Chapter 64 - White Day Preparations Part 2

YongSeo - Post WGM

It was eleven in the morning by the time Yong Hwa arrived back at his dorm. “Hyung, everything on schedule?” Min Hyuk called from the living room the moment Yong Hwa walked through the front door. “Yeah, I just need to check on the soup base. Have you guys been watching it since I left this morning?” Yong Hwa asked as he removed his jacket and beanie and headed straight to the kitchen. “Definitely, Hyung!” Min Hyuk and Jung Shin said as they joined Yong Hwa in the kitchen. Yong Hwa picked up the ladle and stirred the soup, checking the consistency. Tasting a bit of the soup, he motions for the other two to try it too “Does it have enough taste??” Jung Shin and Min Hyuk both agree it tastes great but Yong Hwa wasn’t convinced. “Arghh.. Where’s Jong Hyun when I need him?” Yong Hwa groans. Speaking of the devil, the man himself walks through the front door, followed stealthily by three sniggering girls.


“Jong Hyun-ah!! Come here quick!! I need your help!!!!” Yong Hwa bellowed. Thinking that Yong Hwa was hurt or having an emergency, Jong Hyun bolted to the kitchen only to be puzzled at the sight of three grown men hovering over a pot of soup. “Hyung! What’s the emergency??!” Jong Hyun was livid. He thought something bad had happened. “I need you taste the soup. I’m not sure if I need to add anything to it… Just co-“ Yong Hwa halted abruptly when he noticed the three girls peeking into the kitchen. “Oh! Tae Yeonnie, Hyo Yeonnie, Yoona-ya… What are you three doing here?” Yong Hwa greeted them with a bow. “We’re here to help you, of course!” Hyo Yeon chirped her response.


“What are you doing?” Tae Yeon asked, butting in between the boys and peering down at the pot of soup. In the span of sixty seconds, the girls seemed to have taken over the kitchen with the boys cowering at the other side of the kitchen and the girls inspecting everything on the stove and kitchen counter. “So… Jung seobang… Tell us, what are you cooking today?” Yoona asks sweetly, turning her attention to the four boys cowering in their own kitchen. “Yoona-noona, your tone is so sweet that it’s so menacing…” Min Hyuk almost stammered. “Yah!! Why did you bring them?” Yong Hwa jokingly chided Jong Hyun. Speechless, Jong Hyun could only manage to point at himself and then at the three SNSD girls and then shake his head vigorously.


Laughing, the three girls realized that their presence there was a surprise and the way they barged into the kitchen and started taking everything apart seemed to alarm the boys. “No no no.. You guys got it wrong. Jong Hyunnie didn’t bring us here. We came on our own accord cos we wanted to help you. We were going to call you when we arrived but we saw Jong Hyun walking ahead of us the moment we exited the elevator and followed him in when he opened the door. He didn’t even know we were behind him!” Tae Yeon explained. “You’re lucky we’re not sassaeng fans! You’ll all be dead by now if we were!” Hyo Yeon added. “OMG.. We need to be more careful in future!” Jung Shin shuddered. “Yeah.. SNSD girls are scarier than sassaeng fans!” Yong Hwa teased which promptly earned him a kick in the shin from Hyo Yeon.


Yong Hwa clutched his leg and hopped around the kitchen howling in pain. “Hah!! That’s what you get when you offend an SNSD member!” Tae Yeon growled playfully. Laughing, Hyo Yeon reached forward to pat Yong Hwa on his shoulders and apologized, “I’m sorry… But hey! I didn’t really kick you ok! Stop acting!” Bending down, Min Hyuk helped Yong Hwa to his feet. He had tripped and sprawled on the floor when he was hopping around. “Hyung’s the biggest failed actor among us” Jung Shin teased. “Yeah, I have to agree… And he plays such depressing characters all the time!” Jong Hyun sniggered. “Yah yah yah!! At least I was the leading actor!” Yong Hwa glared at them at the corner of his eyes. He did not enjoy the constant ribbing about how low his drama ratings were among the four of them. “Don’t worry Jung seobang, I hear you’re being offered a role in a new drama. You have a chance to trump Min Hyuk’s drama ratings now!” Yoona encouraged sweetly. “You’re right!! Mwahahahaha…. Take that boys!!!” Yong Hwa cackled gleefully.


