Meeting the Bang Family (Part 2)

B.A.P's Bootcamp

Marichuy’s P.O.V

“So, how did you guys meet?” Yoon, Yongguk’s noona arrived after a couple of minutes. She smiled sweetly and looked exactly like her mother. I smiled at her and I felt Yongguk grab my hand. She giggled and covered with her hand like her mother. “You made Yongguk into such a more loving person Marichuy! It’s so cute how he holds your hand.” She giggled some more and continued. “I remember when he was younger he would never let me hold his hand! Not even to walk across the street! Now I’s like he can’t let go of you!” she giggled again and I blushed. I saw Yongnam walk in with water and he nodded.

“It’s true; my bro was never this touchy.” He passed us our drinks and sat by his sister. I thanked him and smiled. I looked over at Yongguk who looked annoyed.

“Guys stop, she doesn’t need to know this.” He rolled his eyes and I laughed. I saw Mrs. Bang come in and tell us dinner was ready. We got up and went to sit at the dining table.

“I’ll help Mrs. Bang,” I went to go help her but she stopped me.

“Don’t worry sweetie, you’re our guest! And stop the Mrs. Bang call me Omoni!” she smiled sweetly at me and set the table. I smiled and nodded then sat down. I took a bite from the kimchi and smiled happily. It tastes so good! I took another bite and chewed it happily. “Is it good Marichuy? Do you like it?” Mr- Omoni asked me and I nodded.

“It’s delicious! Thank you so much for the food!” I smiled at her and she smiled back.

“I’m glad to hear that!” She replied and continued eating. Distracted by the food in front of me I didn’t realize Yongguk was looking at me until I looked up. I flinched slightly and widened my eyes at him. He grinned and continued eating. “Oh Marichuy I forgot to ask. How did you learn Korean? You speak it so well!” Omoni asked me through bites. I thanked her and explained.

“I used to live here with my uncle who taught me Korean. I used to live in the States but then moved here then I moved back to the States and now I’m here again.” I laughed lightly.

“Wow, you moved a lot then, and it’s not like just a different city but a different country!” Yongnam exclaimed with his mouth full. Yoon slapped him on the head and told him not talk while eating. I laughed at them and nodded.

“Yeah, but I think it was fun. I mean I never got bored and I learned another language.” I responded. They nodded and then Yongnam asked me a question.

“So you know English and Korean only right?” I nodded but then shook my head.

“Well, I know English and Korean but I also know Spanish, My ethnicity is Hispanic so I learned that language too.” I informed them and they gave understanding nods.

“That’s cool!! Damn, I wanna learn three languages…” Yongnam thought to himself and I chuckled. We finished eating I helped Omoni wash the dishes and we walked back to the living room. I saw Yongguk come up to me and wrap his arms around my waist and I placed my hands on his chest. He smiled at me and kissed my head.

“I want to take you somewhere, I remember I used to go there all the time, I want to take you to that place.” He said with a quiet voice. I nodded and smiled.

“AWWWHH!! YOU GUYS ARE JUST SO CUTE TOGETHER!!!” Yoon gushed at us as she came into the room. I blushed and let go of Yongguk slightly. “NO NO! Oh I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to embarrass you! Oh don’t mind me I just can’t help but smile when I see my little brother all grown up!” she twirled around and then left the living room. I giggled and placed my head on Yongguk’s chest.

“I really like your family, they’re so nice. I feel like they already made me a part of their family.” I smiled into the hug as he kissed my head again.

“Thank you Marichuy, thank you for being with me and meeting them it means a lot.” I looked up at him and smiled.

“Of course, you went to visit my parents why wouldn’t I visit yours? After all they are going to be my parents in-law right?” I at the end he grinned happily. He kissed me sweetly and nodded.

“Yep, so you better get used to coming here!” he chuckled and then told his parents we would be back later. We headed out the door and I followed him down the street to his little place he wanted to show me.

I saw the sun fall ever so slowly into a pool of deep oranges and yellows mixed with soft pinks that filled in the sky. I smiled and looked over at Yongguk when he squeezed my hand. He looked down at me smiling and pulled me closer.

