Chapter 46: The truth comes out

I will always be by your side


They were blood stains.

Blood stains.

My mind could not handle what I just saw. Were they, IU’s blood stains or Junhyung’s? I just stayed put on the bed just feeling so numb. I felt the color of my skin just flush to pale all of a sudden. Is Junhyung a murderer? Am I next?!Yah, why are you so pale?” Junhyung came towards me. I jumped out of my skin when he touched me. I alerted and scared to death. “Please don’t touch me Junhyung”, I said and stuttered. “Wae?” “I just want to rest and I am having those pregnant women mood swings”, I said trying to hide my scared face.

He just smiled and kissed my forehead. “Silly girl. If you just wanted to sleep then go ahead, I am not holding it against you baby. You and that thing need sleep”, he said and caressed my cheeks. I flinched again. I cant do it, but I need to be calm and show that I didn’t figure it out. I just smiled a little and laid down on the bed. I laid so close to the wall and hid myself under the covers.

I need to find a way out!



We were all on the train ride heading to Seomjin. The whole ride, all I could ever think of was just Cho Hee and the baby. Junhyung, you lay one damn finger on her, I will kill you. I will kill you with my bare hands. I don’t care if it is in front of people, you are hurting people. You will pay Junhyung.

Appa”, I heard Eun Mi say and her tiny hands were on mine. I looked down and realized that I was gripping my hands so tight that it turned white. “Oh I didn’t know”, and I released it. “Appa, we going to save Umma?” she asked. I looked into her sparkling dark brown eyes, “Neh Angel. We are going to finally save Chubby Cheek Queen”, I said and smiled. “Appa! What if I have a baby sister?! Or a baby brother?!” She exclaimed excitedly. “Hmm….Well, what do you want the most?” “I want a baby brother! So that I could play sports with him! And he could be the prince when I play with my dollys! Wait, I also want a baby sister too! Because then I could play dress up and prwincess with! Then when we grow up, we can play with Umma’s make up! Ahhh mollayo Appa! I want both! Can we have both pweeeeaaassseee”, she begged. Aigoo I think the guys gave her candy. She is hyper again.

Aigoo Angel. We will see first! We don’t even know if it’s a girl or boy!” I laughed at her cute expression and hugged her. She got up and ran to Kikwang and Hyunseung jumping and laughing everywhere. I turned to look behind me at DooJoon reading. “Yah who gave Eun Mi candy?” I asked. He didn’t even look up from what he was reading and pointed at the two pabos feeding her candy and chocolates.

I shook my head and took my pillow and threw it at them. They looked up at me in shock, “HE STARTED IT!” Hyunseung pointed at Kikwang. “YAH! No I didn’t! Hyung did it!” “YAH! Doesn’t matter. Just stop it!” I said and laughed. 

This is going to be a long night.



I felt someone wrap their arms around me. It felt so warm just like Yoseob’s. Without thinking, I turned around and snuggled close, “Yoseob stop”, I mumbled. I still had my eyes close and I felt the pair of arms tighten around me. “Yoseob not too tight the baby is getting squished”, I said. “Yoseob?!” I opened my eyes immediately and jumped out of Junhyung’s arms. Without even thinking, I regretted what I said. I was afraid now. “you called for Yoseob?! WHAT ABOUT ME CHO HEE?! I HAVE BEEN HERE FOR YOU! YOSEOB JUST ED WITH IU! HE EVEN GOT HER PREGNANT!” I froze there.What did you just say?” I asked.

He smirked, “Your little boyfriend ed up IU and she is two months pregnant with HIS baby. I took that picture so that I could so you that I did the job that you always wanted to do!” “What job Junhyung?” I asked. “Aren’t you happy? I made her go away. She is gone from our lives! And next is Yoseob. He ed her and got her pregnant while he was still in love with you. How do I know? She came to me angry and told me everything. Yoseob kicked her out because of you and Eun Mi. Baby, I had enough of her and I did it for you. I did the job”, he smiled and went to me. I looked at him terrified. I know that is all I ever say, but it is true!

What JOB Junhyung?!” I asked. He smiled and grabbed my hands, “She is gone now. She and the baby are gone”, I starred at him and I felt my skin color turn pale as a ghost. “Dead?” I asked softly and in shock. He smiled and nodded. “I killed her for you. I did it! Because I love you. I did it so that she could be out of our lives and we can finally be together. And now I need to get Yoseob. He hurt you and he needs to be taught”, he said.

I couldn’t process anything. I was like a statue, pale as a ghost, and it just felt like my whole life was just out of me. “You killed her? Those were not markers on the picture right?” I asked him. He smirked and nodded. “But it is okay now Cho Hee. We can live a lovely life now as a family. Without IU and Yoseob. Don’t worry Yoseob will be erased soon!” “Stop please Junhyung”, I said on the verge of tears. “Wae?” “Just please stop killing people”, I looked at him terrified. “Baby, I am only killing people in our way of love”, He smiled and kissed my forehead. “Junhyung please I beg you”, I said crying. “Why?! Why don’t you want me to get rid of him?! Don’t you love me enough?!” He shouted. He was angry.

I love you Junhyung. Please don’t do it”, I begged. I looked at him straight in the eyes, “I love you”.

He smiled and hugged me close.

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 57: Awwww...great ending,hahaha, great story too, anyways done reading this one, looove it ^^
Chapter 58: This is the BEST story!!! Good job!!!! NOT KIDDING! Yes yoseob's blood type is B
ennykitty #3
Chapter 57: good job this is really good
ennykitty #4
Chapter 48: whats going to happen next??????????i'm so scared
Chapter 9: OMO This is the cutest chapter (the chubby cheek monster? too cute!) that I have ever read. LOVED IT!!
Chapter 3: so, I was reading the end of the last chapter and black paradise came on. junhyung sang hos part where he says "somebody help me" right when I read that scene. lmao
Chapter 58: woaahhh~ daebakk~ the fanfics ever !!! thank you authornim :) good work ! keep it up ! fighting !!
lexamikol #8
Chapter 58: Awww yay happy ending for everyone ^.^
shujun #9
Chapter 58: Aha! Cute ending~
hwaiting !!!
SeuNnA #10
Chapter 57: LOVE IT =')