Chapter 43: Things are not right

I will always be by your side


-2 hours later-

Well that was one big mess we had to clean up. Hyung, Kikwang, and I plopped our butts on the couch feeling exhausted as hell. “Man, I never knew how strong and vicious this girl is!” Kikwang said. “I know. I never noticed how much anger she even had”, I stated. “Aigoo, at least we can see the house now”, Hyung said and got up and took his phone out and went to the room. “Hyung really has a girlfriend now?” I asked Kikwang. He looked at me confused. “Girlfriend?” “Yeah. He told me that he a new girlfriend. She was really pretty. She had like dark red, medium length hair. She looked so much like Cho Hee”, I said and looked down. “Hyung has a girlfriend?! Since when?!” Kikwang looked at me with shock. “Yah, I thought he would at least tell you! You live with him!”

Well, its not my fault that I don’t keep up with DooJoon. He has too much secrets”. I scratched my head in frustration. “Hey Kikwang, do you know why Cho Hee left me?” I asked out of the blue. I looked at him and his eyes went wide. “Uhhh ani. Wae?” I looked at him suspiciously. He was lying. “Yah, I know when you are lying Kikwang. Why did she go. She must have told one of you. I know it isn’t Hyung so it must be you”, I pointed out. I looked directly at him, desperately trying to get it out of him.

When Kikwang is lying, he wont make eye contact with you, fidget, and stutter A LOT. “A A Ani! I have no idea”, he kept looking at his hands. “Yah Lee Kikwang I know you are lying! Why! Please tell me why!” I yelled and looked at him desperately. “Yoseob, I really don’t know. Honestly”, he looked at me but I could see it in his eyes that he knew exactly what was happening. Then something in my mind just clicked. “Yah, it was IU wasn’t it!” I asked. He just looked at me and then looked away. “Yah Lee Kikwang, just nod if what I said was right”. He sighed and closed his eyes, “Mianhae Cho Hee”, he whispered. I looked at him confused.

Yes Yoseob. IU was the one to drive Cho Hee away”, I swear, blood boiled in my gut. I was angry. No no more like FURIOUS! She pushed Cho Hee away then now Eun Mi. It all made sense! No wonder she came to the house right after Cho Hee left. She even seemed so happy. “She threatened Cho Hee. She found a letter on the kitchen sink saying that she only had 3 days to decide whether she will stay or go. If she stayed, she would be risking you and Eun Mi’s life. Yoseob, you have no idea how many times me and Hyung tried to convince her to stay and that we will help her and you would know as well. But, she is stubborn. She didn’t want to risk it. Yoseob, she didn’t leave you because you were a bad lover or whatever, it was cause of IU. She cared so much for you that she was willing to sacrifice your relationship than to lose you both especially you Yoseob”.

I sat there with a mixture of feelings. From being happy that she still loves me, angry because of IU, frustrated because Cho Hee didn’t tell me, and so much more. “Kikwang where is she?” I asked trying not to get angry. “Yoseob I can’t tell you. I already told you enough-“ “WHERE IS SHE KIKWANG!?” I yelled. I looked at him with anger. I needed to see her. I wanted to hold her in my arms and tell her that everything will be alright. “YAH!” DooJoon came and pulled me off of Kikwang. “Hyung! Where is Cho Hee?! Tell me right now!” I yelled. He looked at me in shock. “I have no clue Yoseob. I seriously don’t have a clue where she is right now but all I know, is that we need to go to the apartment right now”. He said. He looked worried and he was rushing. “wae?! YAH! Hyung I need to know where-“ Shut Up Yoseob. Lets go!” He said and ran out the door. I looked at him confused. “I guess Hyung wants you to go to. Look I have no clue what is going on but we should just follow. You know how he is when he is in that state”.

I nodded and grabbed my things and followed them there.



After cleaning up this whole mess, I was damn exhausted. I got up remembering that I should call Cho Hee to check up on her. I went to the room and called her.



“Eun Mi what is wrong?”

“Umma is gone!”

I heard her sobbing.

“Bwoh? What are you talking about?”

“Uncle! She She She……I don’t know Uncle! Please come home I am scared Uncle!”

