Chapter 5: DooJoon and Kikwang

I will always be by your side


*present day*

Its been about a year since Cho Hee started babysitting Eun Mi. throughout this year, I have gotten a little more comfortable

with her around. Every time she comes by, Eun Mi would always have this smile on her face. Little did I know, my little angel

started to think that Cho Hee has become her Umma. One night, Eun Mi came into my room saying she had a nightmare. I

was sitting on my bed with my laptop on my lap and I had my glasses on and some random shirt and sweats on. I went to

her and carried her and had her sit on my lap. She was dreaming that Cho Hee left us and never came back. When she

said that, I actually felt my heart break a little. “Appa, will Cho Hee leave us like my Umma did?” I looked at her in shock. I

NEVER told anyone that IU left us or that I had a divorce! I even told the two pabos to not say a peep! And it can’t be Cho

Hee cause she still doesn’t know that I don’t have a wife.

“What are you talking about baby girl?” I asked her. She looked up at me with her round eyes. Gosh, she is really growing up

to look like IU. Whenever I see her like this, she reminds me of IU so much. Her face is like IU except for her little cute button

nose and lips, of course, she got that from her cute adorable Appa! “Appa you don’t need to lie. I can tell that Umma left us”

, she said with a little sadness in her voice. She sat up and hugged me. “Appa, I can see it in your eyes. Umma left us. And it

is hurting you”, wow this little girl is very observant and smart. Just like her Umma.

“Eun Mi, forgive Appa for not telling you. Appa was afraid what will happen to you if I ever told you that Umma left”, I said and

hugged her closer to me. She pulled away and looked at me and smiled a little with tears in her eyes, “Appa it’s okay. You

just wants best for me!” she said and smiled. I laughed at her cuteness and tickled her. “Appa~!!!!! STOP! IT TICKLES!

HAHAHAHA!” She laughed and I still tickled her tummy. “Aigoo~!!! My little angel is growing up to become a woman now!”

“ANIYO!!!! Appa I am still a kid and will always be your little angel!” she smiled and did the peace sign.

What in the world would I do without my little angel?! I know it sounds like a broken record, but she means the world to me. I

would give up anything for her. “Appa, do you like Cho Hee Umma?” “Bwoh? Umma?” “Neh! Appa I like to call Unnei Umma

now!” She smiled, “Omo waeyo? She isn’t your Umma though and Appa hasn’t gotten married yet”, “Appa, I liked Unnie to

be my Umma. She is really nice and she loves me so much! And I love her too Appa! Don’t you like her too Appa?” she

asked. Do I like her that way enough to say that I have feelings for her? “Let Appa think about it arasseo?” “awwww~

arasseo Appa”. I smiled, “Appa may I sleep here with you? I’m scared that my dream might come back!” she dug her head

on my chest, I smiled and held her tightly and laid her down on the bed. “Arasseo! No kicking neh!” she nodded and started

to get comfortable. I tucked her in and went to turn off the lights and laid next to her and hugged my little angle close to me.

Don’t worry Little Angel, you will have a perfect Umma soon. Just wait a little more.




I walked the streets of Seoul going towards Yoseob’s house. I have been going there everyday since the day that I started.

He told me that, since I will be their personal babysitter, he would like me here everyday to help out. He was always working.

He would come down every time it was time to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, or just want some snack and  spend a little time

with Eun Mi. Eun Mi was always happier when I was there playing with her and also her Appa there as well. I remember, she

came up to me a few days ago and called me Umma. I was shocked at first but then I told her not to call me Umma

because, I’m not her Umma and I don’t feel like it is right to even call me Umma when her Umma is on a business trip.

Come to think of it, shouldn’t her Umma be home though? I mean, tomorrow is Christmas and she isn’t coming home to

even celebrate? Aish, it shouldn’t be my concern. That is Yoseob’s problem.