Settling down, Yong Hwa explained to the girls the dishes he was going to make and they all divided the work between them. He initially wanted to prepare everything himself but seeing the magnitude of work involved, Yong Hwa was rather thankful that the three girls decided to turn up to help. All seven of them were concentrating on their respective tasks but still managed to have lively and fun conversations in between. An hour later, they managed to finish cutting up all the vegetables, meat, and prepare all the raw ingredients. “Arghhh….” Tae Yeon groaned as she struggled to get up off the floor where she had just spent an hour cutting vegetables with Jung Shin and Min Hyuk. Glancing over, they saw Yoona and Jong Hyun giggling and talking as they worked on marinating the meat, while over at the sink, Yong Hwa and Hyo Yeon was deshelling prawns and cleaning squid and other seafood.


“Jung seobang!! We’re done!!! Should we call for delivery? We should eat before we start eating everything we have prepared!” Tae Yeon yelled as she stretched her aching legs and tired back. “Yeah hyung… What do you want to order?” Min Hyuk added. “Let’s have pizza!!!” Yoona squealed, full of aegyo. “Ohhh!!! Yes! We haven’t had pizza in awhile!” Jong Hyun agreed. “Alright alright.. I’ll order the pizzas. How many do we need? Is 4 large pizzas enough? There’s only 7 of us” Yong Hwa said as he dried his hands and made way to dig for his phone among the pile of things on the table. “No!!!” Yoona and Jong Hyun both shouted at the same time. And then everybody started talking and debating about the number of pizzas they need. Lost, Yong Hwa just sank into the sofa and waited for them to conclude their discussion. “Six!!! We need six LARGE pizzas, Hyung!!” Min Hyuk bounced happily towards Yong Hwa and sank into the sofa beside him.


Yong Hwa’s eyes bulged wide, “Six?!?! Is everybody here a glutton??! Yah!! I thought girls like to diet and eat salad!” Yong Hwa looked accusingly at the three girls as if having a good appetite was somehow a crime. “You are obviously not a Sone… Yah! Have you ever seen Joo Hyunnie diet and eat salad??” Hyo Yeon marched up to Yong Hwa making him cringe back in fear. Yong Hwa shook his head to which Yoona replied, “So then why would we be any different??” Chuckling, Tae Yeon said, “Jung seobang, all SNSD girls have great appetites!!” Nodding his head, Yong Hwa quickly tried to appease them “Araseo araseo… I’ll pay more attention to your eating habits from now on…” “Wow.. I never knew the day would come when I would watch Hyung cowering in fear of three tiny girls.. Kekeke…” Jung Shin chuckled.




“So Jung seobang, how’s the proposal preparations coming along?” Hyo Yeon asked with a mouthful of pizza. “Aigoo… If only people could see how unladylike SNSD really is right now…” Yong Hwa teased earning him another smack on the shoulder from Hyo Yeon. “Now I know where Hyunnie gets her violent streak from!!!” Yong Hwa wailed as he was being continuously attacked by Hyo Yeon. “Just answer the question!” Hyo Yeon yelled before sitting down to continue her meal. Chuckling, Yong Hwa swallowed his food and cleared this throat. “I’ve already started the planning. Hired some people to prepare the venue. Only thing is I need to lock down the date. Your manager oppa is trying to help me finalize a date but it’s not easy. Too many unconfirmed schedules in SNSD and CNBLUE calendars and it changes everyday! But everything else is under control for now” Yong Hwa sighed. “Hmm… Alright.. Let us know if you need any help ok” Tae Yeon offered and Yoona nodded enthusiastically.


