Chapter 13: Truth is revealed

I will always be by your side


“Oppa?” she said. “What the ing hell are you doing here IU??!” I yelled. “Hmph nothing. Just wanted to drop by that’s all”, she said and gave me a smirk. “So where is you Cho Hee?” She asked. I swear, my blood was boiling in me. I could also sense the guys there trying to hold their anger in. “WHAT. DID . YOU. DO . TO. CHO HEE?” I asked. Well more like I asked in angry way. She just smirked, “I don’t know Oppa. I have no idea where your toy went”, she said and just pushed me and walked right into my house. “GET OUT YOU !” I yelled. I barely get angry but I was so mad to the point that I wanted to hit her. I am guessing Kikwang and Eun Mi heard me and came out of the room.

“Appa what is going on?” “Nothing Eun Mi. Appa is just talking to someone-“ “Umma what are you doing here?!” She asked. I looked over at her and she seems like she didn’t like the sight of her Umma here. I chuckled in my head. That’s my girl. “Umma is here to visit you and Appa!” she said. Man, now I can see the way she changed. Her expressions were so fake. Her smile, her attitude, EVERYTHING was fake. I wouldn’t even be surprised if her s and her body were fake. Now that I think of it, I shivered from my memory of making love to her.

“Eun Mi give Umma a hug”, she asked. I looked over at Eun Mi and she was angry too. “NO!” She said and ran behind Kikwang. “Go away!” She yelled. We all smirked at IU and her facial expression was priceless. It was like she was slapped a million times. “You are NOT my umma! My Umma is Unnie! She loves me and Appa!” Eun Mi yelled. For some reason, I really liked the sound of that. Cho Hee is my wife. Yang Cho Hee.

“SHE DIDN’T GIVE BRITH TO YOU! YOU LITTLE PUNK!” IU shouted and was about to go to her. I stepped in and pulled her away and DooJoon and Dongwoon stood infront of Eun Mi. Oh hohoho woman! You don’t know what I will do to you if you lay one ing finger on my child. I will beat your up. Don’t matter if you are a woman! You NEVER lay a hand on your daughter. “You lay ONE finger on my daughter, you will regret it”, I said to her and when I said it, I glared at her and was furious. I grabbed her by the shoulder with force. I didn’t care if it hurts her. “Don’t you hurt my family. And by family, I mean Eun Mi and Cho Hee. You hurt any of them, and I mean ANY, I will beat your sorry up IU. I don’t care if you are a woman but you are a disturbing, rude, and just straight up fake. I always think to myself what did I ever see in this . You are just a fake person IU. So go to hell”, I said and pushed her.

She ing pissed me off. I didn’t care if she cried. She can cry all she wants. “I am going to ask you again IU. Where is Cho Hee?!” She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, “In HELL!” She yelled. DooJoon couldn’t take it and just pulled her arm roughly and pushed her out of the house. “I don’t care if she is a girl but I just had to get her out before anything else gets out of hands”. I thanked him and went to Eun Mi. “Appa what happened to Umma?” She asked. This time when she asked for Umma, I instantly knew it was Cho Hee and I felt great hearing it this time. No awkward feelings. It just felt right.

“Don’t worry Eun Mi, Appa will save Umma okay”. She started to cry. I wiped her tears and hugged her close to me. “Bring Umma home safely Appa”, she said. I smiled, “Appa will be Umma’s knight and shining armor!” She giggled. “Aigoo Appa! You are weird!”

“Okay, enough of the cheesy moments, we need to find Cho Hee”, Dongwoon said. “Well IU said that she was in hell!” Kikwang stated. We all looked at him like “What the ?” “No Sherlock”, DooJoon said. “YAH! There’s a kid here!” I yelled and covered her ears. “Eun Mi, go to your room first with Kikwang”, “Yeah Hyung go babysit first!” Dongwoon . “Aish you!” Kikwang said and took Eun Mi to her room.”Lets go to her house first. Maybe she is at home now”, DooJoon suggested. We all agreed and left to her place.



I woke up with the sun shining through my window. It was painful to even get up. I tried again to sit up. It was twice the pain from last night and I couldn’t even bare it anymore. I heard someone open my door. I couldn’t get up at all to see who it was. “Pffftt, wow, Junhyung has really made it the best! He really screwed you up”, Suzy said and walked to face me. I glared at her, “Leave me alone you ” I spat. She smirked and pulled me off of my bed and I fell on the floor with so much pain that I cried again. “Oh mah bad. Did that hurt?” She asked. I groaned in pain. I cant fight back. I cant do anything! I ing hurts! Its worse than my monthly cramps!

