurted. “I also made Krystal swear not to tell anybody” Jessica admitted. Suddenly everybody was confessing about telling somebody.


“Unnies!!!” Seo Hyun cried. She wasn’t aware that they had told other people. “Hyunnie.. We’re sorry, we were just so happy for you so we shared it with our close friends…” Yuri tried to explain. “Well, I guess that’s how news spreads huh” Yong Hwa said shrugging. “Are you mad at us, Jung seobang?” Yoona asked, worried. “Ahh.. no no, I think everybody who knew has been pretty discrete about it and the only rules we have to abide by are that fans and paparazzi do not find out. So I guess on that front, we are quite safe. I just wanted to understand the situation from you girls” Yong Hwa said calmly.


“Ahh.. I guess it was pretty much expected since we are a closed knit community” Seo Hyun said. “Actually, it’s nothing to worry about because even if the public hears about this, we can always deny. We, SNSD, will take full responsibility for it. We can just say we liked Jung seobang and had hoped that things would work out with our Seo Hyun but that it didn’t and that we were just spreading rumors of our own accord” Tiffany suggested. “Yeah, that’s right… We can say that if anybody asks us during any program” Tae Yeon agreed. “Hmm.. I guess that sounds convincing. Thanks girls..” Yong Hwa said.


“Okay girls.. Time for bed.. Let’s give some personal time to our lovebirds” Soo Young winked to Seo Hyun as she got up. The girls got up one by one and wished Seo Hyun and Yong Hwa goodnight. Pulling out the sofa bed, Seo Hyun helped Yong Hwa line the sheets and pillows, “There we go!” Yong Hwa climbed into bed and reached for Seo Hyun’s hands, “Thanks Hyu~n.. Now, come here.” Seo Hyun smiled shyly before climbing in next to Yong Hwa.


Yong Hwa pulled her into his embrace. He missed this. He missed hugging her and holding her close. “I love you, Hyu~n” Yong Hwa whispered. “I love you too Yo~ng Oppa. I’m glad to be able to spend the last day of 2011 with you” Seo Hyun whispered back. They hugged for a long time and talked about what 2011 meant to them and what they wanted in 2012. “I’m glad we did We Got Married together…” Yong Hwa said as he leaned in to kiss Seo Hyun.




Seo Hyun woke with a start. She could hear Yong Hwa’s light snoring next to her. He sounds so adorable. If only I could stay here, but I can’t. It’ll be too embarrassing if the unnies see me here, Seo Hyun thought to herself as she climbed out of the sofa bed and made way to her room. Even though they hadn’t done anything they shouldn’t have, Seo Hyun didn’t want her unnies seeing her sharing the bed with Yong Hwa.


It was 10.30AM by the time she actually woke up. She yawned and stretched as she sat up in bed. “Good morning sleepy head!” Hyo Yeon said in a sing song tone. “Good morning unnie!” Seo Hyun replied cheerfully. “Tae Yeon, Tiffany and Sunny just started on lunch. Go wash up, the food will be ready by noon. And, Jung seobang is still snoring on the sofa bed. He’s so adorable! No wonder you’re so crazy for him” Hyo Yeon gushed. Seo Hyun felt her cheeks blush.


Tae Yeon, Tiffany, Hyo Yeon and Sunny were busy in the kitchen while Soo Young, Yuri and Yoona looked on from the kitchen counter. They were joking and laughing loudly. I wonder how Yong oppa can sleep through the ruckus! Seo Hyun thought to herself as she made her way towards Yong Hwa. “Yong oppa, please wake up. It’s almost time for lunch” Seo Hyun said softly while lightly shaking Yong Hwa. It took him awhile before Yong Hwa could open his eyes.


“Hyu~n… It’s nice to see you first thing in the morning” came Yong Hwa’s husky voice. “Jung seobang!! You’re awake! Quick, go wash up… We’re almost ready for lunch!” Sunny shouted from the kitchen. Yong Hwa turned around towards the kitchen and replied “Mmm.. Smells good!”


They enjoyed a delicious lunch together. Yong Hwa couldn’t remember the last time he had a home cooked meal so he thoroughly enjoyed the meal cooked by the girls. It was always lively with the 9 girls. It wasn’t that it was quiet at CNBLUE dorm, but that they were rarely so loud. They joked and laughed but never so loud.  