“Okay okay, Eun Mi, remember what I have told you. Go hide somewhere away from the windows and the doors. We are going to be there right now kay”. I said.

Neh Uncle please hurry!” She cried. “I will”. I told her. I ran out the door and saw Yoseob on top of Kikwang looking angry. I wonder what these two did now. But that wasn’t the matter right now. “YAH!” I came and pulled Yoseob off of Kikwang. “Hyung! Where is Cho Hee?! Tell me right now!” he yelled. He looked furious. And I am going to guess that he found out already. “I have no clue Yoseob. I seriously don’t have a clue where she is right now but all I know, is that we need to go to the apartment right now”, I said. Well, it was true! I have no freaking idea where she is right now.“wae?! YAH! Hyung I need to know where-“ Shut Up Yoseob. Lets go!” I got so irritated. I just ran out the door in a hurry hoping that they would figure out that something was wrong.

I actually felt that Yoseob needed to know what is going on right now. He needs his daughter as much as his daughter needs him. He needs Cho Hee just as much as she needs him. I got in the car starting it. Kikwang comes in and then Yoseob in the back. I sped through the streets like lightning bolt.

-few minutes later-

Hyung! Could you slow down?!” Kikwang yelled. I didn’t care. Eun Mi was in need. I reached the door and opened it widely. “EUN MI!” I yelled. I ran around the apartment looking for her. I checked the closets and the rooms. “EUN MI WHERE ARE YOU?! ITS UNCLE!” I yelled. I was getting worried and worried by the minute. Kikwang was yelling her name out as well. I looked at Yoseob and he had this confused face.

UNCLE!” She yelled and ran out from under the bed and cried running towards us. I ran to her and carried her in my arms. She cried harder. “Shhh Shhh… Uncles are  here now”, I cooed her. I carried her to the sofa and caressed her head. “Uncle –hiccup- Umma –hiccup- left –sniffle- again! –hiccup-

Eun Mi?” Yoseob asked looking at her in shock. She looked up and her eyes went wide. “APPA!” She yelled and ran towards him. I smiled looking at the reunion. She jumped into his arms and he carried her and held her tightly. “Appa! I miss you”, she cried. “I am so sorry Eun Mi. I am so sorry. Appa is a jerk and he did things that weren’t good”, Yoseob cried and held her tightly. “Appa I forgive you but Umma is missing!” She looked at Yoseob in the eyes. “Umma?” “NEH! Umma! As in Unnie!” He looked up at us and we nodded. “Cho Hee lived right here all along Yoseob. She never left us”, “How come I never noticed?!” “Because we had to keep it from you Yoseob. You have no idea how much we wanted to tell you that she is right there. Eun Mi knew it from the start. She was the one that knew it was Cho Hee”, I said. It was true. She found out first.

You were here the whole time?” “Neh Appa. I would never go anywhere but to Uncle or Umma”. “Okay, enough of the reunion. Cho Hee is missing”, Kikwang ran out from her room. “How?” “Here listen to this. They called her phone”.

“Hello there boys. Sorry to interrupt but its time to take things that were meant to be finished. I bet that you all are wondering where you little toy is right? Well, she is going to be fine. In less than three days that is. I will give you three days. If you guys don’t find her, say goodbye to them”.

We starred at the phone in shock. “Trace that call”, Yoseob said. “I’ll call Hyunseung”, Kikwang said. “Hyung, what does he mean, THEY?” he asked. Eun Mi and I looked at each other. “If things go well, you will be able to see your newborn”, I said. He looked at me with surprise and sparkle in his eyes. “I have a child? With-“ Yes Appa! I am going to be an older sister!” she shouted. I smiled at her and Yoseob smiled widely and hugged Eun Mi. “I am going to be a father again!!!!” “yah, we need to find her first”, I said. I hated to burst his bubble but he wont be a father again if we don’t find the mother.

Hyung is on his way”, Kikwang said. “I hope the baby will be alright”, “neh me too”. Then something struck me in my mind. I remembered going to the hospital not too long ago. ! “AISH!” I shouted and messed up my hair in frustration. “Hyung what is it?” Yoseob asked. “That day that we saw you Yoseob in the mall with IU-“ WAIT WAIT! Your GIRLFRIEND is CHO HEE?!?!?!” He shouted. Oh . “Yes but she wasn’t my girlfriend girlfriend Yoseob. I just had to say that before she got noticed by you. Don’t worry she is all yours. She even has your child Yoseob”. I stated. He sighed in relief. “She was right in front of me this whole time. I am stupid”, he mumbled.