I tried my best to lift myself up but my arms and legs gave up and I fell on the floor again. I heard Suzy giggling. “Serves you right ! You mess with the wrong people ”, she dragged me up which caused so much pain that I couldn’t handle it and just out again. I remember feeling the ground which I am guessing that I landed on and then went back to the dark side again.

Help me please. Anyone.



“Hyung drive faster!” I yelled. “yah! I am trying! There is traffic!” I couldn’t sit still anymore. I was so anxious and worried and uggghhh~!!!! SO much feelings were in me. I just wished that she was there sitting in her room or in the living room just doing nothing. I hope that is what she doing. I don’t want to think otherwise.

*5minutes later*

We arrived at the house and I noticed that Kyung Mi’s car wasn’t there so I got out and knocked on the door. No one answered. “Hyung, the door try opening it”, I twisted the knob and it just opened. “This isn’t right”, DooJoon said. We all looked at each other and were alerted. I opened the door wide open and walked in slowly. The house was just an average home. Nothing special or fancy. I walked inside the living room and then into the hallway and heard someone talking. I looked over at DooJoon and Dongwoon signaling them to shush. We leaned closer to the door making sure that we weren’t noticeable.

-the convo-

S: Unnie I walked in and man Junhyung really messed her up! *giggles*

IU: HA! It’s good right! That deserves it! Oh and Junhyung says your welcome! He is laying here watching TV as usual.

S: HAHA! Well tell him if he is really bored he can come over and have another session with me or Cho Hee.

IU: Hahaha! He wishes! Well, we should keep beating her up still. I don’t care if she dies. She needs to be away from my Oppa

S: Will do Unnie! Have to go now, I have classes soon! Bye!


WHAT THE LIVING HELL?!?!?! JUNHYUNG?!?! IU AND HER STEP SISTER?!?!?! WHAT THE MOTHER ING HELL IS GOING ON?!?!! I was about to bolt in but Hyung and Dongwoon pulled me away and we all hid in some room waiting till her step sister leaves. We were waiting and we heard her go into a room. We peaked through the door and saw her go in some room. “YAH! ! I am going to leave. Junhyung will come by later to have fun again”, she smirked and left. She walked pass us, “ serves her right for taking Yoseob away from IU”, we heard her and she left. We waited will we heard the front door close. I ran out and went to the room and it was a horrible sight. Way worst than what I saw with my father.

There was blood stains on her bed sheets and she was laying there lifeless. Her body was covered in bruises and her beautiful face has a bruise as well. I felt tears falling from my eyes and I ran to her holding her gently in my arms. I am so sorry Cho Hee! I did this to you. I caused you all this pain! I held her softly crying. DooJoon and Dongwoon stood there in shock and anger. “How could they do this to her?! Who has the ing right mind to do this?!?!” DooJoon yelled and punched the wall so hard. I heard her mumble something. “mmm….” We all looked at her. She opened her eyes slowly and I saw her eyes puffy from crying.

“Oppa?” She asked weakly. “Im here now Cho Hee. I am here now. You are going to be safe you hear me”, I said and cried. I caressed her cheeks softly making sure not to hurt her. “Oppa, help me please”, she said like a whisper. She was so weak. She couldn’t even move. The pain for her was unbearable. “Don’t worry, Cho Hee we will get you to safety!” “Dongwoon call the police and the ambulance”, DooJoon instructed. He was furious. I didn’t care all I cared about was my Cho Hee.



I woke up a little bit seeing Yoseob there staring at me and crying. I just couldn’t register what was happening. All I saw was his face and then I heard voices. I am guessing it was DooJoon and Dongwoon. I kept looking at Yoseob and then I closed my eyes again and was gone again. Only faint screams and my body shaking were all I heard and felt then I out.

*few hours later*

I woke up hearing some kind of beeping sound. I tried to adjust to my surroundings and it looked like I was checked into a hospital. I looked around and then I felt something moving next to me. I looked down and I saw Yoseob there. He looked up and his eyes widen. “Cho Hee! You are awake! Thank god!” He hugged me gently trying not to hurt me. “Oppa? What happened?” I asked. He looked at me with worry in his eyes. “I am so sorry Cho Hee” He cried. “Oppa why are you crying?!” “I caused this! I got you hurt physically!” He sobbed. I tried to hug him without hurting myself, “Oppa, its okay. You are here now and that is all that matters oppa”, I smiled and wiped his tears.

“Ahhh hello there! I am Doctor Eli and this is my assistant Kevin. How are you feeling now Cho Hee?” He asked. “I am still in great pain but I am a lot better than I was before”, “Ahh that’s good. Well, I would like to discuss something with Yoseob here and Kevin here will be taking care of you for a while”, He looked at Yoseob and Yoseob got up and he kissed my forehead which caused my heart to beat faster and well, that damn machine made it obvious. Yoseob looked at me and smiled and I received smirks from the doctor and his assistant.