It was 2.30PM by the time they finishing their lunch. CNBLUE and SNSD never spent so much time together before so all of them were really having a lot of fun, especially Yoona and Jong Hyun who were clearlyl flirting with each other. “Yah! Behave yourselves over there… Or we’ll split you guys up!” Tae Yeon couldn’t resist teasing the 2nd maknae of the group. “Jung Shin-ah, I still remember your nicknames! Avatar and Kukmin chingoo (Nation’s friend)!! I also remember you named Yoona as your favourite SNSD member. So now that she’s unofficially taken, who’s your new favourite SNSD member?” Hyo Yeon pried. “Yeah… Are we going to have all CNBLUE members as our brother-in-laws??” Tae Yeon asked with a raised eyebrow, inching closer towards Hyo Yeon and Jung Shin to join in their conversation. Min Hyuk instinctively inched closer too, not wanting to be left out of the conversation.


Jung Shin was quiet, he really didn’t know how to respond to the sudden question. “I think a lot of people said that Jung Shin and Soo Young-noona would look good together” Min Hyuk volunteered the information. “Yahhh!!! Couldn’t you keep your mouth shut?! Aishh!!” Jung Shin ranted irritably. Hyo Yeon and Tae Yeon burst out laughing. “Jung Shin-ah, you’re so cute… Min Hyuk-ah, what about you? Who did netizens say you look good with? From SNSD?” Hyo Yeon probed. “Mmm… Most people said Sunny-noona but there were also some who said Jessica-noona” Min Hyuk answered honestly. In a way, Min Hyuk’s character was similar to Seo Hyun, honest and innocent. “Which do you prefer, Min Hyuk-ah?” Yong Hwa into the conversation.


“Ne?? I think they’re both nice. I haven’t really talked much to them. They’re both very different too. Sunny-noona is very bubbly and warm and approachable. While Jessica-noona gives this aura of aloofness and coldness. Although, I know she’s not really like that, right?” Min Hyuk answered in all earnestness. “Yah… Why are all CNBLUE boys so dense? Just answer the question, pabo!” Tae Yeon feigned annoyance. “Noona! I’m sorry… But I d-d-don’t know…” Min Hyuk stuttered. “Min Hyuk-ah… Which is more your style?” Yong Hwa tried to help him out. “Err.. To be honest? Half, half? Wait!! Let me explain!” Min Hyuk quickly held his hands up to stop Hyo Yeon and Tae Yeon who looked like they were ready to strike him. “You know, my ideal type is Kim Tae Hee-sunbaenim right? Well, Sunny-noona has the bright, adorable, approachable personality like Kim Tae Hee-sunbaenim, while Sica-noona has her angle-like sweet looks. That’s why… Half, half! A-a-and, I don’t mean Sunny-noona is not beautiful. She’s very beautiful too” Min Hyuk explained hurriedly.




“It’s four, hyung! I think you need to get ready and pick Hyungsoonim up!” Jung Shin yelled when he saw the time. “Geez!! You gave me a heart attack! You didn’t have to yell when I’m standing right next to you, you know!!” Yong Hwa whined as he started to panic. “Jung seobang, go… We’ll handle it from here. It’s almost done anyway. Just go and get ready and pick Hyunnie up” Hyo Yeon assured him, pushing him out of the kitchen. Rushing into his room, Yong Hwa took a quick shower and got dressed. Rushing through rush hour traffic, Yong Hwa tried his best to concentrate and arrive on time. Pulling up at Dongguk University five minutes before 5PM, Yong Hwa sighed in relief.


Yong Hwa must have dozed off because he was jerked awake with a loud rap on the car window. Quickly scanning his environment, he saw Seo Hyun standing at the passenger door, rapping the window. Yong Hwa quickly unlocked the door and sat up straight to greet Seo Hyun. “Hyu~n, how was class today?” Yong Hwa asked as he helped her with her books and bags and placed it in the back seat. “Great!! All those were chocolates given by fans!” Seo Hyun announced cheerfully. Yong Hwa unconsciously frowned, “Did many guys confess to you today?” Peering at Yong Hwa cautiously, Seo Hyun shook her head. “Of course not. I’ve never had anybody confess to me before! They just gave me chocolates, that’s all” Seo Hyun chuckled. With a grin, Yong Hwa pulled out of the university and maneuvered their way home.


