Chapter 40: Messages and a start of a change

I will always be by your side

(A/N; Mianhae I will fast forward just a tad bit >.< -bows-)


Eun Mi and I were sitting in our apartment waiting till DooJoon gave us the okay sign. Just an hour ago, Oppa called us saying that Yoseob just showed up at their place and told us to stay inside first. I told Eun Mi and she just rolled her eyes. “Yah Why are acting like that?” I asked her. “Because Appa is being a big meanie and he needs to be taught a lesson”, she pouted and crossed her arms and sat down. I chuckled at how cute she was, “Aigoo, Eun Mi. Even though Appa did those things, he is still your Appa. He still loves you”, “If Appa loved me, he would have been by my side instead of Bad Umma”, “I know, trust me, he still loves you with all his heart Eun Mi”, I smiled and hugged her.

I went in the room while Eun Mi was watching TV. I went to my drawer and took out my phone. I haven’t even turned it on since I left. I was scared to read or see the messages from Yoseob or anyone. I sat on my bed and turned it on. There it was on my screen, 100 voice messages and 75 text messages (A/N: LOL! I just made that up haha! But you get my point ^.^)

First Text Message:

“Cho Hee, where are you? Please tell me this is a joke”

Second Text Message:

“Baby, please, I am sorry for whatever I did. Please come back to me. I love you with all of my heart. I just want you here by my side. I am sorry Cho Hee”

Third Text Message:


Fourth Text Message:

“Cho Hee, like I have said, whatever I did I am sorry. Please just come back. Eun Mi misses you. I miss you. I love you always. If I scared you away please tell me. Tell me what I did. I am desperate right now Cho Hee. I want you by my side. I want you to come to me if something happens. If it is your family that called and told you to come back or threatened you, tell me right now. I will save you Cho Hee. I will do anything just to have you safe with me. I want to be YOUR KNIGHT AND SHINING ARMOR.
If IU threatened you, which might not be likely. I am just stating thoughts in my mind right now. PLEASE TELL ME. I will deal with her. I don’t care if she said that she would kill me or you. I will sacrifice MY LIFE just for you. And Eun Mi. but we are not talking about Eun Mi right now.
Cho Hee, this house is nothing without you. Call me back. I need to hear your voice Cho Hee. I am going crazy here.
I will always love you Cho Hee. Always. Saranghaeyo My Chubby Queen.

I sat there crying. If only he knew what was going on. One half of me wanted to go and run to him and tell him everything but the other half says no, keep it like this for now. I sat there on my bed crying. My sobs were uncontrollable. I couldn’t handle it. I was afraid to even read the rest and even listen to the voice messages.

I finally calmed down after some minutes. I got my phone and dialed the voice mail. “You have: 100 missed calls. 30 voice messages”. I clicked to listen to my voice messages. All of the voice messages were Yoseob. His voice, I miss it so much. I miss hearing his voice. But not this voice. His voice here is filled with sadness, hurt, and crying. I listened to them while crying more tears. I couldn’t take this anymore. I wanted to be with him. I miss him too much. I put the phone down and I looked down at my growing tummy and caressed it. “Don’t worry little one, I will make sure that everything is going to be alright before you meet your cute Appa”, I sobbed and smiled.

I miss you Yoseob.



*Skipped eating part*

We went back to Hyung’s apartment. I looked across the hall to the other door, “Hyung didn’t you say that there were new neighbors?” I asked. I looked at Hyung and Kikwang and they seemed to have froze abit. I looked at them weird, “Yah, what are you guys doing?” I asked. They blinked, “Ahh well yeah but they aren’t home yet so we gotta go inside now before it gets too cold”, DooJoon said and pulled me in. For some weird reason, I felt that there is something behind that door. Or well, someone.

I just let it go. I sat on their couch and sighed. Ever since Cho Hee left, I’ve been sending messages to her daily. I have no idea if she even gets them, but I just wanted her to know what is going on and how much I miss her and loved her. Yeah, I have been sleeping with that , but I was drunk. As long as I don’t get her pregnant I guess it is okay.


”Hey Cho Hee. It has been already months since you left. I just want to know something please. Anything. I just wanted to know if you are well Cho Hee. I miss you a lot. I have said it so many times but I love you Cho Hee. Always and forever I will keep on loving you. I have made mistakes in the past Cho Hee, but that doesn’t mean that I will stop loving you. I don’t care what people say, I love you with all of my heart. I mean it Cho Hee. I made love to you because I love you. I didn’t do it just because.
Please, Cho Hee anything to let me know that you have received my messages. You better be eating well Cho Hee. I love you. By the way, if you have seen Eun Mi, please PLEASE I beg you to tell me where she is. She ran out of the house because of something that I did. I hurt you and I keep hurting her. Cho Hee since you left, the house has been a complete disaster. If you see Eun Mi, please tell her that her Appa misses her and loves her dearly and that I am sorry. I am a jerk. I broke your promise that you wrote in the letter. I am a horrible person and Appa. I can’t even keep the people that I love with me. If Eun mi is with you, keep her for now. Love her with all of your heart. Tell her that Appa is a jerk again. I love her always. And tell her that I will never replace my Little Angel. No matter what is going on, I will love her always. I sound repetitive right? I love both of you Cho Hee.”