After lunch, they played a couple of rounds of Go Stop and challenged each other to video games. Since Yong Hwa evened out the numbers, they played in teams. Everyone was enjoying themselves. “Losers will make dinner and clean up after!” Soo Young suggested. “And will have their faces drawn!!” Sunny chimed in. Everyone was piling on the punishments that the end result was absolutely absurd.


They decided that the final game would be jengga and the two teams were split as such. Yong Hwa, Seo Hyun, Hyo Yeon, Tiffany and Tae Yeon on one team and Soo Young, Yoona, Yuri, Sunny and Jessica on the other. It was an intense half an hour with both sides praying not to lose. The jengga pieces were already wobbly before Tae Yeon took out the piece that caused the imminent crash. “Ahhh!!! No!!!!” Hyo Yeon and Tiffany screamed. “Yesss!!!!!!!!!” Soo Young, Yoona, Yuri, Sunny and Jessica celebrated.


The winning team each took a member of the losing team for a ‘make-over’. Soo Young took Tiffany, Yoona took Hyo Yeon, Yuri took Tae Yeon, Sunny took Yong Hwa and Jessica took Seo Hyun. Soo Young made Tiffany look like kid playing with mommy’s make up with hair tied straight up like Sandara Park, lipstick way outside the lips and blood red eye shadow which made her look like she’d been punched. Soo Young even included a huge mole on the side of the lips. Tiffany was being a sport though, she even dressed the part with clashing colours of red, yellow, green and orange like a clown.


Yoona on the other hand, attempted to make Hyo Yeon look like a man with a beard and side burns and even a pirate patch over one eye. She even tried to give her dreadlocks, but that didn’t turn out too well. The kicker was, Hyo Yeon looked like a man but she dressed like a school girl with miniskirts and leggings and a tight top.


Yuri was too kind to do anything too drastic on Tae Yeon. So all she did was give her really cheesy make up yellow, red, purple and green eyeshadow, two red circles of blusher and topped off with a moustache. And then she messed up Tae Yeon’s hair to make it look like she’s a little off the hinge. She then made Tae yeon wear really baggy clothes with suspenders holding her pants up.


Yong Hwa, at the mercy of Sunny, had one eye painted red like a star with mascara and fake eye lashes. He didn’t actually look too bad. He looked like a real hard core rocker so Sunny compensated by curling his hair and putting a headband on him to attempt to make him look funny. Sunny then practically forced him into this really tight and short hot pants and a singlet and a whole lot of bangles hanging from his arms.


Jessica painted Seo Hyun’s face like a panda. Two black patches on the eyes, a black tipped nose and panda mouth that looked more like a feline’s mouth complete with whiskers. She then placed the devil’s horn headband on Seo Hyun’s head and wound her hair round it to form the shape. Her finishing touch was to dress Seo Hyun up like a baby wearing diapers. By the time they were finished, everyone was howling with laughter. And as per the agreed terms, they posed for photos.

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Tracer1 #1
Chapter 18: This fanfic is good! Even though I know there's no new chapter for years now, I'll still fnish this and wait for a new chapter.
bokyo28 #2
Chapter 66: where is the author of this? please continue thank you for the awesome fanfic :D
Im_Jiyeon #3
Chapter 66: 안녕하서요!!!! Miss ur update sooo much
Chapter 66: authornimmmmmm i miss your updates so much!!!! plz plz plz update i love this story :)
ps : i was a silent reader :D not anymore :D
athenagracis #5
Chapter 1: Looks like this is going to be a great story. :) thanks for feeding my yongseo addiction fellow goguma!
YongSeoForever7 #6
Chapter 66: I absolutely LOVE this fanfic!!! >.< I'm so excited for when Yonghwa proposes to Seohyun! I'm also curious to how he will ask her the life-changing question. I really hope they're like this in real life. Please update soon! :3
hello!! new reader here..

heavenlysins #8
Chapter 65: Aaaahhh...manhi manhi love this chap. That was just sooo sweet. Would u tell me any place to find a namja like Yong at this chap authornim? I want one too. Kekeke ^^
HoneyPie #9
Chapter 66: That's a long update. ..thanks authornim ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