“So, Cho Hee what exactly happened?” Asked Kevin while he was checking my blood pressure. “I don’t want to talk about it please”, which was true! I don’t want to talk about my incident! “Well, whatever it is,  you should be glad that Yoseob was here to find you. He came in here like a mad man! He was yelling and throw tantrums everywhere. There were these two guys with him tryna calm him down which didn’t work at all till Eli told him that it was okay to see you”. “Oh my. I caused this much trouble?!” “Ani! Yah! It’s normal for boyfriends to act like that”. Wait what?! Boyfriend?!

“I will check back on you in about 2 hours okay? Just click this button if there is anything you need”, Kevin said and then he left. I sighed. I caused so much trouble. I just hope that he doesn’t find out that ive been abused by my “family”.

I am sorry Yoseob.



*in the doctor’s office*

“Have a seat Yoseob” I sat down looking at the doctor worriedly. “Yoseob, I need you to answer me with honesty. We have noticed some bruises and injuries in Cho Hee and we also did some x-rays and we have noticed that there has been previous injuries”, I looked at him with wide eyes. “What kind of injuries?!” “Well, it is injuries that have looked like came from physical abuse and well recently, before you brought her in, it seems that she has lost her ity as well. Did you guys ever do it?” “NO! Not yet at least! We weren’t even thinking about having yet”, “Well, whoever did this to her knocked her up really bad. She was Yoseob and her lower region is flaring up because she was not ready for this and she was really bruised up badly. SO if you guys ever do it, don’t do it for a while. She will have too much pain in her”. HOLY . WHO WOULD ING HER?! I sat there in shock. And this is when I called and ! I couldn’t handle the anger. I angry at myself for being a coward and not stopping that! It was Junhyung! in ! ! HE is going to really get it now.

“And about the previous injuries on her ribs and legs and arms, its seems to be from a long period of time”, wait, OH HELL NO! “WAIT WAIT! Hold up! Are you saying that you think it is ME who has been abusing her?!” I asked in disbelief. “Well, you did say you were her boyfriend and by seeing your tantrums outside, we just assumed-“ “NO! Never assume that I had anything to do with this. Let me tell you doc, I have NEVER laid any finger on any girl before. No matter how pissed I was. I was raised well and I will never do that. I love Cho Hee with all my heart and I will never hurt her physically and mentally”. He looked at me for a while and nodded. “okay but who would you think has done this?” “Her step mother and sister”. I said boldly. “And how would you know?” “We heard them and she had like this type of feeling that she didn’t want to enter that house when I dropped her off”. “Okay thank you Yoseob”.

I got up and bowed at the doctor and left. I couldn’t believe what I just heard. Cho Hee……abuse. They don’t go together at all. I walked into the room slowly and saw her sleeping peacefully. I went closer to her and caressed her cheek and moving any strand that went into her face. “Cho Hee, why didn’t  you tell me?” I asked her and I stared at her beautiful face. Even though there is a ugly bruise on her, she still looks beautiful in my eyes. She is my shining light to make my day.

I will not let her step family get away from this. They deserve to be killed. Esp Junhyung. He took her most precious thing away from her. How can someone just do this without feeling guilty?! I felt my tears falling down and I kissed her forehead, “Don’t you worry Cho Hee, I will always be by your side like how you have been there for me and Eun MI. I love you Cho Hee. You hear that? I love you Kim Cho Hee. I swear, when everything is better, I will marry you and we will be one happy family away from these horrible people”. I cried and smiled at myself and kissed her forehead.

“I love you”.

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 57: Awwww...great ending,hahaha, great story too, anyways done reading this one, looove it ^^
Chapter 58: This is the BEST story!!! Good job!!!! NOT KIDDING! Yes yoseob's blood type is B
ennykitty #3
Chapter 57: good job this is really good
ennykitty #4
Chapter 48: whats going to happen next??????????i'm so scared
Chapter 9: OMO This is the cutest chapter (the chubby cheek monster? too cute!) that I have ever read. LOVED IT!!
Chapter 3: so, I was reading the end of the last chapter and black paradise came on. junhyung sang hos part where he says "somebody help me" right when I read that scene. lmao
Chapter 58: woaahhh~ daebakk~ the fanfics ever !!! thank you authornim :) good work ! keep it up ! fighting !!
lexamikol #8
Chapter 58: Awww yay happy ending for everyone ^.^
shujun #9
Chapter 58: Aha! Cute ending~
hwaiting !!!
SeuNnA #10
Chapter 57: LOVE IT =')