Chapter 16

I will always be by your side


It’s been about a month since I was released from the hospital. Ever since the day that DooJoon oppa confessed, it has been non-stop coming over and getting close to me. Same goes with Yoseob except for the coming over since this is his house. But, Yoseob seems to be closer to me as usual. I don’t really mind it but it is kinda creepy in his Yoseob way. But what I really like is when Yoseob finishes his work, he would come down to the kitchen and he would play and take care of Eun Mi while I cooked for them. It really made us feel like a family. One time, I was cooking then I heard Yoseob shouting like a mad man running down the stairs. “EUUUUNNNN MMMIII!!!!!!!! CHHHHOOOOO HEEEEE~!!!!!!” He ran yelling into the kitchen which made me and Eun Mi jump in surprise.

He ran in the kitchen smiling like a fool and grabbed Eun Mi and lifted her up in the air and twirled her around. “AIGOO!!!! APPA!!!!” Eun Mi exclaimed and was hitting him on the shoulder lightly. “Put me down Appa! I wanna play with my dolly!” She pouted. “Awww, wae?! You don’t like your cute chubby cheek Appa anymore?!” He pouted. She giggled and squished his cheeks. “CHUBBY CHEEK APPA!!!” And kept squishing it. “Auughhh, Eun Mi! Yah Appa’s cheeks are going to be flat if you keep doing that”, he chuckled and put her down. She ran away back to her toys. He stood there watching her and smiling. I smiled and went back to cooking.

I was so focused on my cooking that I didn’t realize that he was there leaning on the island in the kitchen watching my back. I didn’t pay any attention to it and kept cooking. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and he leaned his chin on my shoulder. “Cho Hee~”, he sang. I smiled and turned down the heat on the stove. “Neh, Oppa?” I said and glanced behind me. “What cha cooking my dear?” he asked and held me closer to him. “I am cooking you and Eun Mi’s favorite!” He looked at me, “KIMCHI STEW?!?!?!” he shouted. I giggled and nodded. (Mianhae I don’t really know much of Korean food >.<)

He started to smile widely and hugging me closer to him. “YAAAAY~!!! Eun Mi! Guess what your Umma is cooking!!!” Umma? “WHAT IS IT APPA?!” She yelled and ran to us smiling, “What is my little Princess’s favorite food?” “KIMCHI STEW?!?!” She yelled and was jumping up and down happily. “THANK YOU UMMA!” she hugged my leg and ran off again. Umma? Why are they calling me Umma? Yoseob laughed and stood beside me. “You are wondering about Umma huh?” He asked and leaned his back on the counter next to me and crossed his arms and looked at me. “Ahhh uhhh nneh”, I said while blushing a little. “Well, I didn’t really want to tell you but, Eun Mi really wants you to be her Umma. And when that day we found you, well before we did, IU came by and then Eun Mi shouted at IU telling her that she isn’t her Umma. And you wanna know who she called her Umma?” he asked and arched his eyebrow while smiling.

I just nodded my head. He came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, “She said that you were her Umma”, he whispered in my ear and when I felt his hot breathe on my ear, it sent shivers down my spine. He hugged me closer to him and kissed my temple and then to my shoulder, which sent more chills down my spine. I bit my bottom lip and I felt my face heating up. I finished the stew and turned off the heat. I pulled away from Yoseob gently, “The s-s-s-stew is r-r-ready”, I said trying to hide my red face. I heard him chuckle and went to get the plates. “Eun Mi! Time to eat!” I said. She ran so fast and sat down on the table. “OOOOO~!!!! KIMCHI STEW!!” She squealed and clapped her hands.

We all sat down on the table and I helped her get her food first before me. I was about to serve Yoseob but he grabbed the spoon before me. “I can serve you Umma”, he said and winked at me. I started to turn red again. I looked down trying to avoid his gaze and gave him my plate.



Since that day I told her about the Umma incident, Eun Mi and I always called her Umma now. When Eun Mi calls her Umma, she would always smile widely, but when I call her Umma, she blushes, which I find so cute. It is night time right now, I was laying in my bed thinking random thoughts. What if I have Cho Hee sleep with me? Not like that way though! Unless she wants to. Aish! Get out my erted mind! Would she like it? Does she know how my heart is when I am around her? I know for sure that she has fallen for me instead of Hyung even though he constantly comes over! Geez! My home is only for me and my future wifey and my daughter! Not him.

One time, DooJoon came in for a whole week. What was that I had work so I couldn’t really say no, since Cho Hee said it was fine cause she didn’t really have anyone to talk to her since Eun Mi was at school. I pretended that I was in my office and went down quietly where they were at. I pretty much eavesdropped on them.

*the convo (No one pov)*

“How are you feeling now Cho Hee?”

“ahh well doing better now Oppa –smiles-“

-they move to the couch and sit there-

“That’s good! Have they tried contacting you?”

“Ahhh yeah but I ignore it”, -Cho Hee looks down sad. DooJoon wraps his arms around her and pulls her closer-

“Yah, you know that they will not get close to you. They would have to get through me first in order for them to lay one finger on you”, he held her chin up in order for her to look at him in the eyes. He hugged her closer and kissed her lips again.

-Yoseob felt so much anger boiling in him-

Cho Hee pushes him away gently.

“Oppa, please not here”.


 “Because, Seobbie Oppa might come here and see. I don’t want him to think of something else”.


“Ahhh uhh n-n-n-neh. I call him that sometimes”.

“You have a nickname for him now?”

DooJoon looked at her with shock. He felt so much jealousy towards Yoseob. Why would she call him that?! Don’t I have a nickname?! He thought.

“Neh Oppa. He said it sounded cute”.

“What about me?” DooJoon asked and arched his eyebrow.

“Ahhh uhh…..well what would you like to be called?”

“How about………..”

“DooDoo Oppa?!” She said and laughed.

“YAH! You made my name sound like it’s a piece of crap!” he laughed and started to tickle her.

“HAHAHAHA~!! YAH DOO DOO OPPA! STOP!” She laughed and teased.

“Not until you change my nickname!”

“Fine Fine! DooJoonie~!!”

He stopped and looked at her and smiled. “That sounds better”.

Yoseob was still hidden and he could feel the anger and jealousy in him. He wanted to stop and separate them but he just couldn’t.

“Good, now please stop tickling me!” She pouted and pinched his arms softly.

“Aigoo, my girl is too cute!” He kissed her cheeks and she blushed.

“Oppa!” she covered her face.

“Aigoo, you are really cute Cho Hee you know that? No, more like beautiful!” he said and hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.

“Aigoo, DooJoonie I need to go back to cleaning now, want to help?”

He nodded and they both got up and started to clean.


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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 57: Awwww...great ending,hahaha, great story too, anyways done reading this one, looove it ^^
Chapter 58: This is the BEST story!!! Good job!!!! NOT KIDDING! Yes yoseob's blood type is B
ennykitty #3
Chapter 57: good job this is really good
ennykitty #4
Chapter 48: whats going to happen next??????????i'm so scared
Chapter 9: OMO This is the cutest chapter (the chubby cheek monster? too cute!) that I have ever read. LOVED IT!!
Chapter 3: so, I was reading the end of the last chapter and black paradise came on. junhyung sang hos part where he says "somebody help me" right when I read that scene. lmao
Chapter 58: woaahhh~ daebakk~ the fanfics ever !!! thank you authornim :) good work ! keep it up ! fighting !!
lexamikol #8
Chapter 58: Awww yay happy ending for everyone ^.^
shujun #9
Chapter 58: Aha! Cute ending~
hwaiting !!!
SeuNnA #10
Chapter 57: LOVE IT =')