“Hyu~n, I give you one hour to prepare and then I’ll come take you to dinner” Yong Hwa said when he walked Seo Hyun to her door. “Where are we going, Oppa?” Seo Hyun asked. “Somewhere where the food is exceptionally good! Kekeke…” Yong Hwa smirked. Seo Hyun laughed and then turned to go into her house. Making his way back to his dorm, Yong Hwa noticed that it was quiet. They must have already left, he thought. Going straight to the kitchen, Yong Hwa peered into all the pots to check its contents. Satisfied and relieved that it was all prepared, he the gas to heat up all the food and then went to check up on the dining table to see that it has all been set with cutleries and candles. Jong Hyun, Min Hyuk, Jung Shin, Tae Yeon, Hyo Yeon and Yoona had left to Min Hyuk’s parent’s restaurant and promised that they wouldn’t be back till midnight. God bless the boys and of course my lovely sisters-in-law, Yong Hwa chanted as he took one last look at everything before going into his room to prepare himself.


At 7PM sharp, Yong Hwa rang Seo Hyun’s door bell. Wearing a sharp black suit, Yong Hwa looked like he was going to attend an awards ceremony. The door opened and standing in front of him was his yeoshin, looking every bit the yeoshin that she was with an elegant knee-length, soft, lime dress. “Wow buin, you look amazing!!” Yong Hwa let out a low whistle. “Ah.. Thank you.. You look fine yourself! But we’ve been divorced for two years now” Seo Hyun teased. Yong Hwa chuckled and held out his arm to her. “Oh Hyu~n, can we stop by my place for awhile? I left my car keys… Silly me” Yong Hwa said as nonchalantly as he could.


“Hyu~n, wait for me here. I’ll be quick” Yong Hwa said as he tried to keep a straight face. He had left Seo Hyun in the mini porch inside of his dorm and rushed in to stand behind the pillar, counting to five before shouting “Hyu~n, I can’t find it. Can you come in and help me please?” Seo Hyun took off her heels and started nagging “Oppa! So careless of you.  By the way, what’s that smell??” Rounding the corner, Seo Hyun caught sight of Yong Hwa grinning like a dork which puzzled her. Before she could open to question him, Seo Hyun saw the candles lit on the dinner table and the food spread covering most of the table. “Oppa!!” Seo Hyun exclaimed.


“Ta-dah!!! Welcome to YongSeo’s restaurant!! Kekeke…” Yong Hwa announced as he led Seo Hyun to the table and pulled the chair out for her. “Oppa!! Did you prepare ALL this??” Seo Hyun was surprised. “Of course! I cooked everything from scratch!” Yong Hwa beamed. Sitting next to Seo Hyun, Yong Hwa introduced the dishes one by one. In total, they had made 5 main dishes and 15 banchans. 


Argh... Sorry if the story is pretty boring now... Been having writer's block... And I can't bear to finish the story too soon too.

Sorry for the delay... =[

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Tracer1 #1
Chapter 18: This fanfic is good! Even though I know there's no new chapter for years now, I'll still fnish this and wait for a new chapter.
bokyo28 #2
Chapter 66: where is the author of this? please continue thank you for the awesome fanfic :D
Im_Jiyeon #3
Chapter 66: 안녕하서요!!!! Miss ur update sooo much
Chapter 66: authornimmmmmm i miss your updates so much!!!! plz plz plz update i love this story :)
ps : i was a silent reader :D not anymore :D
athenagracis #5
Chapter 1: Looks like this is going to be a great story. :) thanks for feeding my yongseo addiction fellow goguma!
YongSeoForever7 #6
Chapter 66: I absolutely LOVE this fanfic!!! >.< I'm so excited for when Yonghwa proposes to Seohyun! I'm also curious to how he will ask her the life-changing question. I really hope they're like this in real life. Please update soon! :3
hello!! new reader here..

heavenlysins #8
Chapter 65: Aaaahhh...manhi manhi love this chap. That was just sooo sweet. Would u tell me any place to find a namja like Yong at this chap authornim? I want one too. Kekeke ^^
HoneyPie #9
Chapter 66: That's a long update. ..thanks authornim ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