“You’re gonna love the place that I’m about to take you to.” He winked at me and continued walking. After another block or so we arrived at a park. In the distance I could see a hill with a tall but old tree. The leaves were falling and from a distance I could see different shades of reds, yellows and oranges. “That’s where I’m taking you.” He pointed at the direction I was looking at. I smiled brightly at him and nodded. We walked past the park to up the hill to stand right in front of the tree. He sat down against the tree and pulled me down placing my back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and held them in place. I placed my hands over his and smiled as I leaned against his chest. He kissed my cheek lightly and looked up at the sky. The sun was still setting but by now the pink had taken over the sky and brought out purples and deep blues with it. I could see a single star shine in the sky brightly. We stayed like that for a while until the sky gradually grew darker. I smiled to myself and looked up at Yongguk who was looking at me. “Do you like it?” he asked quietly. I nodded and placed a kiss on his lips. He kissed me back and held me in place and continued kissing me. “I love you, I know I’ve said that a lot of times but it’s true, I only want you and I only need you.” He captured my lips and tugged at my bottom lip. I smiled and let go of the kiss. He opened his eyes and smiled sweetly at me. “I brought you here because when I was younger I would always come here to relax. I came here to think about my problems and well to think about a better life. Now I have a better life with you, I promised myself that when I was happy again I would come here, whether it be alone or with someone.” He smiled off into the distance and then back at me. “I’m glad I came here with you.” He neared closer to my lips and they touched softly at first. Then he gradually showed more passion in the kiss and held my head in place. He let go and then kissed me softly once more.

“Thank you for taking me here. I’m happy being with you no matter where we are but this place is amazing.” I kissed him again and stood up. The sun was now at the horizon and the night was coming out. “We should get going, it’s getting late.” He nodded and got up stretching.

“They really like you they probably want to spend more time with you.” He intertwined his fingers with mine and we headed back to his house.

I was brought into the kitchen by Yoon and Omoni by surprise; they claimed that they wanted to have a talk with me. We sat by the island and they looked at me seriously. I gulped and was a little scared. I saw Yoon pull a smirk and place a hand under her chin.

“So, Marichuy…” she trailed off. I nodded nervously and swallowed my saliva.

“Yes Yoon-sshi?” I asked her politely, she chuckled and waved her hand.

“No need for that call me unnie; after all you are part of the family now.” she giggled mischievously. I laughed nervously and nodded awkwardly. I saw Omoni slap her arm lightly.

“Oh stop you’re scaring her.” she frowned at her daughter and then turned to me with a smile. “So sweetie, you and Yongguk seem very close you’ve been together for a while right?” I nodded and they both nodded simultaneously.

“Almost a year, yes.” I nodded and tried my best not to look nervous. Again, they nodded at the same time as if they were being given important information.

“Yes, well in some relationships almost a year is good enough… if you know what I mean.” Yoon unnie wiggled her eyebrows. I looked at her weirdly and tilted my head to the side. She laughed and so did Omoni.

“What Yoonie is trying to say is, for some couples they…get intimate after a year or even before….” she trailed off and they stared at me hoping I would get the idea. I thought about it and then the word intimate popped out. My eyes bulged and I realized what they were trying to get at. OH MY GOD THEY WANT TO KNOW IF ME AND YONGGUK DID ‘IT’! I choked on my own saliva and started coughing uncontrollably. Yoon unnie came over and patted my back then Omoni handed me a glass of water. I drank it and once I stopped coughing they sighed of relief and sat back in their chairs in front of me. I looked at them completely nervous as they wiggled their eyebrows. “So…?” they asked at the same time. I ran my fingers over my hair and shook my head shyly. I looked up at them and they both had surprised looks on their face.

“We haven’t done anything yet.” I coughed again and looked away awkwardly. I saw Yoon get up and she came over to hug me.

“Oh my god!! My little dongsengie is so sweet and innocent!” she gushed again and pulled me close. I laughed and hugged her back. I saw Omoni come over and hug us both. “I always wanted a little sister and now I have you!” she exclaimed. I laughed and so did Omoni.

“You’re so sweet Marichuy! I already want you as a daughter in-law!” they both squealed and I giggled at how funny they were. “Oh I can already hear the wedding bells!” she said in a sing song voice.

Yongguk’s P.O.V

After my mom and sister took Marichuy in the kitchen I saw my dad and Yongnam come in the living room. They sat down on the couch and my dad told me to sit down on the couch opposite of them. I looked at them weirdly as I saw them both fold their legs at the same time.

“Dude, we need to have a serious man to man talk.” I heard Yongnam say. I rolled my eyes at him but complied.

“What’s up?” I asked them as I spread out on the couch and nodded their way to let them go on.

“So, Marichuy seems like a sweet girl,”

“She’s also hot but innocent at the same time.” Yongnam but in. I gave him a glare and he held his hands up in the air. “Hey, Just saying!” he defended himself and dad continued.

“As I was saying, Marichuy seems l like a sweet innocent girl. You two are very close right?” I nodded slowly and looked from my dad to Yongnam and back.

“What’s this about?” I asked them slightly annoyed but curious. My dad cleared his throat and continued.

“Yes well-“

“Hey man how have you guys been going out?” Yongnam asked me out of the blue and interrupting dad.