Anyways, when I came home, she was throwing up in her toilet. That was when we found out that she was pregnant. But there was also another thing that they found out. Since she was abused in the past, she was hit really hard in the head before and no we just found out that she has a brain clot. If she gets stressed, that clot may get worse and it will kill her and the baby”. I stated. “If she gets hit in the head hyung”, “I am sorry Yoseob. That is it for her and the baby. We just need to keep praying and wishing that whoever she is with doesn’t hurt her”.

Appa, it is bad Umma”, “Bwoh?” “Bad Umma is the one who kidnapped her”. We looked at Eun Mi. “how would you know?” "I just know that it is her Appa and Uncles. She is the only one that hates Umma. And plus, I woke up hearing Umma screaming for help. I looked out the door and I saw that scary guy with bad umma last time. He put a napkin over and Umma just fell asleep instantly”.

Yoseob she has your brain”, Kikwang said. Yoseob got up and ran into the room and shut it. We all could hear him screaming and yelling in the room. He was angry. No. If there is such a thing that is more than furious, that would be describing Yoseob right now. He came out of the room, breathing deeply and his eyes were red from crying and his knuckles were red from I am guessing punching something and his eyes were filled with rage. It was scary to see actually.

hyung is here!” Kikwang yelled and ran to the door. “Okay, I already did some tracking already and,” He came in with his laptop typing and already talking. Not even a, “Hey guys so I found some things”, I swear, he isn’t normal. He sat on the couch typing again. “It is tracking the device right now but it seems that it isn’t from a cell phone. More like those pre paid ones. And I am guessing that it is done because it cant back track it anymore”. “Hyung try maybe uhhh… Voice recognition?” Kikwang asked. “Give me the phone”, he plugged in the phone and did some kind of techy things and then bam! There is the voice message on the screen.

geez you nerd”, I said. “Hey if we need to get Cho Hee back and having kids with Yoseob, I will do anything”. He put on the headphones and listened to the message and kept playing around with the message with his techy stuff again. “Its Junhyung. I know that it is him. His voice isn’t hard to recognize. And I hear trains passing by as well”. “trains?” “Why the hell are they in trains?” Kikwang asked. I looked over in the corner and there sat Yoseob hiding his face and curled up in a ball, and there was Eun Mi playing with her toys. I walked over to Yoseob, “Hey. We will get her okay. Don’t worry”, “I hate IU with passion. I hate her so much. I never hated anyone more than her”. He sobbed. “Yoseob, we will get her back okay. Don’t worry. We will take them home safely”, I assured him and hugged him. He was like a little kid. So fragile.

Hyung, I want to confront Junhyung and her when you find them. I want to fight against them”, “Yah! Are you crazy!” “Yes. But this is my fight. And I don’t want Cho Hee or any of you in the middle of this”, “Arasseo. We will be back up just incase”, “Neh”, he nodded and wiped his tears.

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 57: Awwww...great ending,hahaha, great story too, anyways done reading this one, looove it ^^
Chapter 58: This is the BEST story!!! Good job!!!! NOT KIDDING! Yes yoseob's blood type is B
ennykitty #3
Chapter 57: good job this is really good
ennykitty #4
Chapter 48: whats going to happen next??????????i'm so scared
Chapter 9: OMO This is the cutest chapter (the chubby cheek monster? too cute!) that I have ever read. LOVED IT!!
Chapter 3: so, I was reading the end of the last chapter and black paradise came on. junhyung sang hos part where he says "somebody help me" right when I read that scene. lmao
Chapter 58: woaahhh~ daebakk~ the fanfics ever !!! thank you authornim :) good work ! keep it up ! fighting !!
lexamikol #8
Chapter 58: Awww yay happy ending for everyone ^.^
shujun #9
Chapter 58: Aha! Cute ending~
hwaiting !!!
SeuNnA #10
Chapter 57: LOVE IT =')