I closed my eyes after I sent it. I kept fighting the tears that were trying to fall out. I just have this feeling that Eun Mi would go out and try to find Cho Hee. “You okay Seob?” DooJoon asked. He sat down next to me and put his arm around me. “I just texted Cho Hee. I just asked her how she is doing and if she sees Eun Mi, to keep her with her for now”. I looked at him and he smiled, “I know that we will find both of them soon Yoseob. They are not that far from us. Unless they went somewhere else”, “I have this feeling that Eun Mi is with Cho Hee. I just feel that she ran away to look for her. Cho Hee is the best mother you can ever have. If I was Eun Mi, I would have done the same”, I stated.

I felt my phone vibrating and I looked down.

Message from: Chubby Cheek Queen <3

I gasped looking at the message. Ihad mixed feelings about this. I was afraid to look and see but at the same time I was happy. I opened it and read it.

From: Chubby Cheek Queen <3

To: Yang Yoseob

                “Hey Seobbie. I am sorry. You shouldn’t be the one saying sorry. I am the one who decided to runaway. There is a really good reason but I will not say. I don’t want you to worry. You have so much in your hands right now. I am doing well if you ask. I do get your messages but I am afraid. I am afraid what will happen if I respond. Yoseob, I love you always. Even thought I ran away, I will always love you no matter what is happening. If I had the choice Yoseob, I would have told you already. But things right now aren’t the right time.
                And yes, I did find Eun Mi. She is with me. Well, let’s say that she found me. Yoseob what happened to you? She tells me things that does not seem like you at all. If it is because of me, I am dearly sorry I hurt you and you became like that. Things are complicated to tell right now but please don’t act like this Yoseob. I know you are way better than this. It hurts hearing these things about you Yoseob. She even tells me who is living there Yoseob.
Honestly Yoseob, I have no idea now if you really do love me. You have IU there again. And sleeping with her Yoseob?! In front of your daughter?! She told me she hears it and saw it once. Yoseob what is wrong with you?! I know you are A LOT better than this. I know I caused this, but I expected you to be there for Eun Mi. TO be happy like I asked for. When it is the right time, I will tell you what is going on. But I will be keeping Eun Mi for now until things are better.
Yoseob, I always love you no matter what you’re decisions are. But I will tell you now, I DID NOT fall in love with this Yoseob now. I think about you all the time Yoseob. There is never a day where I don’t think about you.
Yoseob please be better. I love you always.

-Kim Cho Hee”

I sat there in shock. I didn’t know what to say. I was happy but hurt at the sametime. Eun Mi told her everything. From ignoring my little angel to having with IU. Mianhae Cho Hee. I am a horrible person. Please forgive me.

Wow, she actually responded?!” DooJoon exclaimed. I looked in his eyes and I could see the worry in his. “Don’t worry hyung, I am okay”. I smiled but nothing can be fooled to DooJoon. The tears were noticeable in my eyes. “Change Yoseob. Kick that out NOW. Yoseob I am telling you now. Things will not get better for all of you if you don’t get that away from you once and for all. She is doing something that is risking both of your relationships or even lives. She needs to be erased from all of our lives. Yoseob, if you really love them, esp Eun Mi, you would do it Yoseob. Its only up to you now”, he said and patted my shoulder and got up to go to the kitchen.

He was right. I need to take her out once and for all. But, it was weird hearing him say, "She is doing something that is risking both of your relationships or even lives". Is that some kind of hint Hyung?

Cho Hee, Eun Mi, Yoseob/Appa is coming back.



Hey Hey! :D

Sorry for the late updates >.<

Have been very busy with school >.< (Same excuses and such but it is the TRUTH!)

Well how are you lovelys doing? I hope you guys loved the update! I will try to update again.

If not, i will update it sometime this week :)

Love ya Lovelys~! <3 -muahs-

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 57: Awwww...great ending,hahaha, great story too, anyways done reading this one, looove it ^^
Chapter 58: This is the BEST story!!! Good job!!!! NOT KIDDING! Yes yoseob's blood type is B
ennykitty #3
Chapter 57: good job this is really good
ennykitty #4
Chapter 48: whats going to happen next??????????i'm so scared
Chapter 9: OMO This is the cutest chapter (the chubby cheek monster? too cute!) that I have ever read. LOVED IT!!
Chapter 3: so, I was reading the end of the last chapter and black paradise came on. junhyung sang hos part where he says "somebody help me" right when I read that scene. lmao
Chapter 58: woaahhh~ daebakk~ the fanfics ever !!! thank you authornim :) good work ! keep it up ! fighting !!
lexamikol #8
Chapter 58: Awww yay happy ending for everyone ^.^
shujun #9
Chapter 58: Aha! Cute ending~
hwaiting !!!
SeuNnA #10
Chapter 57: LOVE IT =')