I was about to walk to Yoseob’s home when I saw two guys there. They seem like they were Yoseob’s friends. I remember

he was telling me about his friends. What was their name? DooYoon and KIWang? No that can’t be it. DooKwang and

KiJoon? Wait that sounds retarded! Aish whatever it was I will ask him again. I walked up the steps right behind them and

they heard me and they just looked at me. They were handsome! Well besides the height wise, the one with very high cheek

bones was very tall and the muscular one was kinda short.

“Annyonghasaeyo!” I bowed and smiled. They did the same. “Omo! You must be Kim Cho Hee! Eun Mi’s babysitter!” The

tall one said. “Mhmm! Neh I am”, I said and smiled. “Aigo where is our manners! I am Yoon DooJoon”, the tall one bowed.

“And I am Lee KiKwang!” the short one said and he had this incredible eye smile! I wanted to melt right there. “Well you

guys know me haha. I am Kim Cho Hee” I smiled.

“Are you always here?” DooJoon asked. I nodded, “Neh! Yoseob requested that I be here everyday since he is always busy

and I am guessing you guys were gone right?” “Yeup! We just came back and wanted to visit the cutie patootie Eun Mi and

maybe bug Seobbie to go on a date with someone this Christmas. He hasn’t spent much time on Christmas”, Kikwang


“Hmm? What do you mean? Date?” I asked. I thought Yoseob had a wife? “Omo! Pabo Kikwang! Aish!” DooJoon smacked

his head. I was so confused. “Yoseob will have to explain it to you. We don’t want to invade his privacy”, DooJoon said.

“Ahhh arasseo”.

DooJoon kept ringing the door bell and finally Yoseob opened it shirtless and his hair was wet. “OMO! UNCLES ARE

BACK!!!!” Shouted Eun Mi and she ran towards them and jumped in Kikwang’s arms. “Yah! What about uncle DuDu?!”

DooJoon said and he opened his arms and pouted to Eun Mi. I giggled seeing how cute DooJoon was to Eun Mi. “Ahh

Unnie! You are here!” Shouted Eun Mi and she wiggled free from DooJoon’s hold and ran to me and dragged me in. “Eun

Mi-ah! You shouldn’t drag people in!” Yoseob yelled. “Mianhae Appa!” She bowed and smiled. I completely forgot that he

was still shirtless and I guess he did too. He was so handsome. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of his chocolate abs. I would

NEVER imagine him having abs. He seemed sooo small.

“Appa!” Eun Mi pulled me so hard that I had to bend to her level and she covered my eyes, “APPA! PUT ON A SHIRT! YOU

ARE RUINING UNNIE’S EYES!” Everyone was laughing except for me and Yoseob. I was blushing a lot but not as much as

Yoseob was. “Aigoo! Seobbie is trying to be show off!” DooJoon laughed and Yoseob ran up stairs and took out a black v-

neck shirt. “Eun Mi you can uncover my eyes now”, I giggled. “Okay!” she let go and went back to playing. I put my stuff down

and sat next to Eun Mi and played along. Yoseob came back down and wasn’t wearing his glasses and ran his hands

through his wet soft brown hair. He was so handsome. I couldn’t help but keep glancing at him.



I felt so embarrassed! I completely forgot that I was shirtless! How can I be so forgetful?! I still felt like I slightly blushing when

I went down. I saw that Eun Mi went right to playing with Eun Mi. I looked over at the guys and I noticed that they were both

looking at Cho Hee. I walked over to them, “Hey guys!” I said and smiled. “Oh your done flashing Cho Hee your chocolate

abs?” DooJoon wiggled his eyebrows and gave me that smile. “yah! I have better abs than you Seobbie!” Kikwang said

and pouted. “Aigoo! You guys. How was the trip? Did you get to see Hyuna?” I asked Kikwang.

He all of a sudden beamed when he heard is girlfriend’s name. “Aigoo! She has become a very beautiful girl! We saw every

one! Her, SoHyunnie, Gayoonie, Jihyunnie, Jiyoonie, and Gina!” Kikwang said. I looked over at DooJoon, I was going to

ask if he even confesed his love to Gayoon. DooJoon Hyung has been like crushing her for so long now. But when I looked

over at him, he seemed different. He was looking at Cho Hee like the way he used to look at Gayoon when he first met her.