“Almost a year, why?” I replied and asked again. He smirked but shook his head. “What do you guys want to talk about?” I asked frustrated.

“Calm down Yongguk, We just want to know whether or not you two have…” he trailed off. I looked at him weird and saw Yongnam snicker. I growled at him and he stuck his tongue.

“Ok ok, I’ll tell you,” Yongnam cleared his throat and sat up straight. “We want to know if you and your super attractive girlfriend have had ual .” He said in a mocking voice. I stood up and looked at them weirdly. What the ? You don’t just ask that!

“What the ?-“

“Mind your language son,” My dad interrupted me. I rolled my eyes at him and continued.

“Why would you ask that? It’s not something you ask as if it’s nothing!” I flailed my arms in the air and lectured them. I took a breath and I saw Yongnam looking at his nails and my dad sleeping. When they noticed I stopped talking Yongnam looked up and tapped our dad lightly. He flinched around and opened his eyes. “Oh my GOD.”

“Dude, did you or did you not?” Yongnam asked me again. I was about to choke him when dad stopped us.

“Guys stop! Violence is not the answer!” he slapped us both on the head being completely hypocritical about what he just said. “Now Yongguk, if you were to be so kind as to tell us.” My dad looked back at me. I rolled my eyes.

“No we haven’t okay! GOD you guys are so nosy!” I exploded and looked at them. I froze when I thought about Marichuy. “Is that why mom and Yoon took her to the kitchen!?” I face palmed myself and went to the kitchen. Sure enough my mom and Yoon were hugging Marichuy and calling her innocent. “You guys too!?” I groaned and pulled Marichuy out of their arms. They giggled like school girls when I held her in my arms. I rolled my eyes and I heard Marichuy giggle. I looked at her surprised and she bite her lip to stop her from laughing even more. “Oh my god! Seriously babe?! You think this is funny?!” I sighed and loosened my grip on her.

“I’m sorry Gukkie I just feel so at home with your family.” She replied sweetly as she looked up at me. I smiled at her and kissed her head.

“It’s okay, I’m happy if you’re happy.” I replied completely forgetting about the recent situation. She smiled at me and thanked me.

“It must have been a while since you’ve seen your family right?” Yoon asked her and I glared at her but she didn’t notice. I took a hold of Marichuy’s hand and gave it a light squeeze. She nodded and smiled.

“Yeah, well…” she too a pause and cleared . “My parents past away when I was younger. I lived with my dad’s best friend who I call Samchon, he raised me and now he’s the president of TS entertainment.” I saw Marichuy’s face go a little pale but she continued smiling.

“Oh sweetie I’m sorry.” I saw my mom come over and pull Marichuy into a hug. She hugged her back and I could tell she was pulling in her tears. I saw Yoon come over too and join in on the hug. They let go and that’s when I realized Yongnam and my dad were listening in on the conversation. She explained how she moved her with Mr. Kim and when she moved back and then how we met. I smiled and felt proud of her. I knew she never liked crying in front of others so as expected she didn’t cry, but she felt more comfortable talking about it with them. She was already comfortable with them and was able to tell them about herself easily; something that took her a while to do with me.

After the talk we watched T.V together and I took Marichuy with me to the room when I felt her doze off against my shoulder.


yayyy!! lol so.... The bang family was thinking about Yongguk and Marichuy....BANGING! ROFL yeah i kno lame joke XD lol so yeah i hope you guise like it!! (omgomgomgomg!!!! who else is excited for Jay Park's coemback?! i kno i am!!! lol and i bet bap is excited too!!!!! XD)

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I'm thinking about editing the chapters! XD LOL I was looking at them and there are ALOT of mistakes! XD


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JungJeWon #1
Chapter 22: Really if guy said your eyes pretty its mean he like you
Con solo verr las fotos de los acores mexicanos, espero poder terminar de leer ^^
Chapter 11: Awwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!! Gukkies so sweet!
Chapter 9: Lol I've been oronouncing the name wrong xD I
Chapter 6: Daedaes too smart for his own good..... But he needs to choose better eating habits xD
Chapter 4: Wait wait wait xD gukkies name means dragon soup? Like for real? XD
Pamela71410 #7
Bout to start this story!! And glad u use Maite ;D
Chapter 14: this guy that is a total smart at my school ( act like youngjae) calls me sir coz i boss the class a little..okay alot..heehee... i love it cant stop reading but i havce exams tmoz i have to study and its 20 30 pm my EYES!! BURRNN!!
Chapter 11: Aww sweet Yongguk!
Chapter 70: Pwahhhh finally finished it ! X'3 i really really really really love ur fanfic ! X3 thanks for the wonderful fanfic ! X3