Chapter 6

YongSeo - Post WGM


She had spent the night crying and telling her unnies what happened during the last day of shooting WGM until the wee hours of the morning but Seo Hyun still could not fall asleep. She’s always had a good night’s sleep, regardless of her schedule. But for the first time in her life, she just could not fall asleep. Her unnies were convinced that Jung soebang had been sincere throughout the WGM show but she had worried that it was just acting.


She turned to look at Hyo Yeon sleeping next to her and flashed back to the last thing Hyo Yeon said to her before nodding off to sleep “Joo Hyun-ah, believe in yourself. Believe in Jung seobang” mumbled Hyo Yeon.


Seo Hyun sighed.. Sitting in the dark, she looked around her room. She saw the flowers that Yong Hwa gave her, the pink guitar and countless other memorabilia they had collected over the year they had been together. Her eyes fell on the bouquet of flowers. Her first bouquet of flowers from a guy. It felt nice to receive flowers, she thought. Then she remembered the card that came with the flowers.


Reaching over to pick up the card, she opened it to have another look. Yong Hwa didn’t write much on the card and luckily the PD wasn’t in the car with them when she opened the card. Else she would have been forced to read the card out loud. She saw his neat handwriting on the card:


To Hyu~n, YH <3 SH. Always remember me. From Yo~ng nampyeon (Yong husband).


Seo Hyun felt a disappointed. This is the shortest message Yong Hwa had ever written to her. Maybe he really doesn’t have any feelings for me. Maybe it was all really just acting. Maybe he’s glad the show is over, she thought dejectedly, a tear sliding down her cheek.


Her phone beeped, a text message had come through. For a moment, she was hopeful. Maybe it’s from Yong Hwa, who else would text her so early in the morning? It’s barely 6am. Seo Hyun reached for her phone and checked it, holding her breath unknowingly. Ahh.. It’s just Jin Woon, thought Seo Hyun, feeling her excitement deflating fast. She shouldn’t have gotten her hopes up. She ought to have remembered that Yong Hwa was bad at keeping in contact. He hardly ever called or  text her while they were “together”, why would he change now?


Seo  Hyun-ah, how are you? I heard you completed the last episode of WGM yesterday. How did it go? Are you ok? ~ Jin Woon


Seo Hyun stared at her phone for a while. She was definitely disappointed but she was also grateful to have a caring friend like him. She knew Jin Woon was interested in her but she had been very honest with him in that she only sees him as a friend, a really good friend and he had been very gracious about it, respecting her decision. His only request to her was that, nothing about their friendship changed. He liked her, but he wasn’t going to be pushy about it. He said he’s content just being a friend to her.


She sent a polite reply to Jin Woon and offered to go out for a meal together when they both find the time off from their busy schedules. She sighed, put her phone away and laid down, pulling the covers over her head. She could feel a wave of grief washing over her.

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Tracer1 #1
Chapter 18: This fanfic is good! Even though I know there's no new chapter for years now, I'll still fnish this and wait for a new chapter.
bokyo28 #2
Chapter 66: where is the author of this? please continue thank you for the awesome fanfic :D
Im_Jiyeon #3
Chapter 66: 안녕하서요!!!! Miss ur update sooo much
Chapter 66: authornimmmmmm i miss your updates so much!!!! plz plz plz update i love this story :)
ps : i was a silent reader :D not anymore :D
athenagracis #5
Chapter 1: Looks like this is going to be a great story. :) thanks for feeding my yongseo addiction fellow goguma!
YongSeoForever7 #6
Chapter 66: I absolutely LOVE this fanfic!!! >.< I'm so excited for when Yonghwa proposes to Seohyun! I'm also curious to how he will ask her the life-changing question. I really hope they're like this in real life. Please update soon! :3
hello!! new reader here..

heavenlysins #8
Chapter 65: Aaaahhh...manhi manhi love this chap. That was just sooo sweet. Would u tell me any place to find a namja like Yong at this chap authornim? I want one too. Kekeke ^^
HoneyPie #9
Chapter 66: That's a long update. ..thanks authornim ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