“Yah Hyung!” I said and waved my hand in front of him. “Omo mianhae what did you say?” He asked. There is NO WAY that

he is falling for Cho Hee! He just met her! But then again Hyung is known to fall for a girl easily. “I was going to ask if you

confessed to Gayoon”, I said. He looked at me and looked down, “Aniyo. She is dating someone already”, “OMO! Chinjja?!

WHO!?!” I shouted. I would had never expected that! I mean, I knew Gayoon had a little crush on him but I never expected

her to be with someone. DooJoon looked down and sighed. “His name is “Seungho. He is some kind of dancer or so. But I

don’t care. I figured she would not wait for me”, “Its okay hyung! There is someone better for you out there soon”, I said and

patted his back.

“IM COMING AFTER YOU UNNIE! YOU ARE SO GOING TO BE IT!” I heard Eun Mi yell and I see Cho Hee laughing and

running around. I smiled while watching them play. I glanced over at DooJoon and he was still starring at Cho Hee. I feel like

he has fell for her already. I felt a ping of jealousy but I ignored it. I mean, I have no clue if I have feelings for her yet. I mean, I

like her a lot but I don’t know how to even express it. “oh by the way, you might need to explain to Cho Hee about you know

who”, DooJoon said. I looked at them, “yah! What are you talking about?!” DooJoon looked at Kikwang and Kikwang

looked down. “You told her?!” “Ani! I just maybe have slipped out saying that you should go on a date tomorrow with some

girl for Christmas”. I looked at them in shock. “yah looked I will not go on a blind date again. Remember the last time?! I

made Eun Mi cry!”  “But Seob, I think its time you do date again though. I mean, you can’t be alone forever! You need to get

a girlfriend soon”, DooJoon said. They were right. I really needed to get a girlfriend sooner or later but I just can’t.



I just sat there watching Cho Hee. She was so beautiful! I couldn’t even take my eyes off of her. She looked so beautiful and

cute while playing with Eun Mi. I really wished that she would be my wife. I know I liked Gayoon for so long but, I am nothing

to her anymore. I’m just a friend and nothing more. I should have confessed sooner or later but I guess we weren’t meant to

be. And then God has shown Cho Hee to me. I finally opened my eyes and I can really see that Cho Hee is different. She

doesn’t seem like those girls like IU. Well then again, IU was like Cho Hee too. She showed so much innocence but then

she turned around and showed her real side. Maybe I just need to wait a little bit more to finally see Cho Hee’s real side.


I even noticed Yoseob taking glances at her. I can tell that he too is falling for her. But knowing Yoseob, he is a stubborn boy.

He won’t admit his feelings till we show him evidence that he DOES like her and she likes him too. Aigoo, this boy will live

forever alone.

I just hope she isn’t like IU.






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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 57: Awwww...great ending,hahaha, great story too, anyways done reading this one, looove it ^^
Chapter 58: This is the BEST story!!! Good job!!!! NOT KIDDING! Yes yoseob's blood type is B
ennykitty #3
Chapter 57: good job this is really good
ennykitty #4
Chapter 48: whats going to happen next??????????i'm so scared
Chapter 9: OMO This is the cutest chapter (the chubby cheek monster? too cute!) that I have ever read. LOVED IT!!
Chapter 3: so, I was reading the end of the last chapter and black paradise came on. junhyung sang hos part where he says "somebody help me" right when I read that scene. lmao
Chapter 58: woaahhh~ daebakk~ the fanfics ever !!! thank you authornim :) good work ! keep it up ! fighting !!
lexamikol #8
Chapter 58: Awww yay happy ending for everyone ^.^
shujun #9
Chapter 58: Aha! Cute ending~
hwaiting !!!
SeuNnA #10
Chapter 57: LOVE IT =')